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I don't know for miquella, but the godskin noble is definitely based on peter griffin.


Hey Lois remember that time I spammed roll the tarnished of no renown dead




petah. petah torrent is here


Ooh peeetah!


Look at the models for the apostle and noble without their hoods on and you will never be able to unsee Bezos and Zuckerberg.


Holy crap, Lois, I'm rolling around at the speed of sound!


"I'm John Wayne at the first Thanksgiving, pilgrims. Happy Thanksgiving, pilgrims."




https://i.redd.it/zdubq1259qx81.png ^^^^giggity


*One Piece* of media???


could the one piece be the elden ring?


The elden ring is Reaaaallll !!!!!


Not even a one piece fan and that made me fuckin chortle


Can we get much higher So high


>the one >ring Lord of the rings in Elden Ring confirmed?


Can we get much higher?


I love how fitting this meme has become in the past few chapters.


The real one piece was the goty we played along the way


holy shit miyazaki has done it again


Skyrim without guns!


Thank you for this. Made my day. šŸ¤£


Holy crap. Miyazaki blatantly copied One Piece! ā€œThe Elden Ring is realā€. ā€œThe age of Tarnishedā€ Itā€™s most obvious when you start the game and your character yells: ā€œMy name is Monkey D. Tarnished, and Iā€™m going to become the Elden Lordā€.


There's D, Hunter of the dead. Will of the D exists in Elden Ring.


I thought that was a reference to Vampire Hunter D?


I thought it was a reference to Initial D


\*distant eurobeat itensifies\*


*Torrent drifting around Mt Gelmir*


Still waiting for Melina to give me that Honda Accord...


President Snow might have something say about that in the capital.




Monkey is the godskin apostles. Haven't you seen them do that stretchy move?


You fight one in Windmill Village, too!


'It's never stated explicitly but it's heavily implied'


I didn't want to jump to drawing comparisons.. but when my Tarnished said that, It did seem a tiny bit like 'One Piece'. Crossing the Grand Altus Line; and then The Rold Line later in the game was pretty blatant, though.


Before he was banished to the Badlands, these were Godfrey's final words: "You want my throne? You can have it! I left it at the foot of the Erdtree."


I thought his goal was to catch them all and become the best hokage ever


reminds me of old Dark Souls lore theories where everyone and their grandmas collectively were Velka in some form Truth is, Messmer was Velka all along. And Aldia. And sandworm Solaire. I cracked the code BUCKOS.


The real Velka is the Gloam Eyed Queens we made along the way


So...Miquella is the furtive pygmy?


So easily forgotten


i swear to god sand worm solaire was hands down the dumbest theory iā€™ve heard to dateā€¦.


Nobody can become Shai Hulud but Leto Atreides II


Eh, it's a fun theory. I don't buy it myself, but I like it.


Berserk truly is the dark souls of anime


Yeah the main character of Beserk is the Guts of anime


Strength build go brrr


Greatsword go cla-clang


Emotional stability go AAAAAAAHHHH


Just thr 90's one The 2016 one doesn't doesn't count


Me just seeing all these posts without a clue about any griffith. What is griffith? When is griffith? How is griffith? Who is griffith? Finger? Butthole. Edit: Too many replies so canā€™t respond to everyone but thanks for those who filled me in on the fact that Griffith is from Berserk and that I have left out an important question why is griffith?


Peter Griffin


Shut up, Meg.


Peter Griffith


Pea Tear Griffin


You summoned me?


He exists?!!!


This is worse than the time I summoned the eclipse


Hey Louise, I joined the Godhand hehehehe!


Petaah, the skull knight is here.


I just woke up and looking at all the replies but this one had me laughing. You just put the image in my head that instead of those giant fire things that is part of the army we see in the story trailer where Messmer burns a whole city instead of those guys just have giant fucking Peter Griffinā€™s laying waste to everything instead.


Pea ah ah tear ah uh Griffith


PETAA the horse is heear!


I'll do you one better: why is griffith?


Because he's an evil bastard. That's why.


I understood that reference.


eryone is saying "Griffith this" and "Griffith that," but no one is saying "worship this" and "jericho that."


Fort night


You left out the most important question of all. "Why is Griffith?".Ā 


But no one ever asks "how's Griffith?" EDIT: Oh, sorry, u/Ancient_Rex420 actually asked it. Hoping he's doing fine anyway.


He is, he's been getting into yoga and city planning cult management. Has a nice glow these days


He's doing alright.


Idk Janice Griffith?


Marikaā€™s tits sheā€™s great


Finger and butthole is my takeaway from this. I know nothing elseā€¦


[David Griffiths](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Front_cover_of_Griffiths%27_Electrodynamics.jpg)


And yet nobody gives a shit about the Midsommar reference.


I thought about it lots while I spent 2 hours trying to farm their shitty weapons.


Griffith is Lord English.


A twink who turned a woman into a potato.


Griffith is a bastard man.


Is this post a reference to berserk? šŸ¤” Could OP be Griffith? šŸ§


No, this is Patrick.


The plot thickens šŸ¤Ø


The plot Griffiths


Could this be, dog?


OP did nothing wrong


See thatā€™s where everyone is wrong, berserk was based off elden ring.


Um actually their both Fortnite references


And Fortnite is based on Bloodborne, as clearly evidenced by there being guns and needing to kill people.


Fort Night


If medieval Europe was inspired by Berserk and Berserk was inspired by Elden Ring then what was Elden Ring inspired by?


The Witcher


Miquella can't be Griffith because I'm Griffith


I'm Alpharius.


That was a lie. I am Alpharius.


Im alpharius


The others were lies, the truth is, we are all Alpharius.


I'm Griffith and so is my wife


Iā€™m the red power ranger


I'm the brown power ranger


First of all, I am Griffith, second of all, youā€™re not Griffith, third of all, you want to be Griffith but you canā€™t be Griffith because Iā€™m Griffith.


No! You're HowToBasic!


I want someone to make a super serious vaatividya style lore video where they claim everyone is Griffith


I really hope someone makes a skit about this. This is perfect material for fan animations.


Yes, inspiration is taken from Berserk and a lot of other media of similar elements. Is it based on Berserk? No. *Elden Ring*Ā producer Yasuhiro Kitao said in an interview withĀ [The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/22643950/elden-ring-preview-fromsoftware-george-rr-martin)Ā that Martin formed ā€œthe mythos for the world, which takes place many, many years before the events of the game, and really shapes a lot of the current state of the world and its characters.ā€ In this interview, Kitao seems to suggest that the author wrote just enough to serve as inspiration for the rest of the team, and that Miyazaki crafted most of the details, like the characters. ā€œWhen George R.R. Martin says ā€˜Okay, hereā€™s the mythos, do what you will with it,ā€™ Miyazaki is just going to run with it,ā€ Kitao said. ā€œMiyazaki has really been free to take his own interpretations and create his own characters based off of that."


It's also mentioned that Miyazaki met with GRRM to relay the themes and motifs and what he likes to work with in his games so while GRRM probably had a lot of artistic freedom to write his story, Miyazaki definitely put in his input for a vague outline of what he wants


the real Griffith is the friends we made along the way


Redditors really don't have anything to add to a conversation beyond referencing Popular Media Thing. It's like how with most of the shit on the front page the top comments are just people quoting The Office to each other.


So fucking real. This website is gonna collapse under the weight of the dead web once the bots learn how to beat a joke into the ground with 85 references in a row.


Whoā€™s to say they havenā€™t alreadyā€¦


They havenā€™t already?


No, I think bots would be less embarrassing honestly


Probably more subtle, too.


They remind me of the drama and debate kids in high school who referenced Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Spongebob again and again. I would occasionally know a reference and chime in but because I didn't know it word for word, I was shunned. Like do these people watch the same episode on loop?


they literally are those preople


This but half the people making these comparisons have also never even read Berserk.


Some people also donā€™t have the imagination to be inspired by a story without copying its elements directly, and assume others operate the same way. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not a writer/storyteller myself. But I imagine one of the worst things a writer can hear is how similar their story is to the original media that helped inspire them to write in the first place. I think Miyazaki is obviously inspired, but he has his own stories with their own characters and motivations. And he probably has a lot of inspiration from other sources of media that we arenā€™t aware of, cause heā€™s not explicit about it. If I were him, and I thought everyone assumed I was remaking my own version of a piece of media, I would want to move away from that piece of media. Nobody wants to be in that position, nobody wants to feel like their art is blatantly derivative.


Identity theft is no joke daringzombie! Millions of families suffer every year!


I think Buggy will be Pirate King.


I always say that if you ask George Martin what he thinks of Griffith, he'll either start talking about Young Griff or he'll say he doesn't like Family Guy.


Haha as a pretty big Berserk fan, I also find all these comparisons quite annoying


That's because a lot of these people including some of the commenters here are media illiterate. They use "based on and "inspired by" interchangeably. If something is based on, it is a derivitave of that original work, utilising elements and chunks of it to retell a slightly altered version of the same story. Hence "based on real events". Elden Ring is not that. Elden Ring isn't even inspired by Berzerk, Miyazaki is. Miyazaki has no doubt been inspired by tons of media including quite notably Game of Thrones. The author of which actually wrote the backstory and canon of Elden Ring, not Miyazaki. It is also worth noting Berzerk isn't even the inventor of most of the story elements or tropes in it, as fantasy and dark fantasy media existed long before the 80s. Unless Berzerk is also "based on" Lord of the Rings etc? Most fantasy itself is somewhat inspired by religious stories and real world history but no one is trying to say The Silmirillion is "based on" the Bible. People see a few easter eggs for Berzerk and go "yup it's a Berzerk adaptation". Is the game also "based on" Blasphemous or Game of Thrones because there are easter eggs for them?


Miyazaki also reads fantasy in general. So there are more inspirations than just berserk.


Based take


this is the comment i needed


The most idiotic thing I've read is how Berserk fans claim that Berserk invented dark fantasy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ There are even some german youtubers who say that because they have no knowledge about fantasy and are just repeating what the fans are saying like here in this sub.


holy shit deutschland referenz? LOS GEHT VOR! NOCH EIN TOR! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


I'd say that Berserk is more influence by Conan than LOTR.


As someone who just started the 97 berserk series, I don't understand why theres this idea of Griffith being some innocent, childlike person? He's the leader of the band of hawks, a top fighter, he's killed lots of people ... I don't see any similarities between the Griffith I'm watching and what people are saying he's like, or how he's like Miquella at all. He's the leader of a warband, that's not exactly "kind and innocent". He prostitutes himself to the lord of a castle for an army. Literally, sleeps with this old royal for money. Before I watched, I had a very different opinion of who he was from this sub.


I've only read the manga, so I'm not sure how the anime handles Griffith, but there is a dichotomy with Griffith where is is both an innocent kid and also a cold and calculating schemer who is willing to do anything to achieve his goals. In one scene he will sell his own body to gain power and in another he will get into a splash fight with Guts.




*Potato-fies Casca*


It's also annoying because you basically can't be a souls fan online without getting Berserk spoilers shoved in your face.Ā 


Don't let this distract you from the fact Solaire is the Carthus Sandworm


> is Griffith in the room with us right now? *shakily points to an empty corner in the room*


Literally any long haired pretty boy gets compared to Griffith. Itā€™s like people took the ā€œMiyazaki likes putting berserk references in gameā€ and started looking through that lens at everything in the game so now everything is a berserk reference.


Theorize about WHAT MEDIA??


the juan piss is real




Miquella being Bran Stark is the more interesting theory I've heard


Blame the lacking media literacy. Iā€™ve seen fairly common tropes in both art and literature being flagged as a berserk referenceā€¦


I hope their "griffith" is going to sacrifice all of his fans. They need to f** shut up


Being vaguely interested in Elden Ring lore has essentially clicker-trained me into having an instant negative response when I see "Griffith", "Gloam-Eyed Queen" or "One Great" tbh


I honestly don't see what Miquella and Griffith have in common.




This has been one of the most anger inducing things for me ever since the game released. Berserk fans have to constantly compare it to everything they come across. Big sword? Berserk. White person with light colored hair? Berserk. Black woman? Berserk. People talking about having experienced sexual trauma? Berserk.


Blood, gore, knights, demons, heroes to villains, despair, magic, gods etc are such basic tropes and are components found across fantasy media of all types. The Fromsoft games are mechanically about combat and challenge in a fantasy medieval setting so all these VERY BASIC tropes are going to be present. I've not read Berserk but it looks like a very basic comic series featuring these same widely used elements. Miyazaki might be a fan of the series and so naturally included a reference or two (the giant dumb column of steel great sword for example) but DS & ER aren't extensions of Berserk and don't exist as a parallel to that comic series. My D&D campaign features a king who sold the souls of his people to usurp and replace a god in their pantheon, it also has a knight who wields a massive sword. Doesn't mean it's a Berserk reference it's just a recognisable dark fantasy story.


What I get most annoyed about is while I love Berserk sometimes the fandom likes to connect it to souls games TOO MUCH. The Prisoner mask and starting equipment is CLEARLY a Man In The Iron Mask reference! Not a tortured Griffith one.


Hey guys, Elden Ring has words in it!!! Berserk also has words!!! Berserk reference?????!!


Itā€™s going to be really lame if Miyazaki decides to just blatantly rip off Berserk and make Miquella whole heartedly evil. A bit of ethical ambiguity would be fine, but Iā€™d much rather a genuinely complex character than super-duper evil villain of evil because muh brrzerk


I want Miquella to be selfless with a heart of gold. I want him to sacrifice himself to save everyone, and trust that we'll become an ideal Elden Lord.


If the story trailer is to be believed, he has seemingly already sacrificed his "body, strength, and fate", in order to pursue... whatever it is he's doing in the Land of Shadow. Sure his goals could be evil but his previous goals were "curing Malenia of rot", "laying Godwyn to rest", and "creating a safe haven for albinaurics and others rejected by the Golden Order". So I'm not inclined to believe he's doing some evil take-over-the-world thing.


Streisand Effect inbound!


Imagine if devilman fans were like that. "Miquella is actually Ryo!!!1!1!"


Berzerk fans are brain damaged, theyā€™re like jojo fans but worse. Cool manga, terrible fanbase


I collect manga and participate in the manga collecting subreddit. People will post their collections of the most kid friendly, cutesy, happy series imaginable and ask for recommendations for others they might like, and guaranteed every post has at least one person insisting they read Berserk. If someone post a photo of their collection that *does* contain Berserk, half the comments are going "wow, Berserk spotted, peak fiction, immaculate taste!" It's one of the most popular and highly regarded manga of all time, yet people act like it's some little known hidden gem that only the finest connoisseurs have ever heard of. I love Berserk and have since the 90s. I have absolutely no problem with the series itself. But holy shit, the fanbase is insufferable.


Yea, considering a lot of the newĀ fans dont even read the source material. "Greatest manga of all time" but they watched a recap lmao


Gotta say tho, weebs in general are a bit of a nutcase šŸ¤”


I appreciate how they continuously make subtle nods to the anime, but that is all they are.


It's Reddit. Many of the users are barely sentient, and seemingly only parrot the opinions of their favorite video essayist (trying to pass it off as their own). It wouldn't surprise me if 80% of this website were just bots.


Berserk brain-rot, that is why


the elden ring story seems intriguing on its own, without needing constant berserk comparisons. miquella and marika may share some superficial similarities with griffith, but each character is a distinct creation worth exploring in their own right. it's a shame when overeager theorizing diminishes the opporunity to appreciate a new work's unique narrative and worldbuilding.


People are expecting a giant plot twist of Miquella being evil, but imagine the real plot twist isā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Miquella is actually a good person, someone who is striving for a better future, obviously we are suspicious of him due to his other title of ā€œmost feared Empyreanā€ but that is due to his strength being far greater than Ranni, Maleina and even Marika. However even Miquella himself fears his strength and would not use it his full power, but there will come a point where he must go all out, but in the end, even though it was bloody he was able make a brighter future.


I don't trust Miquella because I don't trust charismatic leaders, you don't trust Miquella because you have berk brainrot. We are not the same




Wow thanks gpt4o! Very cool!


One Piece mentioned


"HE'S GRIFFITH, SHE'S GRIFFITH, YOU'RE GRIFFITH?! I'M GRIFFITH! Are there any other Griffiths I should know about?" Torrent: *neighs about a dream or something*


Real, it's my actual name too and I'm so sick of seeing it everywhere here lmao.


FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME, liking from software games if far from liking berserker, I love the first but didnā€™t like the second, itā€™s ok if you like but damn, from games are very different


Your point is justified, however, that's a bold assumption that elden ring is not based on berserk, every dark fantasy world that Miyazaki and fromsoft created is heavily inspired by berserk, and if there is an opportunity to add another berserk reference, Miyazaki will go for it.


I think inspiration and "based on" are two separate things, it's undeniable that all souls games have berserk inspirations, but going as far as to say "based on" is a bit of a stretch and imo takes away from Miyazakis actual ability to think of a unique story.


Inspiration and based on are two different things, please just tell me u get that, please!


as Miyazaki famously once said "It's Berkin' Time!"


"Inspired by" (or even "heavily inpired by") doesn't mean anything as far as details are concerned (plot, characters etc). References are just that, references - superficial similarities or nods to another work. But some people look at them and act like they've figured everything out, which is very short-sighted and (at worst) essentially belittles the unique creative vision of the work they're talking about. Theories based on this kind of thinking are just as boring as online articles declaring some random new game with a gloomy atmosphere and high difficulty as "the Dark Souls of X". If you're going to make a theory, base it on more than the first neuron activation you had when looking at some picture.


Itā€™s inspired, not based. Letā€™s end it here.


> every dark fantasy that Miyazaki and fromsoft created is heavily inspired by berserk Okay, firstly Elden Rings world, lore and characters were created by George R.R Martin who has gone on interviews and stated that FromSoft asked him to create it for them. FromSoft added their own contributions of course, but the characters, their history, power and everything else, were created by Martin. So Elden Ring and Miquella were created by someone who likely has never even heard of Berserk. Secondly, Berserk did not invent dark fantasy. That genre was around way before Kentaro Miura was. Berserk itself was inspired by medieval European history, which Berserk fans would realise if they actually read something else in their lives. Thirdly, its pretty insulting for you to say that nothing Miyzaki does can be seen as original and must be inspired by the works of someone else. Youā€™re basically saying Miyzaki has zero original thought/imagination and is basically just constantly copy-pasting the works of Kentaro Miura everywhere he goes. Elden Ring is *not* based on Berserk and Miquella is *not* Griffith. A dark medieval fantasy game by FromSoftware does not automatically mean its based on that manga.


Glad to see someone mention George Rail Road Martin and how this fairly famous fantasy author came up with a lot of the lore for this world


The man would write ANYTHING but TWOW


He will never write it because of the ending to the TV show.


Its honestly embarrassing how many people seem to forget that Martin factually wrote the world of Elden Ring for FromSoft and created all its characters. Theyā€™re all running around claiming Elden Ring is a Kentaro Miura work when the guy who actually created it likely hasnā€™t even heard of Berserk.


Um no, Kentaro Mirua is GRRM. Goldmask told me so. /s Honestly though, I just hope GRRM finishes ASOIAF before he dies. We weren't lucky with Berserk (RIP Miura).


But the greatsword and my character look like berserk man so your argument is invalid.


You joke but thats truly how these people see Miyazakiā€™s work. Honestly, since that new story trailer came out the Berserk weebs have gone full howler-monkey. Its both annoying and embarrassing on top of being incorrect.


It's infuriating. I like berserk because of the historical and esoteric references. Miura was very educated and researched, unlike a good portion of his fans.


The fact that Miyazaki's works are heavily influenced by Berserk does not preclude them fron being original. Star Wars was heavily influenced by Flash Gordon and there was nothing like It when It released. I understand the frustration of trying to discuss Elden Ring (or other Miyazaki games) and having people relate things constantly to Berserk, but It doesn't diminish its value to be compared to another greatly influential work. No one claimed that Miura invented Dark Fantasy in this thread, people said that Dark Fantasy Worlds *created by Miyazaki* are greatly influenced by Berserk, which is undoubtedly true, and again, not insulting.


Especially if Miyazaki has confirmed that it is his biggest inspiration since basically the dawn of time and has used references all over the place since his first Souls insert, lmao One of the new bosses is literally the Wicker Man from Elfhelm (not saying that Miura created Wicker Man, they existed long before, itā€˜s just that this iteration looks exactly the same)


Man am I happy to see this shit on the front page. I fucking love Berserk and have spent an ungodly amount of money to have a Berserk shelf with all the special editions. ELDEN RING IS FUCKING DIFFERENT. ELDEN RING IS A UNIQUE STORY. ELDEN RING IS ONLY SLIGHTLY INSPIRED BY BERSERK.


Yeah exactly, Miyazaki usually only aesthetically references Berserk but hardly ever the actual storyā€” which is not similar to any soulsborne game afaik at all


I heard this theory a few months ago when it was first announced (DLC) And thought yeah I could see that, the eclipse motif was showing up here and there in the base game But honestly ~~myazaki~~ Michael Zaki is more original and won't just do a 1 for 1 Griffith analogy with Miquella I mean sure happily show off as many references to that series as possible (I mean wickerman is as close to a 1 to 1 of an enemy as there has ever been) but not just literally straight up do it Elden Ring fandom is so hot right now


I think it's just boring in the sense if it *does* all turn out to be based on Griffith, then we know exactly what we're getting, start to finish, front to back, and most of the major details. And that's just boring.


The uptick in ā€œis *Marika* Griffith?ā€ after the trailer is particularly unserious to me. Are we just using ā€œis Griffithā€ to mean any evil character with nice hair now


I've never read Berserk. And yet from this sub alone, I've learned that it involves the protagonist watching his love interest being brutally sexually assaulted by demonsā€”because most posts about Miquella devolve into rehashing why Griffith is evil. I have no idea why the average commenter thinks anybody wants to open up a thread about a different game and read about the same rape reference ad infinitum. That's what's annoyed me most about the Griffith = Miquella obsession.


Thank you.


Jah, I agree. Iā€™m a big fan or Berserk, but Iā€™m really hoping that Miquella will follow through with his noble intentions, and provide a happier ending. Heā€™s a fascinating character, and the biggest twist they could pull at this point is having him follow through with his original goal.


they keep repeating the griffith line because they think nobody else has ever heard it before and it makes them a great sage revealing hidden wisdom to the world. most of them probably never read berserk, but they've sure got the inside scoop from their anonymous sources at vaatividya inc.


Nailed it. God I hope that Miquella is just a good dude. At this point itā€™d be an incredible twist that would make everyoneā€™s brains explode immediately.


Guys I think OP is Griffith? Thought?


I thought all the eldensoulsborne games ripped off Berserk?