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Best spoiler free post, yea no I walked into the boss room thinking "wait...that's the boss? Imma just stun lock him- wait why is he 20 feet in the air above me?"


The instant knowledge when he goes invisible that you are in extreme danger and need to dodge NOW.


Ayayay [profuse sweating]


Yeah he completely destroyed me when I was trying double bonk stars… so I am now back to my tried and true dex int build… saw some dude with a glowy flippy slashy sword that looks int focused. So I am hunting for it with out spoiling myself. Thank you red phantom.


That was me.


This little mofo hit me *before I was even finished ringing my spirit bell*. I've never had a boss wreck my shit at such insane speed! Thankfully he was squishy but goddamn, after killing him with Taker's Flame, I realized I never even really *saw* the dude with how fast he was and how he'd go invisible.


he also perfect blocks you like a sekiro enemy and counters


He his me before my other foot was through the fog 😭


"did he just use the frayed blade oh my ass???!??"


I didn't even get the chance to think "that's the boss?", he just immediately appeared in the air above me


Dude was up in my face about a half-second after I stepped through the door, jeez.


I cast Swarm of Flies on him straight away. He just strolls into the first one then flails around on his back as the rest of them bleed him up :(


That was his opening move when I fought him the first time. I went through the fogwall and had control of my character for about half a second before I had to dodge. It was a VERY intense first meeting.


Dude lunged across the room before I even finished walking in then force gripped me.


I was NOT expecting this little bastard to have Instant Transmission. I was drinking my Wondrous and suddenly I was DEAD.


His grab move is such a jedi move


i regret killing without letting him hit me with it, what does it do?


He just force judo flip you but animation is just so effortless when he flip you


Lol, I'm glad someone else had the same exact thought. Honestly, good for the Demi-Humans, finally have a certified badass among them.




He’s an excellent wardrobe assistant, but no, definitely not a badass.


He isn’t.


Brain of Cthulhu?


He felt like a nice ending to a really long nightmare


i was ripping my hair out last night and then i got to him and i almost fuckin went to bed LMFAO


When I got the spirit ash for this enemy, I legitimately thought that it was a Darth Plagueis reference.


He's the coolest character in the game, I fucking love Onze.


I also instantly thought "blue Yoda?! “


I was thinking "Jedi Master Gollum" since he was gray skinned


I don't know why but spamming catch flame kinda just... works? It fealt like it was supposed to be harder with all the crazy jumps and teleports so I might have just gotten lucky.


He's got low poise and demihumans are weak to fire, so it makes sense


You need to be very agressive against him, otherwise hes gonna fuck you up


Frenzyflame Thrust is what worked for me


spin to win?


I got him on the second try but that first time I was like a deer in headlights watching him move around so fast.


“Have the right, you do not”


Yeah, he was a massive pain lmao. I think it took around 45 minutes for me to take him out. I think I need more of those tree pieces though since I'm doing jack to these enemies while every boss just two shots me all over the place.


So I am just going to go cheese and infinite comet azure… and it’s doing 100 damage to a boss with 80k health.


I didn't like this boss, but the Gaol is insane.


Yeah it was a cool area to explore and kind of funny too.


Seeing what's >!inside the jars!< was kind of cool, but also kind of fucked up. Even worse if you talk to the ghost partway through the gaol.


Oh shit I missed that guy what did he say


Basically he >!made it sound like being put into/made into the living jar was a rather severe and awful punishment. A lot of "please, no, don't put me in there" as he cowers in fear!<


Damn poor bastards


I have to leave the sub.... I can only play a few h a week... I need to discover


Man I really wanted the rewards to be his little slash move...


Lol, the first time I entered the boss room I was confused where the other guy was and why there was a twerp now. Then the twerp proceeds to manhandle me for 20 seconds, after which I died. Killed him no hit on the second try tho. He has very low poise unfortunately


Marionette Soldier Ashe destroy this guy. The constant stream of arrows almost permanently stun lock him =P


Bro was beating my ass so hard I had to pull out the primordial parry + riposte war crime dagger combo


Gollum on crack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


**I KNOW!! I HATE THIS FUCKING FROST BITING LITTLE SHIT!!** (ahem) Sorry, got a little heated. But yeah, he made a convincing argument as to why I need to actually use the scadutree blessings after all.


I summoned my mausoleum soldiers for this guy and they alone killed him without any help lol He gets stun locked very easily and gets confused when surrounded.


I didn't even know he has moves, I unga then he bunga.


Puny man!


i walked through the fog gate and he was ON MY ASS BOI. he started fuckin me up before i even saw what the boss was. little bastard


can we get his aoe sword attack?




Me: what's- /dies I got really lucky with mimic and i managed to gangbang it on the side of the wall...


Bro killed me with a Vergil move wtf


Friggin yoda teleport behind me.


Someone let Boc play Sekiro too much.


Looks like he is weak to fire


after such a long and gross dungeon, too


For anyone having trouble (tip in spoiler): >!He has no poise. I just monkey mashed Great Hammer R1 and he could not move.!< Beat him first try and only got hit once. I'm kind of sad it went that way since it seems like he might have a lot of cool moves.


Giant crusher unga bunga, stunned him 2 or 3 times on second try. First try didn’t understand where is the boss and got stomped while panic rolling around 😃


It felt very satisfying parrying his attacks. Especially after he deflect, dashes then attack.


Hahahah yeah I thought this would be an easy win but then he spanked my ass tens of times. Had to get the buckler out to deal with him


Legit easy to knock the hell down over and over. Specifically I was rune level 110 using a godslayer sword +6 weapon art is perfect to slam him down, and then again if you are quick. Was only at 2 blessing.


i absolutely loved this boss. such a cool unique idea and moveset. he fucked me up at least 4-5 times before i got him.


I thought this was *** reincarnated when I ran into him. Pretty drastic change of a boss compared to all the Jar Bros to get to him. And he kicked my ass more than I want to admit. DM R2 drops him pretty quickly.


Powerstanced daggers absolutely blended blue yoda


I love when he does Zoro's Onigiri attack, so fckn cool.


Felt pretty bad when he danced around my great spears and combo'd me to death before my attack animation finished.


Crazy fight. Luckily killed him 4th try. First 3 times I was playing too reactive, trying to watch his moves. No chance. Dude was laughing at me. 4th time I changed and went hard aggressive. Completely turned the fight


Saber master Yodir


I ditched Night Comet and used the Glintstone Kris AoW instead, since he reacts to casting and not the projectile. Saves a lot of FP to minimize potion chugging.


i loved him so much :3 didn't think of yoda, but it actually fits perfectly :3


just give him some ketamine


Lmao, thats some Yoda on 300 years of ketamine little fucking bastard


I died 5 times falling off pots but 1st tried him, 10/10 fromsoft dungeon


Me: Holy sht.....Isshin has reincarneted in Elden Ring.


Greatsword playthrough coming in clutch for me. Only took two tries on this guy, since it can interrupt them out of most actions. Plus, Knight's Greatsword is one of the best looking weapons in the game, with a unique two-hand animation. Now I have my own little Yoda buddy.


Once you get the weapon though it is really fun! The weapon art makes you feel like a true Jedi.


this boss is impossible with a caster build, he's far away so you try blackflame but then in a split second he's behind you and backstabs you, even str builds are difficult due to him being faster than light


I found that the briar armor helped a lot against this guy and the >!ancient dragon guy.!< Fast dudes with no poise get staggered by rolling.


my new favorite summon


When I first entered the boss room he was already attacking me, I died so fast my runes spawned outside the boss door. Didn’t even get to see what killed me. Second time I entered he was just standing in the middle of the room walking slowly. And I was like, I got killed by THAT?


He's a mix of Vergil and yoda And he scares me


One of my favorite bosses. Friends and I just refer to him as the local crackhead since he was tweaking in our fights.


Any of the buttslam skills unironically destroys this boss


I'll admit, I swaggered in and as soon as he was in my face I was mid Giant' Hunt. Felt like a badass, summoned Lutell and then lost 3/4 of my life to a combo. The fear was real. Good fight, haven't used the summon yet.


Wait is this the boss at the end of the gaol? I stunlocked him and he barely fought back….


I swear to god I was thinking the same damn thing this fight was actually hilarious. I kinda wanna max the ash and see how good it is.


I saw him, laughed and said to myself "I'm not gonna fight a midget, I'll just break his poise" and than instantly got destroyed. Still my favorite boss so far


I was terrified when I crossed the fog wall when I entered and saw it sitting there. Used Black Knight Tiche and pummeled him. Should have given the little guy a chance…


"Alright little dude, let's get this over wi- *was that fucking judgement cut?!*"


i wish he wouldve dropped his weapon


Bro this dude was fucking nuts. I screeched like a banshee.


I actually just stunlocked him with me and my mimic tear before he could do anything so I have no idea what his move set is lmao. Its actually kind of upsetting cause I would have loved to have seen what he could have done.


His spirit ash is so sick


Yeah this one really humbled me. why is he so hard to stun????


I...did not have this experience. I used using someone's boss light greatswords with a mimic tear and trashed him. Yes...mimic tear blah blah blah, it still went down extremely fast and easily where everything else has rofl-stomped me.


I guess I got lucky. Me and my mimic just played tennis with his ass


You got lucky fromsoft included something to help you on your journey


I saw my brother fight him and when I got to him I stagger locked him with the brick hammer.


He has such low poise that he god staggered a lot. It was such an ugly fight from me though. I did not learn the moveset well as I won on the first try. I was just chugging estus and swinging moonlight. I am very mad that we don't get his Katana. As soon as I saw that spherical frayed blade/judgement cut attack, I wanted it SO SO bad.


He was very vulnerable to big bonks. I just found out reading this comment section he apparently had a frost stomp? 😆


Died a little over a dozen times. Second to last hit some fucking how while we were both spinning about i accidentally backstabbed the little fucker. Just a blip of health after that. I have a frost build so kind of wish we got a weapon or ash of war. Cool ass summon on a no summons run


What dungeon is this guy in? I fought the one in the field, but I didn’t know it was a proper boss


He barely has any health. I barely even got to see half his moveset before he died on my first try


This is one of the few enemies my lv 1 run managed to kill pretty fast.


He literally doesn’t even try to dodge the blasphemous blade ability. It’s the easiest boss I’ve gone against so far


Glad me and mimick bro stun locked him. Really would suck if I got to see his move set