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People should read the reviews, great majority of them are about performance issues. Easily 3/4 negative ones, maybe even 4/5.


I didn't buy the DLC (gifted), so I'm not as mad as the people who did...but I'm having a shit ton of performance issues I didn't have before: the game will randomly stutter and freeze. Sometimes the freezing is bad enough it makes the music stop. The game is genius from a world design perspective and hot garbage from an optimization perspective. My review of it would be mixed, I'm so fucking tired of every modern game running like shit even when I fulfill the recommended specs for my target resolution, and they ask for full price for a incompetently build product. I guess that's what happens when being a game dev doesn't pay for shit. Most people who actually know how to code in-depth are probably doing other things that actually pay them well. Either way, I simultaneously love and hate this DLC to death on both ends. And then there's the chinese reviews, who are mostly complaining about the fact they can't cheat easily due to "blue bear"


12 hours in and only found one area with a slight performance dip. Im assuming these people have potato PCs or dont know what video driver updates are.


Perhaps, I have a pc that is under the requirements, and I play 1440p. Still pretty solid 50-60 fps and runs fine.


Apparently high end pcs are affected worse which would explain why yours isn’t affected.


Rare poverty W.


Why would they be affected worse? 


Not sure, just what I’ve heard. If I had to guess it would be an optimization issue


The posts complaining about the negative reviews are quickly becoming as annoying as said negative reviews themselves.


I couldnt imagine being that mad over other peoples reviews of the game. But thats just me.


For real. I saw some dude complaining about how hard it was and he was using a weapon that was +13. You can’t make this shit up


I absolutely love the dlc but so far I find the fights lack the sort of “rhythm” they had like in previous from games since the bosses are brick walls of poise. Even if I learn their mechanics they still feel like a boxing match with both of us constantly trading hits until either the boss dies or I run out of flasks. As difficult as Malenia is, I still enjoyed learning her stagger windows and when it was safe to attack. Here, I find it significantly harder to gauge that.


While not my only gripe, I gave it a negative review specifically due to the necessity of hunting out scadutree fragments to progress. I think it's a dumb, uninspired time suck. That, and the game runs like shit on my hardware compared to the base game. I dunno if that's a 'me' problem or a game problem. I've hung it up until the next update comes along and hopefully it'll be a little more playable. Hopefully... It feels really weird and wrong being disappointed in something From put out because they've knocked it out of the park consistently to me.....so I still don't know what to do with my disappointment around this release.


People are allowed to dislike your favourite game


Yeah, that's not the point of the post at all.


1. Using Sorcery does not make the bosses easier, because they leave few opening to fully finish casting. 2. The boss design is still not very fun when they have great mobility, very high damage, and very long combos. 3. The level design in some areas just isn't that good. Most prominent example: Rauh Ancient Ruins. A nightmare to navigate. So yeah, I'm still mostly having fun, but also encountering very frustrating roadblocks (even using summons, which can't even help you when you can't figure out how to progress in the overworld.), so I think some criticism is warranted. It's definitely not a 9/10 for me. Closer to 8/10 or 7/10, will decide once I finish most of it.


Im doing a sorcery build, it's always a win by being lucky that the bosses choose to focus on your ash instead


If you use ashes you'll ofc have time to finish casting long windup spells, and if you're going solo (well of course you won't get much personal space!) then are you at least using some Dex and talismans to increase speed? I've largely not been struggling getting decent incants off with a Dex/faith build


I've not really done much spellcasting in Elden Ring, does Dex actually help with cast speed?


It does, although as it varies with spell it's hard to give a definitive how much - some a fair bit others barely


Huh, that's neat!


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. I keep being surprised by the insane level of salt that the difficulty of this expansion is generating. People should just use ashes.


Blasting the back of a boss might not be what people want in a souls.


Fr People don’t seem to understand some people actually want to FIGHT the boss instead of whacking it in the back until you win.


Hmmm. I guess that makes sense, in a way. I think there are still tactics with a spirit ash, it is not as though the battle suddenly becomes simply whacking at an unresponsive enemy. You need to pay attention to what they are doing. But I guess for people who never want to have summons, NPCs, or Ashes, then the DLC might be too hard, and so I could understand why it wouldn’t be for them.


The tactic with a summon is to look at him take agro and press any offensive button you have without any care. And being hard has never been a problem, it's just exhausting  to wait that much while seeing so few in most fights. I can learn to read the last boss, I just won't ever bother which is a first for a fromsoft game.


If you already have the game, why are you reading reviews?


God forbid someone doesn't enjoy something i enjoy!!!!


Kinda weird how you take other peoples opinion so personally…


Why do you care about negative reviews on steam ? Are you from software shareholder ? Just have fun in game and stop caring what others people think about the game


why do you carw about people that care about negative reviews on steam? Youre a coach? Just have fun in game and stop caring what other people think about what others people think about the game.


Maybe they aren’t stupid and simply dislike this upgrade system that makes it so that have to find 50 of them, like collectible’s in an AC game?


They dislike exploration in an exploration game?


This system is altering exploration by inciting the player to run around gathering the collectibles eventually reaching a to far point and skipping parts of NPCs quests in the process instead of organically exploring. They told us it would be like Sekiro, each zone would have its story bosses and beating them would grant you power ups, it would makes each zone scale progressively; but no, they opted for 50 fucking collectibles everywhere on the map.


How is that any different than the base game with flask upgrades, sacred tears etc.


You don't need flask upgrades to make the fights manageable and are finding them organically as you progress, you don't have no run around gathering them before tackling any content


Wrong, flask upgrades make the game a hell of a lot easier, can make way more mistakes and still live.


I am tired explaining to people how two different things are different, if you can't distinguish the difference of requirement between the flask upgrades and this undefined power upgrade that is almost needed to be used to an undefined extent then I won't bother


Boo hoo.


What are you trying to express?


They never said it would be identical to sekiro, only that it would be “an alternate method of powering up, similar to sekiro” Frankly I think cramming the upgrades into boss fights would be fucking stupid. This isn’t sekiro. This is Elden Ring, a completely different game with a completely different design philosophy


He literally said "Think of the attack power system in Sekiro.", therefore people expected it to be similar to Sekiro. Why would it be stupid? I already feel like you're the type of person using such words thoughtlessly but if you want to explain feel free to do so.


It feels pretty organic to me. I just explore all the side areas around the main dungeon. It's no different than collecting smithing stones and flask upgrades in Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula before I take on Godrick. You can make the fights even easier by getting fragments from far away places too, and there's nothing wrong with that. How many mages in the base game rushed to Caelid to get the Meteorite staff and Rock sling to make things easier? I honestly think it's better than Sekiro's system as it's not as hard to get the power ups. Locking all the power ups behind bosses would be awful as you could get stuck pretty easily.


Half of them are dropped from bosses or are in very obvious locations. It takes about 0 brain power or exploration to reach level 10


Maybe I don't want to run around everywhere skipping the mobs and explore progressively instead?


You must have hated the base game then


What? I never skipped anything in the base game, why would I? I enjoyed ER the least of all souls game but for other reasons.


You don't have to skip things in here too. What are you talking about? The DLC is the same as the base game.


Why did you buy the dlc when the game already is like that?


How is the game like that? You're the second one telling me this, I don't understand, I played the game clearing zone after zone and never had to run to far just looking for some upgrades or skip anything


Ill be honest im also confused here about what theyre saying. In the basegame i never skipped anything to get ahead just to collect items. i just played and explored til an area was cleared and went to the next


OR maybe they are stupid and now when someone pointed out their dumb descisions they just can't admit that they fked up. I would say that has a lot more chances to be true. And its not only about upgrade system. People thought that they can just use their NG+3000 Lvl 15000 one click builds and stomp every boss ignoring everything else. They were proven wrong.


Most people are complaining about the upgrade system, not about going to the DLC in NG+


Yes, because they don't even understand how DLC works. They were complaining about how their level doesn't work and when others pointed out their blind stupidity they could not handle admitting mistakes and now complain about the same thing just from a different angle.


You're convincing yourself that people would have trouble understanding such a simple system and insulting them in the process, purify your ego this is a shitty attitude. Most people complained about updgrading their scadutree level and finding no difference.


No they weren't, Ive seen all the posts from day one and two. People literally didn't know how to play properly.


“No they weren’t,” says who? This is 100% your opinion on what you think others believe rather than any kind of factual statement…


It's not an opinion, it's an observation. Get lost, you annoy me.


But before you also have to collect flasc upgrades, so what changes?


I am tired of adressing sophism, flask upgrades and power ups from the DLC are completely different, you don't need flask upgrades to progress normally and you are given abundant amount of upgrades while in the beginning of the DLC you have to run around to gather them to start fighting normally


There is no way that the average player can beat the base game without upgrading their flask and weapons. Scadutree fragments are literally the same thing. You also don't need to gather tons of scadutree fragments to "start playing normally." I accidentally went to Ensis first and beat Relanna at blessing level 2 (no summons). It took just over an hour's worth of attempts and it was tough, but it was doable.


Feign not to see the difference between upgrading your flask and requiring the DLC to make the fights properly difficult, I won’t bother explaining it. The problem is the amount of fragments there are instead of being organically cumulated as you progress through, it makes knowing what level you should have confusing and makes people run around instead of engaging directly with the content. There should have been no fragment required in the first zone, this should would have had a number of story bosses that would drop an upgrade and the next zone should be scaled intending the player to have beaten all those bosses while leaving him free not to, this next zone would have a number of story bosses that would drop an upgrade just as well, etc…


Sorry, but if you dont need flask upgrades then you dont need scadutree, already some people finish game not using them.


I said I was done adressing sophism so I won't


I love Elden Ring and the DS games, but I agree with a lot of the difficulty criticism and how they implemented the tree fragments and some broke boss designs. Previous DS game DLC didn't have these issues.


There is no criticism, only bitching and crying. None of these people are making compelling arguments and melt when actual arguments come in.


That is simply not true, and you’re remembering those DLC experiences through rose tinted glasses.


Which dlcs had separate essential progression systems that you needed to go out of your own way to fully complete, as well as broken boss designs? Even the arguably worst dlc in from history, ashes, is remembered for its bosses.


‘Broken boss designs’ is a weird way to say you suck at this game


Nothing lazier than defaulting to “you must suck at this game if you’re criticizing it.” No, after playing Lies of P, Nioh 2, and Sekiro in the last year alone, the Elden Ring boss design is clunky. The player is stuck in a Dark Souls 3 roll sandbox while the bosses move like they are in a rally and parry sandbox. Like Messimer has moves lifted straight from Lies of P and Nioh 2 bosses, yet those games are loved for their difficulty.


Sounds like a skill issue buddy




1. Started with Dark Souls 3 back when it went on sale in 2017. 2. Correct, I play the game as it was intended. 3. I’m better at Souls games than you, sorry bout it


You are so fragile its not even funny bud


Oh, so i can just make a boss that 1 shots you immediately after you enter the fight and then say it's a skill issue?


No, it says that the game design sucks.


Sounds like an excuse for a skill issue


No, it doesnt sound that. This shows that your reading comprehension is way too weak. That user clearly expressed what he meant in simple words.


So, this just confirmed you were wrong


“is a weird way to say you suck at this game”😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bro you want to say that Rellana and Commander Gaius are not broken? Their place in sekiro and all this new increasing damage “system” super lazy shit, when you can’t make interesting and balanced bosses you make this and say “you have low fragments level and only because of that you can’t kill boss, not because of they stupidity spamming and have CRAZY damage” and of course fan boys protecting this cringe👌the worst dlc in souls like games ever….


I beat them both on my first try, sounds like a skill issue buddy


Ok, can’t complain


Not as bad as you suck at having a proper discussion.


Non of the bosses of this dlc are as fun while still being really hard as gael and midir. Ofcourse none of them are perfect and i dont expect any of them to be but this dlc had some really unfun fights, way more then it had actual fun ones.


Disclaimer: Anything I say is an opinion and criticism, not "truth".


Have you ever played a Dark Souls DLC!?


I’m literally finishing a Bloodborne replay right now and Old Hunter’s DLC is genuinely a joke difficulty-wise compared to this Orphan of Kos is literally slower and less aggressive than Messmer despite the former being in a game where you’re 10x faster and can trade hits


Why are you asking him this?


So they can dismiss their argument if they didn't finish all the DLC's at level 1 with their bare fists.


Why are you asking me this?


TbF I thinks it’s fair , people don’t give negative reviews for a game for no particular reasons ( PS: I don’t give review to game cause I am too lazy to), the dlc alone is 40USD and people who buy it are those who love the base game and wanted more of it , apart from the difficulty of the boss which I won’t judge, for me a lot of area feels extremely empty and lack of good reward for exploring, you could ride torrent for half hour exploring an area only to find a smiting stone +6 , seriously who needs this when they are already in the dlc .


I used summons / buffs , lvl19 fragments and last boss was insanely hard on ng+2. It's not the dmg just the combo follow ups / delays what makes these bosses "hard". Overall I am not negative about the dlc as I had a lot of fun exploring / finding new weapons.


A lot of the bosses attacks also screws up your camera so the bosses were more cinematic than actual souls bosses with more than 2 punishable windows.


I agree l with you. I like DLC a lot, but those never-ending combos and weird camera angles are annoying. Feels like fighting Maliketh on 2x speed.


I think the dlc is not balanced for new game+ honestly Most people complaining are ng+


The DLC is hard regardless of whether or not you’re appropriately blessed up, and it’s hard in a way a lot of people don’t find fun The fact is that increasingly these bosses are just unprecedentedly aggressive, often doing nonstop combos for upwards of 20 seconds. From had been dialling up this axis of difficulty for a while and for me it’s gone too far. It’s not super enjoyable for me to have do dodge a 6-hit combo which transitions immediately into another 8-hit combo and then have time for one R1 before the next combo starts Play footage of the Messmer fight side by side with Orphan of Kos - it’s ridiculous that the bosses we’re getting now are more aggressive and relentless than in the game which was designed around you being 10x faster


Can we just get a performance patch for the DLC pretty please, with sugar on top? The past 3 days remind me how much of a stuttering mess Elden Ring was in the opening week.


Brother I killed Midra last night. Even with 50 vigor and +15 scad he would still absolutely rinse me in 2 hits. Some of the bosses are just not well designed or tuned too high. You can make a boss difficult without also making it cancer to engage with.


I beat it on 8 blessing, you have to use every fire negation effect available and it will only tickle


His melee attacks do fire damage?


The general consensus is the bosses deal too much damage and bosses have some seriously long combos but one or two hits and you're dead. You manage to get a heal in you're waiting for another 6-8 attack chain to end before you can do damage. Id be fine if it was like 5-6 hits in a 10 chain combo that killed me. Its all about balance and this isnt balanced. Had a blast on base game on newgame ++ the dlc is just not fun or even rewarding, killed a invader near a grace with guy lying on the floor near by didnt even get a item for it. Miyazaki himself said he pushed the limits of what players can handle. Okay mate show us how its done.. never even seen the guy play the damn game tbh


Level 190, 80 vig, max scad fragments and I still hated the final boss. The fucked up camera and attacks that never end, frame rate issues, etc in just this one boss alone not to mention the other fights I think the DLC is still pretty alright but I can definitely understand where the negative reviews are coming from


But negative reviews for just one Boss? 1 or 2 % of the game? What about the 98% fun taking parts of the game? 98% positive rating and 2% bad rating... but so many guys press the bad Button for just the 2 % of bad too difficult bosses or something... (sorry for my bad english)


Nearly all the major bosses have the problems I listed, the final boss is especially bad for reasons I won't mention outright due to spoilers


Thank you for not spoiling!! Okay, I understand... :/


>Im enraged with people's stupidity Oh boy, how did you live your life up until this point?


Brotherman, i wish i had a recording of this. I had yesterday Rellana running around the arena with me because she refused to let me heal. The game is difficult and great but i never had something like this happen in a souls game before. She even knew when i was going to heal before i even did. I'm using a faith build with buffs which was my first playthrough two years ago. In the base game i could sometimes rebuff in boss fights, there were windows. With the DLC i removed all my mana flasks because there is no way any of the bosses lets your breathe long enough to let you even kneel down to prepare the spell. All in all 10/10 i wish they made more games as challenging as this DLC, feels a bit like my first sekiro playthrough. Great game.


You’re supposed to heal after you dodge their move, not as they approach you. First souls game? Bosses attack you in these games


personally, I would be pissed if the dlc was easy


Normal people agree with you. The sheep can't admit they are dumb and misunderstood the whole point of DLC.


I’ve seen the blood stains, I know for a fact that every person bitching in this sub is just dumb and bad at the game


Lol, true


I agree but I would say that anyone complaining about the final boss indeed has a point. Even with full upgrades and summons it's far from an easy fight and I had to respec twice to find a build dedicated to beating it. If you go in there with your favourite playstyle and it doesn't happen to be the one that's currently easiest to beat him with then you're gonna have a very very rough time. I don't see myself ever beating that boss any other way so even on future playthrouhgs I'm probably gonna default back to that one specific build. Other than that only the big rider I'd say is a little overtuned but the rest of the bosses are perfectly doable with many different setups.


Again with this « it’s a RPG but you have to change your whole build for this boss »


Yeah, just sounds like you can’t handle criticism. Edit: downvote away. Invalidating people’s opinions and calling them stupid because you can handle that your precious game has some legitimate flaws just makes you look like a child.


People are acting is if they're shareholders and any form of criticism is going to cost them million. I guess when someone's only hobby is playing a video game and they have no real-world skills, it fucks with their superiority as they need constant validation.


Yup. Someone said to me on another comment that people are making being good at this game their whole personality so that when you criticise the game it’s as if you are criticising them personally and tbh, it’s hard to disagree based on what I’m seeing.


People on this sub reddit can't handle criticism


It’s been an eye opening experience since this DLC dropped that’s for sure.


Yeah this sub has turned into a massive circlejerk, and I am pretty neutral about issues.


People always complaining that elden ring is the easiest soulsborne game ever. This dlc humbles everyone. 10/10




Bro, we "gotta support the developers". Yeah, I agree, it's really creepy and weird. 15 years ago people starting worshiping CEO's, now that's shifted to the actual companies themselves. Their only goal is to make money off of us yet people still act like we owe them loyalty.


We all know a large group of From-fanboys are toxic AF, both in-game and outside.... They just want to r1-spam shit to death (which works if you're overleveled in your playthrough) but they already warned officially the difficulty is high and based on these upgrade parts.... The games were meant to make you suffer, but when they do, people don't like it... EDIT: as you can see on the downvotes, I rest my case xD


Just ignore it, people will shut up once meta builds/ cheese strategies start popping up to hold their hands. This exact thing happened when elden ring released