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My favourite part was the furnace golem on a small elevated area, that if you happen to knock down while it's standing on that area, you can't get a crit on its face because it's slightly off the ground.


I hated that one so much, but then in delicious victory, was able to get him to fall off a cliff.


I discovered I suck at free aiming pots with that one


the inability to aim with thrown items should be a warcrime. I've literally missed the broadside of a dragon with free-thrown items and the lock-on aim is spotty at the best of times.


I enjoyed the area until I realized you couldn't access the giant plateau, despite it taking up 50% of the map and you being able to see trees and rock formations up there as if there might actually be something there. I spent way too much time trying to find a path up there.


I think its meant to cover up the routes through the area, to make it harder to navigate. Its supposed to be a labyrinth, so having it open to view on the map would defeat the purpose. Im not a fan of it either really, i still feel like im missing a ton of stuff there probably. I just think it was their intention


Oh this kinda makes sense.


I have a feeling they wanted to make an open world legacy dungeon where we could use torrent. Making a big expansive labyrinth makes sense in that regard but I think they should have gone more all in on the underground section, it's very quick once you know where to go. It would have been cool if they had is more underground and at the end you could go on top of the plateue and unlock a spirit spring from the other side


See that's the way I saw it, I thought it was really cool that they essentially made a dungeon that you would ride torrent through. Also the area is just incredible to look at and it has a lot of fun little interactions and secrets to find. To me it did feel like an open world legacy dungeon. The spirit spring shortcut cemented that for me and I kind of realized what was going on when I unlocked it.


Yea the aesthesics inside is gross and creepy and everywhere outside was literally a beathe of fresh air. I could feel the clean pristine air outside, except when the beyblade is chasing you still lol


Also, the unique crucible knight encounter is awesome. A beautiful location for a really cool fight. Wish it had a boss health bar and music


They still could have let us reach the plateau though, the internal labyrinth would still be covered up. Put a Scadutree Fragment up there, maybe a Runebear, Painting Reward or something.. I don't mind it per se, but it's so unlike FromSoft to do that, I definitely spent more than an hour looking for a way up there.


I totally interpreted this statement as a Runebear sitting by an easel painting all the paintings we've found in the base game and DLC...


Painting reward is a Runebear fight


I assumed that we would find a teleport altar to use one of those blue keys on to access it, but nope.


Implying that anyone even had the map the first time they went through there... Whose idea was it to hide the map marker in a valley that you can only access from a cave on the other side of the world???


The amount of time I wasted trying to find that map marker and a few other things kinda artificially prolonged the duration it took me to complete the DLC. I suppose it’s good for an open world game to reward exploration, but I was just annoyed wasting hours of my Saturday/ Sunday doing effectively nothing running around like crazy, fast traveling back and forth testing all the walls and whatnot. I eventually had to give up and look it up. Who knows how long I would have taken to find that path on my own, as I felt like my time in that area to the East was already finished. Obviously I goofed by not finding that cave before declaring that area complete, but you’re right in that it is crazy the path to the northwest really starts far to the east. Funnily though I guess I didn’t need the map. I was already at the bridge that leads to the final area of those ruins in the NW before I decided again to go searching for the map fragment. I could have much easier just beat it without the full map, but I wanted to knock out as much as I could before final boss


This makes sense but I wonder if they could have still just thrown a random encounter up there in a giant arena… another dragon or something, thinking like the mountaintop with the fallingstar beast in the main game. I get the functional purpose for it, just seems like they could have stuck something up there. They did the coverup plateau thing with the albinauric village but had the post-Astel elevator to get up there later in the game


>another dragon or something Please, no more random dragon encounters in open world, they had enough between the base game and this dlc already


It reminds me of Volcano Manor’s appearance. You can clearly see rooftop ledges and precarious catwalks all over the place but all the explorable parts of the dungeon are at the ground floor for most of it.


Volcano manor would have been amazing as a classic dark souls 1 style claustrophobic level with lots of locked doors and shortcuts


Sen's Funhouse Part 2


But this would be actually fun


And then every third door a abductor virgin in a room to small


Sens fortress was fun?


It was for whoever built it.


As my friend group enjoy putting it: “fun for you or fun for us?”


It's still my favorite area ever made in a from game. I wish they made the entire game like that. Just one big fun house maze of traps and monsters.


Between Volcano Manor and Raya Lucaria, I feel like they missed an opportunity to do classic levels like that. In Raya Lucaria, I’d have liked more areas in the proper classrooms, like that singular corridor we go through before Red Wolf of Radagon.


Oh man seriously there’s no way up there?! Disheartening. Figure there’s a boss or something up there


Behold, liar! In short, try hidden path


I assure you there is no hidden path lol the area is inaccessible. You can explore beneath the plateau all day, but you can't get up top. I don't know why this is getting downvoted lol it's the truth.


It’s because people aren’t understanding what you’re saying. Idk why, it was clear to me. The area/plateau IN rauh above the main building/caves on the right side. These people think you’re saying Rauh itself is inaccessible for some reason I think


I can see where some of the confusion is coming from in the comments haha I just don't want people thinking I'm trying to mislead them. I'll gladly own up to being wrong about it if I am.


Nah man anyone who explored that area thoroughly could see the giant PLATEAU on the map that looks to be accessible because it has structures and arches and shit up there but it’s not. Key word is plateau which almost none of the ruins are. If you hadn’t said that I would’ve said I understand the confusion but people just ignoring that word lol


Not sure which one you're talking about - there's a big flat one to the north but you actually go *in* that one, not on it. There's also one with buildings on it to the south, that one has Divine Beast 2: Electric Boogaloo though so you can definitely get on it (the path is sneaky though)


There is one at the temple that seemingly impossible to get to :)


100% agreed. I thought it was a marvelous "open-world dungeon" as others have said, and I loved it, but this was genuinely frustrating.


It's such a confusing place, it's beatiful but remind me of Forbidden Wood in Bloodborne but layed together vertically.


It reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus.


This so much! The architecture has that Ueda style to it. I felt like I was in The Last Guardian again. I think it is intentional, considering Miyazaki started making games after being inspired by Ico.


Same as how you can't get behind Midra's Manse, pretty good waste of space.


Yet. There seems to be something secret in this area. You have those guy kneeling before the building and if you kill those wizard guys they react. But i couldn't find enough of them yet >Everytime you kill one "Aging Untouchable" one of the heads of the orange crystal guys in front of the manor goes down


Someone glitched their way behind the Manse and there's nothing there. Besides, hasn't the game been datamined enough to figure out something as crazy as this?


Anyone killed them all yet, and do they respawn


They don't respawn. I think I've killed them all and nothing happened. The guys in front of the Manse are probably just "you have x more horrors to endure before Abyssal Woods is safe again"


They don't respawn, and killing them all didn't seem to do anything for me.


The big black rectangle behind Gaius looks like a mini dungeon. It's a gate


God I hate this so much. Thought I was in for Shadow Keep 2: Armory/Barracks Boogaloo or that Messmer would be there when I saw it on the map. Nope, just the world's most pointless structure and 5 Scadu tree fragments in a pile.


it's hilariously big too. I checked every nook and cranny for an entrance but nope lol. If not for the 5 scadu frags I'd actually be livid


It stirs up existential dread. Something about the size and humanesque architecture. It seems human, but it's dimension are clearly not. It's as wide as Messmer's fortress, and stupid large on the map, but it's like 11 times taller than that. It's weight would collapse that land mass. It's impossible in several ways. Spooks me out.


It's a victory arch


The game really does feel barren after Messmer.


Same, I must’ve went all around it and looked into every nook and cranny of those aweful tunnels to no awail


AH so glad i wasn't the only one, it was driving me nuts 🥲


I assure you, you are not alone lol


#R #A #U #H


I thought I was going crazy why is EVERYONE in this thread spelling this wrong lol


Everyone in this fandom spells everything wrong. I’ve seen Millennia, Rhadan, Messimer, Mesmer, Rahdan, Melania, Melena, Maleketh and anything else you can think of lmao Edit: I just saw Romia and Midira lol


I lost my shit when I saw someone call Marika Maria


I lost my shit when I saw Queen Marigga and her army.


Thank you. It's not fucking hard to look at a name and remember to how spell it. Dont get me started on people even remembering names. I feel like a nerd when saying the specific name of a character when someone just says, "yeah the red haired girl with the arm"


Especially because the name pops up on the health bar every time you fight the boss, and Malenia, Maliketh, and Messmer say their names every time they kill you lmao


Brother, people don’t even understand the difference between to, two, and too. Set expectations low and you’ll never be disappointed by humanity.


“mogh” drives me insane. EVERYONE does it. why


FOR REAL, I swear I've seen Mohg's name spelled wrong more than I've seen it spelled right, to the point where I sometimes question if I'm having a Mandela Effect moment and it actually is spelled "Mogh". It's *insane*.




Rauh Rauh a a a Rad ahn, Radahn-a Godwyn ooh la la Want that big rot lance


Lmao holy shit the syllables actually lined up well done.


This is me but with Thiollier THERE'S AN I BETWEEN THE TH AND THE O


I love the aesthetic, I love the boss, I spent like an hour looking for ways to get to the inaccesible land on the map and getting lost in the tunnels


I must have been looking for a way to that fcking divine bird enemy that was alone in the huge watery area for more than an hour, only to realize I have to be on the ***OPPOSITE*** side of the map and go down the rocks... FML man...


You mean the enemy the imbued sword key sends you to?


No idea since I got lost 50 times trying to get there. [This one.](https://i.imgur.com/4t9BP9I.png) The one in the red circle which I was seeing from up in the orange area but actually you needed to be on the west side and go there from the green corridor.


Oh yeah, no that's super easy to get to. Barely an inconvenience. There's an imbued sword key in Castle Ensis, and the sending gate is in the river islet right behind it. You can get there faster than Rauh Base.


> Oh yeah, no that's super easy to get to. And then you continued to mention a completely unrelated place to where that boss is. That's not easy at all lol. ***NO ONE*** ever sees a mob ~50 meters from them and think "*Hmm, I wonder which other area the portal would be in, to teleport me there*".


Tbf I think most people will have already gone through that Imbued Sword Key portal before reaching the actual ruins


I know I have


hilarious because I've had this imbued key and never found where to use it. Finished the dlc with it in my inventory


Well the thing is you did it in the reverse order. You're supposed to fight that bird guy before you get to Rauh, his small area is supposed to be a teaser for the ruins. I think a lot of people were thinking "oh so this is where that guy was" instead of "who's that and how do I get to him" by that point in the game.


Like the Crucible Knight in Siofra River? I guess that never happens…


I love that you can go through it entirely with Torrent! Good boy gets to be part of the adventure this time.


Would be 500% better if I could get the fucking map when I get there and not have to have stumbled upon it on a dead end ass canyon somewhere else. I got to the boss looking for the map.


I had the map, but didn’t even use it. It doesn’t even help there.


Shadow of the Erdtree in a nutshell.


Especially the region for Cerulean Coast and Charo’s Hidden Grave. I love the verticality of the map but damn, that shit can be confusing.


I don't understand why they didn't make underground maps for a bunch of places. The base game had it.


Yeah it would definitely help if the map had layering, like being able to toggle between floors. It wasn't a problem in the base game because the vast majority of areas didn't have this layering, and the few areas that did felt much more manageable and added to the mystery - like in Liurnia's south-west.


My first disappointment was the tomb that you enter, U was expecting a new area map, oike nokron/sofra etc


I ended up meeting Bayle trying to get to a map fragment that's actually for another area. At one point I dropped a waypoint on the icon, looked at it, and realized it's for an area I didn't know was accessible.


Me and FF Woods map.


Honestly I was laughing my ass off at the messages on the floor saying "Still no map", as someone who has to explore everything I think I'd found it before even fighting messmer lol


The ones around Senessax killed me, I didn't have the map from the Abyss nor the one from the coast there, and I was just like "welp, I'm lost, but at least I'm not the only one"


There’s nothing more demoralizing than putting down a waypoint on a map piece and eventually coming to a cliff with a bunch of messages from people who did the exact same thing.


I am generally a pretty thorough explorer, but I missed that section and eventually had to look it up when I had pretty much finished the whole ruins zone. It is fairly easy to miss a single cave. When I was trying to figure out how to get over there, I did not expect it to be a cave on the opposite side of Scadu Altus. It's such a roundabout path through a random cave on the opposite side of a neighboring zone. It really felt unintuitive to me to go over there to find an entrance to the valley. If you didn't find it before, it's really not a place you would think to look afterward. I also feel like it didn't make sense to have the map fragment be for two completely split zones. There is no way to access one from the other that I am aware of, so it is odd to have the map in the valley.


The map doesn’t really do a good job of telling you where you actually are on the map.


The map is my biggest problem with the DLC. Why couldn't they have used the layering method from the base game.


The base game map made it obvious, for the most part, where you need to go to reach X. The DLC map is obfuscated for absolutely no reason. I had to backtrack to complete at least three areas when I had already reached the end boss, and it made those sections quite easy. It would have been nice to encounter them at the 'appropriate' time. All because I missed one ladder in one random section of a castle (thought I'd go back to the ladder later, got sidetracked and forgot about it altogether) and didn't explore one section of a river that just looks almost like every other river on the map? It's crap.


Don't forget to emote somewhere too with a vague hint to access the remaining three areas.


I don't even understand how I was supposed to piece that one together on my own.


...what did I miss?


I was at the final bos before i found the way down the cerulian coast or the way down to the rauh…


Sure it does. Just not on the Y scale. Its a bitch as you can be X 50 Y 50 but you need to be X 50 Y -50. How to get there? Fuck you, thats how. First go far away, clear the dungeon, beat a boss, go forward then go left even tho the path goes left. You walk and you walk and look at this, COULD THIS BE MAP? Only to realise you are nowhere near where you need to go. But hey, you got some loot along the way at least.


Scadu Altus near Moorth Ruins where there is a small pond facing cliffs then perfumer cave then poison swamp with grave birds then under where the camp outside the shadow keep appears on your map. If you are being fired at by a bow wielding golem then you are in the right place.


I thought this was one of the best trolls From has done in the series. I had to just laugh when >!I got ganked by a divine beast and basilisks instead of getting a map fragment!<. I spent like half my dlc playtime trying to reach that map fragment. Guess some of y'all have a very different sense of humor.


Man, the basilisks appearing during that fight is such a big "Fuck you lol" by From.


I knew I was holding onto those Rejuvenating Boluses for a reason, and this fight was that exact reason. My mimic got death-blighted immediately so I ~~had to man up and learn the fight~~ used hit and run tactics on Torrent.


Just did that fight and I was just laughing so hard the first time I did the phase transition. They knew what to do to stress us all out.


fr why the fuck are the maps so deep in the areas for the dlc? Like i just want to explore and actually be able to see nearby stuff on the map.


That one is particularly egregious because you can think it's deep in the actual region it maps, but no it's actually on a secret area...


Imagine if the map to mountaintop of the Giants were hidden in the Isolated Divine Tower. That would be great. It's close enough they could share a map.


It’s ✨realistic✨ and immersive… Jk but I think it’s funny how thorough just sheer determination to find a map you end up fighting the boss. Imagine the boss waiting for an opponent and it’s just some random guy that can’t find a map that starts beating him up.


Wait there’s a map for that area?


Same, I got to the boss because I was looking for a way to get to the map! Also, I've been avoiding this sub like the plague because I don't want spoilers. Hoo boy I think I went to this place way too soon.


I explored the entire zone looking for the map lol, the annoying thing is I went in that cave ages ago and completely missed the second exit like an idiot.


Ruah was peak fromsoft. Wanna get to the next area? Go through this maze where all the environments look the same! Hope you missed the kindreds of rot!


I was lost for awhile doing circles lol


I eventually understood where im going coz hornsent kept killing me 💀


Hang on hornsent were attacking you through here?


He’ll invade right before the church when you’ve killed Messmer


I believe if you follow a quest he won’t invade there, but not sure I haven’t tried yet


It’s the end of his quest line. If you help him with Leda and summon him for Messmer, the he becomes obsessed with revenge and tries to kill you.


I'm the opposite I accidentally sped through the area and found the saint of bugs or whatever the thing is called.


Saint of the Bud lmfao


Oops well in my defense she is made of two different bugs.


I mean, it truly wasn't that confusing but I can understand why one would say such. The first half of ruah was more confusing but after crossing the bridge and coming to the area with the rot, it's pretty much fully linear. In fact, so is the first part. It's just about exploring it all. Ruah was just such a huge dissapointment for me because it looks so insane to explore, and then it's like, set path nothing crazy here or there and a scarlet rot area. Such a sadness.


I still haven’t found the rocks to open the spirit spring in Ruah. I looked around for like a half hour yesterday but I ended up just going in circles by the end.


You can use mohg’s shackle on top of the sealed spiritspring and it will unseal. Not sure why but it works!


It's because the shackles sends out a hit box and it damages the sealing rocks


>!Its way up above on the cliff overlooking the spring.!< Mostly a shortcut to the approach towards Romina.


Something I haven't tested yet but I'm 90% sure will work is using Margits shackle in that area from the ground floor to pop it. Apparently the shackles pop the rocks like they do invis walls and traps


cliffside of the ancient ruins of rauh, West site of grace at sunset I rest my case.


the views at different times of day are so good for all that's gone before 


The fingerprint areas are the biggest letdown to me. Gigantic and completely empty except for that one interaction. Honestly man.


I've not finished the DLC yet but my exploration the other day (south / south east section of the map) was really disappointing overall. Seems to be just a couple of completely barren areas stitched together. But I'm not done exploring yet so could be wrong!


There are a few weapons laying around but I agree, it's mostly barren otherwise.


Yeah, some items and weapons (and fucking cookbooks galore) but not many bosses, dungeons, caves, npcs etc. And even enemy density in places is pretty sparse!  There are certainly those weaker places in the dlc that if the whole dlc was of that calibre it would have been shit, and other areas that are savagely good.


I think Rauh is meant to be an open world dungeon. I went about it with this mindset and loved it.


Exactly this. Its a legacy dungeon you can explore on horseback, like how the scary forest is the reverse. An open world you need to tediously walk around on foot


I never thought about it that way that’s actually insane While Ruah rewards rushing past stuff (eg the furnace golem towards the start) and gives you the horse the entire time, the woods rewards stealth above all else and removes your horse entirely


I think the forest rewards a go all in do or die mentality the most. Theres even a note in the Manse explaining how to kill the winter lanterns.


of course the hint is *after* you've snuck past them


Yes. Which makes perfect game design sense


He might have missed a good chunk of the ruins. I made a horse jump to the lower flower shrine area and then worked my way up through the elevator. Pretty cheap stuff with the scarlet rot swamp but my character is way stronger and more versatile than any environmental hazards this game can throw at me. There's also the entire descent across the pillars to the secret area below everything.


I think that we're meant to see Ruah as Froms attempt at an open-world legacy dungeon, which when looked at like that, made me enjoy it a lot more


I think it's a cool idea and they could try it in their next game and improve on it honestly. I see the potential. Tho they could easily fuck it up so idk.


That's also what I thought, it feels more like exploring a big dungeon than an area like Gravesite Plains or something. It's far from perfect, lot of room for refinement there, but it's not bad. Also helps that it's gorgeous, one of the most visually striking places they've ever made.


Glad other people are looking at it this way as wel




I actually think it’s an open world dungeon done right, kinda Mt. Gelmir but extended. Still wish there’s a traditional dungeon nested in there (like Volcano manor in Mt. Gelmir) though. But I agree with the others, the plateau was a waste. And the main area boss’s theme was introduced too late into the dungeon.


Isnt the “plateau” is just the roof of the maze?


Yeah I don’t understand what people are mad about the entire area is explorable lol


I actually like Ruah. When it doesn't turn my pc into an active bomb. But sadly it does, and I dread going there because of that


Why is everyone calling it "Ruah"?


I guess it's the same thing as the Melania-Malenia situation, once it is said wrong by one it is said wrong by many


Oh god, not again...


Relanna, rellana, rennala, renalla, reanal


I left my favorite message down there, somewhere along the way there's a small stone pillar you can jump up, but it leads to literally nothing "I did it! Therefore not here!?"


most visually stunning area in the entire dlc. sad there are people who didn’t enjoy it.


Indeed thought it was the most gorgeous area of the game wish there was more in it tho


I really want to love it but it's a lot of samey corridors with loads of repeated enemies you can just ride past. Best part was unironically the furnace golem hazard, at least it kept movement interesting. Maybe a similar area in a new game would work since everything is fresher with a brand new title.


I don't hate Ruah for not feeling like a typical dark souls dungeon.  I hate it because it's so goddamn uniformed that I can't tell where I'm at without putting up a dozen map markers.




Keep fighting the good fight brother


I do wish there was a bit more to do there, but its visuals, atmosphere, and ambient soundtrack, man. It’s just so relaxing.


Wait people didnt like rauh?


it's not perfect but i prefer it over mountaintops of the giants and consecrated snowfield


I still think Abyssal Woods was the biggest let down, so much atmosphere and so little to do


So much potential. It really makes me so sad because Abyssal Woods could've been one of the best areas in the history of souls games.


Yeah. But i guess its poetic that the only Frenzied Flame zone in the base game was a gimmick platforming puzzle and now the only zone in the DLC for it is a gimmick stealth section.


I hated the Abyssal Woods so much. It feels completely unfinished to me. Whose bright idea was it to make Torrent unusable in the largest area of the DLC? It wouldn’t be as bad if the area was dense, but it’s so completely barren. And those messages at the start, Jesus Christ. What was the purpose of that buildup? I felt like I was being stalked by something, only for it to lead to nothing. Once you realize it’s BS all the tension is gone and you’re just running around endlessly looking for the path forward.


I'm included to agree, I was kinda expecting more than a handful of patrolling enemies that you can't kill.


You can kill them. Bizarre that you have to parry a *grab*.


It’s so funny when I love something and then log onto Reddit and see everyone shitting on it lol


The worst area is by far the north finger ruins. Just getting hit by beams and paralyzed every 3 seconds.


Towards the end of the DLC it starts feeling more ridiculous when you pick up an item after an annoying enemy and the game hits you with "Somber Smithing Stone [1]" Apart from that I don't really have any qualms with Rauh, it's very pretty and it has some cool stuff like the stone sword unsheath spot and Dane's AOW. I kind of wish Romina was more of a threat and actually had a dungeon around her, though I get that Rauh itself was supposed to feel kinda like that. Maybe it's how I fought her, but she felt like a side boss you forgot existed in DS2, but with a sick theme song that they used in the story trailer for some reason. Same with Gaius, where it really doesn't feel like it should be a remembrance boss.


Pretty place but I didn't enjoy feeling of being a kid lost in shopping center.


it's a cool area. awesome level design, almost like a dungeon disguised as a small region it would be nice if there was a catacomb or something on the top level, but it's a nice area. L take


The fact you find the map going through some obscure tunnel into the ruah base instead of finding it in the other 90% of the area is beyond maddening


Controversial because wrong. Not the best area of the world, but places like the Cerulean Coast and the top right area of the map (minus Shaman Village, that place is beautiful) are basically entirely empty with very few enemies, most of them from the base game. Very few items to find. No real bosses. It's just disappointing. Ruah has a hippo, divine beast, unique Crucible Knight and remembrance boss. Altars to make two unique legendary weapons. Is full of new enemies (DLC ones, not unique to that region). Is aesthetically one of the most unique places, etc. Probably the most densely packed region content wise.


Altars? Plural? I only found one. Dud I miss something?


Naw, there’s one altar there, one in Fog Rift Catacombs and one in Ruins of Unte.


There's 3 altars in the game, whichever you find first gives you the Stone Sword, the other turn it into each of it's stronger forms, and can turn it back and forth as desired.


What Altars? Do you mean the sword is light? But there is only 1 altar in Ruah


The best part about Rauh was cheesing the devine beast with long distance Swarm of Flies and then panicking every time he summons basilisks to the upper ledge he can't reach


It looked AMAZING first glance, like first stepping into Crumbling Azula. Beautiful lively vegetation you don't see often in fromsoft games, but yes the later on you realize most of the area is empty with a labyrinth of shallow rooms.


That damn death blight dancing lion.... Cheese'd it with rolling sparks on fire perfume bottles, didn't even care.


That's me with the gosh dang >!🌻!<


Explain maybe? Why do people immediately say "incomplete" when they simply just don't like an area?


Rauh has become my favorite area in all of souls games, at least visually speaking.


It's great. As someone else mentioned, It think it's meant to be an open world dungeon. If you treat is as a legacy dungeon that allows you to mount torrent, I think it might change your view on it.


I loved Rauh. Literally since the beginning of the game, I wanted DLC to have a Jungle-Temple type environment and I got it. The initial maze area is a pain but the rest I found quite enjoyable (other than pest thread spam)


Oh man, I loved that place. The awe of stumbling into a verdant jungle was great. I really liked the contrast of going into the temple undergrounds.


I loved that place but i have no idea how to pronounce it. Rah? Rah-uh? Raw?Raugh?


Rawr x3


I’ve just played through it, like yesterday. It’s good, but maze like and takes some time get your head around. Only complaint is Fire Golems. Two quite close to each other. They aren’t too hard, just tedious.


Replace ancient ruins with abyssal woods.


The death blight divine beast with the basilisks lmao.


I had fun there. I stumbled on it early before fighting Messmer, and even though I couldn't beat her I loved the Romina fight. She was like a cool Fairy/Bug type. But I did get annoyed later on trying to navigate the lower areas and figuring out how to get to that damn Death Curse Lion. Edit:I've beaten both Messmer and Romina now but for a while I tried her at Scadu level 7 and was failing hard.