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I found margit incredibly hard to read and learn, ended up cheesing him with jellyfish summon. Godrick was a more fun fight to me because i could learn it and improve.


Jellyfish ftw!


he is my favorite summon, the only one i’ve leveled. I call him Mr Jelly 😂


It’s a girl 😡


Aurelia best girl


Hmm haven’t figured out how to level summons yet


You want a tip?


Yea, you can dm it to me, or spoiler tag it, doesn't matter. My ghost wolves are get destroyed by the big boss of the second area


Talk to the lady at the shack. Go through stormveil untill you find a giant corpse then drop down and kill the dogs and pick up the item. Bring that item back to her and she will go to roundtable hold. There talk to her and the blacksmith multiple times and then fast travel back to the roundtable hold and she will be sitting in the hallway with the blacksmith. You can get the grave gloveworts in catacombs


I do too that’s so funny he’s my go to for sure


You can level spirit summons? How?


Yeah, you get glovewort in catacombs like how you get smithing stones in those mine caves


Gotta push the Roderika story to encourage her to be the spirit tuner, and then you collect grave glovewort in catacombs and the like to actually level them.


Where do I get the jelly fish?


Shack at the base of the castle


Dig Jelly, but I’m all about being Jon Snow with my Dire wolves


Jelly was great on Margit but I went Jon Snow on Godrick, Jelly wasn't aggroing him enough


Bro this is elden ring not ark survival


I got Godric down to like 1% health in first go and thought huh, not so hard. Then took me about 25 more goes to get him down 😂


Lol why does this always happen


Same here haha


You should have tossed a dagger.


I personally always finish bosses with a flashy move haha it’s hilarious and you feel victorious and immersed😀


That's cool. 🙂


Same here, I got him down to like 10% first try and then it took me another 50 or so tries to actually finish him off


snap 😂 i made him bleed with the morning star, got him after about 6 tries


Godric was miles easier for me. Moves were way easier to read and move around. 4 attempts I think. Also popped him like a blister with the Nightrider flail/wild strikes. Margit I literally had to out level and use a guide to find all the shit I missed to upgrade my heals.


Well you shouldn’t have had nightrider without reading a guide…


I had flail just from randomly wandering around, why would I need a guide?


Can't you find the nightriders by accident? I know I did.


Yeah lmao you get your sphincter beaten in by em in like, several places in limgrave and the weeping peninsula.


Yeah, I found one for the first time after turning a corner, and we just stared at each other before he pummeled my shit in.


Yep. Tough bastard.


I did mention a guide for health items and Margit specifically.


I know I'm late but I'm confused. Why would you need a guy to have been at a grace in the weeping peninsula at night?


I just came across nightrider by accident and got the weapon


I found Godrick harder but margit way more fun, I got destroyed very hard by both though and it took a lot of attempts to beat them, a lot of it is just me screwing up though and rolling at the wrong time or attacking at the wrong time because I’m a dumbass


Yeah Margit always chained one or two more attacks than I expected And those ridiculously long overhead charges lol


Margit never stops attacking and makes sure to throw in a few delayed attacks for good measure


Margit leaves way less openings than Godrick. Though I really hated Godrick's fire bec it forces me to back up so much. I felt myself learning the moves and openings a lot easier with Godrick and he felt a lot more like a tutorial boss with how slow he is


Agree on the less openings. It can seem that way, but the fire doesn't actually force you back. As long as you're not too far away the charge takes long enough for you to make a sprint towards him, go behind him and punish


Yeah I did that a lot. But in case I miss that I get pushed back a lot because the fire covers half the entire area


Margit has more bullshit than Godrick and blatantly reads your inputs + very short recovery + jumps away like a bitch after doing a combo, Godrick has fairly telegraphed and generally fair attacks with reasonable tracking + reasonable window for punish, the only bullshit move he has is his tornado startup, shit has way too fast of a startup. The entirety of ER really feels like Miyazaki just fucking hates melee builds, especially dex builds, god forbid you don't use summons to cheese everything.


Agreed 100%.


I like Godrick but some of his fire hit boxes feel crappy


Yea the one where he sways as he breathes fire is easy because you can jump over it, but the one in which he chases you down is fucked. Very easy to get caught at a bad spot on that one, and you're prettt much stun locked if it hits. Funny enough i beat margit 1st try, hardly using any heals, none until the last quarter of health, but i also used summons to distract. I jumped heavy ftw and broke his posture quickly. Godric took like 8 tries.


Yeah idk, margit is easy asf with rogier and jelly fish or wolfs, beat him first try at like level 16 with plenty of pots left, some people like the take the bosses without any help, but fuck the bosses in this game they deserve to get destroyed. Tho honestly spirit summons kinda make the game harder for me for some reason like i didnt use any for godrick because him targeting me and the summons made it too confusing to know who he's gonna attack, except for the moon witch, summons especially the skeletons make that fight almost too easy.


There's definitely a way to use summoms. You want to be semi agressive. Attack roughly when the boss attacks your summon and just agro back and forth. Some bosses are way easier for this than others. As far a using help? Fuck it, it's in the game so I don't see an issue with using summons. I love this game. It is an amazing game. That being said, now that i finished ER I've gone back to Sekiro for another play through. Each game has it's strengths and I'm really appreciating the boss design in sekiro. In ER, because of the amount of content and styles to play, the bosses feel less polished. There is a ton of bs in ER, which is why in some ways it's a step back for from soft. I feel like they overcompensated because of the summon, which IMO is bad design. They're not very fun to 1 v 1. Though Morgott is an amazing boss imo. Sekiro was so focused the boss fights felts like propper duels. I feel like this is why summons in ER feel useless sometimes. Fromsoft didn't know how to balance them. They wanted the added help of a summom for struggling players, but also didn't want to summons to be an easy mode. Sadly, their lack of committing to the summons has led to poorly balanced boss fights, and something that should be cool turning out to be kind of lackluster. Also hate the look of summons.


I needed a 3 man team for Margit to finally get him down, on top of help from and old friend for 5000 runes... Godrick I went in to learn his moves on my lunch break and was confused when I first tried him. I only went up like. 2-3 levels in between them. So. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is my first ever souls game and I beat margrit 3rd try but I leveled up a ton before starting the main story bosses I am at level 50 and I basically upgraded all my armor weapons etc as well as upgraded my summon wolves and jellyfish I got my sword to +6 and I melted the boss. No wonder the developer's said that exploring benefits you more than going straight to the boss in the beginning. I new it would be hard but for a 1st timer to a souls game it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But there is a tactic to everything with all these bosses. And I'm definitely learning to love souls games. After I beat elden ring a couple of times I'm going back to play all the souls games I never even played.


First off, congrats on playing your first souls game!!! Second, the emphasis on how hard these games is exaggerated. They're hard games, but are pretty fair and enemy moves are well telegraphed. If you pay attention, each death is a learning experience. If you're ever stuck in a souls game just farm souls and youll be golden. Sekiro was the only one that made you learn each move set. Even then, by the time you got to really challenging bosses, you were ready because the game was pretty much impossible if you didnt get the hang if the parry mechanic. I think you should try Sekiro or Bloodborne next, those 2 are my favorite souls games.


Thank you I appreciate it alot,I actually just beat margrit, and godrick I died a couple times on margrit and about 8 times on godrick I tell you what if I didn't have the wolf or jellyfish summons no way in hell I could of did it as fast as I did they take so much agro off of you. I ended up soloing them both, and let me tell you my hands were sweating my dualsense controller about fell out of my hand, and my heart was beating quickly lol. I love the challenge, and I didn't know I would come to love souls games , so it's amazing. I heared sekiro was extremely difficult and after hearing about souls games in general I was turned of by you lose everything if you die and start over but in reality I didn't realize how much dam fun I would have. I work Monday to Friday. I'm definitely a casual gamer, usually saving my game time for the weekend. But since elden ring came out, I was hooked and so excited to play after work. I'm so glad I jumped on tonight to beat both bosses, what a relief and joy. I may start playing all souls games now.


That's awesome you're enjoying the game so much. A lot of people get frustrated and quit. As far as losing everything, it does suck when it happens but I've learned, especially really tough bosses, if you don't give af and expect do die it's not so bad. Those summons do come in clutch, do I didn't use any on Godrick because he annihilated them each time I summoned. If you ever get Sekiro, prepare to get Carpol Tunnel from the last boss lol. Legit the hardest while also most fun and coolest boss From has done IMO.


Yeah I just make a point to level up or upgrade stuff before major bosses or encounters so I dont risk as much.


Love reading this, there's something special about when a FromSoft game just clicks and you go from pure frustration to pure joy. Happened to all of us at some point


you get to the other souls games?


Yep I ended up beating most of all of the older souls games. And they were fantastic. I beat sekiro, demon's souls remake,dark souls 3. And bloodborne. Those are all the soulslike games that I completed.


nice! those are basically the same ones I’ve beaten except DS3. got hooked off of the DeS remake. Bloodborne is probably my favorite but Sekiro and ER are right there too


I thought the same thing. I went into Margit at level 30 and still felt underpowered, took me 10 tries. Godrick was so much easier, only 4 tries. Only thing I hated about godrick was his AOE fire breath that goes way too far and lasts way too long. Literally only way I died to him lol


Yeah fire is mad confusing in this game, i cant tell when it's suppose to hit me since its so wispy.


Same. I don’t understand all the trouble people have with godrick. He’s slow af. Spam jump attacks, easy win


I'm finding Godrick a bit easier, just because of how much a DPS build can do to him in stage 1. But I want to fight both again since they're both so good


Yeah I'm already excited for making a second character




Probably dex or sorcery


Probably stands for ‘damage per second’ in this case. So some class that deals damage quickly, possibly at the expense of other stats. Astrologer is one example, all magic with little health, etc.


Interesting, that’s kinda of what I’ve been doing with my Uchigatana build. Now I have a name for my strategy!


Yeah, I’m doing it with Astrologer. I have 10 vitality right now but 40 intelligence. Most things can kill me in 1-3 hits, but I can make quick work of even some bosses if I can avoid getting hit enough.


Margit is way harder by far. The cane and dagger attack are very hard predict/react. Also creates distance by backing off. Godrick wasn’t bad at all by comparison. Slower and more predictable.


Idk i prefer margits fast attacks, godrick i almost get a little bored waiting for his fat ass to roll up to me, his attacks are so delayed to try and trip you up but after the first attempt you already know this so its just kinda a non issue.


I agree, although I'm drinking and taking stupid risks so godrick is pissing me off right now. Margin is a harder and more fun fight tbh


I think most found Godrick easier because they leveled up and explored more after that.


Margot was definitely harder than Godrick. Took me about 40 attempts to beat Margot and I just beat Godrick on my first try


Fought both at a normal level and without using summons. Margit was miserable and took me 1-2 hours of getting slightly better with every death. Godrick took 4 or 5 tries. I think both are amazing bosses in every sense but I prefer Margit because I'm a sucker for pain. I didn't think either was unfair or gimmicky.


Yeah definitely wasn't complaining about Margit. And I don't dislike Godrick, but I do think a demigod should be a bit harder


I agree. For a boss with such cool design and such hype cutscenes it was a little bit deflating to get him in a few tries


*cough* Yhorm the Giant.


Literally the exact same thing happened to me. Made it to the second phase on my first try and then on my second attempt I destroyed him. Margit took me probably 20~30 tries lol


Interesting. good to know, what kind of build did you use? I'm new to these games and have been having a blast running around levelling up a strength build. just went into Stormveil castle for the first time and somehow I beat Margit the first try. I was worried that Godrick would be harder but I guess not! I think I'm just curious if everyone saying Godrick being easier is referring to a magic build instead of strength


I'm playing with a dex build and light armor. Congrats on first trying Margit! I've played all prior FromSoft soulslikes and I was really put off by his delays and him having some combos that are a little longer than I expected. Interesting how you had a little advantage by but being used to bosses' movesets from the other games. Glad you're having a good time!


Thanks! I’ve definitely ran into some bosses that had me very angry with the difficulty and not being able to do them. Very happy that I’m able to just leave and do other things, to build up and try again later with better success. Today I’m going for godrick! Funny enough a couple knights in the castle have gotten me worse than margit did lol.


Still fighting Godrick, but man he is way easier! Margit had infinite stamina and kept going "Happy Feet! Wombo Combo!" on me.


margit was fucking awful for me but to be fair i’m a first time souls playa. I had to use rogier and a gold fingy cause as soon as rogier died i’d get combo’d. i’m no stranger to difficult boss mechanics but margit’s nonstop quick attack chains were hell. haven’t fought godrick yet but been doing a bit of exploring and am level 42 with a seemingly solid melee/sorcerer split. fucked up and now it’s stupid hard to level my int to use the meteor staff and spell so i’m just stuck with draconic magic and flame sling lol


Don’t worry, I’ve finished almost all soulsborne games and margit got me pretty close to quitting for good haha.


I used rogier and the margit shackle and got him first try with that combo, but like, try 8 or 9 total.


I read your that Margit is designed to be a major roadblock. If you can beat him, even with some luck would mean you are a bit more ready. To be honest on my playtrough I was going direct trough stormveil castle and Margit was my first boss in the game. I am not even at godrick yet lol


Never played a DS game before, but had to get ER after all the hype. I was level 30 for Margit and beat him on my first try (after the obligatory opening one at level 4) Level 45 for Godrick and also beat him first try with 5 flasks still in my pocket. I know I was way too high for both fights but I still was amazed at how untroubled I was. Read so much in the lead up about how impossible they were so I guess I overcompensated a bit (too much?) on the exploration/other smaller bosses. I still regularly get smoked by Imps and dogs so this is all just kind of confusing to me haha


Man FUCK dogs in elden ring lmao. I'll deal with enemies much tougher and harder hitting and then get KO'd by an unexpected wolf pack


I found it the exact opposite, Margit took me 4 or 5 tries and godrick absolutley shit on me took me like 30 tries, i didnt get to level after margit due to me killing him as i fell off the edge, so I got his runes but lost them instantly.


Whenever Margit pulled out that golden sword I knew my health bar would be hurting, all his other combos weren't too bad, those sword combos tho, my god


Even with a shield, the four piece golden sword cane combo will get you hit at least once every time. Drove me insane




Umm waht? Godrick literally has the same wind up for all of his attacks, and constantly spams aoe attacks stopping you from ever getting close to him. He also attacks MUCH MUCH faster than margit who was beyond easy to take dodge and take out.




Ended up taking godrick out later that night. He didn't do any of his deadly aoe attacks and my summons and the axe lady didn't instantly die to a massive combo of aoe attacks. Just sat back and pelted him with dark fireballs and he died fast because he was not spamming the darn aoe attacks. If that was the godrick yall fought then yes he is easy... but that was totally not the same one I ran into 50+ times.


Also the queen lady was easier than margit and Godrick and the red wolf


Gordrick is interesting in that he took me like 50+ tries, which was about the same as Margit, but I was never sure I could even beat Margit, but there was never a moment I felt I couldn’t beat Godrick, he was tough for me, but never seems impossible




Same strat lol. I just summoned everybody at the start and shackled him once.


For sure. Beat Godrick on first try. Marge took more tries. But that is because he kept throwing those super fast daggers.


Definitely found Margit wayyy harder, just beat Godrick finally, on like my second or third try. Maybe that’s because now I’m a lvl 42 vagabond with Godrick Knight armor and a Crystal Sword +4 and Spirit Wolves +2 But honestly I think I would still struggle with Marget. Marget took my +0 wolves, that sorcerer NPC guy, and me with a Forked Axe +3 or whatever it’s called. And two tries still before I brought him down. And even then he was insanely difficult, without the NPC helping me I don’t know how I would have killed him. Dozens of tries before I finally decided to use the NPC lol


That's so weird, I found margit easy, I was pretty good at dodging those annoying delayed attacks too, which was the only challenge for me.


Just the thing I was looking for im making my way through Stormveil now. I struggled with Margit but aside from it taking me about 10 times I was finally able to beat him using Rogier the NPC and my fanged imps. I'm worried about going up against Godrick but reading this has given me some hope of not getting slaughtered at least


I played until level 32 before finally attempting Margitt, and boy was I in for a surprise. I think I downed him on my 25th try, but only 4th try after realizing you can summon the NPC to help you fight him. Changed from wolves to jellyfish and he went down eventually. Godrick I downed on my first try at level 35. But I did change to a katana for the Godrick fight for the bleed effect. I am trying my first playthrough without any guides, this is also my first Souls game, apart from a few hours in Bloodborne, which I hated, purely because I didnt know it was a Souls game and expected an Action / RPG experience... Anyway, with enough patience you should be able to down most bosses without a guide as their phases are well scripted and choreographed, so take note each time you die and eventually you'll be able to determine which attacks come next and how to avoid them. But I agree with the OP here, for me personally, Margitt was a lot harder than Godrick, I was actually surprised by how easy Godrick was compared to Margitt. Your mileage may vary though...


This is really strange. It took me like 3-5 tries to beat margit. Maybe even less. But it took me a day of playing with a friend to beat godrick. From with a friend I don't mean by summoning them. I just mean irl.


It's so interesting how people struggle and steam roll so differently lol


You know what? Maybe it's because i did a route in the beginning that made me a bit stronger so margit was easy but then I didn't upgrade myself much after that so the other guy was harder. Maybe other people did the same thing but the opposite.


It certainly encouraged me to explore more as I put those foolish ambitions to rest.I think Margit took me probably 30 times up to level 35, and Godrick I beat on my 3rd around level 50. Margit\* was harder for me for two reasons. 1. It forced me to learn the game's timing and distance mechanics and 2. most of my attacks at the time were ranged which Margit had better counters for.


I use vagabond because I didn't necessarily want the game to be easy. So i use mostly melee. The only problem i had was that I didn't use my shield enough. Then when i used it on like my 30th try i beat it after 2 times of using the shield more.


Margit many trys needed Rogier and jelly Godrick 2 attempts killed will jelly and rocks while just kinda avoiding his ranged attacks easily only got hit really by the fire hand nothing else really hurt me much


Yeah, I managed to beat Godrick in a handful of attempts with plenty of flasks left, but I was panic slashing Margit to kill him at the last bit of health... Godrick's music slaps though wish I could hear it more


I know this is an old post but i'm new to the game and came across this so I thought i'd offer my input. I beat Margit within 5 attempts which - given everything i'd heard about him beforehand - I thought was pretty good going. It was probably a mixture of luck and the fact that I stumbled across Patches and bought the shackle which makes it a lot easier. Just made it through Stormveil and I am having a fucking nightmare with Godrick. i've probably tried 5/6 times now and not even managed to get into his 2nd phase yet. I can't seem to anticipate his ranged attacks, his delayed power attacks throw me off and he seems to demolish my spirit wolves with his AOE hurricane attack. In summary, both are very difficult however I cheesed Margit but have been unable to do the same with Godrick.




Yeah, I think it's actually lore related. Like, he's talking about his birthright and how he is golden and he takes offense to you even thinking of becoming the elden lord, yet he clearly has delusions of superiority, the second phase transition shows him losing it, and all the strength he does have he got by grafting his own fucking people. And even in death when you beat him he clings to his golden bullshit. Also he apparently dressed up as a woman and fled to avoid confrontation with Malenia. Which I'd definitely do as well, but he does make himself out to be a elden lord leader godking with superiority by birthright. Pretty pathetic and heinous character, so I think the level of difficulty is fitting


that makes so much more sense because I was expecting crazy difficulty with the way he was hyping himself up with his "BEAR WITNESS" line I thought he would be absolutely crazy when in reality the only "hard" part was the range of the dragons breath but I survived the fight with 3 flasks so


Everyones view look like on the melee side. I'm a mage. Godrick is just bit too easy for my understanding. did it first try. after summoning some wolfs he is too slow to even get close to me... meteorite him all the way to his death, bare got hit by anything...


But margit? OHOHO MARGIT. used both wolf and summoning and took me at least idk 50 tries and 2 hours. (I did not know you can change health pot into mana pots at the time so i had to slash him lmao)


I thought that godrick was alot harder at first compared to margit because of godricks many attacks but once i figured them out i realised that overall i beat margit by jump attacking and running away while godrick was more technical so i still believe that godrick was harder to beat


Margit is probably the hardest boss in the game, he's even harder than Margot who is definently not the same person than appears much later in the game


I think Morgot seems easier because a lot of his moveset is the same and we memorized that one pretty well by then because that first roadblock sticks with you. But I am able to reliably first try both iterations by now, which I can't say about a lot of everything that follows. Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, the optional two headed dragon, Maliketh, Horah Loux (or however he's spelled), Radagon and especially my girl Malenia. Having done multiple playthroughs by now, I'd definitely say Margit is mid tier in terms of difficulty.


To me godrick has so far been the only shardbearer I haven't first or second tried. Rennalla first try cause I didn't realise I had to hit the guys with glowing heads, radahnn I wanted to see how well the summons could fight him without me and it turned out you could just run around and keep summoning lol, morgott first tried with a mimic tear. But godrick took me days, in fact he's the only one I leveled up in between fights...and he gives the BEST great rune, no one else's compares.


Godrick is a hundred times harder with his undodgable attacks and utter lack of any kind of any discernable pattern, not mention his horseshit grab and burn attack. Margit just has obscenely delayed attacks that aren't even a little hard to dodge once you know to wait.


Are you by any chance fresh out of the Godrick fight and still a bit pissed? Cause he most certainly has no undodgeable attacks, and of course he has patterns that you can get a feel for if you pay attention. The required reaction time for his grab is relatively short but its still clearly telegraphed, and the flamethrower is pretty easy to dodge by running towards and around him when he charges it. This post over a year old, and I now consistently first try every required boss up until Morgot, but I personally still find Godrick a bit easier. None of them get a lot of hits in, but I still need to concentrate for Margits delays and be on my toes for his quick dagger throw, while Godricks moveset is entirely chill for me


Yes, I was lmao. Very pissed. He's dead now.


Congrats! That feeling when you finally kill a hard boss is so good, and none do it like FromSoft. Hope you'll continue to have fun, and don't forget: no enemy is impossible and you will succeed if you just don't give up!


Thanks! That's for sure; I'm absolutely addicted. This was my first FromSoft game and I kept track of the health bar bosses I killed and the list is 169 long now. Its's funny, I was furious about Godfrey on a fresh save after having already beaten almost everything out there, but that bastard still gets to me lol.


Margit IS much harder, his attacks are harder to dodge, and his second phase is a sick joke, the fuck you mean he's now gonna string the longest 4 move combo into like 2 more combos? Blocking the dagger does chip damage, rolling through it doesn't guarantee safety either, some of his attacks have a weird ass wind up time and one of it is literally a goddamn joke with his holding the stick over his head forever while we circle around, if we roll he'll track you and hit you It's a fun boss for sure, no doubt about that, but I fucking hate him, the way I beat him was randomly noticing on the right of entrance that you can summon someone, in my first try using the summon i almost killed him, second try failed, in the third try i used jellyfish as well, barely got through him and was able to widdle him down so low that he died to poison,I walked out with zero flasks and almost no health Margit legit took me over 50 tries, constant depression, exploring, coming back to get my ass kicked, running away again, dying alot, exploring, more leveling up, more ass kicking, more leveling up Beat him at level 26, confessor melee caster build Godrick? I got to his second phase in 3rd try lol, and I wasn't even trying, it was just a huge stamina management game, all attacks can be blocked and guard countered, his storm overhead smash is literally free hits as you can just walk beneath it (experience with guardian ape throwing shit at me I guess?) And as for the second phase, it's a bit more difficult but you can literally roll through his fire and get in easy hits, no need for summons, easy solo, got him on my 5th try, same level 26


I also think same, what helped me with margit is using both shield and dodge, earlier I did not prefer shield here and dodge for the major predictable moves, for godrick also I used shield which might have had made it easier.