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Rennala is a joke of a fight regardless of your build, even int can just equip some random melee weapon and kill her. The hardest part of the bossfight is all the bugs it has.


Literally killed her, well, atleast dropped her health bar to zero but she kept floating around the room while I got hit by books


i disagree shes always casting and constantly jumping away from you. most frustrating fight by far for me and it doesnt help that there isnt a grace point very close to her


She's stupidly easy. Just dodge her slow spell attacks and rush attack her




Who? Might fight was either glitched or i just spammed so much that she couldnt escape




Why lie in giving my heart out over here


I mean… a +13 powerful weapon, a +4 summon for distraction and damage, a powerful weapon art AND you used a grease buff? Of course it’s going to be easy. Like she’s not the hardest fight in the world, but obviously you’re going to steamroll her doing all that. EDIT: This isn’t a knock at your playstyle at all! But throwing everything but the kitchen sink at most bosses makes them a joke.


It's just that I did the same against Radahn and many other bosses. Rennala just seems to be incredibly weak against physical. Best this is I happened upon this build almost by accident


I fought her at lvl 110 after Caelid, Nokron and basically a lot of late game places during Ranni's quest, literally destroyed her in 10 secs with melee attacks. I think this is a very early game boss.


You are correct


rennala is supposed to be your 4th main boss fight


Late response but she's always been my third. It goes Marghit, Godrick, Rennala, no?


You forgot Red Wolf of Radagon before you reach her.


Shouldn't the Glintstone Dragon count? You can't enter Rays Lucaria without beating it.


you dont need to kill the dragon, you can grab the key and run away


Fair enough I guess. But I feel like that's quite cheap. Technically you can skip other story bosses too though.


Yeah, but I feel like by this point you’ve probably realized you shouldn’t fight big ass dragons because the last dude only used the head of a dragon and still kicked your ass (assuming this is your first play through).


In my first playthrough I wasn't exactly scared. I kicked Agheel's ass after all.


I fought her at lvl 46 and crushed her in 3 tries (just messed up timing on dodging her slow ass spells). Str build btw, i just rushed her


using a +8 claymore it was that easy too. Beat her first try just rushed to her and kept swinging, she got staggered so easily


that lion's fang though


She's a Mage, her sole strats rely on using spirits and spells to keep you away. Your job is just smash, regardless of class.


Fr when I beat her I just ignored her summons and rushed her to kill her fast


you guys are seriously over leveling fights and wondering why theyre easy lmfao


I just did the things I could do before entering the academy


i know im late but... first souls game, lvl 38 and killed her with twohanded bloodhounds fang+3 first try, she is objectively easy


Nightrider Flail is just that good. I also used it and absolutely destroyed her ass, even without summons of any kind


I swear to God she is easier than that crab and that robot with blades


Literally and neither are hard either


I fought her at lv 56 with just a lordsworn great sword +11 or 12 and that mixed with the talisman that makes jumping attacks better made me take like an eight of her health per hit. It seemed like it was too easy so I was either overlrveled or the boss is just that easy


I think a lot of people find her hard because she does do a lot of damage in phase 2 and its easy to get locked in it. But all you really need is to read the messages before the room. Seek rump


Yeah she does half my health with each hit but she has huge windows to heal so it wasn’t really a problem


The thing is her attacks are so slow idk how u dont just dodge them


I'm level 42 and just beat her with Bloodfang+3 on my first go, no spirit summons. Granted BB was my first game, so I have a tendancy to play From games hyper-aggressively as a result. I'm sure she's difficult if the flashy attacks in phase 2 cause you to panic and not stick close! They're easily avoidable if you do just that.


Yeah it would probably be challenging if you had no experience but if you know the series at all she is pretty par for the course


Think ur supposed to fight her around lvl 40 so yeah overleveled a lil


See this lets me know my weapons are WAAAY behind the curve of my level. +4 Glintstone Sword is my highest AR, followed by a +6 Longsword ugh...


Yeah I was wondering the same thing cause I came into her fight lvl 105 with a +9 grafted Greatsword


105 is like twice my level in that fight, where have you been to get such a high level?


There are some spots you can grind runes but what’s helped me honestly is fighting every boss I come across, especially dragons.


Guessing you've gone through dragonbarrow then?




Yeah I steamroller through the academy with the godslayer greatsword and decided to make the boss more fun by unequipping it and using a less powerful +8 weapon. I didn’t know what to do first phase and tried killing every single maiden until I got it. Even with this I still beat her first try no problem. It’s a shame cause the second phase arena looks really cool they could have made her magic harder to handle at close range


I just fought her at level 36 with a +3 Bloodhound's fang. Probably the easiest fight so far tbh.


it was too easy for me aswell. Claymore +8 and Oleg +3, i had more trouble with that wolf before rennala.


Are people seriously using summons in this game 🤣


I didn't use any summons in phase one and beat her 2nd phase 1st try, however her lingering magic balls killed me like a half second after I killed her, b4 (enemy felled) came up, fucking game made me do it over again! so technically 2nd try but it was easy both times, especially if u are aggressive and overwhelm her b4 she can get her magic off, and back away when the blue energy builds up around her. iv seen other ppl use torrent and try to keep their distance having a hard time. im pretty sure she is harder the more space u give her to do her magic.


I beat her second try, but only because I didn't realise that I was supposed to hit the crawling women with the golden glow around them I think she's easy because you don t actually kill her instead you just kinda hit her a bunch and take her great rune but honestly I'm still trying to wrap my head around the lore of this game lol It's my first souls game so I've been just levelling up and at level 60 rn, plus godricks rune I'm pretty decked but still having trouble a bit, but this fight was more of a fight against my stamina bar than anything Imo the knight just outside is harder than her


there is no way to die to a boss like that she is easy as fuck


there is no way to lose to boss like that, that boss is easy as fuck


I literally used a +1 bloody scimitar some magic armour and the +1 wolves and beat her on my first try you were very over prepared


Didn't prepare for anything. I just played the game and upgraded along the way


Damn i found this boss way too hard. I died 10 times and my only problem was second phase. I would get bombarded by many attacks while having dragon and ogre up (if she could have two summons up at once) am i the only one that found this hard?


She's weak to bleed, also outside the boss room there were messages that said "weakness rump" "attack rump" so I bled her ass


Idk, I used a level 105 character with plus 4 guardian spear


this bitch has killed me more times than any other boss so far, im doing plenty of damage, i just cannot for the life of me dodge her stupid attacks. everyone made her look easy and ive been stuck on her for hours only to get insta killed by her barrage. every time i get close enough to damage her she does a big AOE attack so i have to immediately roll out again. then ill go back in and she jumps away now im out of stamina and shes charged 3 spells. for christ sake how do i do this shit? no matter how many times i dodge her little shards they just turn right into me killing me.


I beat her first try. I had a +5 bloodfang and twinned armour set In the first phase i fked up by drinking all my cerulean tears instead of the crimson ones. In phase 1 i took one hit from rennala from the explosion as i just spammed the skill And in 2nd phase i summoned banished knight and exhausted all my so i couldnt even use the skill But it dosent matter cut i and the ash of war just beat her senseless in like 10 secs


Yeah she seems a lot easier than godrick, im using a +6 Winged Scythe and it only took like 3 attempts. Cool boss fight though.