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this game has a ton of bosses with genuine frame traps - if you roll one attack, you get caught by the next. i honestly have no idea what to do to avoid getting hit in these situations.


The trick is to abuse magic builds lol. Just chill 50 feet away and throw magic rocks


Yeah but a lot of us came into this game expecting to be able to .... y'know.... actually fight the bosses.


Might be a little late to this but all the sweeping attacks (tail) for godskin noble. You’re supposed to jump those attacks. Only rolling to dodge through this game is pretty difficult


You could go level up some more, do some people's quests, it is an open world game after all, if i cant beat something or someone I try until I get frustrated and then go level up and get stronger, there's plenty in The Lands Between to keep you occupied, I know it gets frustrating, so another option is to (if you really like your current build) write down your current build, go to Rennala and respec to suit that specific boss, and go back afterwards, I ws stupid and used all my larval tears on stupid build tests like how far will the bar go with 100 points in vitality, so unfortunately I can't do that anymore, but if you got larval tears you could try that too


You can, just dodge. They're not that hard, just gotta get used to timing


50 feet doesn’t mean shit to the Godskin Noble who can reach you from across a continent with his sword or just rolls for 2 minutes straight until he finally hits you


I know I'm super late to this but that's a mark of bad game design, if I didn't want to sue magic and I'm forced to use magic to beat the Godskin Duo (which IS a required boss to finish the game) then you have effectively told every single player that doesn't have a magic build that they are shit and that they can never be strong, because "magic is just inherintly beter." You're entirely invalidating an ENTIRE portion of the playerbase who wanted to fight the way they wanted to fight without having to subside to cheesing a boss. Godskin Nobles, and the Godskin Duo fight, are total and complete bullshit that need to be completely removed from the game.


I was joking homie. Ive beaten the game with both magic and melee builds.


Ohh, my bad. Sorry


No no, you are right, for a long time, i have play a intelligence build and i roll on the game. BUT!!!!! the moment i decide to play a faith build, im fucked! this goskin noble is unkillable as melee or faith without a sleep pot, i say it again, you don't have sleeping pot or your not a mage, well you cannot finnish the game!!!! From!!!! nerf the godskin at once!!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:rage![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Dude I have some bad news for you. Get used to seeing him more often lmao


Nooooooooooo bro :-( This is my first hard stop


What pls no I just beat him


Is that the fat white dude you fight on a bridge? If yes fuck him. I cheesed him with Rotten Breath.


I hate to tell you that my version was an actual boss with HP bar and everything..but someone else already let me know it becomes a common mob later on. Yikes. I think it's time to pull out the ol' Scarlet Rot..


Common mob?? Wtf i hope its not stronger then and dear god im not looking forward to the duo…


Probably already found out, but not common mobs at all, just reused bosses. For some reason, the one at the Lurnia tower is just unreasonably overtuned. Easily the hardest one and it only gives you like 4.8k runes.


Not common honestly, far as I know there’s only 4 of them and their partner Apostles (skinny stretchy man) each in the whole game. The worst ones are the last two who you have to fight at the same time


I’m stuck on there now, I had to turn the game off after 40 minutes of butting my head against a wall. Dude just ends the fight with those thrusts, and if that doesn’t kill you, his roll will. Really frustrating fight.


What pisses me off about this enemy and a lot of the later game bosses and mobs is that they NEVER STOP FUCKING ATTACKING. The openings become so short playing melee builds becomes an exercise in extreme monk-like patience. You gotta enter a trance state to R1 every 3 minutes x 500 to beat one of these fuckers.


Absolutely i cannot understand how people think this is fun shit dark souls could be easy at times but this shit is just not fun.




Oh, you got love tapped by an Erdtree Avatar? No prob, we'll just get up before he— Oh shit, he's hitting me again. And yep, you still can't get up. And there's hits 3 and 4, while I'm stunlocked, and can do literally nothing. I mean... Come on. At this point, the target player is one who "loves how much it sucks." ​ At what point do we just call this "lazy development." ?


Hahahaha, of all the bosses you’re trying to argue that the Erdtree Avatar is too complex?


I know I’m late to this, but I had to say that you completely missed the point. It’s not that they’re too complex, it’s that the moment you get hit you’re basically stunlocked and can’t do anything but die.


You cannot get stunnlocked by the avatar when you just bress circle to roll after he hits you, he is unbelievable slow. But like the Godskin noble, or the soldiers in castle sol, they have ridiculous endgame speed. I like that tho, but the noble is definetly not fun anymore and badly designed.


Lol you maybe think all the avatars are the same? For a newer player, they get hilariously outgunned by the one in dragonbarrow.


That has no bearing on his complaint that the erdtree avatar’s combos can somehow stun lock you to death? It’s like he doesn’t know you can roll when you’re on the ground


I entered the fight, got him to half health n died. I was like "he isn't that bad, I got em this time." Well about an hour of bashing my head against the wall, I ended up liking the fight.... besides that spin attack. The only way I was actually able to avoid it was to stand behind a pillar as he went beyblade on it for 20 seconds straight. Terribly designed attack, other than that it was cool.


That spin attack is plain bad, the rest of him is enjoyable enough. After 10 deaths at least.


This is the case with several bosses. They're amazing but have at least one attack that just feels like garbage. It's like they went 5 percent too far on several bosses and a bunch of enemies. I'll be fine with there never being a teleporting enemy ever again. It adds nothing but randomness ava frustration.


I’ve had the Noble roll for an entire two minutes. It seems he won’t stop until he damages SOMETHING whether it’s you or a summon


I don't know about you but personally I'm loving being two shot in 0.5 seconds through walls by attacks I can't see. Its the most fun I've never had.


Lol. On my third play through I've figured out the huge disparity in how people feel about stuff. In my opinion the series simply doesn't work as well with an open world. You can end up insanely under leveled to the point where regular boss attacks one hit you. Add if you fully explore you end up insanely over leveled to the point it's so easy it's dumb. My first time I finished the game at like level 90 something. Every boss one hit killed me with several attacks. That would be reasonable if the mobs in the levels did enough damage to let you know but they don't. Stormveil was no problem all the way through at level 18-20ish. Then Margit one hit kill me with almost every attack. The bosses are not properly tuned compared to the levels they are in. My third time through I fully explored each zone. I got too the city at like level 130. It was so easy I beat the level without resting at a bonfire. The thing that makes the franchise amazing is how carefully designed and balanced everything feels. But ER fails at this because the open world means you can arrive at bosses at WILDLY different levels in a way you simply would not in any other of the games. I honestly think the game would have been better if enemies and bosses scaled at least a little to the player. They knew how powerful you would be when you fought Genichiro. They knew how powerful you would be when you fought Logarius. They have no idea how powerful you'll be when you fight Morgott. And it is very clear if you play a few times.


DUDE I'm at one of these guys encountering him for the first time at >!Volcano Manor!< This mofo is absolutely brutal. The one thing that gets me is the belly expansion followed by the spinny roll. Also the stamina damage?!?! I have had very little trouble with bosses up to this point... this guy is murdering me. RIP melee builds.


Hallelujah and amen brother, that's the one! Dude will spin literally forever until it hits you, and it WILL. I'm seriously considering respec to a mage build, since the whole "melee is old-fashioned" translates just as well to the PVP


Mage won't work you still die in 0.1 seconds after the boss breaks animation during a thrust and then rolls straight through a wall. https://youtu.be/HZaZWfyryFI


Did you beat him in thr end?


Oh yes, I actually beat him in the few tries after this post was made lol


Legend! How did you do it


This boss is everything wrong with Fromsoft design. If a regular feature of a fight is that I clip INTO THE CHARACTER MODEL AND VIEW HIM FROM THE INSIDE-OUT, that is poorly made.


I just had a run where i got him down to like 10% and then he did the spin and just got... hooked onto a pillar and wouldnt stop? So i sat waiting for it, and suddenly he spins 180 degrees, still spinning, and hits me for a one-shot


Yesss the Godskin Noble can literally spin 180 degrees on a dime while keeping momentum, it's ridiculous


Yeah. I eventually managed to kill him but like, I died at least 3 times to “sike, instakill spin”


You did well then!




Exactly. Wtf


I'm fucking tilting so hard I got him down to one hit and fucker pins me into a corner and penetrator me with the rapier burst fire move


The roll is the only thing that I think absolutely needs a nerf. I haven’t been able to roll out of the way properly once, I’m concerned that attack’s hit box might actually have an issue.


Here late the absolute dumbest fucking thing is the dumb fucking lip you can't fucking step up. It's literally the worst thing in the stupid boss. The fat roll 2nd biggest load of shit.


I fought the super buffed up version in Caelid divine tower and it for me like 6 hours to kill it with 24 vit. He's a lot easier to deal with it you use the brass shield as everything is blockable besides his hook thrust reverse thrust combo.


He can brake out of the spin to do any attack and then instantly go back to spinning. Most broken attack in ER by far


I still don't get why they gave the Noble a rapier. I don't care if it's a "heavy" rapier, an elegant thrusting weapon does not compliment this type-2 motherfucker's design. Like, there's a Godslayer Greatsword they could use which fits better, but nope they use rapiers. Aren't rapiers supposed to be fast but low-damage, with their speed and range being the best part of the weapon? This asshole has the speed and range, but the damage of a slower ultra-heavy weapon which just doesn't fit because it is *a* *fucking rapier.*


I managed to beat him after like 20+ tries but yeah that 2nd phase is rough and spirit ashes dont do much either


What I've noticed is that it's more likely to use the flame at his feet when you summon spirit ashes. They just don't have enough time before they're cooked. 20 tries for me too, and I only won because I got pissed and grinded some levels.


The roll attack is bad DS. It’s the only Souls boss attack I can think of that isn’t avoidable in some way. I expect a nerf.


i got VERY lucky on the bridge one beacuse he managed to roll himself off the bridge XD


I wish this would happen for me, my first encounter with him there right now and I can’t get him lower than 1/2 health..


I hate the spin attack it lasts too damn long. I was summoned to help some dude and I was drawing the aggro of the noble. The guy was a mage so while I was dodging the nobles fat rolling attack it was like not stopping for a solid 15 seconds until he lost interest in me and zooms over to the host and one shots him like... come on from soft how is that fair? An attack that REQUIRES you to get hit to stop it? Because I've only ever seen that stopped if it connects with someone. Otherwise he keeps rolling. Just nerf the length of that attack there's no need for it to take 10 freaking years just rolling out of the way while his fat ass moves like a 0-turn lawnmower


Boss two shots me in 0.5 seconds. Second hit is unavoidable if the first hits. Plus he can hit me through walls. Honestly failing to see the point of needing a perfect game against every boss or you just die. I spend most my time in boss fights just running away praying I don't get stabbed in the back when I can't see anything. This experience isn't why I play games.


Can i also add part is when boss behind pillar, you can lose your targetlock on him. So you cannot correctly protect yourself when he comes out with another rapier attack? Or correctly target spells... One in Volcano Manor took me about 30-40 mins... But i am probably bit overleveled (but not overenchanced...)


Worst boss design in Elden ring, in second phase he hits me every time and can hit you through walls. Sorry that is so un fun.


72 year old grandma gamer here. just beat Godskin Nobel again. 3rd time. Using Bloodhound's Fang + 6. Throw a sleep pot/wombo combo/sleep pot /wombo combo/sleep pot and repeat until the defeat. This last time, the stress of trying for the 7th time almost made me cry. Then I said to myself f%@k the loss of Trina's Lilly, LET'S DO THIS!!! And, it happened....Thank you God, because it's too hard to play without the 7


I fucking hate them, I just cheese them with my pulley crossbow and bleed bolts


I'm about to pull the ol' OP summon on him


Which one


I know it's too late. But using the Buckler Parry breaks his stance in one parry and you can hit a critical and a heavy wake up move before he attacks again. After thats its rinse and repeat. Makes it a lot easier and helps learn his moveset


I'm doing the godskin duo as a furled finger and I am a melee build, I can handle the fas shit solo, it's not impossible, he's a huge tank of a guy, why would you think he'd have much of a breakable poise? these two are about timing, not unga bunga, if you can't switch up your playstyle and adapt then the whole point of any souls-like are lost on you, and no, I'm not an OG fan, I'm just not a brainless caveman "wail on em until dead" fool, when will you children stop throwing your rattles out of the pram when things are not going your way? when will you treat the videogame like a videogame? ADAPT YOUR PLAYSTYLE ACCORDING TO THE ENEMY TYPE, I'm not saying respec, I'm not saying go quality if you are strength or visa versa, I am simply saying do what you are supposed to do and LEARN. LEARN the attack patterns, LEARN the timings, LEARN a different STRATEGY and most important, LEARN that FS pushed multiplayer a little more in this game and DESIGNED SOME OF THEIR BOSSES WITH THAT IN MIND, WITH THE PURPOSE OF PUSHING JOLLY CO-OPERATION. THIS IS NOT DEMON SOULS, DARK SOULS OR BLOODBORNE, it is a NEW IP that is a culmination and MIX of their previous works, therefore SOME CORE MECHANICS BE PRESENT, but ultimately, WILL WORK SOMEWHAT DIFFERENTLY. the quicker you get over it, the quicker you will get used to it, the quicker you get used to it the quicker you will leave time and space open for your brain to concentrate on a new strategy, and then a new one, then another new one, until YOU FIND THE ONE THAT WORKS. crying about hardship has never helped anyone, adapting to it is the key, it's a real life lesson that FS has endlessly been trying to teach us, some of you just refuse to see the bigger picture because you're too busy concentrating on the negatives. FOCUS UP my friend, and you'll eventually make that journey to Elden Lord a lot more easier and accomplishable, now GET OUT THER AND FIGHT FOR IT. edit: one thing I was meaning to say was that there is ONE thing that's BS about the Noble (bigger guy) in the duo fight in CFA, and that's the way he can be doing that already stupid as hell rolling attack, stop mid animation to either call re-summon his partner or to use a different attack, then INSTANTLY be in that animation again, you think it's over so you go in for a hit, then suddenly BOOM you're being rolled over by a thousand ton truck without any kind of warning, it's literally finish poking with sword, 0 - 100 rolling attack in just a few MILLISECONDS. This is the sole reason (today) I came online looking for god skin complaints as that one is actually a legitimate reason to complain, that move is broken as hell and even under normal circumstances 99% undodgeable, there's absolutely no excuse for us to have to get hit twice because he can instant sonic roll faster speed of light.


Dude it's dark souls 4. Stop. Please. It's literally dark souls 4. A ton of enemies actually have the exact same animations and rigs. The tree avatars are a dark souls 1 boss. Nobody is unable to beat the boss. It's not about things being impossible, it's about them being annoying. As to the whole "it's a new IP" that's just a patently absurd take. Even BB was still basically souls. Sekiro was actually a new andc different game. Bloodborne had some small tweaks. ER is dark souls. It has all the same weapons with the exact EXACT same move sets. It has the same armor sets. It has the same stats. It has the same status effects. It's the same game but open world with a far less carefully balanced combat system. Much of it Isa good as ever but some of it is quite clearly badly balanced. Godskin Noble is absurdly over tuned when you first encounter him at the divine tower. To the point that it feels like he was placed there when the game was differently paced. Almost every player will meet him grotesquely under leveled for the encounter and most will ride past him after realizing it's just horse shit. The Godskin Duo is simply a dreadful boss for solo melee players. It's entirely random with both being fast, both having ridiculous AOE's, both having extremely cheap range that's so unintuitive it doesn't even make visual sense. It's a bad boss. Nobody actually thinks it's good the most you'll see is "It's not that bad*. Those people are wrong. They're right that it's beatable but it is that bad.


Proceeds to rag on everyone complaing about spinning  move, then complains about spinning  move....🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Weird that I never specifically mentioned the spinning move at all before the edit, my rant was not about that, it was about the general unga binga type whining and complaining about boss difficulty having obviously no real attempt to adapt and adjust. The rant was also not specifically about OP's post for this thread, but a culmination of all the Reddit posts I've seen that do the same thing. I see many valid complaints about this and other games, and there are/were legit issues to complain about. But there are just as many if not more Redditors who are simply single minded, one trick ponies who wouldn't know how to access a secondary though process if a freaking gun was held to their left eyeball, these are the people who post the most, these are the people who are teaching younger "online" society that, not only is it ok, but also preferable to complain and act first then ask questions (that they wont accept an answer for) second (or more to the point, last, these are the same people (outside of greedy corporates) that are killing civilized society. Kindness is always the best first choice, but sometimes, some people need to be told aggressively.


If he rolls go back to begining door to left and he will just roll off


As someone who fought Malenia over 200 times I can wholeheartedly say that that fucking roll is harder to dodge than Malenia's waterfowl dance.


Boss is manageable, excluding the roll attack. That shit is unfair. He sometimes rolls to no end.


I dont think it need nerf. Just need to be removed. This is fromsoft first huge game, so its nornal its hard for them to fill the gap to ensure the game isnt barren and empty. But thats why fromsoft seems put another low quality boss, aside from literally most basic design, it also has many cheap pacing as its doesnt follow the standart speed of elden ring. And the fact the game js so big they need to put this guy on many different place multiple times. Wish they improve for upcoming game. Repetitive boss and low quality boss is one of the greatest flaw of fromsoft


Saw this post because god damn I fucking hate this stupid noble. I Can kill the apostate no worries but the noble and his laggy ass bullshit rolling move makes the fight damn near impossible. Even with summons I just get trapped in a fucking corner with him just continuing to roll over my body


Just battled this son of a bitch. Took me 6 tries and I'm way over leveled with a +9 moonveil. I could always get him down between 5-15% HP and he pulls some 7 hit combo out of nowhere and I just can't roll fast enough in that armor. So I switched my armor to something lighter, trading defense for speed and used Lhutel +5 instead of my wolves and FINALLY managed to get him. Lhutel is such a fucking beast of a summon. She kept aggro and allowed me to proc bleed and then I just ran and spammed glintstone pebble and transient moonlight. The roll never really bothered me, just stand behind a pylon or bait him to roll into the corner. Toughest fight of the game so far for me besides Draconic Tree Sentinel. It was so hard I had to come look it up just to see what the consensus is 😂 glad I'm not alone in thinking this was super hard.


i know im really late to this but on the off chance it helps anybody out the sleep pots are really handy against that fat fuck


This Godskin Noble in the Cave behind a Stone key fog wall ant the mountaintop of the giants is ridiculous. I beat the bosses in this game fairly easy but this dude has nothing to do with skill. Normally you learn the boss movement and after a few tries your mastering the dodges like a king. But he is so bad designed, nothing of his shit is predictable and nothing of it makes sense, his rolling attack is pathetic and his cringe rapier combos that change mid combo to another pattern is dumb. Don't like bosses that don't go with your skill but with cheese or magic only. No boss like him


git gud bro


worst boss ive ever fucking fought in a game. nothing to do with skill its just fucking terrible


I’m currently fighting the one at volcano manor at leve 120 and getting shit on constantly I can get hi to half health then the fucking roll and rapier fuck me


Why is everyone saying hes super weak to sleep??? I landed 5 sleep pots on him and still he didnt go to sleep??????????


Lol I can't believe someone actually made a rant about this boss.


Hell yeah brother! I was fuming when I first faced him, remember this was in the 1st week of release and there was no other place to shit on this boss' existence. I'm used to sticking boss butt from Dark Souls, but that just doesn't go in Elden Ring anymore. And the douche noble is the best example as he punishes that playstyle viciously.


supposed toi block the roll i guess


He’s not even a good boss, just has that goddamn spin attack.


Torrent helps and the target on the roll is you in a straight line. Get up of the stairs that stick out on the side of the bridge and he keeps filling into the side of them trying to get at you. Fight is a breeze after that. Took 20 deaths to figure it out thouu


I've got some bad news about other locations where you'll fight this godawful thing...


EDP boss fight


To begin, fuck this clown. Ridiculous. I’m on the bridge against him. Haven’t beaten him yet, but having decent luck with Stars of Ruin while I stay a little in front of him on Torrent. Since they seek their target, you can be straight up riding away from him and every blast will fly backwards and connect. It’s like taking out a train with a BB gun, but I’m at least getting somewhere. Does anyone have a fix for a astrologer build?


Nope I don't. You just get rolled into and die or stabbed through a pillar. Or both 0.1 seconds apart before you can tell what's happening. https://youtu.be/HZaZWfyryFI


Evrrytime I die against him it takes me all the way to the beginning


I just bumped into him yesterday and became one of the 36.7 players to get the achievement... he was hands down the worst boss I've encountered so far and I performed a tripple hi-5 boogiewoogiemoonwalkdoublefistpumparoony when I finally got him (thank you mimic) in all fairness, I think i got lucky to beat him (did use a blood weapon, as did the mimic) as it didn't feel like I strategized or tried something new, just charged in for the 50th time and he went in the first 60 seconds.


It just pulls half its attacks out its ass and the heavy lunge clears half the fucking arena, i do not accept being hit four pillars away by something clearing 80 percent of my health


Soo hear me out get the rot dog and rot breath and get the dog to aggro him proc rot breath on him until hes rottedx3 and then run around use the pillars and wait for him to go roly poly and at the end of the roly poly go all in on him i used bloody slash and it took 25% of his health and then heavy jumping attack and 2 slashes and it took 45% of his health soo there are multiple ways to cheese him.


Another way is to just run around the pillars in a figure 8 and slash him one time and run especially when he goes roly poly then he will clip the walls and look dumb as hell.


If he slams just back off then you free to combo like 4 hits or two abilities


I'm kind of new, but I just beat him after getting my moonveil to +9 because I'm shit and was level 60. 1. Was I overpowered or underpowered 2. Is morgott harder or easier than that chubby bastard


What'd you find out about your last question?


This was ages ago and 1. From memory I quit a few weeks after posting this 2. I have no clue but I think I got powerful enough to cheese morgott so it wasn't hard


I am pissed of. You have to face godskin nobel 4 fucking Times. I have broke 2 fucking controles meting this guy


Ive gone through 3 controllers and a 55 inch tv and I still havent kill this motherfucking piece of shit


Fromsoft. Why do you do this stupid shit?
