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He's a quick boss with some unusual moves and a very hard hitting attack. As he can be faced really early, people who go straight to him are probably going to struggle. Think pinwheel from DS1, a hard fight at the start, a joke by the time you normally get there I managed first go but I still took a few big hits, but I also used a big heavy weapon so was able to stun him out of a lot of moves.


Was very difficult for me, until I found a comment on youtube saying you should use the whip you get earlier in the same place. The whip makes the boss easy mode because it staggers him with every hit.


I never found this weapon, it’s in the castle you say?


Yes, i don't remember where exactly though. Not out of the way or anything.




Nah, it's even later, directly at the bonfire before the boss in the rat room.


This, it's in the room where you have to fall down with the 2 jumpers and like 3 rats


It literally doesn't though. Just tried it.


It do


summon the jelly fish summon and use whip, use edgar as well. it's one of the easiest fights in the game if you do this.


This is the way


Oh man, thanks for this. Wouldn’t have figured it out without you.


I'm level 40 and have probably tried about 50 times and he's just too relentless (playing melee). Even with summons. I honestly can't do it, so i've given up :( EDIT: I tried for the 51st time with a lot of hatred in my gut for this bastard and got him! I used the spirit jellyfish, when the jellyfish attacks with his ranged, the aggro switches to the jellyfish, so it distracts Leonine who wanders over to the jellyfish switching from you. Use that chance to throw a few fire pots (he seems weak to fire?) and get any ranged attacks you have, or a heavy attack in melee. Keep trying!


Bro thanks. Was using wolves this whole time, switched to jelly fish and bam easy


All my summons are greyed out saying i cant use them


Probably depends when you go there. I went there relatively late and won him on the first try.


Yeah I guess, I’m level 29 and have relatively crap armour but I guess my level helpped


Yeah I just found him at level ten lol and killed him after a couple attempts so he’s not too had


It also depends on if you can stagger him or not.


I went there very early on as an Astrologer. To date, it has been the hardest fight, simply because Leonine is relentless with his gap closing. As I couldn't kill it in 2-3 casts of Rock Sling (I didn't have it then), I actually had to learn his patterns and cast during the very brief moments of respite I got. Still one of my favourite fights - everything else just dies when I wave my staff at it.


He was hard for me one-on-one, but spirit summons made it really easy


Yeah they helpped me a tiny bit but got wrecked pretty quick, I took over 3/4 health off him


Yep, spirit ashes is this game's easy mode.


I found him very hard until I realised you need to be aggressive. I played too carefully in the beginning of the game. He doesn’t have that much hp but he hits fast and fucking hard. Until I learned that it’s easy to stagger the guy with straight up aggression. If you do, he isn’t able too do much back to you.


Pretty late, but same for me. Was getting desperate, but the very first attempt I just didn't give a shit a started being very aggressive I killed him. Ofc that doesn't mean I traded hits with him, I was around level 15-20 deprived with unleveled vigor, I literally couldn't afford to do it.


That was my technique, light weight to be quick and plenty of stamina, then he was a breeze


Yeah. The fight is completely different though if you play defensive. It’s hard as balls. I think the boss is there to teach you this. If you were already doing it, he’s not that hard.


That seems to go for most bosses in this game. Ur rewarded for being aggressive and attacking when there's an opening in their attacks


He becomes a fucking pest in the late game when he's a basic enemy.


>when he becomes a basic enemy. Excuse me, WHAT??


He does? I'm not that far into the game and your comment scared me really fucking bad


This motherfucker took at least a year off of my controllers expected lifespan


I must suck ass cause I’m lvl 35 and he literally rapes me in like 10 seconds I can’t even move away from him


I'm playing as a prophet so I've been using very light armor and he's been very difficult. I used radagons soreseal to buff my stats and allow me to equip a great sword. I put on my heaviest armor and equipped the bloody slash ash of war to the Great sword. I summoned a group of demi humans at the beginning to keep him distracted then I got close and repeatedly heavy attacks and slashes for the win.


Omg your comment has me screaming lol. He rapes you? Haha


Same bro lmao sodomizes me


I thought he was hard solo, at a level around 15-20, but killed him second time with the NPC.


I couldn’t find where to summon him haha he’s my fave lol


Where do you summon him?


You probably found the answer after 2 years lol but just in case anyone else is wondering: you first need to deliver the letter from Irina to him, he's on one of the castle towers. Afterward his summon sigil is to the left of the misty door leading to Leonine.


I've heard a lot of people finding it really easy with certain summons. I struggled a little bit, but haven't used any summons yet, mainly because I've not looked into them enough to know how they work properly haha


Oh I just tried each one in a battle and realised which the best were gaha!


The trick to this fight is to have a weapon that staggers him. Stagger? He litteraly can't move. No stagger? Endless combos you can get one or two light attacks in every 20 seconds. It's night and day and honestly feels busted.


Well if people are saying it was one of the hardest bosses then they probably struggled right? Keep in mind different builds and play styles and different levels people are at make for different challenges.


Yeah everyone struggles at different things hence me asking if I was the only one to find him this easy.


You’re just way better than everyone else


Forget healing on this one.


First try at level 29 and a good halberd. He does mess you up quick though with 18 vigor. I then cooped and helped folk and flayed him alive.


Yeah he seemed like he could give issues but I didn’t have hardly any




It's loreful, they used to be servants who were probably whipped.


He's hyper aggressive with bs combos but if you use a big weapon he just gets deleted like a normal mob since he can't even start up any combos. Kinda a gimmick fight.


god damn it I tried every strategy here and lost. put a claymore on and it was done in seconds...


I think he would be a lot harder if you're using a weapon that doesn't stagger. When I hit him with the great axe, it always staggered, and that meant I could interrupt any of his combos by smacking him and then simply roll away.


This made me completely rethink my approach, thanks! I tried the fight with a Claymore instead of a long sword and he became WAY more manageable.


I just solo'd him last night. It took me 50 tries at least I think, but he's only the third major boss I've fought. I'm doing a strength/faith build and started as prophet. The fire incantation does really good damage to him, so it was a matter of learning when to dodge and which of his attacks I can follow up with my own. It was an incredibly satisfying fight once I got the rhythm. I will say that if I was just a regular sword guy, that it would've been hell at my level. None of my melee weapons did enough damage to make that fight realistically doable.


Killed him first try on a strength build around level 40. Felt a little too easy for a great enemy since basically every hit from my Knight's Greatsword staggered him, but I'll take it.


I just had this same experience. He staggered on basically every hit and with the wolf summons he got distracted a fair amount. Level 43. I think I was higher level than they expect here, but still died to rats and the big guy outside who never staggers. https://youtu.be/dyyQUD1bO9U


Hard if it's ur first souls game and you go down there at the start of the game. He's easy if you're leveled up at all and know the basics


I played on steam deck and had to take a month long break because he made me mad. Now going back and playing on PlayStation (because I never finished steam deck save and it got deleted by little cousins) I beat him first try. Fire pots and Bloodhound’s fang, baby.


He was really hard for me, but from reading the comments I don't think I should be here at level 13. I did manage to get him once I learned his attack patterns. What I learned is that the heavy attack is really good on him.


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1413904287?fbclid=IwAR2DTxMjAu27USR0mEs9TOHn8TKyfOVnWlZjiHQctu4GupKcDG3wBs80atg&t=00h46m20s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1413904287?fbclid=IwAR2DTxMjAu27USR0mEs9TOHn8TKyfOVnWlZjiHQctu4GupKcDG3wBs80atg&t=00h46m20s) ​ I got him after I worked out his moves. I'm level 30 at the time though.


i went down there pretty early and was also using a smallish melee weapon and it was rough. i imagine higher level or with magic/some other ranged weapon or something like a spear or halberd he would've been a lot easier. he has really low health it's just he hits like a freight train sometimes you also just get lucky/unlucky though and the boss will either spam their worst attacks or not use them at all lmao


Do we have to do anything after him? It seems really anticlimactic to have nothing after clearing out the castle and fighting him.


No, literally just a mini boss then move on, think theirs some hidden items around the castle but other than that nothing


Thanks. That sword he dropped is the coveted sword they were guarding, but other than that it was a bit underwhelming.


Take the sword to the father in the castle


Wasn't he dead? Or is he the ghost in the cage? The only alive npc said everyone else was dead.


No he is on one of the ramparts. The front left one


I don’t understand just like you why some ppl say one of the hardest boss... I strongly disagree the big bear for example who’s not even a boss is harder... I got him first try no summon no nothing just uchigatana... for example Margit is way harder and he’s not a big of a deal.


It depends on your level and equipment. I used lone wolf ashes & flame sling and beat him my first try.


I found him fairly easy.. literally only a few seconds to kill when utilising Blood Slash.. seems he might be sensitive to that?


For my playthrough he was really tough. I'm playing thief with daggers so his poise being so low was irrelevant. Took maybe around thirty (maybe 40?) tries and after constant one shots (light armor and 11 vig) I just decided to parry him as it seemed the quickest way to end him. I was level 16. For what its worth, tons of the people who summoned me died pretty quickly. The only ones who did well were tankier builds. I'd say the easiest way to win this fight is to summon two heavy melee characters, everyone will just spam attacks and he'll be stunlocked for the entire fight.


Level 32, 1st try, didn't even hit me once. So far easiest boss o.O And I'm a casual souls player.


Went there early on and he destroyed me, came back at level 30, took like 10 tries. I just went real methodical, blocking, 1 slash at a time. Cool sword you get but I’m nowhere near strong enough to use it right now


Doing a bleed/hemmorage build and killed him on the first try at level 25(ish). Double uchigatanas with bleed on both made him a cakewalk, one of the easiest bosses so far tbh


I went there like 25 hours in, i'm a sorcerer build and i literally one tried him, surprised i got a steam achievement for it.


I beat him at level 22 and it took me like 3 hours haha


He's very fast and closes the gap quickly. I tried with a straight sword and shield at first but he kept breaking my guard. Eventually went in with a buckler shield and dagger and just parried him. Took a few parrys to put him down. Probably took me 10 tries in total. Definitely found him harder than Godrick


Im level 19 and it took me a good amount of tries but i didn’t find him particularly challenging. I used the wolf summon, spammed glinstone pebble, refreshed FP and spammed again, and then chopped em up.


I'm pretty early in the game, and I couldn't beat him until I got a second uchigatana (I play samurai) and then it was kinda easy. Honestly just find whatever weapon that staggers the most and it turns on easy mode, because if you manage to stagger every few hits, he can't do anything.


I beat leonine first try when I summoned putrid corpses to take agro. I just used frenzied flame (I’m a level 45 frenzied flame build) spells and it annihilated his health.


Overleveled + spirit ashes + spamming high damaged range attack. You played on easy mode


Not neccessarily. I was running a Level 28 Samurai with Uchigatana +3 and had no sheilds from what I remember,but I did get hit a few times here and there. It just depends on your playstyle and experience with overall Soulsborne games.


I have just started playing the game and I died many times there. I almost killed him, but then got unlucky and died. I tried power hit and I noticed that he can be staggered. Then I killed him on first try. I was thinking should I not kill him like this, but then just killed him, because I already learned how to fight against him and it would be just matter of time, if I would have killed him the way I started. Really nice boss in my opinion. Like Gael in DS, but this seemed more challenging, if it would have not been possible to stagger him. I am not been impressed by this game, but this boss woke my interested a little bit. I don't like the open world compared to DS more closed world.


what’s this about summons? i can’t summon anything


Okay, now let me preface this by saying I have literally 4 days of game time into this game and still have no idea what I am doing. I recently beat Godrick and that's as far as I've gotten in the story. I am full blown trash at this game. I just beat Leonine in 4 hits. I googled it and everyone is saying he is the hardest boss in Limgrave. Idk if this is a joke or not. But I dusted him so quickly. Literally didn't let him swing once. I am level 51 and almost all of my levels have gone into strength or attack or whatever. I just use a sword with two hands. I never use magic.


Your build is just a perfect counter to him. But yeah he's kind of gimmicky, you see that huge health bar that comes up for every boss and think this will take ages but he actually doesn't have much health at all.