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I would highly highly suggest getting that special ability that makes you teleport dodge. It’s so fast and has a much larger I-frame. It’s pretty easy to get since the horse bosses aren’t all that hard. You can even cheese him if you want.


Magma Wyrm is super easy. I did both of them. The first one took some effort due to the confined space in a mine, but the second one was just easy. 1. He does the running and spilling lava 3 times changing direction. Don't go near him while it is happening but whack him when he finishes number 3. 2. Not intuitive but stand in front of him and hit the head. Deals more damage and makes it easier to react to his attacks. Attacking his back or sides makes everything more difficult. 3. I don't use shield or parry so I rely on mid rolls. Worked for Wyrm by always rolling towards him.


I've encountered him 3 times already. 3rd time is not simple


Yes lol, that boss arena was pure cancer.


It’s really annoying when he one shots me with every attack and at most I’ll do 20 damage a hit (level 50)


Old post but I'm lvl 50 too and doing 400-600 dmg a hit, might need to upgrade ur weapon


Hoefrost stomp


No idea what that is.


[https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hoarfrost+Stomphttps://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hoarfrost+Stomp](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hoarfrost+Stomphttps://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Hoarfrost+Stomp) Be warned, once you start hoarfrost stomping bosses the game becomes a bit trivial.


A weapon art in liurnia


Huh, I didn't have too many issues with magma wyrm. I think the best advice I can give is to toggle targeting during this fight (and all really big boss fights) instead of keeping the lock-on for the whole fight. I'm not really sure what to advise otherwise, as in my experience his attacks were pretty slow and well telegraphed.. are you sure the tutorials you've seen are over-levelled? Maybe you're under-levelled and should come back later. What level are you?


One guy had dual katanas and killed it very fast, another had a greatsword which did loads of damage. One tutorial seemed okay but the guy just seemed to be good at the game and didn't explain anything.


One guy had dual katanas and killed it very fast, another had a greatsword which did loads of damage. One tutorial seemed okay but the guy just seemed to be good at the game and didn't explain anything.


What level and build are you, and which version are you fighting?


The one that drops moonveil, I'm about level 40 have 30 Dex 20 strength and a +7 katana.


With those stats, your vigor must be super low. You’ll need to start heavily investing into health. Everything in this game hits friggin hard, and it’s only going to get worse from here. He will slaughter any weak ashes that you summon, so you’ll just have to learn to avoid his attacks and try to chip away at him with bleed procs. If you play on PlayStation, I could try and help this afternoon.


You're supposed to have 30+ vigor for the area you're in, what's your vigor?


It literally doesn't matter, I use healing potions way too fast anyway so the vigour matters way less than the fact I'm not able to avoid the attacks. But yeah 25.


Pretty much every big monster enemy in this game just straight up cannot hit you from behind. I think he is weak to heavy attacks, If I remember I broke his poise like 2 or 3 times during a regular battle. Just keep at it he's not that bad and use those summons if you need to, who cares when "~~veteran~~ bad" souls players think!


Except the 360° spin attack which I can't seem to dodge and the ground slam.


Gotta roll towards the tail in that move. A lot of boss moves are easier to dodge if you roll into it rather than away from. Seems counter intuitive, but it actually works. For the magma move, that was the hardest for me as well. Just gotta watch him closely and run like hell when he is doing it. Personally I find this boss easier to fight from the FRONT rather than the back. Since most of his indicators for what move he’s gonna do are easier to interpret there.


I tried standing at his frond and randomly get his by his weapon on some of the attacks


With AOE attacks it’s best to dodge roll in or out, and not side to side. Enemies are designed to have attacks to counter rolls. Also it’s possible you have to much equipped and are fat rolling which significantly reduces your i frames when rolling.


stick to its tail


get a 100 physical negation shield, stay on the left side, and when he turns his head to spit, target the head and jump attack until he tries to swipe with his sword or tries his AOE ground slam


For anyone who is looking this up, the problem this guy was having (and I had), is that this boss is resistant to slash damage. Rocky enemies are resistant to slash damage, and the uchigatana, which he and I were using, primarily deals this type of damage (the exception is the heavy attack, which deals pierce damage). Anyone struggling in the same way should switch out their weapon. I ended up using a tarnished knight halberd +8, which edgar the revenger drops, but any weapon that is moderately leveled and deals something other than slash damage will work.