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Idk what you're talking about, i can barely touch him with all the shit going on around him and the camera being awful. ​ If you used ranged cheese then yeah, most bosses are stupidly easy, as a full melee player it's being a nightmare to even get a few hits in.


Bruh idfk what to do. His attacks are frustrating. Get underneath him to melee him but then you have the red lightning target on you. Then when its gone and u have a chance he does some other absurd bullshit. Only fight so far thats actually frustrating me


I beat him first try. Strength build with +10 bloodhound, just made a beeline for him and hacked his legs till he died


This is literally the best strategy. The camera is fucked in this fight and you're better off just rushing his back legs and spamming R1.


I dropped bleed because it felt really op with the bloodhound fang, i beat him yesterday after like 7 or 8 tries with double spear


yeah that's fair enough. I feel like the sheer strength of bloodhound + bleed is counteracted by the slow speed of the weapon. if you're fighting a particularly nimble enemy they can often dodge or attack you by the time you've managed to complete a swing


Melee fighting the lichdragon was a wash. I'm going through as a Strength + Int build. When I decided I was done missing with jump attacks I just started using Vow of Destruction (Ash of War on the Ruins Great sword) to give myself a chance. Your probably done by now... but for future tarnished doing melee builds in this fight; equip the Lighting resistance and non physical resistance Talismams.


you just reminded me about those talismans.. thanks


My idiot self didn't even think of these talismans! Thank you!


Hey I’m Coming up on her so thanksn


I thought it was mostly smoke and mirrors, the cloud of crap doesn't do sht and the lighting hits are spread out so I thought it was easy to run around them. I died a couple of times using lock on because you can't lock on his legs for some reason or at least I couldn't so I kept aiming at his head or body which makes the camera a total mess under him so all I did was not lock on- Anyway all you have to worry about under his legs is his shockwave which you just roll over and him ocassionally flying away I thought his moveset was pretty basic and predictable.


I first tried him pure melee no summons no bloodhound running a Golden Halberd. It was a little tight, but I found him disappointingly similar to regular dragons, which I had loads of experience fighting. He only has like two or three unique attacks, and by that point, I had enough estus to eat them and still win. Seems like it'd be a rough SL1/hitless thanks to the mess of interlocking attacks splattering the arena, but if the goal is just to win, he seems like a pretty low hurdle, at least for a lategame boss that has an ending locked behind him.


Maybe I was overleveled but he wasn't too bad for me as a melee build. I just hid under him most of the time and ran away when it seemed like he was charging an attack


Just bleed and jump attack. It's really not hard. A majority of us actually want his health pool and phase 2 transition buffed.


Disappointingly easy? Yeah try a fucking melee build.


I was mostly a Melee build (mostly used my incantations for buffs), I had my longbow on me and figured I should keep my distance as much as possible so I didn't get Midired over and over.


Melee at least with a str build with greatsword was mega easy. But then I'm taking chunks off his health at a time.


He died in less than 2 minutes.. full melee build with dragon breath mixed in.


Lol how is mixing dragon breath in "full melee"?


Dude, I can literally stay in your face and take the hit. Stop crying and pretending that dragon breath has same range as *kamehameha.* I can most likely do the same without the breath in a whim. Sucks to suck, buddy..


Hahaha what kind of a response is this? I killed this Dragon with a full melee build, meaning NO SPELLS, not Dragon breath, weeks ago. All I asked is how you can use spells and still claim "full melee" you spazzy virgin.


And here is the hero of the internet, pure keyboard warrior calling someone a virgin :c


You came in here with the insults and trash talk ya goon. Get a life. Touch some grass. Or ya know, find another 5 day old post to brag about your prowess in a video game by attacking strangers with insecure "git gud" insults


I think most people would consider melee only to mean no ranges attacks or offensive spells.


5 month but i beat him on my second try with dual bleed lordsworn straight sword.just don't lock on and hit his feet a few times.


pretty sure 96 is over leveled for lich dragon


Maybe, but I'll be honest Radhan was difficult for me and I needed to overlevel for him with a Dex/Faith build.


that's fair i beat radahn at 60 and then lich dragon was just a come back later fight cause everything was 1shotting me


i also found him to be too easy. ik he's not ridiculously far in the game, but he was definitely easier than lansseax. as an enemy needed for a specific ending, i wish he was at least twice as difficult.


Yeah, and seeing as how to get to him you needed to beat Radhan to get to him and with a title like "Lichdragon" I feel like he should be immune to poison damage with a high resistance to sorcery.


i had the mistake of using ezkyke's decay. he was dead before i could even restart. he only used his deathblight attack once at the very beginning for me, which was a severe disappointment. if his attacks left a trail of blight, that would have been awesome. i mean, he has red lightning shooting out of his eyes for goodness sake.


Damn wish I could have seen that, but I'm boring sniping him like I did.


Meanwhile I'm finding him to be absolutely maddening as a pure melee (longsword) character even at lv120. He's basically "what if Midir but his claw swipes have a weird lingering AoE that hits you after dodging them". The one time I tried going for his legs instead he just blasted me with top-down fire breath so I figured I'd keep trying to hit his head, but I'm just dying faster and faster now. I think I just got extremely lucky when I managed to bring him down to like 30% HP on my first try. Then I see stuff like people melting him down in 20 seconds with dual katanas which do 2x the damage to his legs than I can do to his head, lol. edit: nevermind I got him a couple tries later. Still tanking like hell and had to use 10 out of 13 flasks but whatever, it's done. Still the hardest boss so far by a significant margin though (aside from when I was trying to beat Margit without exploring much first).


He was pretty easy, but I also think I was rather overleveled for the fight


I might have been too, but to be fair in order to get to him you will need to advance Ranni's questline past Radhan so we would need to be overleveled unless we used sorceries


Eh, using NPC summons can make Radhan doable at a relatively low level


Depending on your build it is, if your doing a Dex/Faith build Radhan will be the bane of your Elden Ring Experience.


I want the drugs you're smoking


Did him first try at level 98 with a Moonveil +9 *cough*and a Mimic Tear +10*cough*… probably pretty overlevelled but I’m not great at this kind of game so meh Finding parts of him to hit was the only issue. Just getting in close down and dirty then rolling away in a panic to heal then charging back in, between me and the mimic the number of Moonveil R2s did for it


I just beat him on my second try at 75 with mimic tear +10 and bloodhound's fang +7. I'm not good at these kind of games either so I'll gladly use any tools the game gives me. The sword in particular has been carrying me through the game up to this point but I know it gets harder. The special attack on the sword is just great.


Just go for the back legs, always has been the best strategy on all Souls dragon bosses. Less damage, but less attacks to worry about.


is overleveled, uses range cheese and says its disappointingly easy - checks out


Just use bleed, frostbite and jump attacks with your melee shit. It's literally one of the easiest bosses in the game. I did it at level 67 with the starscourge sword with even overall stats, nothing was over 30. He needs a hp pool buff and a phase 2 rework.


I was having an annoying time getting him down with my melee build, but this post basically solved that. It solved it so efficiently that the fight kinda' seemed, as you said, disappointing. All the same, thanks for the tip.


You're welcome, the reason it was so disappointing was not only because this made it easy, but because I assumed it was immune to poison being a LICHDRAGON it being immune to the death status effect makes sense, but not being weak to poison doesn't especially since as I said before in order to get to him you have beat Radhan so I assumed he would have either a higher resistance or even outright immunity to poison, that and I forgot to stock up on regular arrows and didn't have any thin beast bones so I just went with the serpent arrows, Imagine my surprise when he got poisoned and it stayed for quite a while.


I was mostly disappointed with his moveset, I even tried to let him do something different before killing him for over 5 minutes but he did the same 3 moves...


Did his 2nd phase theme start playing or was it still in his first phase theme with the organ?


i beat him in like three swings of adula's moonblade n ranni's dark moon 😭😭😭 i feel like i missed out on this fight. i was over leveled at 116


He doesn't have any cool unique attacks really I don't think you missed out.


He has a 2nd phase where he starts using a lightning glave lol Assuming you didn't know about phase 2 cuz he died instantly?


says its easy while being over levelled and also ranged. This some weeb flexing contest


Hey, maybe you should look at some of the other comments I made, and to call this a weeb flexing contest is a little much, I was genuinely disappointed at how easy he is for someone you can only fight after Radhan.


He definitely has the right moveset for a big bad Monster Hunter boss, even has a bit of MH3U "Blast" going on, but surprisingly low hp and damage, and no beastmode second phase like Midir had. I mostly just hacked at his legs but the one time I got a jump R2 on his head it chunked him for like 15%


Agreed. I just reached Consecrated Snowfield and decided to go back and look at every quest line I've missed. Level 125 with Mimic +10, Tiche +9 and Bloodhound Fang +9. Expecting a rough fight but I felt ridiculously overleveled. Just rolled into him and hacked at his legs. His damage output felt low.


Finish the game and fight him ng+. Quite more fun.


Oh, any new moves or something?


Naah sadly no new moves but gets stronger every time.


Ah, well that's something at least


It wasn't an easy fight, on my STR+FAI build, but I killed it on the 4th try. Not using the camera lock made it slightly easier to follow the attacks he was performing while i was attacking his back legs.


Huh, I guess Dex builds have an easier time with Dragon bosses.


Plus bleed and frostbite


Level 105, Guts Greatsword. Second phase I just hit his legs as I couldn't find an opening for his head.


Just killed it within 5 seconds or something with terra magica + comet azur wtf is this? Yes build is op but they could have at least gave him a dodge while i was just standing and melting him.


I picked up the black knife before I went down and was having fun testing it out on the way there. Thought it would be gun to test it out on my first try and then Yeah, me and Tiche double teamed him so hard that we never saw the second phase. Hit him the the L2 and a handful of blood bugs and he melted. Kinda bummed. I'll have to give it a real shot next time. It was kinda fun melting an end game boss so fast ngl. Especially after beating my head against maliketh for an innumerable amount of tries and fucking off to do something else for awhile


Yeah, for an end-game boss he is rather easy.


Agreed. Wish it had a stronger health pool. Beat it on first try


I found a lot of the bosses in this game tough, but made quick work of him. My boy Midir trained me well 😁


yeah, but this dragon is just spectacle after Midir, when I saw the big arena I was hoping for another tough battle and got a nothing burger for my troubles.


Same, I was just about to start ng+ but wanted to make sure I beat every boss before doing so I went after him. His quest was pretty much for nothing, even though he did looked really cool. In fact he sort of reminds me of the dragon on the cover of Marduk's album Opus Nocturne


Yeah, he was way too easy. I literally sat and didn't attack him for several minutes just because I wanted to hear the entire theme play out. He needs a buff. Every single time I've fought him, I haven't been able to hear even half of his theme because he dies way too fast. The only time I heard it was the third time I fought him, which as I mentioned, I literally stopped attacking him just to listen to it. Each time has been accomplished with melee before anyone even mentions it, and it's never been in new game plus where my stats are all super high, and I've always fought him within a reasonable level and time frame. Like hardly further than the soonest you can fight him realistically. It sucks cause I love his theme and he's super cool, but for me, he is just way way way too easy, man.


Beat him first try not knowing anything by just simply spamming moonveil while my mimic tear distracts him


I thought the same thing, 2 tried him and was surprised about how people kept claiming that he was hard. I was using a dex melee build bleed build and didnt even get a bleed and still destroyed him


Too easy. Beat him first try on a Int/Faith build, using the dragon rot breath and Taker's Flame skill. Each hit with that skill did about 10% dmg to him. Bizarre boss.


"Too easy, I used a cheesy long range build to beat him."


Not really cheese if you can pull any ranged weapon and the boss just takes it without being aggressive. Any char can do it, heck pull out a crappy crossbow and he does nothing while you headshot him. I am tired of looking for ways to make this artificially harder. At this point it's on them for not making it adjust to ranged combat.


you probably justify rivers of blood and bloodhound step existing


I think I was overleveled. 143 powerstance Battle Hammer and Great Stars. No ashes, just some jumping L1's until dead. Beat him on my first try.


I straight up bonked him powerstancing ruin greatsword +9 and greatsword +16 Level 100 I think i used mimic tear too. Don't remember.


scarlet rot + bloodhound step... easy af close combat without bloodhound step...well its different story lvl 85 wep +12


I had such a hard time with Margot as a magic user, but Fortissax went down easier than any other boss I've played in the entire game. Maybe 5 rounds of star shower and he was done.


I used my strength/dex/arcane samurai with w/maxed Rivers Of Blood and Mimic Tear. Ripped through him in a matter of maybe 45 seconds with staying near his legs and slicing away. Corpse Piler helped, and use a lightning negation talisman.


I had Frostbite Rogier's Rapier. The dragon was so stupidly easy to kill, I didn't even see the attacks it was delivering. Whoever designed the dragons in this game should probably just leave From Software. DS3 balanced this out by increasing armor on their lower bodies. In Elden Ring, apparently wherever you attack the boss it's all the same. Only the ranged players will see the boss's move sets, melee players like us will keep under it and kill it with status procs. This game has god awful dragons! Nothing like the one's showed to us in the trailer.


I was also feeling this. I’m a level 176 ng+4 and decided to do him for the first time. I power stanced rivers of blood +10 in my off hand and moonveil +10 in my right using moonveils ash of war. And a +10 Cleanrot knight Finlay summon. I beat him incredibly easily only using the ash of war and jump attacks. He is actually pretty easy going all melee. I just wanted to see if maybe I was a bit over leveled or over experienced for this fight, since ng+ does make bosses and stuff harder. But tell me what you think.


I think Fortissax needs a buff, for a boss required to kill for a specific ending he is disappointing


I beat him on my second attempt, I couldnt agree more.....he looked so menacing too....also I use a melee build


He one shotted me on my first try, them I figured out he's all bluster. Get in there and hack away at his legs.


I just spammed crystal spiral and he died in like 20s with hugues distracted him😆