• By -


Scream back I DO WHAT I WANT!!!












Mind if I glue up quick before we go?








Be kind to them & tell them that you wish them the absolute best time but they’re not in charge of what’s fun for you 🫶🏻




PSA don’t tell people how to live their lives


this. as long as you’re not being a dick to other people nobody should be telling you what to do




Honestly it sounds like it coming less from a place of “ooo I want to tell you what to do” and more from a place of “hey, relax and enjoy the moment. Be present”


Phrase: I don’t know you ! That’s my purse ! 😭 then .. Ppppluuuurrr.


Gotta give'em the ol' pocket sand too, or pocket glitter if you want to stick with the EF aesthetic


Fr though, this is the new "you should smile more!" How bout y'all mind ya gd business


Omg that is my pet peeve. If I wanted to smile right now, I would. Let me live lol


I always come back with “give me a reason to smile then.”


Also, you don't know what's going on atm in their lives. They could be on the phone getting great/terrible news about a family member, job or anythingberserk really


This is facts. My dog got in a fight while I was at forest one year and had to deal with that whole situation in there


Fuck yer burnnn


I’d only suggest that if I knew there was a phone thief in the crowd. I’m all about people enjoying the experience the way they need to but I’ve had two phones stolen at events and wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Get one of those phone tethers.


Honestly I’m gonna, they seem like the move


Mine got stolen even on a tether I’m -3 for phones stolen at festivals (never at forest though)


How was it stolen on a tether? Genuinely curious


The thieves have taken to cutting them so then you're out a phone and a tether. I'm trying a flipbelt this year.


This gives me a product idea, curious what a flip belt is. I wonder if they could make a fanny pack or belly pack attachment that had a glass or plastic pouch built into the back. Design would have like, a zipper on the back with a plastic screen protector allowing someone to interact with the phone - so like, the phone is built into the pack, usable when uncapped, but protected and invisible when uncapped. Thoughts? For other viewers, if you steal the idea - just like, kick me back enough for a sprinter van


It's essentially a skin tight fanny pack for runners but works great for fests. Pockets are on the inside of the belt and can't be reached without someone sliding their hand under your clothes


Check out water proof Fanny packs. Many have windows you can use the phone through


Ive seen exactly this, don’t remember the name but I’ve seen it. Marketed to runners and travelers


Wish people would mind their own business, telling someone “put your phone away, you will have more fun” basically means “put your phone away, cause I don’t know how to mind my own business and have fun without being obsessed with what others are doing on their own time”


Catch me at a set playing solitaire vibing through a brain break from overstimulation 🫶🏼🫶🏼🥹 believe it or not your ears can still work and hear music even if you are looking at your phone omg 🫶🏼


I'm so glad you mentioned that. The reason I posted this is because I actually just found out about the studies on Tetris for people with PTSD. For anyone who doesn't know, the studies show that the mental processes required to play Tetris override instrusive thought loops and rumination. Over-thinking, instrusive thoughts, thought-loops, rumination are all symptoms of PTSD but they can also be experienced by someone having a difficult trip.


Yeah it’s definitely a good distraction and helps refocus your thoughts on a specific activity to get out of a spiral ❤️


I saw this totem at EDC that had Mario Go Kart installed on it, maybe they’ll be around Forest…one can hope haha


2019 i saw a guy sitting on the ground, staring at his phone and crying. i came and sat with him and showed him a video I took of Odesza (i was on the rail front and center). he was enthralled and stopped crying. he said he and his gf got into a fight and he was looking at pictures of her. me coming up and just sitting with him got him out of his funk, and we ended up hanging for another hour. never saw him again after that.


Now this is the proper way to act at a festival/ show. You made that persons night better no doubt. Thank you for your service. These comments are wild. You can tell it’s lots of new show goers that haven’t experienced how the community can help and change your night for the better with random interactions. I was walking into a phish show years ago with a gf from the lot. The doses hit hard and fast and I bet you could see it on our faces. Some older head sees us walking in and points to us and says” hey guys, be happy and smiles you’re going to a great show, enjoy it!” That comment was what we both needed to snap out of the funk and blast off and I’m grateful he said that.


PSA: if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


I just don't understand why people can't mind their own business. If you see someone on their phone, so what? It's their phone and their time in the forest, they can do what they want. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think people need to be less judgmental and mind their damn business. If you need to go on your phone to decompress, then by all means do it. Personally, I get overwhelmed at a stage sometimes and need to go somewhere quiet to ground myself again. The forest is great for that.


Fr i love forest vibes but sometimes I'm in a mood or I'm just doing my thing and people need to mind their fucking business lol


Just scream back “YOURE NOT MY MOM”


I mean it’s prolly not coming from a negative vibe when people tell you that. It’s may feel a bit intrusive if your have a certain personality, but I don’t think people are trynna be rude at all. I’ve said it plenty of times, and sometimes I get smiles and sometimes I get frowns. However like nobody is trynna “ruin” your vibe. It’s usually an extrovert that does and says these kinda things, and they don’t mean to be hurtful, they’re just trynna be hype with you. They prolly just want to make a connection with you in their own way. If you find it uncomfortable, just brush it off, you don’t have to internalize it, and continue to do what you’re doing. I assure you whoever said it doesn’t actually care if your on your phone or not. In festivals like these you have to be prepared to be acquainted with all kinds of energy, most of the time it’s innocent interactions. The only unacceptable behavior is any type of physical or verbal abuse where you feel threatened. And there is always help to insure it doesn’t escalate! Everything else can be expected from a crowd of thousands and thousands of people. I don’t mean to sound stern, but your experience is what you make of it. You’ll see and hear many beautiful things, and sometimes you’ll see and hear things that make you go “wtf” lol Do what you have to do to stay grounded, ask for help if you need it, and go in with an open mind for the many moments and people you will experience. That’s the music festival way! Happy Forest!


> If you find it uncomfortable, just brush it off, you don’t have to internalize it, and continue to do what you’re doing. I wish this sentiment was more common, would smooth over a lot of social interactions


Idk why people get so hung up about people on their phones. It's like people who get hung up on other people being gay. Like, why does that hurt you? How is that affecting your life? Get over it.


Okay but it's definitely not even close to as instinsic as sexual orientation lol. At the very least, the glow of a phone can be seen by others, which maybe can make the atmosphere slightly worse for someone else. I don't think it's justified to call people out on it unless they're being super obnoxious on purpose (using flashlight or waving it around or something) but let's not act like hating phone usage is equivalent to homophobia...


I use it to keep myself occupied and it actually helps me pay attention to what is going on. Also helps my anxiety


The past several years everyone appears to be in their phone pretty much nonstop the entire weekend and I have never heard anyone tell someone else to put their phone up, but you've been told multiple times....?


I think his point was that it happened at least once to him and it was significant. Someone could’ve said the same thing to you or I, but it probably wouldn’t even have registered because it wouldn’t make a difference to us. The main point is- people just need to stay positive and let people live their lives. You never know when a seemingly innocent criticism can be a trigger for someone, especially in an environment that’s meant to be as welcoming as EF.


Someone comes to you and offers a gentle reminder not to harass people and your response is to tell them they made it up. Cool takeaway


I never said you made it up, I'm more shocked that you've had multiple people tell you to put your phone away? I feel like I'm on my phone a fair amount and no one pays that much attention to me to say something...?




I’m sorry but please relax a bit I really don’t think this person intended his comment to come off as accusatory at all. Believe it or not the world and everyone in it is not just out to get you. I’d suggest trying to remember that the next time someone says something to you. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to remember everyone that interacts with me has their reasons or own trauma they’re dealing with and if something they said was truly hurtful to me that it’s probably not about me at all. But rather them dealing with their own insecurities and issues. We are all just trying to exist and vibe. And sometimes people can come off rude. Whether they meant it or not it’s best to just brush it off and move on. Life and the humans in it are truly beautiful once we strip away all of the societal conditioning we’ve been taught. I hope you have a happy forest this year and I will make sure I don’t tell anyone to put their phone away (not that I’ve literally ever done that in the past or heard anyone say this before).


I’ve never heard anyone say that in the 8 times I’ve gone to forest.


I've had someone walking by me say it when I was recording GRiZ in 2022, and at my first Lost Lands in 2019 some prick was in the middle of the crowd at Ganja White Night screaming, "IF YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE OUT YOU'RE DOING THIS WRONG" but I think they did too much of several drugs. They aren't common people, but every once in a while some person in all black who wishes America's Rave culture was a carbon copy of Europe gets a little liquid courage in them and decides they need to tell people to get off their phones.


That's great, but does not negate OPs experience.


Modern Technology comes with Modern Coping Mechanisms. I would never tell anyone to put their phone away. Do i agree that people with anxiety & ptsd should use phones to cope with stress around them, no. It's probably creating more harm. But it's their lives and their mistakes to make.


"This is My forest toooooooooo!"


People really don’t get that they aren’t responsible for telling others what they can enjoy or do. Selfishness rather than PLuR. Give them love & explain this to them. We can’t fix this broken cycle without love 🫶🏻


![gif](giphy|ZYgi6sq5HZZXq) Leave me be lol I’ll be crying and looking very confused if I need help thank u haha


I can understand this 100% but one thing that does make me so sad is when I see everyone in the crowd literally recording EVERY SINGLE SET. I would never tell someone to put their phone away but that part does really make me sad


It is sad but I think it’s getting better from what I’ve seen lately. It’s interesting that people itt don’t seem to think it is both possible to disagree with someone telling you to put your phone away, while also giving them the benefit of the doubt that it comes from a good place and just politely declining. Heck even without the benefit of the doubt, the irony is still astounding. I guess it’s a game of who gets triggered last. As long as you’re last and not first, you get to take the high ground lol.


Totally agree with you. Especially from this posts it definitely sounds like all the people telling OP this were coming straight from love. People easily get caught up in their phone hell I do so easily at home I have to constantly remind myself hey get off. And personally if someone gave me this reminder at a festival I would be grateful for it. It is easy to get overwhelmed but I think picking up your phone and ignoring what you are anxious about is making things worse rather than looking around and processing your environment


Let’s remeber that people with diabetes can now look at their phones to check levels etc, yelling that at someone can make a person already in an uncomfy situation that they may not want to draw attention to more uneasy like let’s just all mind our own businesses


In general it's usually best practice to just mind your business unless you have good reason to believe interfering could save someone from death/injury


Thank you for mentioning this! I’ve never had someone tell me to put my phone away, but I know that being able to go on my phone is very grounding for me when I feel anxious or need to retreat to a personal safety bubble during a festival. Happy Forest!! :))


I play a Pokemon emulator when I'm where I need to be & between sets lol * Pokemon Go Community Day on Sunday!


“Don’t tell me what to do” all of me and my friends motto


PSA: if you don’t have PTSD, put your damn phone away


Completely agree about the phone being a great grounding tool, always has worked for me if I just need a 5-10 minute mental cooldown to get my thoughts going in a different direction.


Offer options, not judgement. "Hey you having a good time? You got friends with you? Wanna come hang out with us? We're going to go do XXXX / go see YYYY."


Maybe a hot take on reddit, but I disagree OP. You are triggered by a mild and innocent social interaction. The world is not going to change to cater to you and it is self-centered to expect as much. Life happens outside of the comfort zone and you will struggle, and not just at Forest, if you can't learn to brush off minor things. Seriously, most people at Forest are not on reddit and you would be naive to believe that the support expressed here will be the status quo in any social environment. If it is that big of a deal for you, get some Loops or Eargasms and wear them in both ears when you use your phone and you will not hear any conversation - except yelling - over the music. Wishing you good luck because you're going to need it!


I don't expect the world to cater to me nor do I expect to change anyone. The expectation is that most people don't voluntarily hurt others. Empathy and respect is a part of this community, it is the foundation of electric forest. I am asking that you be aware that your assumptions about people are often untrue and asking that you choose to be compassionate in situations that you do not understand. There are quite a million different reasons for someone to be on their phone at a music festival. Quite literally all of those reasons are none of your business and it's not your place to police other people's behavior. If you see weakness in that it says more about you than it does about me.


I would never do this to anyone and think it is em incredibly rude. With that said, you cannot control everyone else’s actions, only your own. This post is reaching maybe 5% of EF attendees and will not create any behavioral change in the masses. I would suggest practicing a response similar to, “thank you now please leave me alone” in order to shrug them off. I hope that this doesn’t happen to you this year. Good luck! :)


Dude, put your phone away.


You using your phone triggers my ptsd :(


What does your therapist say? 


When someone tells you to smile or look more like you’re having fun: sorry my dad just died. When someone tells you to put the phone away: sorry my dad is dying in the hospital and his last request was to see a video of this song.


that’s not good juju to use as an excuse tho😭




Not a PSA.




Idiots and their comments intended to put other people down to make them feel better about themselves