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https://preview.redd.it/r88q4ruo619d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa0ea6eb179aaf605dd32272d255ab18f123c8e Why are they pulling him over when there's a sharrow right there? 😂


governments are thieves.


These jokers will get a scooters banned for all of us. Next we need to get plates and pay insurance for escooter


Yup. I could see that happening. Then they will turn on bikes too.


Glad that didn't happen to me. Looks very dangerous with the cops doing that.


I’m just gonna say it I’m honestly impressed with his Scooter skills


As insane and all sorts of wrong it is, dude does have skills. Sport competition level skills.


Oh boy my palms are sweatin' thank God Maine has no motorcycle cops.


Hard to stop the Wolf Warrior (nickname for the Chinese special forces elite soldiers)


I use to think my Nami was really quick but then I started riding motorbikes and it makes it seem very silly anyone would try and outrun police bikes.


Acceleration and maneuverability is great, but yeah any scooter top speed gets crushed by motorbike.


A top end 125cc will even beat the quickest scooters of the line with exception of very few.


No it won’t lol 


I’ve had many top of the line 125cc and I’m gonna tell you right now a Kaaba wolf warrior gtr is way faster off the line then 125cc


I dropped scooters for motorbikes and I specifically stated very few scooters are quicker. My 125 supermoto is quicker off the line aside from the literal launch speed than my klima in x mode. Whilst the initial launch you can't beat electric, a decent 125 will easily cover 30m or so quicker than scooters with the exception of a few scooters you could list on one hand.


Dude has balls the size of Jupiter


I would like to too so i pucnch that dumb cunt in the face and take his scooter for parts




But it is amazing how such little thing can give so much power especially torque, but yes, it is very dangerous to stand and use small wheels.


One rock on his path and he was dead


What a knob. Glad they caught him.


Nice to see they got the effing asshat.


may 4 2023 this happened this was in Australia. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUzgfR6ytUs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUzgfR6ytUs)


Dude was on meth, and had more in his bag. "Work" was selling more drugs. I remember this story when it happened, my family waved it in my face to tell me electric scooters are dangerous.


Explains a lot


Man you’d think if that’s what he was doing he’d try to be a bit less conspicuous, nah just flying down a highway on his scooter


Fortunately nobody ever accused him of being smart.


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You want cops to execute people for breaking traffic laws?


Lmao no wtf, I want to execute these cops for tweaking. If I was a cop I would shoot these cops


These cops are tweaking? But the only person in this video who's on meth is the man they apprehended, and he had more on him. Lmao.


Well why do you think they wanted to catch him? Obviously they were trying to take his meth


There are myriad forms of tweaking, you can’t really tweak too much harder than the cops in this video


This the same guy right here who'd cry on the phone call to the police while his dog is missing


You seen my dog?


No, actually, let me phone the Blue real quick.


Awe shit hold on, I’m getting a call I’ll brb 📞


Alright, no rush; let's hope this gets sorted out


Honestly I don’t think you can tweak too much harder than you are right now


I’m not a cop tho? Bro, why you tweakin?


We need to just let the vehicles that can hold the speed to travel in the road. If my 50cc can go 80mph, I should be allowed on i85 with the cars that are going 80 mph in a 50 mph zone.


Sure, but they need to have a license like everybody else


Nothing wrong with that. Like evokes have classes, make classes for what I call personal commute vehicles, whether electric or ICE powered. Like 50cc and lower motorcycles don’t require licensure, and then in most states there is a freeway legal class of motorcycle, we can have different classes of personal commute vehicles based on speed. Once you reach thresholds, more licensure and more insurance should be required. Your body can cause a lot of damage to other people’s property at 45 mph, along with easily killing yourself. Armor levels would be increased based in the class of vehicle. If you want to ride an electric cruiser of any vehicle type around town under 30 mph, then do it without a license. I do think liability insurance should be required though, like with 50cc. No driver license needed but you gotta have insurance and keep it under 30 mph. It’s about you hitting someone and breaking their bones. Lol


A high speed chase on a bike path? Those cops are insane and should be fired or jailed.


It's sped up mate


And e-scooter guy was driving at speed limit of 25 kph, eventhough he was comfortably following the traffic on a highway moments before.


man fuck the police. way more dangerous to have them on large motorcycles on the bike path, than having a dude ride his scooter fast on the freeway.


Those cops ride better than you ever could, stfu




And that’s why everyone else hates scooters, because our mentality is we deserve to be everywhere. You can’t ride a scooter on the goddamn highway.


and you sure as fucking hell shouldn't ride a large motorcycle in the bike path at high speeds I don't care for the scooter part. scooters pretty much only endanger the rider, so if you want to ride fast in the highway, go for it. if it goes fast enough, you can go on the highway, this video is proof if anything.


No, scooter riders who ride like the person in the video are a danger to those around them. Even at moderate speeds, they can cause injury to pedestrians, cause traffic accidents, etc.


> they can cause injury to pedestrians no pedestrians on the motorway


how many traffic / pedestrian deaths per km ridden do scooters cause per year?


This is an old video. The fucker was high on meth and "driving to work." Giving us all a bad name.


Yeah. Pretty soon people may expect me to go to work! I definitely don't want to be called a "worker".


Just ram in to him lol


He did better than expected 😭😂


Damn the video cut out just as the beat down started


Are Aussie cops that aggro?


Yes, they actually are. Look up Aussie cops they beat the shit out of anyone.


It's sped up


Sure, but he’s still passing cars on the freeway.


My man was tweaked out of his mind just trying to go to work doing 60mph on the shoulder. Lmao stay off hard drugs kids


Lol dude tried unbelievably hard to get away


This has been posted so many times now, it's getting very old. It happened in December 2022. [Here's the actual video of the entire incident.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUzgfR6ytUs)


Thanks for the video link. I couldn't help but chuckle at how polite the rider and cop were to each other. In America, the dialog would've been different, and the cops would've had their guns out. Nonetheless, the rider was beyond reckless.


I've never seen it


So what you're saying is, if he had a more modern 2024 scooter he'd have gotten away easily


I'm saying this video gets posted over and over for no reason. That's what's getting old. It shows an idiot high on drugs being reckless on a fast scooter. I'm so glad the cops caught him and roughed him up, because he very much deserved it. There's nothing else to learn from it and just puts responsible riders in a bad light.


What was he doing for them to originally stop him? Riding on the shoulder? We need to let these high speed PEVs in traffic. If cars are the danger, restrict where cars can go. If my vehicle can hold the posted speed limit, I should be allowed on that road. IDGAF about people’s PTSD if they hit someone. 99% of the time, it would be their fault anyways.


Given that there are multiple vehicles chasing him, he probably broke a few laws before the clip begins. But yea, riding on the shoulder, probably way faster than what is allowed, and I believe Australia has banned scooters completely in at least some parts. As for allowing scooters in traffic up to a certain speed, as in city traffic speeds, I don't see why not. On a highway though? Heck no. That poses a big risk to everyone, not just the rider of the scooter.


What extra risk over other vehicles having a major malfunction? Ever seen a car flip because of a front tire blowout? All that money we spend of our interstate highway system and no pedestrians or bicycles or PEVs allowed. Why don’t they have a lane attached to them? Think people won’t use them? My longest bicycle ride was 130 miles straight. I went down a state highway that was set up just like a federal highway, complete with a super fast speed limit and proper exits. People also live along that road so they can’t stop anyone from using it. The only danger came from cars not paying attention as I rode in the breakdown lane and crossed the exits. I could have done the same exact thing on I-5 or I-95. Now that PEVs go over 60 mph, get a license, get insurance, and use the road! Make certain classes of vehicles. Low speed? No registration or license needed. Going 45+? Require lighting, signals, and licensure. Nope. Won’t happen. The automotive industry would hurt as it would become easier to get around without a car.


Can't beat electric acceleration, no matter how powerful of a motorcycle you have. More corners and off roading than he did in the original vid and he may have actually gotten away, but he's also fucking high.


A 300cc motorbike has about 3x the acceleration of the scooter and cops are on 1000cc bikes, only chance would've been to somehow lift that heavy scooter over something they can't ride up before they grabbed him.


300cc is 20hp. 20hp is 15kW. Doubt he was on 15kW scoot. 300CC absolutely does not have 3x the acceleration as a 15kW scoot does. It may have higher speed for sure, but combustion engines do not get full torque from the get-go. https://preview.redd.it/jwj756n1s85d1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=4adcdc1e146df7648f6acacb95903579b54904c6 The average combustion engine has increasing torque by RPM, meaning you can EASILY beat them off the line.


>300cc is 20hp. 20hp is 15kW. Doubt he was on 15kW scoot. All the more reason he didn't stand a chance against those 1000cc bikes. >300CC absolutely does not have 3x the acceleration as a 15kW scoot does Because of how light weight they are they can do 0-60 in about 5 seconds, the 1000cc police bikes are more like 2 and a half and can get up to 186mph/300kmh top speed.


If you think a 300cc motorcycle weighs \~60lbs you're crazy,




OP's scooter weighs 60lbs, dumbass.






They absolutely do not. You cannot beat electric acceleration, that's saying Teslas don't beat normal cars in a test of acceleration. Obviously if you compare a 50hp motorcycle with a 5kW e-scooter it'll win, but that's bec 50hp is around 37kW. Electric horses obv work a little different. Around similar power ratings e-scooters will ABSOLUTELY destroy motorcycles in acceleration.




And that's where you're being fucking stupid. You're insane if you think 0-60 is even close to a fair comparison vs motorbikes. We're talking standstill pulls here, with a quick 0-20. Are you genuinely suggesting doing a comparison when 60 is beyond the top speed of most scooters in the first place? Seriously, that's like saying "Oh, a 911 will easily destroy a Tesla in a half mile". So pointless. We're limited to a much lower top speed, but a much faster initial acceleration. I have a 17kW with 13 inch tires that can do 0-40 in quite literally 3 seconds, 0-20 in 0.5 or less. If you're telling me an average motorbike can do 0-20 in 0.5s or less, you're full of shit- because combustion engines simply have a horrible spinup time. Electric motors get full torque from the start, if you didn't know.




Thats sucker was so fast! What brand/model is that?


knowing roads in Australia it would been 70, 80km or 100km most likey an 80 zone for types of roads like this atleas in my state 49.7 miles btw for 80 km


The speed of the video was increased. He was going fast, but not THAT fast. He was also on meth 😂


I have no idea hahaha


Wolf King GT or GTR, tho I don't think u can get the GTR all black yet so prolly a regular king GT.


I think its a GT/GT Pro based on the ground clearence cause the GTR it is higher also heavier and has a handle in the front end of the mat to remove the swappable battery. Reviewing the video last 10 seconds a couple times i cannot see that handle so i assume its a GT. Edit: corrections and typo


It's a GT, you can faintly see the side markings in white on the deck spelling "Wolf King GT" - the GTR doesn't have that lettering.


You can get all black gtr for a while now.


damn, cop had to drop his bike for that dipshit




Brah pls I have to go to work.


Catch a real criminal not a badass like me