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Read this wiki multiple times, you are going to make a big mistake: [https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/builds](https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/builds) Interceptors are inmune to human weapons, scouts have 77% resistance. And there is a limit in 4 AX weapons per ship (Flak Cannon dont included), most weapons are Medium, or some Large (and even for Large, Azimuth engineered guardian weapons in Medium size are superiors). Cutter isn't recommended, those huge hardpoints can't use the full power, also the weapons are spread and can't hit the small hearts with guardian fixed weapons. There is some build for Cutter, but need full knowledge for AX combat with big ships, medium ship are recommended. But you could use this big lady for rescue, with engineered thrusters, you could escape interrdcitions and hyperdictions. [https://siriuscorp.cc/guides/damaged-stations.html](https://siriuscorp.cc/guides/damaged-stations.html)


That information isn't wrong, but it isn't completely up to date. The Cutter is excellent in the current fight against the Thargoids. Above planets there are no Thargon swarms, and large ships can dominate when there aren't Thargons.


How do you use the anti EMP thing? had one equipped doing a rescue run still got smacked.


once you hear "energy surge detected" throw full pips in Systems, and hold the button down. The Shutdown Field Neutralizer (SFN) has a hotkey now similar to heatsinks or shield cell banks. I bound it on my mouse and use it that way.


Thank you


Wow thank you kind sir. No chance I'm doing another grind for weapons. Premium taxi service it is.


Bastards pulled me out of jump space on route put on a light show then blew me up :) ​ That was class


Off to grind guardian weapons. Pricks


The grind is not that bad, if you're going for a specific weapon. Guardian gauss cannon class 1 and 2 is what I would go for, if you want to kill the big bugs. Good luck out there. o7


Yeah, Guardian is the least painful part of the grind. It's engineering that sucks.


You don't necessarily need to grind for Guardian weapons to do AX combat. Unengineered ships with regular AX multicannons are perfectly adequate for killing Thargoid scouts; they just struggle with interceptors.


I'm using a Cutter to fight in the war and it rocks. The caveat is that you need to fight over planetary ports that are under attack. Interceptors normally deploy a Thargon swarm in open space, and that will wreck your day if you get caught by it. Planet side they don't deploy those swarms, and your life is a lot easier. Get in a wing, and go pummel bugs. My build is set up to support but still have offense. The turrets make shorter work of the scouts than most pilots I've seen try to hit them with gauss, because they're hard to hit and the turrets wreck them very quickly. You can also use the few seconds your turrets work on a scout to make sure people are healed up too. More internals means more options for running decon/healing. The huge beam and medium beams generate a lot of natural heat, which cools you off faster when hitting an Interceptor. Yeah, it only has two gauss, but if you're with people that's all you need. Stay on target and exert the hearts, someone in a little ship will snipe them while you keep things cleared out. Yeah, there's an open space dueling meta, but fighting planet side means a lot more stuff is workable. [https://edsy.org/s/vnRf96Y](https://edsy.org/s/vnRf96Y)


By fighting planet side do you mean aiming for a planet and sticking close to atmo? I love the cutters speed and general Flight assist off craziness.


The ports on planets, the land-able structures, are under attack in certain systems. They are down on the surface and you fight above them, maybe 500M-15km above the surface depending how wild it gets. You can still dock mid fight and repair/rearm, but often can't turn in bonds there. If you die, though, you don't lose bonds! Which is super sick. I love the Cutter too. Thing has tons of firepower, amazing speed, amazing shields, and is basically the best overall ship in the game. Any reason to take it out is welcome in my book.


That sounds amazing Thank you


I have an [AX Cutter](https://edsy.org/s/vszuhVU) and tbh, it was "functional" but difficult. Decontamination and repair limpets, prismatic shield, shield cell banks, guardian weapons, xeno scanner, SFN, you name it. Biggest problem - lightning attack. It drains shields quickly and you are immobilised during the attack. Other issues: Generally - everything hits you. Decontamination gets annoying. Repairing takes a long time. Aiming at hearts is difficult thanks to the Cutter's epic convergence and phenomenal agility. And if you do happen to die, you're looking at a rather significant rebuy. Then I learned about shield-less cold builds. First things to know: the swarm can't seem to hit shield-less ships... and the lightning attack has little effect because you have no shield. Being a cold build the interceptors have a hard time finding you - if they can't find you, they can't target you and so they can't hit you. So I tried the AXI shield-less Krait build. Much, much easier. Now my AX cutter is benched. All I need to do now is work on my technique, which is still sloppy.


Leaving the Bubble sounds like a far easier and healthier option than trying to Invade Thargoid systems once again.


I do enjoy being out in the black. I'm just getting wrecked.