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At different times it was different people. Shilling had moments, Red West had moments, Larry Geller had his time in the Sun. Charlie Hodge lived in the basement at Graceland for a while and definitely was close at times. Billy Smith was Family and lived on property for a long time. Alan Fortas was also among those close for a time. Joe Esposito was another who Elvis kept close. Remember the old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Some of the guys were reporting to his dad and others to Parker things Elvis did or said.


Joe sadly was Parkers biggest ally. It makes me sad šŸ˜”


Yes and Elvis knew and fed misinformation occasionally. But he still liked Joe.


Really? How'd I not know this.šŸ„ŗ


I think Larry Gellar meant well even though alot if people thought he was creepy.


Dodger should probably included in that trio of women. She seemed to be such a constant presence for Elvis. George Klein's a name that hasn't been mentioned yet. Him and Elvis went to high school together, GK had his own career separate to Elvis (although it does seem he did benefit from Elvis's generosity as most everyone in his orbit did). And by all accounts, him and Ann-Margret shared a very special connection and were quite close during their time together. Your question is something that makes me sad for Elvis. He didn't have many in his circle who he genuinely connected to without them wanting something from him.


Gk for sure! Charlie was famous when he met elvis as well.


Charlie was famous?


I think he was genuinely close with Jerry schilling. I think Elvis saw that Jerry didnā€™t want anything from him and had been his friend since very close to the beginning.


Jerry exaggerates his importance to Elvis a lot as did a lot of the guys


This is true!!


How do you know


I have a couple of friends who happened to be around Elvis and the guys in the 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s and this has been their observation over the years since Elvis died.


Umm. So, they were "around" and clearly not closer than any of these guys but they know about things they did not witness? Schilling's book makes it clear he was there only for certain periods. I think what has happened is that he is maybe the only one who has been able to articulate in a manner that other writers and documentary makers can make direct use of. And hence his role has been overblown somewhat. The rest of "the guys" really don't have much of interest to say and what they have said is more suited as material for fan magazines, tabloids or hatchet jobs. It's hard to be interested in them overall. Schilling can reach a bit too high sometimes but at least you see a person who thinks.


I think Jerry has been an even better to Elvis since he died as he looked after Lisa, looking out for her throughout her life. You only had to hear his words at her ā€˜ celebrationā€™ at Graceland ā¤ļø


I would say Billy Smith for sure.


I love his YouTube channel. He and his wife have the best stories. You can tell they were closer than most people to Elvis.


Yes I watch them everytime they post a new one!


Yes and no. He and Vernon had a very sour turnout when elvis died and Billy did not have a good rep working at Graceland sadly.


Genuinely close? Maybe not, but I know he had a lot in common with Tom Jones. Both men were effectively in the same boat in life, and they understood each other better than most. I think they even worked out in gyms together, though I could misremembering that. But Iā€™m pretty sure Elvis and Tom had nothing to prove to each other, and so their friendship was pretty genuine. The Memphis Mafia all at different points had their pov and Iā€™m sure he was close to some at some points or another. Given their common interests in faith and spirituality, I think Larry Geller and Elvis were pretty tight. Ironically, after the divorce, itā€™s probable that he got closer to Priscilla. Obviously this is exactly what Priscilla WOULD say, but enough of the Memphis Mafia did confirm it for me to at least consider it as a possibility. He bought her a Jaguar E-Type after the divorce, so I mean, thereā€™s that. Iā€™m almost certain Linda Thompson has to be on that list. They certainly cared for each other. At the end of the day, Iā€™m pretty sure Elvis was close to a lot of people, but like most gentlemen, kept his guard up. You mention Lisa Marie, but she was a child, so naturally, heā€™s going to keep things guarded from her to protect her. Itā€™s likely the last person Elvis could be genuine around WAS his mother, perhaps too, his father. I understand there was some friction when Vernon remarried, but still, Elvis never had to hide his feelings from his father.


I would say Linda Thompson. I think that they had a great bond when they were together and she was one of the few people close to Elvis that didnā€™t want his money or anything like that. She also continues to keep his memory alive and I think thatā€™s an amazing thing for her to do


Joe was really close to Elvis as was Charlie.


Joe reported everything back to Parker, so not a true friend.


Very very very true!!!!!


I think Charlie Hodge, Jd Sumner, and Jerry Shilling were his true friends that rode hard for him. The ones that were around otherwise weren't as loyal


I would agree Jerry does embellish his importance to the story though. JD was definitely a good friend Charlie was a descent guy for the most part


Also jennelle mccomb from tupelo who started and ran the birthplace


I have come to the conclusion that he was a lonely person, who may have loved / been close to different people from time to time, but was not close with anyone for a long period in any meaningful manner. Everyone exaggerates their role in his life. He was the kind of person who casts a long shadow on people around him. He was also someone who showed people some aspects of his personality and hid some. Not on purpose, but because of the dynamics of pretty much every relationship he had with MM or with women. Sad really.


Schilling, Cilla and Linda. Full time trust keepers for Elvis.


Schilling and Linda I agree with, but Priscilla is very sketchy and changes her story a lot. Not to mention that she hasnā€™t kept his memory alive in the kindest ways, and if it didnā€™t benefit her then she wouldnā€™t do something that was regarding Elvis


Well both Cilla and Linda cheated on him. Yes I know he wasnā€™t faithful. But these two although close werenā€™t as close as it would seem at a glance.


I don't buy alot of what Linda says and has done. She has changed her stories to fit her image and that's sad.


I think Elvis was very close to Lamar in the early days. Lamar went to Germany with him and adored and was close to Gladys.


Ann Margaret seemed to be a good friend. And of course, Dr Nick


His grandma Dodger