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I was honestly hoping you’d take this out of circulation since the last time, because equating immigrants with invasive species is certainly… *a* take, never mind the very noticeable lack of indigenous perspectives here. In any case, I’m just going [link the thread from the first airing of this episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/EndlessThread/comments/10mn4do/endless_thread_worm_wars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and echo the sentiment that this episode is a psyop by zebra mussels.


Seriously, it's nuts that they re-aired this episode after the (deserved) negative reception it got originally


Wait, are they just re-running episodes and pretending they are new? I didn’t like this episode the first time it came out.


Here's the thread from a year ago when this episode was released. https://www.reddit.com/r/EndlessThread/s/0KjwJJv9at I still think it was the worst episode that I've heard on EndlessThread. I would've hoped that they wouldn't double-down by reposting the same episode.


I'm floored that they reran this. I consider this the worst episode I've ever heard of ANY podcast, let alone Endless Thread. The determined misinformation, absurd arguments and analogies, and their choices of "experts" really piss me off.* Edit: *as in, it was a good thing I was working by myself out in my garden, removing weeds - the most pernicious of which are all invasive species - because it meant nobody saw me yelling obscenity-laced counterarguments at my phone.


LOL same, including the weeding. Somehow I missed this one the first time around; yikes it's bad. I've actually had similar debates with people regarding invasive species, though. "It's not their fault they ended up here!" Weirdly, I only hear that about "cute" animal invasives like eastern cottontail rabbits, eastern gray squirrels, house sparrows... Sigh.


I thought they'd update it by talking about how building a Worm Wall won't keep them out of America.


The most laughably bad take on invasive species I’ve ever heard.


This episode was not a green meme for ecological fiends Anyway I like how I could still see Lindsay Nicole's hand gestures in my head


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)In Idaho, for something to be listed as an invasive species, there must be a way to combat or eradicate it.


This episode made me:  1- Want to unsubscribe  2- wonder if there is hope for the world.  Racism = bad hence fear over species who are native to another CONTINENT (for millennia) coming into a new commitment continent = bad. We should all just take a polar bear and dump in Mumbai, while we send even more carp to the American Midwest.  Because equality or something.