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I'm speaking from personal experience here and I am not a doctor. I got the Mirena IUD in October 2021 and a few days after I had it inserted I was absolutely *dying* of pain. I was sweating, running hot and screaming on the phone with the ER. I managed to drag myself in a cab and went to the hospital only to find out that indeed, the IUD was in place. They told me it was "normal" as my body was just "adjusting" and for some of us uterus-people the uterus tries to expel the IUD... because it *is* a foreign object in your uterus. I eventually had mine removed in April 2022 as I kept bleeding and kept having pain from the IUD. I am generally a very sensitive person in the sense that I feel small changes, and it felt like I always felt the IUD inside me. At the time I did not have any diagnosis yet because of... well health care, youknow how it is. I have read that some with adeno find the IUD a horror-device, and for others it gave them their life back. I want to end this by saying: I am thrilled the IUD works for so many people, it is wondrous. But for me it clearly didn't work. It can take time, however, for the IUD to settle (hency why I tried 6 months). I hope you find relief soon <3


Anyone ever look into vascular compressions? Asking because they were the cause of both my endo pain *and* the changes to my uterus they thought were adenomyosis. I always told people I felt like my left ovary was about to explode. It was the ovarian vein being stretched out as a result of my nutcracker compression. Just a thought.


Hi. Im so sorry to hear this. I also had similar with the mirena. I’ve done a lot of reading and it seems women with endo / adeno (I have both) can have issues with the mirena. I suffered with stabbing cramps (for which I went to A&E twice) for months after getting it in. I had mine checked and was all normal too. They settled and then I had a lap 6 weeks ago and they’ve come back :( I’m thinking of getting mine out and trying a different hormone. Ryeqo has been suggested to me (I’m uk based). I hope they settle for you soon and if they don’t then get the mirena out - we shouldn’t have to put up with this pain!!! Hot waterbottle has been a life saver for me, and mefanamic acid is a good anti inflammatory pain killer you need to get it on prescription, I take it with buscopan xx


Everyone in this thread has been so absolutely lovely & i appreciate everyones comments so much but for the sake of anyone in the future coming along this thread and relating, id like to mention that mefanamic acid is FINALLY the first painkiller to actually work for my symptoms. Got it on prescription & it started working after the first day of taking it- thankyou so much for this suggestion, literally never would have guessed to use that. You're a life saver! x


Oh I’m so glad to hear that!!! I’ve been taking it for years for my period pains. It really does work. So happy you’ve had some relief xx


give your body longer than you think to recover from surgery 🙏🏻 i was in pain on and off for months and had a terrible infection a week after surgery. our bodies and organs are going through a lot.


In regards to the hysterectomy please don’t get one just for curing your Endo. I have had excision surgery 3 times and a hysterectomy and I’m still dealing with Endo pain. I regret getting mine for the hopes of it helping. I took away any chance I had at having kids for the sake of my quality of live being improved and that hasn’t happened. I’m not telling you what to do or not to have one but just know it isn’t a cure for endometriosis. I hope you get feeling better and our bodies can take months to heal completely. Your pain is valid and your insides need time to heal.