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They can overlap in some cases, because demeanor can be an aspect of behavior. Briefly: - behavior: what someone does and doesn’t do, including how they do it and especially with respect to whether they are acting within social norms or not - demeanor: the way someone engages with others, especially the emotions and body language they portray in social contexts > “Be on your best behavior.” - “Act politely and appropriately.” > “His angry demeanor made him an unpopular colleague.” - “People don’t like him because he always seems angry.” So all demeanor is behavior, but not all behavior is part of demeanor.


It’s tough to put to words, but there is a slight difference. They’re synonyms, basically, but not interchangeable. Our behavior is how we conduct ourselves, what we do. To behave a certain way is to act a certain way. Behavior is to behave as demeanor is to ____. Demeanor has no verb form, and I think that’s significant. Our demeanor is how we present ourselves, like our aura, the air about us. It’s like *a way about him* in, “He had a certain offbeat way about him.” Behavior has a more *action* connotation, whereas demeanor has a more *effect on people’s impressions* connotation. I think that’s it.


To me behavior is something someone does or actions they take Demeanor is more how they come off and “feel” to be around