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Ok so in this context, for the parents to give him shit is (a vulgar and informal way) to annoy him, give grief, or talk badly about him. The term 'To give somebody shit' can also be used referring to gifts or items that are given to the person, using the word shit as a general term for physical items. Shit is a very versatile word and can be used in many different ways, sometimes completely different meanings can be used with something as small as context or tone. Anyway that is more than you asked for so sorry for infodumping lol


What a great answer!


"To give someone shit" is a (vulgar and informal) way to say "to tease someone," usually in a friendly or loving way.


It can also easily mean in an unfriendly way, depending on the context.


Especially if it's a "ration of shit." That's usually not friendly.


i’ve never heard that phrase, where is it common?


It probably originated in the military, but I’ve heard it outside of that context.


That might be why I know it. I have/had family in the military.


I don't really think the "usually in a loving way" really applies. At least where I'm from. Here (sydney, australia) if you were to hear someone was giving someone else shit, you would assume by default they were deliberately being antagonistic, unless context clues told you they were only joking.


Southern USA — same here. If you’re friends you might say “nah I’m just giving you shit” meaning I’m messing with you or teasing.  But if someone says “my boss gave me shit all day” that does not mean in a teasing friendly way 


That’s not really “same here” tho. In the US it’s situationally friendly teasing or antagonistic depending on the case.


Also from Sydney but my experience is the opposite of yours. Giving someone shit almost always means jokingly taking the piss out of them.


whereas "to give a shit" is "to care". weird how a simple article changes it completely. "Bob? He's shit." "Bob? He's the shit."


In this context it means the parents gripe at him. It’s not a punishment exactly, but they are letting him know they aren’t happy.  Can also say: they give him crap, they give him a hard time, they hassle him, they get pissy with him, they bitch him out


The non-vulgar option would be “give him grief [about xyz].”


Also a big fan of “guff” instead of grief for the same meaning


"give someone shit" = make a fuss, or bother/criticize/make fun of someone over something


I disagree, actually—at least to me, it has a more lighthearted and friendly tone than bothering or criticizing.


My bad for not giving the full context! The characters were talking in a bad tone about the parents, definitely (*They almost never let the kid go for walks with friends on weekends, so he was complaining about them)


True most of the time, though not necessarily imo


shit is a very diverse word in casual English. Give a shit means to care, giving someone shit means to make fun of them or mess with them, "no shit" means it's obvious, "that's shit" means it's bad but "that's the shit" means it's really good. batshit is crazy while bullshit is a lie or unfair. apeshit is crazy and dogshit is bad or low quality.


Horseshit is also a stand in for bullshit


To give someone shit means to bother them, give them a hard time, treat them poorly, or speak disrespectfully to them. Another commenter said it can mean to tease someone in a light-hearted way. But it can also mean to be more mean and forceful. "To give someone shit" should not be confused with "to give a shit.". To give a shit means to care about something or to take it seriously.


Example : "Your parents give you so much shit all the time. That must make you feel like shit." "Nah. I don't give a shit what they think."


There are two ways you can "give shit to someone". A.) When you "give shit" to someone, you are talking badly about/to them. Basically, just being rude and unfriendly. B.) when you "give shit" to someone, you are teasing them in a friendly/loving manner.


*Characters were talking in a bad way about them


You've got the correct answer already, but I wanted to add that a less vulgar way to say the same thing is "to give grief" Example: His family always gave him grief about his awful haircut.


Equivalent in this context (criticism/harassment), yes. But I would say that "give grief" fails to capture the connotation of lying/teasing/gaslighting (essentially, "bullshitting") that "give shit" takes on in some other contexts.


To mock, criticise or ridicule.


It's another way, I think, of saying “to give them hell”: to severely reprimand or make things very unpleasant for someone


Everything you need to know: https://youtu.be/igh9iO5BxBo?si=ZrURb1ONpjM1xuko