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i feel like this is your conscious/subconscious projecting that either you want to be listened to yourself or are craving human connection. Your intentions are not harmful but you must realise that this is more for you than others


Yeah I’m well aware of that, I always crave genuine human connection anyways, don’t we all assume what we crave is also what others crave? Would you want to share anything?


I respect the game here. Get some discussion going around an area of interest. Don’t let the others dissuade you. As I’ve learned more enneagram I realize I don’t know generally who I am. I know all the specifics, in too much detail. But zoomed out? It’s like the tides, changing throughout life. 4 energy is particularly odd and beaten down. I think we are hard to deal with and need a certain type of love or appreciation. I say this fully knowing how stupid it is. Wishing it wasn’t. Anyways cheers to you


Well emotions are not rational, you don’t need to search for intelligence in how you feel, I can understand this feeling I think I somewhat experience it too, but no matter what changes about me there are some things in particular that don’t change, my love for art for example, if I lost that it means I truly changed. What would you say are some things that hardly ever change about you?


I’m afraid that I’m my own greatest obstacle in achieving my dreams. I’m trying to build a creative achievement-based career, and I have the time and money (more or less), and probably even the talent if I put enough practice into it, but the voice in my head keeps telling me it’s a pipe dream and I’ll never get there—even if the steps are paved for me and all I have to do is put in the time each day. The doubt and uncertainty seems to put a damper on my creativity too, which is the precious fuel for everything I’ve created up until this point. I think this struggle can apply to most creative career pursuits, but my own goal is to become a fiction writer. I already have a draft of my first novel in revisions (AKA revision Hell), just need to push myself to finish it, find a publishing path, and keep churning out my other story ideas. Easy enough, right? If my vindictive mind allows me.