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The lights are all on suspiciously patterned šŸ˜‚ is this even a real city? I feel like this is a movie set šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't even know. North Korea did create at least one fake town at one point, such as Kijong-dong, that did have building lights turned on and off at set times ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kijong-dong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kijong-dong)), so like what others have said, either it's a fake city like Kijong-dong or a wealthy part of North Korea.


It's Pyongyang. Most of those apartments are likely empty. But those that aren't are given to the top brass of the country.


Most of them probably arenā€™t even apartments. Just open floors.


Probably just the bare struts and nothing else.


KimCity 2000


KimCity 2000 was a pretty good game.


In all seriousness, SimCity 2000 was arguably the best sim city ever.


I've never really played SimCity, so I can't exactly agree or disagree with you. I've heard of it though.




Also no one on the streets


If this country is so poor, then how come this one small part of the country looks ehh..alright by western standards huh? Liberal-Fsscists owned šŸ˜Ž šŸ˜Ž šŸ˜Ž


Chances are the buildings arenā€™t even completely finished from the inside. North Korea wasteā€™s so much on architecture by labouring on people that think differently than the government. This is basically Dubai vibes right here


This looks like it's in China, and even if it's in North Korea it's probably in some wealthy part of Pyongyang and is definitely not representative of the country


And theyā€™re most likely largely empty


They are probably inhabited, but an extremely small part of the population (usually military officials) gets to live in such privileged situations. Itā€™s so absurd that the class differences are so extreme in a country that claims to have abolished class.


Itā€™s the perfectly spaced lighting that makes me a touch suspicious


Do they have a curfew at night for officials too? That street looks really empty


Say that last part louder for the people in the back


Itā€™s quite simple, they just created a new aristocracy/upper class made from revolutionaries and people who are considered to be ā€politically reliableā€. Itā€™s even formalized and to some degree hereditary, as the three-degree [Songbun](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songbun) system takes account not only how ā€politically reliableā€ you are, but also how ā€politically reliableā€ your relatives and ancestors were. The highest strata, the ā€Coreā€, who are estimated to be about 30% of North Koreans, are mainly descendants from the communist-aligned sections from the Korean independence movement, and are given better education, food and job opportunities. The middle strata, the ā€Waveringā€, are ordinary North Koreans with no ties to the first generation of Korean communist revolutionaries, and are estimated to be about 40% of the population. The last and lowest strata, the ā€Hostileā€, are descendants from old ā€class enemiesā€ like Christian priests, lawyers, merchants, landowners, factory managers, people with Japanese heritage, or whose ancestors were against communism, and these make up the bottom 30% of North Koreans. Itā€™s updated every 2 years from age 17, and you can be demoted in your position by marrying someone of a lower position, being convicted for a crime (or having a family member convivted), or just not showing enough political enthusiasm. So yeah, they just invented a new Communist aristocracy. Oh, and there are about 50 sub-classifications within these 3 strata. Itā€™s a real class system if Iā€™ve ever heard of one.


Wouldn't that technically be a caste system?


Oh it absolutely is. And while rewarding political loyalty was always rewarded with more job/education opportunities and higher standard of living in other communist countries, and the reverse for political disloyalty, North Korea has just straight-up formalized it as a social system.


True communism. A classless society with an overbearing caste system.


A representative of the DPRK was at a peace conference in Seoul during the Sunshine Policy period. North Korean: "I appreciate your moving all the vehicles in your country here and having them drive around for our benefit. It must have been a lot of work, just to impress us." South Korean: "That was easy. The hard part was moving the skyscrapers."


It is indeed in Pyongyang I believe.


You can find any shithole in the world that has a rich area with amazing architecture and wealth. This reminds me of a north korean yt account that was showing how "awesome" nk is. One of the main attractions was a grocery store that had... groceries inside. Let me repeat, a random grocery store having food is considered a huge marketing point and good PR move to them. Like, it;s not a necessity for grocery stores in supposedly developed countries to have food.


I think I saw that too. Also the NK "wealthy districts" all look run down and depressing as fuck too.


Also the dark part of these grocery store videos is that they don't stock up on fresh produce and it's all processed foods


Notice how hardly any of the windows are lit up. Buildings like these are just made for show.


Ah yes the great skyline of empty buildings


Meanwhile, most, if not all, of the population lives under poverty and are pretty much suffering. They seriously think North Korea is a utopia? Least delusional communist. EDIT: I've heard other people say that it's a fake city. So it's basically just Kijong-dong 2.0. LOL. If that's the case, then the OOP is even more delusional.


The basis for the argument is that we donā€™t really know much about the inner workings of NK due to how Isolationist it is


Yeah. All we can do is rely on rare footage, words from defectors, or make speculations. Not much we can do to find out more.


Prosperity is when skyscraper


[A Potemkin Village in action.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potemkin_village)


The fact NK things those villages are impressive and will tempt southerners to move there is laughable. I almost feel embarrassed for them


Iā€™m sure it would have worked in like, the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s. But now or even the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s? Lol no.


The first thing I noticed was the strategically placed lights that are just numerous enough to _suggest_ people actually live in those buildings. Bravo North Korea, you have made the worldā€™s best 1:1 scale model city. Too bad youā€™re still a corrupt communist shithole to this day or youā€™d be able to afford real cities.


NK defenders literally use evidence of mundane things common in the west to prove a point. "NK has a few good buildings and a grocery store, in the wealthiest region of Pyongyang? That's clearly a sign that they are doing better than the imperialist capitalists. Checkmate"


Those are fucking *huge* apartment blocks, those would house *so many people* Why is there not a *single one* outside in any of these photos?


Everyone is given the opportunity to rest properly in NK. There's no need for being out at night. You can meet all of your needs during the day. No... Need...


Ultra rare photos of Pyongyang without blackout xD


I'd like it better if it were a satellite view but of ocurse we'd see what it really looked like then huh?


boast boat voiceless sand reach special spectacular wasteful sugar instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and the fat kid was a paid actorā€¦


I bet that kid wasn't even fat!


Wow. Itā€™s crazy in the second pic when you realize the light is being shined *at* the windows rather than *from* the windows.


...oh fuck, you're right. That's what was creeping me out. They're all illuminated from the *outside*.


This 10 minutes of light in Pyongyang probably costed more than what NK pays for the military in a year Or Kim's dinner tonight


There are all these Tiktoks from like North Koreans, that are like "come to NK", then all the comments are: "The empire is pretty chill" rofl


[and this is just ONE of the buildings in NK](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a5/Pr%C3%A1zdn%C3%A9_slnice_a_rozestav%C4%9Bn%C3%BD_hotel_Ryugyong_-_panoramio.jpg/600px-Pr%C3%A1zdn%C3%A9_slnice_a_rozestav%C4%9Bn%C3%BD_hotel_Ryugyong_-_panoramio.jpg). šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Clearly NK is prospering and everything else is propaganda


TBH any country, even North Korea, can look amazing or like the trainwreck it is with the right camera angle and the right location at the right time. Those nightime maps show that Pyongyang, at least, has reliable electricity even if nowhere else does, so if it's in North Korea this is somewhere in Pyongyang. The rest of the country, OTOH.....


Where did all the people go? šŸ˜Ø


The humorous part here is him completely disregarding the all too aligned lighting pattern. 99.9 percent of the apartments are vacant, along with the buildingsā€™ interior being unfinished. You basically have a row of Ryugyong Hotels.


Ah yes, my favorite city... Cardboardville


Just one, more like the only one


Why are there no cars?


OMG NORTH KOREA GOT THE RGBLGB LIGHTS. NORTH KOREA MUST BE BUSSIN BUSSIN šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± BRIGHT LIGHTS GUYS AWOOOGA AWOOOGA. On the real though notice how there's not a single soul on frame. These pics look dead af. They look like they came straight out of the backrooms


Yes, it is a real building in North korea But it is still a dictatorship rule lol


North Korea good because they have a few buildings, guys!


It doesnā€™t even look that nice. Picture 3 looks a bit like the centre column in the Tardis.


A couple of those pics are just exterior lights. So all interior lights are off?


Where the fuck are the people


Where are the people


Wow they have streets with apartment blocks. The west will never catch up


such a glorious utopia


One of seven


How is he even allowed to go out in the first place during night ? Tourists aren't supposed to be outside at night (not allowed by authorities)


this just a normal street in any major city


Are all the people who live in the area busy celebrating dear leader somewhere else?


that looks like a gmod set


How is this even impressive even if it's real? Wait till they see Dubai or Las Vegas


Yup. Thatā€™s one. Lol.


Not one single pedestrian in sight. Must all be inside having fun worshipping the leader


This is probably one of the areas in Pyongyang/Wonsan where the party elites get to live. I can assure you that itā€™s not just some random street in some random city.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this was a real image with possibly staged buildings or even not staged buildings. Authoritarian regimes like North Korea and Russia take great care in making their capital cities look as pristine and modern as possible while the rest of their country is in abject poverty and tries to act like their capital is the average.


How much do you bet it's not from North Korea or nobody lives there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Ok_Reporter9381: *How much do you bet* *It's not from North Korea* *Or nobody lives there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's an urban area but the street is so empty.


i just cringed at looking at this post from a tankietard sub


Nothing says socialist utopia like empty high rise apartments


That looks so bland


I don't get it? It looks like a normal steet, why is it here of all places?


What sub was this posted on? This doesn't seem like commie spam. This is just some cool ass buildings. Cool buildings aren't proof that north korea is actually a good country. So we just postin cool pics of stuff in communist countries and get mad at it now?


This picture is implying that the DPRK is not the totalitarian government it is. That in fact it's a socialist utopia complete with luxury buildings and whatever else they want you to think. At least that's what I think the OP of that post is implying.


Probably not, but idc. All I gotta say is that the sub is goin way harsher than I thought it would ever go. also i report to da mod dat u in luv wit stalin i saw ur comment on post I made hahaha.


Where the hell are all the people? Creepy AF


Looks like it is from South