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Despite what internet commies say the U.S. is still the most powerful country in human history


And the most benevolent country possible to hold that mantle. I dare not think of a scenario where either Russia or China are the most powerful country.


Human history seems like a bit of a stretch to me, unless by country, you specifically mean modern-day nation-state and not any plot of dirt that a bunch of powerful people lay claim to. Obviously, America dwarfs any nation before it by virtue of better technology, but I don't think we have the type of influence that former world empires would have had like China, Rome, England, Mali, Greece, etc.


Russia isnt becoming a world hegemon and its regional dominance is actively declining - see Armenia-Azerbaijan for a good example.


Yeah I’m bout to say Russia doesn’t even have a real aircraft carrier


The US isn't as much of a paper tiger as wumaos like to claim. Case in point: How the PLA navy reacts whenever the US Navy shows up in the Taiwan Strait. The PLA are a bunch of punks with no practical experience.


Oh the Russians do far worse to their conscripts than beat them. Raping and prostituting them out is commonplace.


The word is dedovschchina and it’s disturbing as fuck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina


That is beyond horrifying.


Absolutely. We’re the leader of the free world.


No, the dominant country should be Albania, strongest country in the world. 💪 Shqipëria World Order 🇦🇱


I don't like USA that much in quite a lot of stuff but compared to Russia and China? Go go world power!


Don’t worry. Even with America gone. There is no way in a million years will a China and Russia alliance be even powerful enough to fight NATO. Russia already made a scene by loosing a literal flagship to an almost landlocked country


Also, their aircraft carrier is always spewing smoke and very much a safety hazard to people on board.


The American nation is one of the few societies in man’s history to enshrine natural rights as an unalienable principle via the constitution. The managerial/administrative state has, however, has severely impaired American liberties for the past half-century.