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Free Palestine? Oh no no, more under new management..


\>Consider the benefits \>AI generated picture


Bruh, I can't get over how a flag was placed in the middle of a highway


Mmmurica fuck yeah comin again to save the motherfuckin day yeahh


Don't you get it? It helps bolster patriotism AND encourages the r/fuckcars morons. Win-Win!


Woah woah this sub hates r/fuckcars?


I don’t feel like a blanket ban on cars is remotely a good idea, but overly car-centric infrastructure is a legitimate problem


That’s the sentiment I’ve gathered from the vast majority in the sub. Of course there’s weird extremists but that’s to be expected in any ideology.


Ah yes because the CCP loves Muslims so much


Plot twist: it’s actually Ben Gvir’s idea


Given how close Israel and the PRC were in the early 2000s, this is not wildly implausible


Now their organs, that’s another story!


It's funny, China is actually putting muslims in concentration camps yet that isn't considered genocide. But Israel being at war with Hamas is


Communists hate certain countries not because of bad things those countries did. They hate them because they’re allies of the U.S.


China has a red flag with stars so they can do no wrong


The CCP ruling Gaza wouldn’t be much better then the Hamas.


Plus the CCP doesn't have a good track record in their treatment of Muslims


Wdym? CCP is great, no one can say otherwise. Just look at the thriving province of East Turkmenistan!


Honestly, the kmt's flag looks cooler


They might remove the poor guy and delete all muslim culture like what they did in china.


It's fun to say shit but I'd bet it would probably be a lot better, the biggest thing that causes Gaza to be poor as shit is using every resource available to wage war, and severe economic sanctions. China wouldn't be waging war so the sanctions would (most likely, Israel is a US ally after all) be lifted. China is also a much more developed country than Gaza, so they could bring over a lot of infrastructure and technology. I also don't think they would try force sterilization, because who from China is gonna wanna move to Gaza. Maybe some Muslims in China, who likely aren't Han anyways. I think the biggest question though, is WHY. There's literally nothing in Gaza or the West Bank that's worth taking. The entire region of Palestine is pretty shit geographically, the only reason why Israel is rich is because they are a major technological player, nothing to do with any of the land. The only possible thing I can think of is the close proximity to a US ally, although I can't really see Israel being all too useful in a war against China.


The West Bank is actually prime farmland and was given to the Arabs for that purpose. The large amount of land the Jews got in the UN partition was mostly empty desert.


I mean, Ghaza can have a very prosperous port which can help china on their way to achieve influence in the Mediterranean sea. The west bank is good for farmland, afaik, as well as both Ghaza and the WB have quite a workforce so they don't even need to send many workers from China. In addition, there's the border with Egypt (Rafah crossing) which will allow some influence on Egypt and thus Africa. I think there are some advantages. That being said, a major disadvantage would be if they choose this horrific flag design.


at least China wont needlessly start shit with Israel. After China deletes Hamas, Palestine will finally be a sovereign state in the Middle East (albeit with a Han majority)


China and USA have one absolutely beautiful thing in common: they tend to not be as imperialistic as previous world powers. (Ofc we have USA and iraq / USA and Afghanistan, or we have China and Uyghurs / China and Taiwan. But if I say "british empire" you would understand why this is basically nothing) America couldve taken over the world easily after world war 2. They didnt. They instead implemented a FIAT system worldwide, further developing the USD as the main central reserve currency. This is much better than England did between 1780 and 1944. >! Or my country, the netherlands, in the 16th and 17th century !<


It would be better. China would probably not hide war centers in public building just for laughs. So possible less civilians could die. But they aren’t exactly known for treating their own Muslim population well so perhaps not. But neither China nor the US wants war with each other. At least for now so the conflict could end and that would be good for most people.


idk. China seems to have solved the economical equation in terms of enriching themselves. (Aka: they atleast adopted a form of capitalism that made them an industrialized country) Can't say the same for the islamic countries surrounding israel... no hate for the muslims of course and I know that the Jews are commiting worse crimes against them than they do against the Jews, but the fact that the jews managed to industrialize a country in the middle east while all surrounding countries fail to do so is a very unfortunate thing. Its really easy for outsiders such as myself to fall into the trap to choose a side. I see this w my dad for example (I think he is more pro jew than pro muslim)


The neighboring countries have had plenty of time and opportunities to industrialize but don’t. UAE and Saudi Arabia on the other hand have done just that and it’s worked out well for them. There are no excuses. It no about the Jewish thing as much as the world stupidly makes it out to be. It’s about the not constantly trying to kill each other thing. It’s also incredibly unfair to say the Jews collectively are doing worse. It’s as if you never looked in a history book at how Muslims have treated us over the generations. One might only need to look at the Quran to see how “welcoming” they have been to our people such as the Jews of Medina. 


This sounds like a classic r/mapporncirclejerk


Troll post. The @ is "LunacyNow."


Finally a change in quality of life/s


Reddit: Chinese imperialism good. American imperialism bad


Oh that’ll free Palestine indeed.


Because nothing screams "freedom" than being a puppet state 🙄


Gaza has zero natural resources to plunder. Hard pass for the CCP.


They can exile the Taiwanese there tho.


AI generated pictures just makes me laugh and cry simultaneously


Lol what I'd give to see the CCP get bogged down in the Middle East


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SelfLoathinMillenial: *Lol what I'd* *Give to see the CCP get bogged* *Down in the Middle East* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's americas job


I mean, since they're unwilling to reclaim Outer Manchuria (and together with Mongolia, the rest of Siberia and Russian Far East)... ... This is the second best option, I guess.🫠


Ask the average chinaman how they feel about islam


This would actually make sense. China will do a better job than Hamas at “freeing” Palestine. Israel and China won’t be enemies. The Middle East becomes slightly less unstable.


We have to remember, if the middle east becomes stable, a Black hole will come out of the cube of islam or whatever it was called and eat us


The CCP would't touch the strip with a pole longer than the Great Wall. Nobody does if they had a choice


Ah, finally! Chinese colonies!


Free AI pictures of failed promises?


Ah yes, the peoples colonialism.


So hand it to a country statistically committing genocide on muslims? Do the far left have severe brain rot?


>Do the far left have severe brain rot? Yes. Yes they do.


The red part of the flag looks more like Vietnam's flag


Someone get vexillologycirclejerk on the phone


I mean, China has a tried and tested method of dealing with islamic extremism They have the added benefit that leftists would gladly look the other way when its Chinese doing it instead of Jews.


Ah yes, blatant Chinese imperialism l. What a surprise lmao.


Bro what benefits?? 😭😭


Ah yes thats working so well in *checks notes* Xinjiang


Consider the benefits:


Pfft, the whole idea is to keep the West occupied with it, not get themselves involved.


The Palestine state has never existed...and never will... The region would become a province of either Iran, Turkey, China or Saudi Arabia in case Israel fell


this is literally just the British Mandate of Palestine but red.


Commies when Israeli imperialism: 😡 Commies when Chinese imperialism: 😍


But why the Jordanian flag???


The star on Jordan's flag is white and has seven points. This flag has a golden five-pointed star, like the stars on China's flag.


Oh snap. My bad


I had to double check at first too.


What a silly concept lmao


Yeah because I'm sure that's what the Palestinians in Gaza are clamoring for. Remember, imperialism is only bad when western nations do it. /s


“The same tired solutions are presented.” “Have you tried actually doing them?” “No.”


When they were talking about solutions I was anticipating it going in a different direction


Ok deal, but Israel becomes the 51st US State in exchange 🔥


You guys realize “Chinese Gaza” is a troll account right


As a chingchong,I'm very sorry to see it


Hamas would turn 90% of the things of that pic into rockets.


China is well known for great treatment of Muslims. What could go wrong!?


Yes I agree the Chinese should totally do this. It will definitely not backfire in anyway.


I could pull up a picture of Tel Aviv that looks like that. If Palestine used some of their aid money to build an economy and cities, maybe they'd be as rich as Israel. They had the same amount of time to do it.


Consider the benefits: shitty AI image