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As far as I remember, every single political candidate Musk has endorsed publicly was a Republican that either denies climate change or something close enough to to, denies COVID, wants more guns, and was against gay marriage.


Man the GOP is cooked. Trump going to jail but his fans will spoil votes from more viable candidates, DeSantis is such a loser they had to drop him almost as soon as they endorsed him, and Ramaswamy...well, he's brown, and that makes him a non-starter among the GOP voterbase. They've lost many elections, their propaganda machine is without direction, McConnell is dying, and Millennials and Gen Z together will form a way bigger voting bloc than the Boomers. They had their chance to seize power forever and squandered it bc rationally assessing reality was never their strength. Elon's trying to step up to make Twitter a newer propaganda apparatus for the far-right, but he's a miserable and very public failure. I see all of this scrambling as an indicator of desperation on the far-right's part. It's Joever


I think millennials surpassed boomers as the biggest age group in 2020.


They just need to vote in higher numbers now


That's why he wants to make it illegal to vote between 18 - 25 years old...


25 years old is Gen Z by now isn't it? Millennials are 40.


My rule of thumb is they’re a millennial if they remember 9/11, and Gen Z if they don’t


I like it


Which would make a 25 YO Gen Z.


That's accurate. Gen Z begins immediately after millennials, who ended in 1996. The Youngest Gen Z were born in 2012. There's another generation (currently called Gen Alpha, which is stupid) already well underway.


The rule of thumb between Gen Z and alpha will be if they remember pre-covid life like 9/11 is for gen z and millennials, and the challenger disaster was for millennials and Gen x


I don't know exactly, everywhere I look at the generation years the lists are different - he definitely wants to keep people under 25 from voting, unless they take a government test...which sounds an awful lot like how they used to keep black people from voting...


We try, but we also need to fix gerrymandering and the fact that some republicans are trying to move the voting age to 21+




All we have to do is wait. :D


Once again no one remembers Gen X. All generations matter!


I feel like Gen-X is like they prime age group that gets sucked in by all the QAnon shit and all the culture war nonsense. Most boomers are old as shit now. But your classic rap around sunglasses Facebook moron? Gen-X. Of course not all are bad obviously but Gen-X too often gets a pass because people blame boomers. Then again everyone blames millennials still for Gen-Z stuff. Like man I’m 40!


Elon is Gen X, the apathetic cynicism of Gen-X'ers did kinda get twisted into deranged conspiracism


Turns out "I want to believe" and "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" are double-edged swords.


>"fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" The grand irony that they were explicitly talking about white supremacy as enforced by the police in the US\*, and because most people ignore lyrics generations of teens have just been like *"Yeah fuck you Chuck, you're not my real dad!"* \*Abridged lyrics to RATM's [Killing in the Name](https://youtu.be/JYJ6QJqy92s): >Killing in the name of > >Some of those that work forces > >Are the same that burn crosses > >Now you do what they told ya > >Those who died are justified > >For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites > >You justify those that died > >By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites > >And now you do what they told ya (Now you're under control) > >Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me! > >Motherfucker!


There are plenty of us GenX folks who still hold true to the original values of RATM. The problem has nothing to do with when someone is born, but what they have. There are plenty of millennials who've become suburban homeowners whose politics are absolutely shit. The problem has always been, and will always be, class. Marx is batting 1.000 on that one.


Yep. Generations are a real thing insofar as people at different stages of life face unique challenges, but the ageist "Us vs. Them" quality that is drilled into the definitions of generations under capitalism is, like sexism racism and LGBT+phobia, just another way to divide and conquer the working class.


Exactly. We were the first to realize that work was utter bullshit. All this "quiet quitting" stuff is something that Boomers were saying about us back in the 1990s when they were calling us all "slackers." Still, you're hitting the nail on the head. It's about class. Did you sell out in the end or hold true to a belief system? America has insidious mechanisms to get people to sell every day.


Sad, but true.


It’s the Gen Jones group that came into the job market in the 80s under Reagonomics that are the biggest conservative voting block. The youngest boomers and oldest gen xers are honestly the biggest issue rather than the old boomers that went through the hippy revolution and the younger gen x that weren’t influenced by Reagan


I'm an older GenX who HATED Reagan, used to belong to the Young Socialists Alliance, attended marches and protests, etc. . In my 50's, I'm considered centre-centre left pretty much anywhere else in the world, but in the US people practically expect me to have a back tattoo of Marx and Engels. Growing up, most of my friends had similar viewpoints, we were concerned about social issues, injustice, equality, etc. I'm finding that in the last 20 years (really post 9/11), I'm now the outlier and the friends I grew up with have mostly gone Q/MAGA (after moving "conservative" years before) and have lost all connection to reality. Ironically, I think it's the cynicism and questioning of authority that was common to my generation that became the gateway to conspiracy theories and "alternative facts". We became so used to distrusting a political infrastructure that was corrupt that we lost the ability to recognise actual corruption and instead became contrarians who distrust all authority and institutions no matter their actual character. Conspiracy theorists, the alt-right, foreign adversaries, etc. found fertile ground in Gen-X and so we have picked up where the Boomers left off. The truly sad thing is that a generation that grew up questioning authority have largely come to a point of actively welcoming authoritarianism.




Oh great, so apparently it's just MY friends. I've got to get out and meet more people... Seriously, though, those charts show support for Democrats eroding among Boomers, GenX AND Millennials in favour of Republicans even just over a two year period. That is frightening.


I think a lot of old boomers are dead or close to it. They've got to be in their 70s now. Gen X are just now getting close to Social Security age right?


This. Millennials are 40 now. We *just barely* have had news stories stop talking about "college age millennials" like 2 years ago. One thing I'm confused on, I thought Gen Alpha is the people born 2020 and onward. Like Covid defined that generation kind of like 9/11 defined Millennials vs Gen Z. But they're saying teenagers now are Gen Alpha?


Gen alpha actually started around 2010; the defining factor initially was having access to iPads, smartphones, etc their entire lives.


So Gen Z was people who had basically no memory of 9/11 as it happened right?


Pretty much. The oldest Zoomer would have been 4 or 5 when 9/11 happened (1996 is the dividing line), so there is an outside chance some have the memory, but they almost certainly don't have it clearly.


Likewise, I'd say Gen Alpha (which is supposed to start early or mid 2010s) might be defined by not remembering the world before COVID. My daughter is 6. We were taking about a past family vacation that was shortly before COVID and she didn't know what I was talking about. I thought about it and was like "Oh yeah, you were like 2 at the time." And then I realized she'll have no memory of anything before COVID because she was so young.


Damn this just blew my mind . My daughter was born in 2020 . She never even existed pre covid lol .


Meh. Whatever. /s


Gen-X, the generation of apathy and priding themselves on not caring? Those guys?




They’re Bidone


My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci


I shall now refer to Muskmelon as Prosecute.


Prosecute fauciself has no idea how ridiculous prosecute looks to the rest of the world.


Prosecuteself is cheating. Everyone here wants a chance to prosecute him.


* prosecute *prosecute* no need to misgender prosecute


We get it you are a bad bot that likes a strap on


No, you just don't get it! I'm the coolest kid ever, I call everything x! Like sex! Get it? You guys don't get it cause you're not cool like me! Why don't I have any friends?


[As is tradition.](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003)


Your pronouns are Poser and Cuck.


How can the CEO of an electric vehicle company endorse a man who doesn't believe in climate change? His stans don't see the hypocrisy in that?


He does not care about the environment. Never did. If you actually look at his interactions with others it was always a marketing/blackmail tactic. "You are against Tesla? Why are you against the environment?"


He also owns a rocket company remember. He just wants to do whatever the furk he wants and assumes rules don't apply to him.


People who are still his stans at this point don’t give a shit about the environment. They only care that Tesla and EVs are the “cool new tech” of the car industry, so his hypocrisy doesn’t matter to them since they only liked Tesla for being a shiny new toy to them rather than actually caring about the environment. EVs are nice and all, but these types only like that they’re better for the environment at a surface level. You ask them their thoughts on supporting public transport and infrastructure so we can have a less car-centric society which would do more to help than just turning every combustion private vehicle into an electric one? They’ll reveal their true colors.


Not even new tech at this point. Those Model 3 and Model Ys rattle like shit going over anything other than a perfect road. People were amazed by the big screen in the Model S back in 2013 but that means little these days. Hell, you turn on 'Autopilot' and it smacks curbs and busts up wheels. The *only reason* Tesla became anything was because legacy auto was asleep at the wheel and didn't start doing anything about EVs until about 2018, giving Tesla a 7 year head start if you don't count that shitty roadster from 2008.


He doesnt care about the environment and uses his companies to suck up government money. He is the ultimate welfare king. Without all the government subsidies he gets for his companies, they would have gone belly up.


He took advantage of a poorly designed zero emission credit program that was intended to incentivize existing auto makers to produce zero emission vehicles. By creating a car company that *only* sold zero emission vehicles, he could get a huge surplus of zero emission credits which he could then resell to the other automakers. This is largely how he has made his profits.


Even if musk doesn’t believe in climate change, it would be actively against his business interests to support fossil fuels. The stuff his company works on, batteries, electric efficiency, etc benefits from climate activism. Shows his genius business skills at work


Vivek also thinks people under 21 shouldn’t be allowed to vote unless they’re in the military or the trades (aka, two overwhelmingly republican groups). Which is probably the most transparent attempt to put a thumb on the scale of any candidate so far?


Even worse: it’s 25, and it’s military or pass the citizenship test. The military is sorting for republicans; the latter a literacy test. https://apnews.com/article/vivek-ramaswamy-voting-age-2024-president-ea1429836e8f809fbf301b7b027f4ab9


For all the shit with musk recently him going pro fossil fuels and anti climate change is the most bizarre. If he has the influence he thinks he does that is actively hurting his own brand.


That's why his take is 'he states his beliefs clearly' not 'I think he's correct', he's trying to have it both ways. Enlightened Centrism at its clearest.


And is a pro-Russian propagandist. This Ramaswamy loser is a particularly egregious example.


This dude doesn't seem to realise that the people he is trying to get votes from will never vote for him in a million years because of his Indian background.


Somehow I think he's still polling higher than Nikki Haley even though she has more experience and has very successfully obfuscated what race she is lol. Kind of similar to Bobby Jindal.


Isn't that basically every Republican candidate though? Yeah they might not outright *deny* COVID and not outright *state* that they don't want gay marriage, but most of them will weasel out of committing on either of those topics.


Thats the thing, its not. You have candidates that for at least some of these issues they go in the opposite direction. So him still supporting this type of candidate while saying he is a centrist, or that he votes for the left part of the right and the right part of the left is laughable.


nuclear family huh?


Nuclear family is the term for the “perfect family”, that consists of a husband and wife (so no gay couples) and one or more two children. And both parents haven’t previously had a divorce or children from other relationships


>And both parents haven’t previously had a divorce or children from other relationships So not the Musk and Trump families.


For thee, not me.


The rich are exempt from their own rules.


Elon was married how many times? Had how many baby mamas? Produces electric cars. He’s a walking oxymoron.


And a regular moron, too




So he is a perfect Republican - got it.


With a name like Vivek Ramaswamy, he should be running for the leopards ate my face party nomination.


He has like 12 kids, most artificial insemination IIRC. Dude is a fucking weirdo.


And it's literally impossible for it to exist now, with a wife at home and the husband making all of the income, in 90% of families .


Seriously. Unless you’re like a doctor, lawyer or in some high demand tech job, there’s no way you can afford what the boomers could do in the 1950s on a single salary job with just a high school degree. It’s wild to think they could afford a decent home, two cars, two kids and regular vacations off that one income when these days a lot of college educated couples both working full time jobs can’t all do that even with their combined income.


Even most tech jobs you can’t afford it pretty much.


You can't afford a single salary income in some locations even in those jobs.


But how can we sell endless quantities of necessary things if we don’t atomize society past the point of no return!?


Right? The Nuclear Family was killed by capitalism.


I doubt it's a coincidence that many non-white cultures place incredible importance on extended families.


They also have to be the same race, and the kids have to have zero health issues The mom has to stay home while the dad works and provides for the whole family


Ahhh that makes sense. I didn't put it together that "nuclear family" is basically a dogwhistle for being anti-LGBTQ.


And is a modern, post-war concept.


It also discriminates against family structures where combinations of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents nieces and nephews all share the same roof.


It's weird that he is jumping on this train when he has divorced and a bunch of children out of wedlock. Shouldn't he be punished and considered a deviant for such behavior in this system? But this "nuclear family" line is really a code for "women stay home, LGBT shouldn't marry" while straight men do whatever they please and get away with it. Look at how many prominent Republicans are divorced and hooking up with prostitutes, and no one cares.


> But this "nuclear family" line is really a code for "women stay home, LGBT shouldn't marry" while straight men do whatever they please and get away with it. Oh it's not women staying home anymore (the wealthy can't stand the idea that they would lose some of their peons)—it's just that women who work don't deserve credit for it and deserve what they get when they're harassed, underpaid and generally treated like shit. Oh and of course, they're still required to do 100% of the house work.


I remember when BLM was criticized for “coming after the nuclear family”. Like bruh, what do you think BLM is gonna do to your family? They ain’t talking about YOU. they are talking about the patriarchal world we live in where Daddy is always right. Where a single mother and her kids are viewed as lesser than a “nuclear family”. I fully agree that the concept of a heteronormative nuclear family needs updating, cause many of us do not live that lifestyle and we shouldn’t hold the same standards as a family of WASPs pretending to be happy.


Yeah, let's celebrate the utopia of free nuclear energy and say that humans need fossil fuels to flourish lmaoooo


what's this three vs four branches debate? as a lawyer i was taught there are usually three branches in most countries and i wrote a paper on us constitiution and it states there are three branches? or is it some conspiracy theory that there is a secret branch or somthing like that? please someone elaborate


Vivek is referring to the ["deep state" or the "administrative branch" or "the swamp".](https://www.foxnews.com/media/vivek-ramaswamy-vows-gut-several-agencies-including-fbi-irs-cdc) He claims the IRS, DEA, ~~DOE~~ Dept of Education, sorry wrong acronym, CDC, etc, have essentially become a fourth separate branch of government with their regulatory power and wants to eliminate them entirely.


well, i'm not surprised that they make up an unofficial branch of their own considering that, for example, in my country those departments belong to the executive branch - i already noticed the relatively small size of the us' executive branch as for the 'eliminating' part - that seems to be on brand for quasi-libertarian 'small government' types of people upd. so all those departments DO fall under the executive branch in the us as well and most of my comment is wrong. thanks to the commenters for correcting that :)


Disassemble the vital functions of govt due to perceived inconveniences then get pissed when there's no govt support


Like how they gutted school programs and now complain that kids aren’t prepped for life and just play on phones all day


This kid can't read or do math. But their parents did it. Too bad the average reading level in the country is below highschool


Only give me amenities. No taxes. Just amenities…oh your country is bankrupt well time for me to move to another one.


In America it falls under the excutive branch. There just a reason why the local dmv doesn't hire new people after every election


Is it because in many governmental jobs continuity and political independence are important in being effective at doing the job? Therefore you don't replace these employees every four years with political appointees? Or you don't unless you are a complete fucking idiot who...oh, wait, nm


They’re part of the executive branch in the US as well


Why would they want to eliminate the Department of Energy?


I thought it was the Department of Education? Cuz “woke”


Any department that gets removed can be managed by corporations, is my assumption. The end goal of that ideology is just.....no regulation, more corporation.


Because they don't know what it does. That's not a joke. Rick Perry, who **ran for president** on defunding the DOE, ended up Trump's secretary for energy and had no idea whatsoever what the job involved until after he took it.


He was shocked to learn that they're in charge of the nuclear arsenal.


Admin is part of the executive. This goes back to Montesquieu.


I googled and it came back with the media too. "In politics of the United States, the fourth branch of government is an unofficial term referring to groups or institutions perceived variously as influencing or acting in the stead of the three branches of the US federal government defined in the Constitution of the United States (legislative, executive and judicial). Views as to whether the influence is due or undue or the actions are for good or ill also vary.Such groups can include the press (as a departure from the 'Fourth Estate'), the people (in sum or as grand juries), and interest groups. The independent administrative agencies of the United States government, while technically not part of any one of the three branches, may also be referred to as a ‘fourth branch’." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth\_branch\_of\_government#:\~:text=The%20concept%20of%20the%20news,the%20healthy%20functioning%20of%20democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_branch_of_government#:~:text=The%20concept%20of%20the%20news,the%20healthy%20functioning%20of%20democracy). At this point I would put scotus in the list as well.


He’s either talking about the media or departments like the DOE, DOJ, etc.


i also thought about the media first but i think the second one is correct, other commentator also said it


Are the DOE and DOJ not part of the executive branch?


And none of these are really a clear statement of any sort of opinion or belief, they are just political buzzwords aimed at Republicans. Hell, the man is a Hindu so the first one already is something most Republicans would disagree with as soon as they realize what god he is talking about.


LOL, yes. If he were telling the truth, the statement would be "The gods are real." But he had to lie.


Gods and goddesses, as well as various spiritual entities that take different form.


Tbh, I think this would be a great test for most Americans. For example, if Trump, say, came out as saying he converted or was Islamic, his followers would hate Muslim people more than love him. Problem with their party in general is that they already got everything they wanted policy wise and there’s nothing left to really fight for except hate & pushing people out so you are ending up with people like Vivek who can’t win as a Dem or as a Republican


He is a monotheistic hindu. Not defending him, his tweet is just blatant conservative bullshit.


There are monotheistic forms of Hinduism, and apparently Ramaswamy is a follower of one of those traditions.


He claims to be a monotheistic Hindu, but the versions of Hinduism that are technically monotheistic are so because they basically interpret all the gods as being avatars of one being. In practice as soon as they get a picture of him praying in the presence of a Murti of a specific Hindu diety, the patina of alliance will drop and they will start screaming about idolatry and devil worship. It's amazing that he apparently thinks that this can not be the case.


It’s really embarrassing that a loser like Ramaswamy tries so hard to get the approval of a political party that would NEVER vote for a brown person to be their presidential candidate. Sorry buddy but they’re just not that into you


Let these guys split the vote, fight amongst themselves and nominate unelectable charisma blackholes. A severely weakened Trump would probably be the best choice right now.


I don't see a way trump loses the nomination, initially I thought that the indictments might but they haven't. A recent poll showed 60% of Americans will NEVER vote for trump, and while that doesn't make his election impossible it definitely makes it an uphill battle in a race that's already rather steep for him


I think he can win the primary or become VP, his main issue is how extremist he is and annoying he comes across. I really don't think more than 20% of the country at most would support abolishing the FBI/FDA/etc. but maybe this country is too far gone and those policies wind up getting substantial support. He also is clearly a polished speaker but his language and tone make him sound like an egomaniacal student body president at some small highschool or college.


The first poster is right, the GOP will never nominate a non white or woman to be the Presidential nominee - VP at best, just to try to appeal to those demos. Even if some of them would consider it there definitely is not enough of them to overcome the core block that thinks a white man must be at the reins. The trump ticket didn’t even do that with the VP, they threw a generic Christian white guy on there.


Wow. What a rotten human being.


Musk or the "politician"?










I honestly cannot imagine midwest republican voters to vote for a republican named vivek ramaswamy. They're going to be so confused.


He's also not a Christian and since he's not white, Christian nationalists won't give him the benefit of doubt.


“An open border is No border.” Mind you, Vivek parents are immigrants…


He's probably a Brahmin. He thinks he's far above the mostly non-Brahmin Indians who are banned from migrating to the US due to US laws.


+1. Indian here, and pretty disappointed I had to scroll this far. And while you're directly pointing out his casteism, I think it's just one part of his politics. Many Brahmin families are highly conservative and that seeps into their day to day life and even political opinions. Religious conservatism is pretty similar across the board - the emphasis on traditional family values, prejudice towards LGBTQ+, sexism, an irrational repulsion from "wokeness", and the fear that their "culture" will get extinct if the world kept changing at the same pace, which results in them doubling down on their regressive opinions to save their identity. Every religious conservative thinks along these lines, irrespective of their religion. He has more in common with an average white nationalist than he has with an average ethnic Indian. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes to light that he also supports the conservative RSS & BJP in India, who, like GOP in USA, are eating India from inside out. And don't even get me started with RSS & BJP, whom a lot of conservative Hindus support. The Nazis are here as well, but this time, they're donning the saffron.


Here's a list of bs to tell the apes so they can awe in agreement


What is the difference between Vivek and DeSantis? Does anyone know? 🤔


DeSantis is a fascist on a quest for personal power. He desires a world where he is able to unilaterally make decisions, crush others, change the laws to favor him, use/abuse power to suit his needs. Vivek is a pathetic weirdo who desperately wants people to like him. He thinks if he just rattles off the most basic banal conservative talking points, maybe the right wing will forget he’s the wrong color.


> He thinks if he just rattles off the most basic banal conservative talking points, maybe the right wing will forget he’s the wrong color. That actually tends to work on them pretty well, especially with the "democrats are the real racists" crowd.


Ronald Dion DeSantis is an American politician serving since 2019 as the 46th governor of Florida Vivec is the Warrior-Poet deity of the Dunmer and "vi" in the Almsivi. He is the Guardian God-King of the holy land of Vvardenfell.


Why are Americans so weird?


Elon is from South Africa. He's an Apartheid benefactor that moved to the US. Frankly the US has a problem with rich assholes coming here and making our life worse. See Rupert Murdock as another example.


I was talking about the other guy


Fair, though he is one of many people who fell for the propaganda pushed by Rupert Murdock's Fox News. So propaganda is quite a bit of it.


I’m not one to correct people but since you did it twice, just thought I should let you know that it’s “Murdoch.”


Stupidity. The republicans realized a dumb electorate was easier to control so they have been waging a 40 year war against education. Defunding public schools/universities, belittling education, calling it elitism, etc. they already had the dumb ass boomers locked down, so they needed to guarantee a stupid, slave class left when they died off. And its worked, if you look at any poll that has breakdowns its pretty clear uneducated white men are the bulk of their support. White women do still support them but in more 50/50 numbers. And if you take education into account the moment you're even partially college educated its a 50 point swing away from them.


Americans are not weird, it's Republicans. And the word is not "weird," but "ignorant." Every nation has a certain percentage of nuts. Ours is just a little higher.


No, the fixation on "freedom", and the constitution as a holy text is very weird. Reciting the pledge of allegiance in school is weird. Having a pledge of allegiance in the first place is weird. It's all really really weird.






Don't tell Americans that all countries have constitutions, or that most western citizens enjoy more freedoms than the average American.


All of those things are pushed by conservatives...not the entire population


> No, the fixation on "freedom", and the constitution as a holy text Is a right-wing thing


And saying it daily is also very cultish. I feel once you make a pledge that one time should be good.


Nah man, we’re fucking weird. There’s a particularly destructive strain of colonial minded individualist double think that a lot of us have to unlearn, and a lot of us don’t. We’re a country descended from puritans with white supremacy, bigotry, hatred of the poor, and a selfish assumption that we be sacred while the rest of the world is our oyster. Trump was elected because he on some level recognized the worst aspects of American culture and the GOP survives because it actively bends towards our demons, so yes, there is something wrong with Americans.


The uneducated, poor ones are ignorant. The affluent, high-profile ones know exactly what they're doing.


Don't worry, mine also has an especially big proportion of them. This Vivek guy also probably originated from here. Big sad :(


Traitors were never executed. They were given permission to go back to their lands


This kind of crap is happening all over. Boris Johnson. Le Pin. Bolsonaro. Erdogan. It’s bigger than an American problem.


everyone has been brainwashed into believing they are millionaires on hard times instead of 2 paychecks away from being homeless. there is no class consciousness.


Ingrained Christianity plays a big fuckin role


1. God is real. Atheists need no constitutional protections 2. There are only two genders. Children born with ambiguous gender are undeserving of medical care. Self determination is not an American value for everyone else 3. Humans as flourishing with fossil fuel. This is simple pandering but I also own stock in major oil 4. Reverse racism is racism. People who hold power in society abuse that power through racism directed toward minorities. Giving further advantage to the powerful majority is just more racism 5. An open border is no boarder. It is important to encourage hatred toward people who like me are brown, regardless of the enormous benefit they provide this country. 6. Parents determine the “education” of children. Intergenerational ignorance is a critical part of the Republican plan to cling to power going forward 7. The family is the greatest form of government. So people should rely on family to build roads and enforce laws. That will work 8. Capitalism lifts people from poverty. With no education or safety net poor people escape poverty in capitalism by winning the lottery. One poor person a month enjoys this lift 9. There are three branches of government, not four. Actually there is just one, the judiciary, but why squabble 10. The U.S. constitution ..bla, bla, bla. This is only included to laugh at anyone who read this drivel all the way to the end. No Republican knows what is in the constitution or the Bible for that matter


Who refers to a type of family as a system of governance, besides creepy Christian dominionists who have huge families and sons who are a bit handsy with thier sisters...and cousins...and a babysitter and latter get caught with CP so bad that veteran federal agents who specialise in this type of abuse class it as the worst they've ever seen.


Ramaswamy may not even believe that God is Jesus. Which to the base is exactly the same thing as not believing in God. They say this guy could be the next big thing for Republicans, the base can forgive brown if the person is sufficiently self loathing (there is no greater love than Republicans for Clarence) but I’m not sure Ramaswamy hates his heritage enough. Nicky is a candidate that hates her roots so much that she passed as white most of her career. She may even be a self identified Christian from a church that teaches the ‘hate the least of us’ and in the ‘never forgive’ dogma of Republican Christian speak. Ramaswamy talks the religious hatred message necessary to be a political Christian, but he doesn’t say he is Christian which makes me think he is not ready for prime time. That and not trying to pass are disqualifying in a way felonious behavior can’t touch if you’re old and white


I do hope to succeed in business 🤞


"God is real" Cite your sources, champ.


Yeah. Just like Musk. ​ They both display their horrible views openly. ​ We should basically go the exact opposite direction of these fucks.


He's easily impressed. It's just the last 40 years of conservative bullet points, copy-pasted.


Fuck this guy. Is the right just rubes and conmen?




Ironically, the more parents you put in charge of their own kids’ education, the fewer people are going to know there are three branches of government. WTF is that anyway? What’s the “4th branch”? Is this. qAnon thing I’m not familiar with?


Maybe it’s not true, hence the question


Parents determine the education of their children? Interesting because Republicans sure do love using government to control what is taught in schools.


Ever notice how cons only really care and complain about racism against white people?


Lol Republicans , or let's say the Trump fan boys, will NEVER vote for a Hindu. Never.


Doesn't even go that deep. They're not voting for a brown dude named Ramaswamy


Even Nimarata Nikki Randhawa, a.k.a Nikki Haley who had the awareness to take a white people name is not going to be voted for.


Yup there's no way they'd do that. No way.


1. There is as much proof of that as there is that pokemon are real. 2. Lol, lmao even. 3. Literally no one benefits from fossil fuels anymore. Aside the oil barons. 4. There is no such thing as "Reverse racism". It would just be racism. What is this, the flash? 5. The border isn't open 6. That has literally never been a thing, if you don't like Public school, homeschooling your kids 7. Wtf does a family govern??? 8. Literally no. Thrbway the economy is stacked that is not true at all 9.i mean...yeah? I guess? 10. Also not true, given it's also what's used to dismiss people's human rights all the time


I guess Musk likes him now that he said China can have Taiwan.


Which, for a so-called "Tech genius" is a pretty weird position to take given Taiwan's importance in chip manufacturing.


Vivek speaks about nation in the way fascists do. Not entirely sure he is one, but his proposition to require national service for the vote is literally out of starship troopers, which is a very well done satire and explanation of how fascist states work


"Capitalism lifts people up from poverty" Sure, and it also crushes a lot more people under it's lack of humanity.


I’m still in disbelief of how many people have the exact wrong stance on literally every political issue


> 3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. Wasn't Elon's whole thing being **the** EV guy?


Nothing to see here. Just totally centrist Elon once again posting and promoting right wing thoughts and ideas while not doing the same for the left. But it’s ok, he says he’s a centrist and everyone gets equal opportunity so it’s fine.


Slavery coexisted with that greatest protector of freedoms for almost one hundred years.


Almost like he’s intentionally not mentioning he’s both Hindu and vegetarian. Not exactly Republican values


Couple questions Vivek… WHICH god is real? Seems like a nit but your new friends might make an issue of it one day. You mean Jesus right? RIGHT?? Which school do I get to choose? The church of satan daycare? The Massachusetts Wiccan Institute? You sure about that? The nuclear family… so If you’re divorced or widowed your disqualified from office? If you have kids from a string of relationships but aren’t married you’re disqualified from office? Just asking… for your friends.


1. Legitimately impossible to prove by the nature of religion 2. You can't quantify social constructs 3. The genuine opposite is being proven to be true in the age of global warming 4. I mean to be real yeah this one is kind of true in some cases but this is just a reason to justify racism to a majority of right wingers 5. No right winger understands anything about immigration 6. They don't and honestly shouldn't, in many places teachers care more about children than their parents as sad as that is 7. This is provenly false 8. It functionally doesn't and has no intention to 9. I mean yeah 10. You could argue this however other countries are objectively more free than the US so kinda no Overall this guy is just a mouthpiece for more neo-con turning point garbage made for college students without critical thinking skills


Getting a Dinesh D'Souza vibe off this guy.


Lost me with the first statement.


Better he promote a very unpopular candidate instead of a front-runner, could mean a few votes less for Trump or DeSantis or something. But of course the first time gives any slight props to Zuckerberg instead of musk or something that all changes


Can’t stand either of these guys.


Capitalism lifts people up from poverty!!! 🤣


Republican Andrew Yang


Musk is a little bitch and so is Vivek. Most republicans are just horrible people or inbred morons.


As a Canadian, this is the most terrifying platform I have ever seen from an American presidential candidate. Worse than Trump, even. The world is literally on fire(major cities in the Yukon and British Columbia are being evacuated), and this fucker wants to increase fossil fuel usage and denies climate change exists. And talking about God and gender and capitalism and nuclear family, what the fuck? This is the year 2023, get that shit out of here. We need a major revamping of lifestyle, not doubling down on being selfish assholes. This guy and Musk and anyone who supports this garbage is evil. Plain and simple.


True Capitalism only makes the divide between the rich, middle class and poor only greater. And you can thank the current state of American capitalism to two minority share holders of the ford motor co for it.


Number 10 xddddddddd how brainwashed are americans


He doesn’t even believe in electric cars does he, just saw a way to make money and LOOK visionary and took...what a scam