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\> Built for the not so tidy sum of $52.5 million by Musk’s The Boring Company, the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop, or LVCC Loop, is a system of tunnels, or rather a planned system that mostly connect the Las Vegas Convention Center. Planned tunnels would connect the Las Vegas Airport and Downtown Las Vegas to the Las Vegas Convention Center for a total of 19 miles of tunnels. Depending on where you’re headed, fares would range from $5-$12. \> The most glaring problem is cost. The nearly $53 million this cost the government could have gone into actual transportation infrastructure. Secondly, anyone who has to use a mobility device but isn’t ambulatory enough to stow it in the trunk of a Model Y is screwed. I didn’t see any kind of accommodations for disabled people which is very weird. Third, the idea to solve traffic congestion by just moving cars into one-way underground tunnels is profoundly dumb. \> It’s just a really half assed approach to transportation that shows that Musk really isn’t the genius that many make him out to be. At the end of the day it’s all just an underground toll road where someone else drives.


Wait so it's literally just a model Y driving in a tunnel? For some reason I thought it was some specialized vacuum shuttle that goes extra fast. This is even dumber than I thought.


thats the "hyper loop", a separate scam musk is running thats equally embarrassing i cant blame you for getting them mixed up, it seems all he can come up with are Xs and tunnels


One day he's going to figure out how to draw a "cool S" in his notebook and then the universe will truly change.




Wait. That wasn’t cool?


hyperloop is worse, but not by much. there's a reason this project actually got completed but not the hyperloop


This project was actually supposed to look a lot different. It was supposed to have Teslas take an elevator down from the street into the tunnel, get connected to some electric skate then speed through the tunnels at over 100mph.


So let me get this straight, his proposal was to have a vehicle move down one at a time, to move on vehicles, one at a time. The f?


I'll find his stupid hype video to show you yes, exactly that. Edit: found it https://futurism.com/elon-musk-just-released-the-first-ever-video-of-his-boring-tunnel Look at this garbage. It's like a concept from a child.


Even as a concept, it's a terrible idea. It's incredibly inefficient and would better off be a subway system.


Yeah but subways aren't futuristic and cool 😎


At least the Vegas loop is technologically possible


*chuckles in Freud*


Tunnels shaped like an X. It's brilliant! /s


Hold on, there’s a “second” project, is this 50+ million covering both, or just this one. Surely this 50+ million, or possible 100 million assuming a second project, could have just spent on a public rail system, JFC, what is going on in this country. I guess this moron got the okay to do this before he bought Twitter and showed the world just how stupid he actually is. Granted, I feel like anyone looking at the project should have realized immediately this is a waste of funds. It’s Vegas, just do some public transport/rail or subway style system, and do it right, like every other county does, problem solved….


He is actively wasting government tax money trying to destroy public transportation because he owns a car company. Its cartoon villain levels of evil


Does seem asymmetric


The dumbest of his tunnel-related scams has still got to be the idea of building a car tunnel between downtown Ft. Lauderdale and the beach, through limestone that's full of as many holes as swiss cheese, in a state that famously gets hit by lots of hurricanes. That one seems to have been dropped after Ft. Lauderdale flooded from a ton of rain earlier this year, reminding everyone of just how insane a car tunnel would be.


The Vegas loop was supposed to be a hyperloop


It's a tesla only toll tunnel. It's way dumber than you could have imagined, and if it was done by public funds instead of some rich asshole trying to show why public funds are bad it would have been significantly cheaper and more assessable (because it would have been a fucking train)


It's not even a Tesla only toll tunnel. Originally, it was planned to be a tunnel that you could drive your own Tesla in at speeds of up to 150mph. Now, it's just an underground taxi service that only use Teslas and they reach speeds of up to 45mph depending on traffic. During peak times, they reach speeds of up to 5mph.


Traffic jams underground lol


That's a great Dr. Who episode


And they go in a circle?


It's dumber than you could ever imagine.


Not even self driving. It needs a chauffeur to be paid to drive every vehicle. It is a taxi in a tunnel


That’s the part that made me realize how far away fully autonomous is if they don’t even trust it in a fully controlled environment.


A one way taxi in a tunnel that only certain vehicles can go through? Why not just build a fucking train


Trains take infrastructure and stuff. This is just a tunnel where you can get trapped and suffocate


its only a matter of time until there is a fire in that tunnel and when those lithium ion batteries burn they release cyanide gas - so basically this is not only an incredibly stupid idea, it is an incredibly dangerous one as well - sadly this is a disaster waiting to happen they should shut the whole thing down and repurpose the tunnel as a subway


I imagine that if a car ignites inside that tunnel, HCN is going to be the least of anyone's concerns. Did they finally add in proper ventilation or are they still pumping air in either direction? I'd they're still pumping air *through* instead of *out*, I I imagine a catastrophic fire is going to look awfully similar to the [Kaprun Disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaprun_disaster) as TBC pushes smoke and fire along the tunnel.


The tunnel isn't remotely close to large enough to accommodate mass transit.


Yeah but this tunnel you don't get do different color LEDs and you don't interact with the poors.


This is basically the sum of it. Las Vgas is basically the ideal place for a train. Most of the development is along a single long road with an airport at one end and interesting stops along the way. Lots of tourists who don't arrive by car. They even have a super wide boulevard that could easily be repurposed to be a train/pedestrian right of way and shunt the car traffic to the back side of the attractions if they didnt want to spend money putting it underground. But that would require public investment, so its a no go.


How does Musk benefit from that? That's why he's against public transportation


Haha what a tool


That depend a lot on who the “they” are. One could do like millions before and ride the Copenhagen metro right now. It is fully autonomous, it has tunnels, it has elevators, it has electricity, it doesn’t break down. … pretty boring, actually 🤪


The Copenhagen Metro averages 290,000 people per weekday across 39 stations. That works out as 7,345 people per station per day on average compared to the 10,667 people per day of each station of the LVCC Loop during a mid-sized convention. The busiest station on the Copenhagen Metro is Nørreport which pre-pandemic, handled 50,000 people per day across three separate platforms - one for the metro, one for heavy rail and one for the S-train compared to the 32,000 people per day of the three station LVCC Loop. However, the Copenhagen Metro costs $188m per mile to construct while the Loop is around $20m per mile and $1.5m per Loop station although the 68 mile 93 station Vegas Loop is currently being constructed at zero cost to the taxpayer versus $10 billion or more for an equivalent subway. So it’s pretty obvious I think why those 93 Vegas hotels, casinos etc are all keen to pay for their own Loop stations.


The thing that makes me realize how far we are is that we don’t even trust it for trains yet…


Every new detail I learn about this thing falls squarely in the "dumber than I thought" category, and let me tell you, I already thought it was super dumb from the get go


Hahahaha wow, I thought at least the teslas were autonomous.. This gets worse and worse. What a shitty fucking idea


They might as well have used golf carts. At least those are a lot cheaper and safer. At least in an emergency you can just hop right off rather than trying to wiggle out of a tesla in a narrow tunnel.


But RGB gamer keyboard light though, isn't Musk just so quirky? /s


the tunnel hets traffic jams, the tunnel was suppose to end traffic jams lmao


If you have a look at the footage of the supposed “traffic jam” that occurred once at the small CES 2022 you’ll see how the EVs just slowed down briefly because the South Hall doors were locked for some reason. There have been no other videos of this sort of incident ever happening again - not even during the much larger SEMA or CES 2023 conference which had 114,00 attendees and had 25,000-32,000 Loop passengers per day. Now compare that short slow down against a train where passengers literally have to queue up standing on the platform for on average 15 minutes in the USA waiting for the next train. The average wait time for the Loop was less than 10 seconds for the latest CES this year. And then those poor train passengers have to put up with the train STOPPING AND WAITING AT EVERY SINGLE STATION before they get to their destination, whereas Loop EVs travel direct point to point to their destination without stopping at any stations on the way. Now which would you prefer?


The vacuum tunnel was just a publicity stunt. The idea for such a thing exists for like 100 years or so and it is abandoned for the same time because it's not possible from a technical standpoint. Namely it's to dangerous. One random hole in the miles long tubes spells desaster for a train hitting that sudden wall of air. One random hole in the train and the passenger suffocate. There can be no emergency exit, no failsafes. And creating the vacuum alone would cost an insane amount of energy. Oh and ofcourse having a vacuum also means there is a CONSTANT insane pressure-difference on the tube and a single material failure could cause it to implode just like rich-people submarines going to the Titanic. That's why nobody bothered with it until Musk came around, playing genious, making a big event and ending up abandoning it like everyone else did.


Guy who gets a semi over fascist ideals shits on the disabled? That took me by surprise.


So, why so much $$$? I’m naïve about construction costs, but is that cost padded? Is there some laundering?


I guess Elon loves to throw a ton of money at his pet projects, but he doesn't like paying workers? Something along those lines...


For 2.7kms of twin track and 5 stations that would be a hell of a bargain if they were actually of practical size. I mean, for scale the 9kms of metro+5 stations in Melbourne is coming in at 113x that price, but that includes connections to an already large train network and building underneath the city's central business district. $53mn is somewhat pocket change in comparison, but paying peanuts, you're going to get monkeys and all that.


Assuming the hidden design elements like fire code and maintenance were included. My bet is this loop thing will be abandoned in less than a decade due to critical maintenance issues


I agree 100% with that, it's comically nonsense. I particularly enjoy how the drivers have to show they can do the circuit in reverse under a time limit as part of their aptitude test, as that's their response-to-fire plan. But the cost also really wouldn't go far in terms of actual infrastructure, I personally suspect if it weren't for Musk's vanity or side deliveries in terms of muddying the "should we invest in a subway" waters/pumping Musk stocks no other contractor would have taken it up for that $ amount. It just doesn't make sense beyond those lenses.


Its not alot of money. But the main thing is - Musk figured out that if you make a tunnel that only has to fit small cars, you can save alot of money by not having to dig up as much dirt. But the flip side is that several limits its utility.


the LVCC Loop was build at $50M/mi, which is around around 1/20th the cost of typical US metro, and about 1/10th of what Austin is planning to pay for surface light rail. so while $50M sounds like a lot of money, it is insanely cheap compared to typical transit infrastructure. the larger LV Loop is being built without any taxpayer input, just private businesses that want a connection, given that it is 1/10th to 1/20th the cost of a typical rail line.


Because its fairly limited relative to typical transit infrastructure.


Why not expand the fully functional mono rail?




I heard the track might break and bend


Use my pen knife, my good man


Musk doesn’t care about public transportation, part of the reason he came up with Hyperloop was because it would divert public funds to that from conventional high speed rail, hyperloop was never intended to work in real life. That’s why the boring company is just another way to sell more Tesla’s, it has crap capacity in terms of throughput and money would be better spent on a modern subway system which could probably be designed to run automated trains from the beginning


I think when it came out a reviewer timed it and said that he could just rent a bike and bike to his destination faster than taking the loop


the thing is, bikes are actually amazing transportation. in most cities in the world, the average trip on transit is actually faster, cheaper, and greener by bike. in Tokyo and Berlin, cities with amazing transit, it is still faster to take a bike for most trips up to about 5mi.


He literally just made a very expensive, poorly functioning non-subway. EM sales pitch: *imagine a car… below ground.* Board: *You mean, cars in tunnels?* EM: *But… Teslas*


I thought it was supposed to pay for itself with the bricks it made from dirt it dug?


Of course - in Elonland things he makes always pay off for themselves. The only ones not being paid in this magical land are workers. But don't pay attention to them, they're useless.




Elon is truly a dipshit. But hey, it's so "Murica" to idolize someone born into money and make it SEEM like they know things.


People who are poor think the rich are all "smart". In reality, a solid 50%+ of the rich are either lucky, or exploitive, or both.


a solid 90% of people born into wealth are complete fucking morons; that's what happens when you grow up not having to do anything for yourself.


Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Marilyn vos Savant: Not super rich. Case closed.


Na this one he did on purpose to kneed cap actual public transportation. Cause idk profits?? Toy cats idk.


The cars have to have human drivers in literally ideal conditions for automation but TSLA stans think FSD is right around the comer. It is, it’s around the same corner as Trump’s healthcare plan.


2 weeks? Yippee!


It also shows how much further along other automakers are with autonomous driving. A Honda with Sensing Elite would work in that context no problem.


Actually, the Boring Co demonstrated Autopilot running over 2 years ago driving real passengers down their Hawthorne test tunnel at 90mph (145kph) and was scheduled to be increased to 125mph (201kph) a few weeks later. In the latest videos from CES the drivers are saying that the cars have already been modified for fully autonomous operation, but that it is not yet enabled as they are still awaiting regulatory approval and liability is “holding us up right now, but once that gets cleared we’ll turn all the cars on”. After all following a white line in the controlled environment of a tunnel and around a set number of simple Loop stations is hardly rocket science compared to L5 Full Self Driving on the open road with an infinite number of obstructions and dangers.


Autonomous driving is right around the corner.. just not for Tesla lol


Which is weird because in fact there are already driverless taxis.


American infrastructure planners will do EVERYTHING but build trams and trains. Such a weird fetish.


Came here to say this. How is a bunch of chauffeured cars preferable to a train? No idea. Well, if we don't count that this approach helps Tesla sell more Teslas, so for Musk himself it does make sense.


Racism. Almost everything that's wrong in the USA has roots in racism. People would rather suffer and pay quadruple than see "the undeserving" get anything.


It's preferrable because they efficiently get you to the destination much faster then any train. Point to point is what the people want, waiting for a train and dealing with other people who want to kill you isn't top of the list, nor to taxpayers want to waste money paying for public Transporation that loses money and is one of the main places politicians embezzle money through.


Yeah - I always feel that in the eyes of American politicians all public transportation is a loser. Its dirty and smelly and gross and if so that helps to explain why so much money were wasted on pie in the sky shit like Hyperloop.


Elon Musk is the monorail guy from The Simpsons.


Was he sent here by the devil?


No good sir, he's on the level.


it would be for everybody, so also the poor and the poor didn't give money to politicians


But car and oil companies did and we're stuck with that mindset now and for a long time.


This and hyper loop is Elon's self avowed tactic to disrupt mass transit projects in favor of his shitty cars.


This has all the makings of the Springfield Monorail.


Monorail, Monorail, Monorail!


At the time when that episode was made, no one came to the idea of the tesla tube, so monorail was more practical in many aspects.


Elon has always reminded me of the Monorail Guy. Now he’s proving to the world he really is Lyle Lanley


How big are the tunnels? Can you get out of the car if there’s an emergency? Is it big enough that it could be retrofit for a train?


Nope! From the videos I've seen, it's a single lane. Not even room for emergency pedestrians on the sides. If one car breaks down, everything stops.


Now imagine one of the cars catches fire in this death trap. The whole tunnel filling up with toxic smoke, no way out for the cars stuck behind, and no way for fire trucks to get inside.




Even the Chunnel has a separate tunnel for fire rescue to get to a train.


Fuck that


Have you ever seen what happens to batteries under duress and heat? I am sure that’s been accounted for in what’s essentially a concrete tube.


Many Tesla Model Y’s now have BYD LFP Blade batteries that can be punctured and not suffer from thermal runaway, so the chances of fires are very low.


If I remember they're twelve feet wide? So just under twice the width of the car which is like 6' & change. You should be able to get out in case of an accident, which I was somewhat surprised by. But being a Tesla, if the driver was incapacitated & you didn't know the manual good luck getting out in time easily. So yeah, still not particularly safe.


I’ve never been but form the videos I’ve seen it’s definitely not double the width of the car. [they say there is 17” of clearance on either side](https://youtu.be/ZYizDnOtRnM?si=xWXjegJItR5rSVSx)


I can't click on things now but will take your word for it. I remember googling it a while ago. I probably am confusing things then.


I get clastrophobic just looking at video of it and I'm not clastophobic


No. It’s an incredibly claustrophobic experience. I assume no radio works either, as I was forced I to awkward conversation with my driver.


Don’t worry, the Loop has antenna for wireless comms running down the centre of the ceiling of every tunnel.


No it’s a claustrophobic nightmare


My favorite point about this joke of a thing is that it proves how Tesla's aren't read to drive automatically. They have to have drivers. In a closed one way system. With no cross traffic. With all cars Teslas. Need a driver. But happy to push claims of their full self driving in the real world.


Leave it to the marketing genius who replaced Twitter with X to miss the irony of a business actually called The Boring Company.


I don't think the loop is a bad idea. I just think Elon has to improve it. Say, paint two parallel lines within each tunnel so the vehicle can guide itself better with FSD. You probably want to make those lines from steel bars so it's more permanent. You can even remove the tyres and put the wheels directly on those two bars. And since the vehicle need charging anyway, we may as well hook up some wiring to carry electricity to the vehicle directly and remove the batteries. In fact, they should increase the size of the vehicle and chain them up together. This improves efficiency, speed, and allows the use of mobility devices like wheelchairs. I'm not sure whether these ideas have been considered.


Well, in the UK they already did such a project - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Post_Office_Railway and were able to even reduce the diameter of the tunnel to 9ft.


Demographics is destiny


Looking into it.


You could extend it then - put a gentle slope in get that above ground and move heavy things and lots of people at once, instead of 3 people in the back of the individual car. Have stops at strategic places with covered waiting areas. hernit, I think you're onto something here! We can call it a Wayrail or similar. I think this thing has legs!


Great place for a burning lithium battery.


My cousin who worked on these said these are such a health hazard if a fire were to happen. There’s no ventilation whatsoever.


I think it’s a great idea. Now if Muskrat could design a car specifically for the tunnel that could say, carry 200 people and like err put the car on tracks so it knows where to go, now that you’ll be genius.


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


He really should get over his loathing for Wikipedia and sometimes read about already tried out and working solutions https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_driverless_train_systems


He just despises anything wholesome and nonprofit


The what now?


It makes no sense


[https://www.boringcompany.com/vegas-loop](https://www.boringcompany.com/vegas-loop) \> The Vegas Loop will provide fast and convenient transportation to the Las Vegas community, its visitors, and beyond. The Vegas Loop will include LVCC Loop and any future service extensions including those to casinos along the Strip, Harry Reid International Airport, Allegiant Stadium, downtown Las Vegas, and eventually to Los Angeles. Once complete, the Vegas Loop will transport more than 90,000 passengers per hour. and here [https://www.boringcompany.com/loop](https://www.boringcompany.com/loop) \> Loop is an express public transportation system that resembles an underground highway more than a subway system. ​ If a subway line had 100 stops, a train would typically stop at each station, so the trip between Stop 1 and Stop 100 would be long. In contrast, Loop passengers travel directly to their destination, anywhere between Stop 1 to Stop 100, without stopping at the intermediate stations. Also, the express system allows Loop vehicles to travel faster than conventional subway cars (up to 150 mph vs. up to 65 mph).


Doesn’t it only have three stops 😆


Yeah, but in Elon's mind it doesn't matter...


No ADA accommodations?? Please someone sue!


you see the point is : its not elons money. its yours mine and ours. thats why he doesnt care. He gets all the government assistance he can, all while decrying any public assistance. when he can figure out how to get another big government contract he will.


I love the comments in that article claiming how much cheaper it is than normal subways. And promising eventual "cyberbuses" that will never come because they were always just a smokescreen to get funding for the project.


Add the Loop to the Monorail boondoggle industry in Vegas. Whew.


Fun fact I learned while living in Vegas… The monorail extending to the airport was stopped by the taxi cab unions. Taxis love taking “the long way” from airport to The Strip…when it’s roughly 3 miles.


It honestly felt like Disney’s Haunted Mansion ride, bumper to bumper, slow-moving cars…minus anything cool to look at.


More Simpson’s references: it’s like the escalator to nowhere. You have to wonder if Musk’s Chinese and Arab puppet masters like his flamboyant spending.


Remember the hyperloop? He’s all but given up on that. Not that it was ever really feasible.


I, too, took it. Was visiting Vegas with a Tesla stan who wanted to see what it was like. Needless to say, even he was laughing at the stupidity of it.


He's a fucking moron living off Daddys diamond mine money. Self-made.....with millions of Daddys dollars compensating for his failures. And he thinks people want their money tied up in his wet dream of an everything app. If he's losing billions of his own (or daddys) money, can he really be trusted with yours? If he was smart, he'd admit that he doesn't know everything and hire the people that are the best in their fields and make his shit right. But noooo his ignorance and arrogance have made his downfall quite entertaining. It's been quite the show so far. Can't wait to see what he fucks up next season. He's a fucking joke with a lame punch line.


I can't imagine why he didn't just bought an island and retired there. Would've been much easier than dealing with a headache that is owning an unprofitable business like Twitter and trying to turn it around.


Is this open to everyone? Like can I ride in when I'm in Vegas?


I thought the whole idea was to automate tunnel digging or something like that


I thought the whole idea was to automate tunnel digging or something like that


I think the idea is to paint public transportation as ineffective. Elon hates the poors, so I doubt he can imagine why anyone would ride the subway or a bus instead of Hyperloop or one of his stupid tunnels.


Right. There is this meme that eventually all these high tech solutions just become functionally the same as light rail ( ie eventually we will stack a bunch of cars together and run them on dedicated lines etc) What I'm referring to is that I thought Elon was saying that there is some kind of innovation in digging tunnels and if they could reduce the cost then they can have unlimited tunnel digging or something like that. I'm in japan right now, writing to you from a high speed train. The local trains in tokyo are busy during rush hour but it's honestly not that bad for how many people it serves. Walking around urban japan, the striking thing is that there is no street parking. As a consequence the roads are wider and the sidewalks are wider. Cycling on both roads and sidewalks with no problems. I think just building the transportation infrastructure is not enough. It has to be coordinated with civic planning principals


>What I'm referring to is that I thought Elon was saying that there is some kind of innovation in digging tunnels and if they could reduce the cost then they can have unlimited tunnel digging or something like that Yeah but he just says things like this but never has actually innovative ideas how to do it.


The innovation that Musk discovered was literally - if you only have to fit sedans and not trucks, let alone trains, you don't have to dig as much dirt out of the way and so its cheaper.


Not automate, make it cheaper and faster so it is financially viable to basically dig underground roads everywhere. Automating is a method that could be used to make it cheaper and faster perhaps but the tunnel boring being less or more automated than current techniques is irrelevant.


This is the first part, soon more stations will be added. Currently North Station, Central Station and South Station are operational. The red portions on this pic are the finished tunnels, the grey ones are being dug (Riviera to Westgate is 97% done for instance) or will be started soon. [https://imgur.com/a/N6hSDWh](https://imgur.com/a/N6hSDWh) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQhqtwo9ia0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQhqtwo9ia0) [https://twitter.com/Mic\_VegasSphere/status/1717933932396847220](https://twitter.com/Mic_VegasSphere/status/1717933932396847220) [https://twitter.com/Mic\_VegasSphere/status/1718320053769433288](https://twitter.com/Mic_VegasSphere/status/1718320053769433288)


I thought the whole idea was to automate tunnel digging or something like that


This author has entirely missed the point. The reason for the Boring Company to exist is to decrease the cost of tunneling and to greatly speed up the time it takes to build tunnels. It's a tunneling company, not a transport company. The Vegas Loop is a small proof of concept and demonstrated what they were aiming for. $53 million for 1.7 miles is about $31m/mile. That's significantly cheaper than any other urban rail system. Look at these numbers : https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-26/the-u-s-gets-less-subway-for-its-money-than-its-peers Hundreds of millions per mile for your typical subway and this even undercuts most above ground light rail. That they are currently using cars isn't interesting or relevant. They could lay track and run rail cars. Or something more exotic. Or even just put a giant travelator and slip 'n slide. They needed to show that they could rapidly build tunnels at a low price and now that's done people can decide what should run through them. The simplest and cheapest option right this minute just happens to be standard EVs.


You're not even good at math, right? You are making the typical stupid comparison. A typical metro not only moves much MUCH! more people, but also the budget costs include stations, accesses and public services, security, etc. In addition, the tunnel sections are much larger and more adequate (plus emergency exits). On the other hand, for what it offers and the cost of the Las Vegas loop it is tremendously expensive and not very accessible. Which makes it a laughable fucking joke from every point of view (including the economic). The serious cities, Tokyo, Madrid, Berlin etc.. They will develop their metros every few years providing a service (moving MILLIONS of travelers a day) that the memeloop could not even dream of achieving. Greetings, improve those maths. ps: (6miles, 8 stations, rolling stock, double track) = 200m. This already built line moves more than 1.5m passengers per year (and has capacity for more). And it is a light metro (not even a 'normal' one). And is full electric wow! pff lol. That's how far you are for say is 'cheap' than any other.. blabla noob.


These "criticisms" are laughable


It's called proof of concept.


And the proof is that it sucks


Elon isn't to blame. It's the engineers on the ground who are responsible for this. (That's what we're supposed to say when Elon's companies succeed, right?)


Why are we shittijg on 52m? If government build this it would be 5B and finish by 2035


DOJ priorities are not obviously optimal


It’s NDOT Not DOJ there bot




It’s really easy to criticize someone else’s work. Should ask yourself what any of you are doing?


Not wasting 52 million dollars on an asinine version of public transit while pretending like I'm Tony stark. You should all thank me for that.


52 million isn’t shit for building tunnels under the ground. If the gov contracted the job out it would be 52 billion for the same thing. Elon is testing concepts with everything he does. The only way to get useful inventions is to make gimmicks to start. See what works and doesn’t work. How do you think anything was made. Airplanes started as wings on your back and jumping off a cliff. Now we have huge airplanes flying around. Most people are just small brained.


Yeah but what's the consept he's trying out? The concept of a tunnel?


A concept of confining the vehicles known to create fire hazard by self-combustion in a tunnel without fire exits. PS Congrats to your Happy Cake day!


You’re fired, you’re fired!


Good bot


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.




This concept has already been tested, proven to work, and has been in widespread use for just about a century already. Elon just made a shittier version of it that just so happens to benefit him financially. He repackaged it, and hyped it up to be something "truly innovative" from his big smart brain. Ever heard of a subway? Private sector versus government contracting cost is a whataboutism. And your point about airplanes is moot because as I already said, this concept isn't new. Eat it up though bud. Maybe order your cyber truck and volunteer to test his brain chips while you're at it.


Please inform us what you are doing to help the community? How many billion dollar companies do you run (soon to be trillion dollar companies)?


Me? I'm booking shows and putting out records by friends.


You think you’re even doing 0.000001% of what Elon is. 😂


I can't come up with the idea like Hyperloop, brother. You got me. I'll never fly monkeys to Mars either. Poor me. Elon is working harder than James Brown in his prime. He *is* James Brown of tech, come think of it.


Elon is on another level. I’m not surprised you don’t understand his madness. He will go down in history as most innovative person of the 21st century. In 10 years there won’t be a household not using teslas products one way or another. Cars, internet, insurance, robots, AI, Brian chips, rockets, road system… idk how this man sleeps at night with as much as he is doing.


He doesn't sleep at night. He never sleeps. Sleep is for peasants and poors. I may not understand his madness (no one does), but I understand that part. He's working on removing the need for sleep, thus saving civilization. \> Brian chips Can't wait for Brian Chips. He's the future.


Yet you criticize other things he’s doing. I believe hyper loop is just a test to get down the tunnel capability. Perfect it and then they can do it on larger scale with different cars that will be cool.


I believe monkeys will fly to Mars in 5 years. I don't criticize that - in fact I welcome that development. That will be cool.


Elon is on another level. I’m not surprised you don’t understand his madness. He will go down in history as most innovative person of the 21st century. In 10 years there won’t be a household not using teslas products one way or another. Cars, internet, insurance, robots, AI, Brian chips, rockets, road system… idk how this man sleeps at night with as much as he is doing.


He doesn't sleep at night. He never sleeps. Sleep is for peasants and poors. I may not understand his madness (no one does), but I understand that part. He's working on removing the need for sleep, thus saving civilization. \> Brian chips Can't wait for Brian Chips. He's the future.


The man is going to go to prison for fraud, chill the feck out


Idk how much is 0.000001% of a ton of ketamine?


What exactly is he doing, friend? And why would we be expected to do anything near the level of an ultra billionaire?


Read my other comments. Not typing it all again. Google all companies he owns if you life. Then you may see the scope of what he’s doing.


I’ve read about all the shit he owns. That doesn’t mean he is doing anything LOL. Everything he touches turns to shit, that’s why half of the companies he threw money at don’t want him to touch a damn thing. He’s not a wicked genius, he’s a toddler with a dragon’s hoard of wealth.


You’re normal to be jealous of someone’s wealth and success. It’s human nature that most are like you. I hope you find peace.


I'm raising good kids. We talk every day. They're delightful people. Elon *has* kids. Does he spend time with them?


There will be no reply to that


You speak like you know his personal life. Also great men sacrifice for the rest of us. Everything he does is selfless. If he cared about money he would cash out and take his 100s of billions, instead he innovating technology for the next generations. I’m not surprised how small most people think. Most are just jealous of how rich he is.


He is selfless in the sense that he doesn't have a self. Where normal people have a self he just has a giant black hole that constantly needs to be fed with attention from others. That's called narcissism.


If I had $52 million I'd use it up to give a large city with no effective large-scale mass transit system one. Not be Musk and muddy the waters so his cars can clog up the streets even harder.


You really don’t know how far money goes. 52m isn’t a lot of money.


He ain't gonna let you suck his dick bro.


Zero interest in that. Just funny how most humans are jealous of others. They try to tear someone down because of their own insecurities. Hope you find peace.


I’m not wasting huge amounts of money for nothing. If they asked me for the solution I would have recommended buying a few buses for a few hundred thousand dollars and that would have worked just as well or better for a significantly lower starting and running cost.


Check out thinderfoot on YY


Just for morbid curiosity?


Drivers are a major cost of public transit. That is why there are large buses which carry 50 passengers, not a onesy-twosy load. Could the same path have been taken as easily on the surface?


I wish I had been born a conman. It really seems to work out.


I want to understand why techbros keep inventing inferior trains. Like we have trains bros. How about inventing a better way of sequestering carbon?