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I'm not sure why a rational Tesla shareholder is doing anything other than sell their shares at this point, but okay, good luck to them!




Is the German public aware of this?


Why would they? The company is insanely overvalued being powered on cult energy. It's a catch-22. They are fucked either way.


That’s why you sell. Super overvalued. Go before the house of cards falls.


But they're greedy, would hate to jump so at 170 when it could be 200+ with a few more lies and willing suckers


They have a long way to go to get back to where it was last year.


The problem is that if Muskkk shut the fuck up and faded into the background, they would lose money. Because all the bullshit claims would stop and the company would be valued similarly to its peers which would put it somewhere between $20 and $30 at current profits. So the only way to make money now is to keep the lies going and make them more and more ludicrous.


When it crashes, let's hope Elon ends up in prison. How these supposedly 'smart' investors fail to see he is a conman is beyond me. Or do they realise and are getting ready to dump and short the stock?


I think it’s a variation of sunk cost fallacy in some ways. In the early days, many of them didn’t recognise his statements as lies. They believed them. And he made them a lot of money. Then the lies escalated but he’s made them a lot of money by then. So they turned a blind eye and believed the lies they liked and ignored the others as “oh that’s just Elon being Elon”. And then they suddenly realise they’re balls deep in his lies and if they expose him then their entire investment evaporates. So they sustain him in the hopes they can find an exit that works. That’s the “real” investors. The stans are different.


Sunk cost facility kicking in here hoping it's going back up to where it was.


The only way to make money with Tesla shares is through the greater fool theory as Tesla doesn't pay out dividends. Musk doesn't like dividends at his companies probably because he would get them and they would be counted as income and he would then have to pay tax on it. As he has a huge number of Tesla shares that would be a large tax bill.


yall shoulda seen the investors meeting today. i got second hand embarrassment from all the cock slurpin these mfs were doin. "thank you elon for making the world a better place for my child" ![gif](giphy|KvWUKOYR8phja|downsized) i wanna load up on some far dated puts so bad, but i have a feeling the scam is gonna go on for longer than we think. market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent and all that




What a brilliant, well-reasoned response, robo-sir!


Yeaaaah I tried this before the last earnings call. Was so sure of myself. Saw that the earnings missed. Wore a shit eating grin. Then saw that the share price had gone UP from that. Never again.


They got rich off TSLA and don't understand buy low sell high, they gonna hold that bag while Elmo disappears out the backdoor. Quote me on that.


This is gonna be the perfect time to sell them. It's gonna get a slight boost after this, then he's gonna start stripping and tanking the company.


Not a financial expert by any means but I'm sure we're probably somewhere around the "Bull Trap" point on [this chart](https://transportgeography.org/contents/chapter3/transportation-and-economic-development/bubble-stages/). *Grabs popcorn and waits for the crash.


Some of the larger TSLA holders are index funds. Their strategy is to replicate the returns of the S&P 500 or the Nasdaq 100 or similar. In order to do so, they have no choice but to hold a proportional amount of TSLA shares. Then there's Cathy Woods, the money destroyer.


FOMO/Bagholders who haven't lost their shirts yet. There are always a gaggle of them in every big bubble.




Blackmail me? With money? -a "genius"


It seems he's never understood the definition of blackmail. I recently read something where he used it in the same incorrect way 20 years ago.


He thinks blackmail were the guys working in daddy’s mine.


really? I'd like to see that source, it seems hilarious


No idea what it was specifically now, but it was a long article I was reading last week about his early days after paypal, maybe 2004-2005. It was this same sort of thing where he means extortion or pressure and says blackmail.


He ain't getting that money regardless of the vote, it's legally prohibited by the court decision in the state where the precedence for the decision was made, and cannot be overturned by running to another state, the meltdown will be glorious.


piquant bright six ripe voiceless rock political puzzled repeat encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At a guess, I would say their complaint is that the *only* advantage in reincorporating in Texas is that it gives Elmo access to a more sympathetic judge to "undo" the ruling of the judge in Delaware, and that it actually results in a significant disadvantage to the company. Which isn't hard to establish, since there are very clear reasons why all of the biggest corporations incorporate in Delaware and not Texas. Musk is putting the company at a disadvantage purely for his own financial benefit.


uppity full safe plucky yam pathetic pie rotten plate rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shareholders aren’t judges. They can’t undo a judicial ruling. I thought this was common knowledge


safe reply frighten crush shrill sheet joke engine north worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The state the company is incorporated in does not have jurisdiction on affairs about said company? Musk logic doesn’t work in real life. Besides this vote did not address a primary concern of the court - lack of an independent board, and the board not working with a compensation consultant. Nothing is gonna change. The market sure doesn’t think it will…because TSLA is only up 0.25%.


boat sophisticated cake plate grab languid humorous lip observation attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its headquartered in Texas and incorporated in Delaware.


file uppity brave soup apparatus cows scary chief mountainous special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In order to move the company you need more than just a majority shareholder vote, at least according to the articles of incorporation themselves. The move itself is under Delaware law until then.


I don't think it is necessarily about the relocation (though there is the lawsuit that claims there needs to be at least 66.1% in favour for this to be legit). It's more likely it's about a host of other things (e.g. the reallocation of the GPUs to xAI etc.).


Yeah, one that was filed today was about resources like those GPUs and talent from Tesla being moved to xAI.


The bonus is for past performance, so the argument is that it constitutes corporate waste and thus requires a unanimous shareholder approval under the law. The move to Texas is also apparently a higher vote requirement because of the articles of incorporation themselves. Shareholder rights and corporate laws don't evaporate just because of a vote.