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I think you guys are right. Valheim released at a very good spot after covid. Plus they had such a big audience because $20 for that game was a bargain!


Fr $20 for a game I've played as much as skyrim and that's saying something Edit:valheim was the best $20. Spent on a game in recent memory


Skyrim is the only game I've played more than Valheim. 566 hours played when I looked at it earlier today. Thought about starting a new game while I wait for Enshrouded


Man my most played game is like 14k hours but tbf!! It's an mmo I've played since childhood


Just bought it like last week, I don’t think I have thought about anything other than Valheim since.


Addicting got my kids into it as well


Lol I’d imagine that is amazing fun, too young to have kids but that would be great


Also included with xbgp; so that was cool too


Valheim felt a little more special in terms of survival. It was hard but fairly rewarding and the integration of base building with the world was grabbed casual players too. This won't be as big but with the right marketing and a solid EA release I think it'll grab a lot of Valheim players who wanted more combat options and a more direct purpose in exploration.


Valheim got their bag, but I'd be lying if I said the post release progress on content has felt lackluster. I'm sure they're working hard, but this game has a chance to take a lot more share of a survival RPG pie than it would have had any right to


I think a lot of work goes into making the biomes without breaking existing worlds or new world generation. World generation is absolutely where the bulk of their work was done in general to make the game. I believe the developers even said it started as a kind of test before it grew into a game. But you're right, I think their focus is taking way too long. Mistlands was certainly high quality and there have been improvements in the gameplay but the lack of good in-between content has been disappointing. Other than mountains and swamp and a little bit of plains stuff there hasn't been much reason to jump back in, and Mistlands exposes how weak the stamina system is. Hopefully the fire biome is a banger.


I think it's just going to be one of those longer term projects that you had fun with at launch but don't really need to jump back in until it's finished. Maybe by 2030 it will be worth making another world to start fresh and do the whole finished game.


For me it is mostly the it’s taking too long for updates but also the new features are at the very end of the progression. I think the new system of magic should come to a lower biome to fill some of the gap. There are so many new things added in with mistlands now the forest and meadows feel lacking. Oh and how terribly bad the optimization is on big builds.


That's a great point, after getting the magic stuff going I also thought it would be nice to introduce it much earlier in the game, at least to give some extra "help" in Swamp and Plains. Some more spells or effects that act in a support fashion would be great, especially for multiplayer.


I know my Valheim friends are looking forward to it.


I think enshrouded is going to be an Interesting game. But after playing the demo I don't really see it having much of a chance of having that widespread release like valheim. Honestly, though my perspective might be a little bit jaded. But I actually like the art style better in valheim personally. Stylize Visuals always seem to be much more timeless. And vel high more so than any game I've played. I could remember having multiple moments and each by no more actually stopped and went. Wow that's pretty cool looking out over a vista. I'm really hoping they cleaned up the combat. Who knows though time will tell.


Yeah I'm hoping for the combat to be fixed up a bit. Agreed about the art style of Valheim, though Enshrouded also does some great things with its lighting that should keep it looking good for years. The lack of a procedural world and ambiguous player -made goals in Valheim will always be a quality that many people prefer over the focused experience. Enshrouded might not be the same 200+ hour immersive experience but I think it'll be good for players who want to feel like there's an endgame (remains to be seen how much of that is in early access and doesn't take 3+ years to develop).


Valheim, even though it's taking them a very long time to develop. It's maintained a standard that I feel like. Even many triple A developers would have a problem achieving at this point. Playing the game is like sitting in a classroom. Learning how to organically immerse your player and have them learn mechanics. You can tell that there's a lot of years of experience behind the game. Enshrouded, where i'm expecting to get a lot of fun hours of co-op play out of it. The game really feels more like an unreal five tech demo that I can play. I'm crossing my fingers, i'm hoping i'm very pleasantly surprised.


It has a way to go based on the gameplay from the demo. The static map and lack of mods(Enshrouded uses its own engine so it would be difficult to mod) could also mean it won't have as much replay value


Devs said they arent against mods but their toolbox for mods is not a priority. Making a toolbox is probably not as difficult as you think since the Devs made the engine themselves. Just glad we can get away from Valheim's shitty p2p netcode mess and play game that the engine was designed for. Edit: Here's a link that explains how they create their world, we'll probably see a modding tool with some of the same capabilities shown on this video [Creating the world of Enshrouded](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0qrbfkcLEg)


Oh jeez static map?? Yeah that’s a big bummer.


i think i prefer a static map to procgen for this genre honestly. allows them to add more interesting POIs and handcraft the players journey through it. there are pros and cons to each approach for sure though


For the first play through maybe. But I think the data is pretty clear that games with procgen do way better long term. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems that way because of the longer replay value.


yeah i guess my playstyle is one or two really long playthroughs with these types of games. not a lot of repeating from scratch. I'll use conan and ark as good examples of static maps that do the genre well. and I think the procgen biomes in games like valheim are what make every playthrough feel so similar. idk to each their own I guess!


It ruins a lot of replay value to have a static map. Smalland also has a static map and once we get through it, there's no plan or point to go through it again. Also, the handcrafted maps are always smaller, so they may have more 'interesting' POIs but there's much less to explore.


yeah I know what you mean. but static maps can be done well like conan exiles. it's big enough and with so many good base locations that it lends to replayability i think. i found procgen is what made me lose interest in valheim because the biomes all basically feel the exact same. seen one Plains, seen em all. hopefully the enshrouded map is big enough, and maybe they'll add more maps in the future like conan or ark


What if . . . The main parts or first small section of the map was static but then once you progress out of the first few quests (for example) then the map will be random and a lot more harsh. ?


I mean, sure, ok? But that's not what Enshrouded has.


You’re right, just an idea. I just heard about this game today so this is all new to me.


That's hard to say, Valheim sold like 2 million copies it's 1st year in part because it was during the Pandemic and many were on lockdown with little to do. I'm looking forward to building cool things, so that's my motivation.


Valheim sold 5.7M copies in just 5 Weeks, and 10M in 12 months.


It probably would have done close to those numbers outside of lockdown too because it was one of the smoothest and most complete early access titles I've ever played (and I've played A LOT of them)


You're probably right, the whole Pandemic period is a bit of a fog for me lol.


That is fucking crazy considering what the game was when it released. Really happy to see it succeed, great game.


gonna have a hard time capturing the audience like valheim did I think. Maybe im wrong, who knows. Val felt like right place right time.


I think it depends on 3 things. Price point, quality of the release and how good the building is. Valheim launched at $20 with surprisingly high polish for an indie game and a game that honestly could've been a full 1.0 launch with building that I still think is probably the best in any game. Building is important in games like this because for many it's the end game and it also brings in a separate type of gamer that may not be as interested in the combat aspect.


Valheim is a great game, but without mods I would have dropped it a lot sooner than I did. It leans heavily on the procedural word generation to extend play time. That won't be true for Enshrouded. Most people will play through it once, explore as much as they feel fills their curiosity of what exists in the game, then wait for mods or patches that add new content. That fact will make its way into reviews, and many people will just wait until the game is complete to get the full experience the first time.


Dude I know, without mods I wouldn't be able to keep playing valheim


Yeah what mods do you think are necessary? Just curious


I'm not the one you asked but I'll throw out a few I use. Valheimplus, farm grid, quickstack_sort_trash, epic loot, equipment and quick slots, better archery, plant everything, seafloorWalkingboots, HeightMapUnlimited, Valkea. There may be one or two I'm missing. I also like to boost up difficulty. I used to run with creature control mod and give mobs affixes (like poison attacks for example). Mods are lacking imo for valheim.


No wind against you for boat rides lol i hate that


Thats very tempting lol. Ive gotten used to it by now.


Moder hooks you up with that though


I never got past moder on 3 worlds 😂


Yup. The QOL mods are so essential to me now that they're the first thing I look for in a game... "Does it have auto sort?... Etc" I don't need or want to spend the majority of my time managing inventory FFS. Farm grid... Oh hell yes. That's long before you even get to the gameplay mods... Which I've gotten tons of replay value out of.


What mods do you use?


Same. And I have a thousand more hours into it than any other game. Weight limit too low, inventory too small, food doesn't last long enough. Vanilla is fucking tedious.


I did finish the game as it is first time, it was okeish lets say it that way since I didn't play solo. But man after i researched a bit into mods i don't think I can play the game without them, I've added a lot of quality of life and some monsters armours and weapons and also new content for ashland and deep North. With epic loot installed and control monsters the game is really cool. If you like diablo games epic loot is a really cool feature but I recommend modifying it a bit when u start. Also i do recommend vanilla for the first time, the game is beautiful overall.


Really depends on the player. I use valheim mods but for the most part they are QoL improvements. What grabbed my attention was the amount of base building that you can do in the game. I have over 100 hours easily on my current save and just approaching mountains. I admit there is a lack of items in the game. I am hoping there will be much more in enshrouded.


I feel they are different contexts: for me valheim came out of nowhere (hadn't heard from it) and took the market by storm on a time where we all were in lockdown. It was a truly special experience since it was my first survival game and played with 2 more friends and we had a pact to not Google nor watch anything valheim related so we were discovering the game together. One moment I will never forget is when we created a raft and set sail and I said "imagine getting stacked on this shit boat by a sea monster" cue to sea serpent appearing and we dying in the middle of nowhere. In this case, I played the demo and seems to be a lot of talk about the game online, so the surprise factor is not there, that being said there is a lot that was not available in the demo and we have lots to discover. I'm not sure that my schedules and my friends' will coincide that much this time neither.


I see a lot comparing this game to valheim. I played valheim and the beta of enshrouded. While enshrouded does have small similarities, I'd put it in a different basket than valheim when trying to determine how much you'll like it. The graphics are different, combat is different, monsters don't feel as dangerous, building is way more defy physics (which is cool imo) the world in enshrouded isn't a random seed, it'll always look pretty much identical. So will it be a big hit? Probably yes for people who enjoy the kind of game enshrouded is. I know it marks it a bit as survival but when I was in beta it was way easier and more forgiving than valheim. It's more just fun and exploring and creating kind of game with friends or solo.


Thanks for this reply!!! I wasn't lucky enough to play the demo so I am pretty hyped about playing here soon 😁


V-Rising didn't capture the audience that valhiem did... we'll see what this can do. I'm excited about the mobility in the game to get to different zones... then have to fight your way out.


Heck yeah! The gliding looks AMAZING


V rising is a completely different kind of vibe than Valheim or Enshrouded. I've made a tiny shack in both, then just sat there for a minute and took in the scenery. There is a sense of existing in some games that doesn't transfer to all games with the same genre-tags.


I’m surprised to see people being realistic in this post lol. Based on the time I spent on the demo I don’t think it will live up to the expectations that people have from playing Valheim. There seems to be some glaring issues with the game but we’ll see


Valheim works because it provides fun for people who like adventuring and fighting as well as those who like to stay home and build castles. If Enshrouded is just fight in the shroud while watching a timer, rinse/repeat, it's going to fail. The current system where you take damage over time already seems naff, it should throw progressively harder enemies at you until it's impossible to stay in the shroud instead. If you're a n00b you'll bail on wave 2, if you're l33t you'll fight until wave 7 and show off. Who wants to watch a timer constantly?


There are potions and items to prolong the timer or even reset it. There is gear, and skills that extend it too. Unless they changed anything near mid game I didn't even care about the shroud meter cos of all the buffs.


Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I think there is no doubt that it will be better than Valheim. Hype won't necessarily be as high as with Valheim in the beginning tho.


The graphics are mine blowing for a survival game. I just hope it runs smoothly


Indeed. They recommend a 2050 if I'm not mistaken. Demo was hard on vram, but that will be more optimized by then hopefully.


Combat isn’t remotely close yet to valheim


Yes, This game is known as "Valheim with steroids"!


As someone who loves creative (basebuilding)games like that, i'm really hoping i can creat something that resembles a dungeon - one that reminds me of "Dungeon Keeper" to be more precise. ; )


Happy Cake Day!


I have my doubts, I think it will sell well as long as it's in the $20 to 30 range. For it to blow up I think will really depend on its initial reception which will be determined by how good its systems are and how much content there is.


I, personally, liked the Enshrouded demo more than Valheim but I can tell you now that overall it isn't going to blow up the way Valheim did unless we hit another pandemic the day it gets released or something.


I love fantasy/adventure/survival games so I am stoked for the launch of this game!! I know we have to go into it with lower expectations because it's a early access title but still. It's going to be a fun journey 😁


Depends on story, gameplay, theme, and execution. Most survival building action RPG like games are too childish in theme. Probably due to sale demographics. I'm still waiting and will probably die waiting for a more grimdark theme. For example one where the land is a peaceful fantasy land, and you are a tyrannical necromancer slowly taking it over with the fires of industry and powerful undead minions. Valheim is so good because it's a bit more in the neutral/darker scale. And morality is not imposed on you. Allows for more roleplay. For Ashlands I intend to build a grimdark volcano castle and my head canon is that I intend to darken the lands with the flames of industry and cut down yggdrasil. For enshrouded we are flameborn. It seems rather neutral in theme, with a somewhat darker element in the shroud. However I'm hopeful there will be some NPC villages we can raid and slaughter. Powerful bosses in the shroud and lands to conquer. Most of these types of games have cartoony graphics with childish themes. Like riding fantasy animals like unicorns, making flower gardens, and chasing rainbows with happy-feelgood vibes. It's too early to tell but for me at least. The hope is that Enshrouded will be a more darker game. With corrupted hopeless lands. Powerful shroud demons and bosses. With cool badass looking armors that will enable you to roleplay Sauron 2.0 and build massive oppressive tyrannical citadels. At least the roleplaying options to do so. A good story, theme, gameplay mechanics. It's all in the execution. **I'm in a minority**, I'm certain, but my hope is that at least with mods the game will have a darker twist. Being able to roleplay the villain instead of the hero in a survival building game with a good story and good gameplay is the dream. And though I don't expect Enshrouded to reach what I'm looking for. The hope is that modding will save this game for me. If the developers adds modding so we can create custom based lands this game will kick off. Because then everyone can make Enshrouded into what they want it to be. If there ends up being none of that. The game will fully rely on it's own story, setting, and gameplay. And that will only attract a general niche of players and the game will lose popularity and die off I think. IDK. We'll see. Sorry for ranting. **TL;DR** I think it will be a success on its own merit in terms of story, lore, gameplay, and theme. But to give it any solid long-term staying power. The developers would need to give us modding tools to create our own worlds and settings. It's not by chance that games like Skyrim and Rimworld are so popular so long after. Modding support makes or breaks the longevity of games.


Thanks for this reply my man! Hopefully they do enable mods in the future so we can play the game how we want too. The graphics are very good and I am mostly excited to adventure around


Hope it will be a hit but hope it will be nothing like Valheim.


I want all kinds of different armor and weapons you can craft or even find in the world.


Same, but that’s pretty common for all survival/rpg games. I hate the stupid mechanic in Valheim that your base health is so low, the weakest enemies can one-shot you. So you have to eat three kinds of food to get the maximum possible temporary buff instead of leveling it up permanently. Or the constantly depleted stamina and tedious stamina regen. Or how the mobs just constantly swarm you. Its a beautiful game with many interesting mechanics, but for me its just way painful to play, let alone enjoy.


I'm extremely excited for this game, but I'm also saddened by the lack of at least an option for a procedurally generated map. A set map leads to a limited replay value.       We (the crew) already know that we'll burn through this game and move on. Valheim, with it's procedural map and many mods held our interest for ages. It was also a "get what you want out of it" game. None of our crew is the same. We all have different interests and that's what made the game for us. Just the same as you choose a character style in a game, you got to choose your play style and purpose. My brother is an amazing builder. His builds weren't just great for him to build, but the rest of us got to enjoy them... And he got the joy of sharing them with us. My other brother is an adventurer, so he'd go and find cool stuff for the rest of us. I don't see that in enshrouded. I see a lot that I like, but it smells like a "one and done" game sadly.


I loved Valheim, but despised the way they did multiplayer. Characters should be per server, not movable. We had a bunch of friends who would just cheat or do stupid shit in single player then bring all their resources and crap into the server. It was annoying. I assume that never changed? Were there mods or anything for that? Like a 100% fresh wipe of Valheim would be amazing, but persistent characters going into a fresh world is just boring AF.


They should have at least had open / closed servers so we had the option to close games we made from outside items being brought.


Too early to say but based on what I played in the demo no. The combat is very mid/bare bones, the world feels empty, and the world is static. I hope I'm wrong but the demo felt more Frozen Flame than Valheim to me.


It's really, really bad in the state it's in so doubtful.


I hope so, but I don't expect it to be. The demo was super fun and addictive, but the static map and lack of mods lessens my optimism for replayability.


Fun and addictive is all I need my man!!!!


Sure. And I'm super excited for EA... I was more speaking to "after" the first play through. I know me and my crew are going to absolutely dive into this game and obsess over it... but we'll burn through it... and there's only so many times you can replay a static map.


Amen. Enjoy the adventure my man ❤️


Static map blows my mind. That kinda kills it on arrival for me.


valheim is actually fantastic. a very coherent experience with a lot of depth. it's very hard for any game to compete that. mind you, valheim is still, even after two years of early access, in the top 100 of steams most played games. it also depends on streamers picking up on it. so far i've seen very little marketing of this game and it's less than a week from release. so, i'd say the answer is no, but it might hopefully still be a great game. i'm skeptical about the world though. it's not procedurally generated which might hurt the longevity of the game a lot.


You are very logical sir! Thanks for your answer


It will be hard to beat valheim. Replayability is a big thing for these games and if it's a static map it won't have the longevity.


I hope the map is bigger than we think. See imo the map side of Valheim is wayyyyyy to big. I only explored like 10% and a lot of it is just the same biomes with different landscaping. I'm not interested in that lol With Enshrouded at least everything is hand made so we can explore and find really cool things like dungeons, different buildings, big monsters, etc. the skeleton dungeons in Valheim are pretty much the same over and over with the same skin, just different layout per one. Meh


Yea I agree about the valheim map but if you think about the exploration.. you could have went so many different ways and still progressed. If it was smaller it would feel more linear. I do hope enshrouded is good


Yeah I get what you are saying. I'm excited to dig tunnels under the ground in enshrouded. Not sure why but seems legit... Maybe I can make an underground bunker or something


Not with limited build areas. Not a chance.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch


I think if the price point is 20$ It'll probably be as big as Valheim. I didn't jump into Valheim until very late. But the preview to the building in Enshrouded has me extremely excited. The combat also looks to be a lot more fun.


I think it depends on the price they set it at.


Rumors that it's going to be $49.99


Well palworld dropped today to blew up. With enshrouded dropping next week against it, should be interesting.


I think this will have equal reach and impact as V Rising, so not quite Valheim levels, but still a decent amount of players, especially based on Enshrouded being in the top wishlisted games on Steam. V Rising had a all-time peak of 150k players, so not something to scoff at.


Look at palworld!!! That hit over 1 million concurrent users. I bet enshrouded can do that too


I don’t remotely think that, as Palworld is a rare phenomenon and has entirely different user bases and marketing behind it. I’d even be surprised if Enshrouded can reach Valheim engagement, but not impossible.


Yeah you might be right. I do know survival games are super popular. I'm guessing at least around 500k people will be on when it launches


I am just speculating here without any real substance to what I am saying, so my words are not worth much. :p


Haha love you man