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I wish I could haggle with the gas station attendants


There are people who believe everything is negotiable. Literally everything. Like the cashier at Walmart is really going to accept your offer for 20% less than the sticker price just because you asked.


Such abilities count as superpowers


“Use the force, Luke.”


last I checked you’d be pissing in the wind trying to haggle a gas price. And for what. They just work there, they don’t set the price.


It's been 15 years but I still think about the guy who saw that gas prices had gone up and looked me, the sixteen year old, minimum wage evening janitor who was manning the till while the cashier took a break, and remarked that I must be getting a pretty nice raise from all that extra income. I hope he's managed to tap into reality by now.


Especially since a good majority of them are changed electronically by corporate and all the attendants do is change the sign to match the pump.


This could be a scam-attempt. First asking for the discount to throw somebody off and get them distracted, then asking for smaller bills, claiming you didn't get the right amount and take the original bigger bill with the smaller bills, or a different amount of smaller bills or something.


100% scam attempt. The smaller bill part is the tell.


It's called a "quick change" scam.


Till taping.


He should try buying petrol in the UK or Europe. It would widen his eyes. I’ve done the maths so in the UK it’s currently $8.59 per gallon for diesel and $8.27 for gas/petrol. That’s more than double the cost $3.81/gallon diesel and $3.60/gallon gas.


But in my day gas was $0.35 a gallon! (Yeah, I remember gas that cheap. I also remember how much less everyone got paid then.)


Payless Jack’s in Seattle. We got 19 cents/gallon. It was back in the early 60’s. Was the cheapest ever. Usually it was 21 cents.


Haggling gas prices? The second you start pumping, the deal is accepted. Confused!!!!!!


Some people think they can haggle anything. Too many people don’t give a flying fuck about wasting other people’s time.


Wow, he takes the title for entitlement


Hope his engine fell out on the way back.


Back in the 80s my mother was on the highway in her 64 Nova, and some guy in a van kept trying to screw with her by chasing her down and racing her. He ended up blowing his engine because he tried to keep up with her when my mother floored it.


See, something like _that_ ought to have happened here!


Former station manager here, always 3 to 5 times a night had some one come in haggling, I'd turn the pos around and show them "if you can find the discount button, you'll get a discount" the smart ones would be like "it's on the other screen" since fuel screen and merch screen were different, I'd be like okay and humor them and apply a merch discount, of 10%, then go back to the fuel screen and ring them up and guess what never transferred over... the discount I applied, "that's ripping us off!" so having to go explain to them like they are 5 and how the system works and how it's smarter than both of us combined always ended up with them throwing fits leaving the building when they did not get the discount.


Wow! Sounds like gas price debaters are more common than I thought. I wonder if any do it with propane too?


I wonder that too.


My LO works at a gas station and they have never got a discount


This guy strikes me as someone who doesn't understand how gas prices are determined. Sheesh. I don't understand it either. Is there an ELI5 explanation out there? So, this dude (could be me) is ignorant, not entitled. And I don't mean ignorant stupid, I mean ignorant as someone who has yet to gain the knowledge of a particular something. So as he bumbles about--doing seemingly stupid shit--stupid enough to cause you to submit this post--an epiphany is about to happen. Let's just hope it happens to him.


I don't know where this took place, but in my state they post the gas prices on a big sign AND on the pumps.


In many Romance languages, 'ignorant' means something like not caring about others. That's what this guy is - ignorant. He doesn't care that there's a sign up telling him the price. He doesn't care that there's a queue. He doesn't care that there's no chance he can negotiate. He doesn't even care that someone is waiting for him in the truck. He has a day to fill, and he wants to fill it by picking fights.


Having worked at a gas station: In Canada, gas prices are determined by the company based on the prices that come out of the refinery and the local competition. The minimum wage cashier is responsible for reporting (via phone) the prices on the signs at the competition that is visible without leaving the building. Usually 3 times per shift. Any change to the price is then electronically delivered to the station's main terminal which beeps until the cashier starts the update. Ideally when no one is actively pumping.






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