• By -


3x entrepreneur here with one successful exit, a successful spinout, and looking to arrange my next (and hopefully last) exit. I've been doing this for about 25 years now. Starting and growing each company was incredibly hard and incredibly scary. With each company, there were multiple times when I wasn't sure I could make payroll and many times I could not afford to pay myself. Why do I say all this? Because if your focus is solely on money, you'll fail. Find something you love to do and are passionate about, something worth a little suffering for, because you will likely suffer on your path to success. There are very, very few success stories that didn't involve some failure and pain to get there. The books mentioned have both good and really terrible advice in them. (ex - Rich Dad/Poor Dad is all about putting yourself above everyone else, even if you hurt them. In my experience, 100% guaranteed to get you isolated and, thus, be less successful.) Focusing on how "rich people" act will get you nowhere (and most entrepreneurs aren't rich). Figure out what you want to do, be great at it, work hard , take reasonable chances, and recognize that no one is successful alone. Everyone had people who were solid teammates through the journey. All this is what "they" won't tell you. It's not sexy. It's not flashy and it won't sell any books. It *will*, however, help you be successful in whatever endeavor you choose.


"Figure out what you want to do, be great at it, work hard , take reasonable chances, and recognize that no one is successful alone. Everyone had people who were solid teammates through the journey." This is so well put. Thank you dear sir!




Best answer here.


Let me correct you here: If you focus solely on money, you'll fail. If you focus on money + business model + quality (of a product, service, or whatever the hell you're doing), you will succeed. Business is not a charity. In the end of the day, the goal is making money. And a second correction, which is very important: You don't need to make a business of something you like or you're good at, to be successful. Half of my successful friends do something they view as "meh", at best. They just find a niche that may be capitalised on and take the risks (where you're absolutely right) to make a business out of it. I know a guy who absolutely hates dealing with his restaurant, but it's what's been making him filthy rich for the last 6 years or so. I don't see him complain on his ski vacations to France and Switzerland in January.


Business is about money Entrepreneurship is not It’s about solving problems A venture is a business the moment it starts throwing money at problems rather than solutions. Good companies throw money at problems Great companies throw ideas at problems Forget the money op Focus on solving problems, the money will def follow The bigger the problem you solve, more the money


I'm gonna ask you the question I'm asking everyone else: What kind of a "problem" do companies like Coca Cola, Philip Morris or the various betting companies solve? It kind of irritates me when people start talking about "problem solving". No, it's about filling a demand and the best case scenario is when the demand is created by you. *Nobody knows how delicious can a sugary drink with cocaine be? Well let them know!* *People want to slowly kill themselves injecting tobbaco into their lungs? Give it to them.* *Someone wants to ruin their life savings in a matter of hours and even minutes? Gambling all the way!* Problems are not what you need to look for in business. It's potential demand for what you may offer. I mean, yes, if there's a problem you can solve, sure. But that's rarely the case. People spend most of their money on pleasure or addictions and to boost their own ego.


Question for you, in order to fill a demand does one not need to create a solution to fill the demand? Did Coca Cola just magically come up with its formula? Did they also just magically come up with innovative marketing and create more economic distribution channels to expand their sales? Did they not develop and employ a new capital allocation framework (Return on Common Equity) to continue growing their portfolio of products successfully and to ensure continued growth for shareholders? Coca Cola is an example of how a bunch of problems in increasing scale were solved to result in the behemoth it became. Yes, most small businesses won’t have to worry and solve a lot of what Coca Cola did, but they also do not have the same aspirations to become a massive publicly traded conglomerate. Couple more questions for you, how do you create a business without first solving some problems of creating the product/service and how to sell it? How did companies like Coca Cola outcompete competitors?


Solving problems is not the same as creating a product. Simple as that.


I think you are personally half right half wrong. On surface level, yes coca cola is a surgary drink, people buy tabbaco, people gamble. that part your right about. But you have to remember Human phycological part of this. Humans do thinks to seek pleasure or avoid pain. Thats it! People don't smoke to slowly kill themselves. Obviously they know he effects but that is not the root cause. People smoke to seek pleasure, or escape reality/ avoid pain. Both are problems. People don't gamble to loose their money. They Gamble for the opportunity to make more. People don't drink do drugs or drink soda for the sugar or the cocain itself. They do it because it makes them FEEL BETTER / fill the void of pleasure or avoid pain in their life. We don't want to earn money just for the sake of it. We do it because of what it brings which is the opportunity to have pleasure or avoid pain/survive. Don't just look at the surface level. All of these things are problems that were solved at their root.


While what you're saying sounds kind of reasonable, my personal opinion is that's just fitting the word "problem solving" into those activities. You can feel pleasure without filling your body with garbage and you can escape reality without ruining your life savings on a row of cherries and bannanas. There is no problem to solve there. It's just a basic human instincts and addictions, exploited by a company. Same with the millions of clothing brands. It's not like you need more clothes. You just want more shit and you buy it from them. Being cooler than the other brands is not problem solving, it's playing with the human brain. Can we say that clothing brands solve the problem with shameful nudity or keep us from being cold? Sure. But let's be honest - we don't buy apparel just to put something on or to feel warm. We are beyond that need and this is not a problem for us to be solved.


I'll grant you some of this, but my point is that you need to find something that's worth the struggle to you or you'll quit when it gets hard. I'm betting at one point, your friend loved his/her restaurant and was willing to do whatever was needed to build momentum, but now it's just a machine. I get that completely. I'll offer a slight adjustment to your adjustment (🙂). Skills, quality, and consistent effort applied to a good business model gives you a *chance* to succeed. I've seen lots of good ideas championed by good people fail just because... Sometimes environment or competition can take a company out.


I completely agree.


It's not a "correction", it's simply your opinion.


So you're doing a charity? (if you're in business at all)


Not sure if this is directed at me, but no. My current company is for profit and has been in existence for about 13 years.


You're one of those people who is always wanting "more" even at the expense of others right? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Quite wrong actually. Did you assume this just based on a couple of comments? :D I just think business is not ALL about money, but money (and profit, later on) is fundamental for any business. If you're not profitable, you're out of business - end of story (very few exceptions here).


Your response to the previous comment did not indicate that tone whatsoever. The commenter was giving very valuable insight into becoming an entrepreneur, but you spat all over it, despite them saying they've been successfully doing it for decades. Try a little humility perhaps?


So I have no right to express my opinion?


Of course you do. You simply took offense to my telling you that your opinion was not a fact, which you implied by your use of the word "correction".


Very accurate on the 'meh' part. I never had a passion for my end product. I was extremely passionate about execution and development. I also quickly realized to upside potential, the niche I was in and the possibility of this to be a one of a lifetime opportunity. So I never allowed myself to not grind it as hard as I can. But no, I'm not passionate about the service itself and I always felt a bit like a fraud in my early years. Been almost 20 years now.


Exactly my point.


Yeah i mean look at it like a game, you wanna try and win right? Depends on what winning means too. Have to also try balancing emotions because you will be making a lot of decisions and getting over them. that’s essentially a part of being an entrepreneur too I guess.


Not super super passionate about most services I can offer and I’ve become humble about money. My sole drive is managing something and watching it grow. Is that a good mindset?


As long as you're motivated, I'd say yes. I guess part of my answer is that you need to have something worth all the struggle and I've seen purely money be that thing 0% of the time (and I know lots of entrepreneurs).


"doing this for about 25 years now" - that's the answer, isn't? keep it going, consistency.


Best reply here


Great response. I'd liked to learn about your ventures. The good, the bad, and the ugly.


" All this is what "they" won't tell you. It's not sexy. It's not flashy and it won't sell any books. " i very much liked the way u said this , impressed




Great advice 1. Learn the highest income skill in the industry of choice 2. Do not fall for guru claims 3. Gain as much experience and connections in the shortest period of time 4. Do not fall for guru claims 5. Build a business that brings in predictable cashflow 6. Do not fall for guru claims


Are you looking for solid teammate?


I am wth




Figuring out what you love and being able to make money out of it is the problem for me


what are/were your businesses?


Life Sciences R&D supporting services of different types.




So... What kind of "help" are seeking? Someone to give you a road map? It doesn't exist. What I wrote is completely true and some of the things I wish someone had told me. So, what *exactly* do you want to see?


Thank you. What’s the best way to start an LLC , say if I want to start a small tech support company. Should I hire someone, can I do it myself online? Do I need lawyers?


There are services you can use that will do all the paperwork, file all the right things, etc. They're usually pretty reasonably priced. Suggest you understand the organization structure you want (LLC, C Corp, S Corp, LLP, etc) and why before filing, though. What structure you use will impact how you're employed, how you get paid, how you're taxed, and how you dispose of the company...


If its just you, many times the Sect of State's website is just as easy as an online service such as Legal Zoom. If you have partners, I recommend getting an attorney to draft your documents because you want to make sure you pick the right structure, have an adequate partnership agreement (or its equivalent), etc.


Get really fucking good at something other people need then sell the thing. Its that simple. First though you have to put in the fucking work.


Read this in Alex Hormozi’s voice 😂




I'd suggest he just get good at something and put in the work. He can save the fucking for later :-)


Learn an industry, work in that industry, freelance


Underrated answer. Choose a job optimizing for learning and start to get some Ws, build confidence, build connections.


This. What I did. Started corporate. Worked hard and learned. Left to start my own after 5 years.


Choose your path: r/sales r/overemployed


Hahaaa I love this cause it’s so true and I did both 😂


Facts ha




Go get a commission based sales job. Spend the next ten years being #1 in that or the following sales jobs. Study every aspect of business, build your character (Jim Rohn), and save your money. Someday you will know what you are supposed to do and you will know how to do it when that time comes. Making money is measured in decades.


You're seeing too much social media. If everyone is making 100k/month, where are all the customers coming from? Don't believe what you see on social media, especially Instagram and TikTok, I know many people who rent lamborghinis for a day to take photoshoots. Some are even a group of people that pool money together to rent it. Sad reality behind the scenes.


I worked with a number of exotic car rallies in the early 2010s. Week long events with the best cars of the day. I’d say at least half the entrants were neck deep in debt. At every fuel stop many of them had to try different credit cards. All of it clout chasing. I strongly encourage anyone who thinks everyone is wealthy to look up local census data. The numbers don’t lie. Obviously varies by your exact location but in my countries, the average person is not earning what you think they are. And if you want a further eye opener, look up bank reports on debt and credit cards, absolutely eye opening.


If you stop looking at money as a tangible physical object, and think of it as energy, you'll realize that it's just a mindset switch that's needed. The more value you're able to create for others, the more lives you impact (or the scale at which you impact individual lives), the more money you'll make. If you have 0 in savings, I'd recommend that you pick up a job that sharpens your skills and makes good money. This way, when you quit your job, you won't be desperate for money. Because the less you think about money and more you think about value and impact through your prodycts and services, the more money you'll make in the long run. P.S. Sold my first company, did a 9-5 for a few years, had enough saved to survive comfortably for 5 years. Started my own thing 4 years ago and haven't accomplished much since then. But my savings and investments are still the same and I still have a 5 year cushion, inspite of some terrible investments. I have a beautiful team of 18 people in my current business and I have infinitely more owned ship over my time which allowed me to travel several countries in the past few years. But money wise? I'm still exactly where I was 4 years ago. Not a definition of a "win" for most people but works for me. Money is not success. Sometimes, whatever your definition of success is can be achieved without having made a Gazillion bucks. Eat slow. Eat clean. Breathe well. Move a lot. Love a lot. Own your time. Money is important (and I'd love to have more) but it's really not the be-all-end-all. Hope this helps you or someone else reading this!


Serial entrepreneur currently running my 3rd company. Multi 7 figure revenue the last 2 years consecutively. To echo previous posts, entrepreneurship is most simply finding a need and figuring out how to solve that problem/need better or more efficiently than your competitors. Don’t overcomplicate it. Throw your “passion” out the window (don’t actually throw it… save it for when you’ve already won and can focus on it with no pressure or expectations once you’ve become successful) and look at what your intrinsic value is. What are you? A sales person? Analytics minded, operations minded? Create a business that compliments your intrinsic skillsets and then build on those. Find a niche/industry where the person paying for your services is not using their money (these niches have the highest margins for a simple reason… people don’t value other people’s money they way they value their own). These industries are often fraught with corruption because of said high margins. Think: Healthcare, Defense, Insurance, Banking, etc. you have 2 plays: 1) blend into the rest of the companies and reap the benefits a corrupt industry has where the players often heavily coordinate to keep it that way in order to keep the margins high or 2) disrupt that corruption in some pro-capitalist novel way. Your margins will be lower than your competitors but you will gain tons of market share quickly because your value proposition is so much better than the competition. The second path seems like the “Nobel” path, but the first path is 1000% easier and more likely to succeed. Also in the US, find niches that are subsidized by the state or federal government. There are certain industries so propped up by the taxpayer (me and probably you lol) that the market dynamics don’t even remotely make sense and the few companies in those spaces are making so much money they don’t care as much about expenses as a low margin niche would. My final advice: Service over products, B2B over Retail, and finally either go full tech SaaS or super hands on skills (tech won’t replace X for another 30 years). You can’t beat the tech exit multiples. No other sector will gladly buy your company for 10x EBITDA regardless of years in business but it’s super saturated and you’re competing with PE and VC so you better have a serious strategic advantage. Or super hands on. First business, my advice go with the super hands on. Easier to start, should be profitable close to day 1, and you don’t have to worry about the next ChatGPT update completely nuking the business you’ve been working on for last 14+ months. Best of luck! I’m sure your do amazing in whatever you decide to do


Great one


Get a job. It’s a much easier way to make money.


Getting a job, spending less than you make, and investing, is underrated.


If you are young, I encourage you to watch this video I made about my experience as a young entrepreneur. It might give you some insight about what was like for me. To be noted: this is only my reflection. It might not be the same for everyone. Good luck 🍀. [My Business Failed Because of This: Honest Entrepreneurial Journey](https://youtu.be/I4PkaMsJ4KY)


I enjoyed your video


Thank you 😊.


Spoiler: You'll not find the answer here. At least not in this topic.


Where do I find the answer?


Here’s the actual answer that nobody is going to tell you today (because they don’t know it well enough themselves): IMPORTANT: Go over these books in the exact order that they’re listed below. - Read the following books to understand people - How to Win Friends and Influence People - Laws of Human Nature - 33 Strategies of War - 48 Laws of Power - Read the following books to understand the entrepreneurial mindset (read AFTER the first 4 books because you’ll understand the countless mental fallacies that people are under the influence of today): - Rich Dad Poor Dad - Think and Grow Rich - Read the following books to understand marketing/sales - Edward Bernays Propaganda - Dotcom Secrets - Expert Secrets - Traffic Secrets - SPIN Selling - Read the following book to understand product development - The LEAN Startup - Finally, when you’ve read through everything, read the following books to not trip and crack your skull on the first hurdle (must read this last or you will 100% NOT understand the value of it): - Atomic Habits - The Science of Rapid Skill Acquisition It does seem like a lot… but knowledge is power, and these books hide the actual value that school doesn’t teach you about being free. Rich people all understand the teachings from these books, and the tragedy of it all is, their ads are a lie. Becoming wealthy takes an excruciating amount of skill building, discipline, conviction, sleepless nights, commitment, networking, and action. It’s not about “I need to get wealthy by 2026,” because the market doesn’t care about your goals, it only cares about their own selfish benefit. Now, a lot of money can be made by giving people what they want/need/lack… this will all be clear to you once you read all the books. Just do me a favor, don’t buy the books, there’s websites out there where you can download them for free.


Thanks, I enjoy reading I’ll start and go through these books.


You could read all those books or just see what the rich people you know are doing. Hang out with them. Learn what they are doing.. get really really good at it and do what they did... it's how most people become wealthy. Have friend doing well.. ask for job.. become top at job.. no where else to go but start your own company doing the same thing because you were so good at it and the boss couldn't pay you more... work your ass off and hopefully success is yours. This is how life ACTUAL works contrary to what many would have you believe. "Hey I'm going to start a business!" Nope. If you aren't quite at any of those steps go back to the previous one and master it. Want to open a coffee shop? I hope you are already the GM of a very successful one. Etc etc... Most of those books are cool but they just reinforce some important life lessons that almost every single successful person I know has learned.. Don't be the victim. Don't look for blame. Look for solutions. Take accountability. It's YOUR mess to clean up. So clean it up. Don't spend time in wasteful things. You can do this!


How can he see what the rich people are doing when his eyes aren’t tuned to seeing what he needs to see? If he’s asking such basic questions, more likely than not, he has no perspective. Reading all of these books will give him the perspective to appreciate/neglect all of the other advice, aside from my books, that he’s gotten in this post.


You do you. We all have our own life experiences. Just sharing my secret that worked for me.


Opps sorry forgot that OP mentioned seeing their friends success.. he has a circle of successful friends. Just see what they are doing? The gap just keeps widening as you get older.


Anyone who actually has the discipline to read ALL these books will probably do okay, but I bet less than 2% will.


Add in 100m dollar offers


48 Laws of Power is a pretty dark suggestion


If nothing else, helps you identify the manipulation others are employing. 🤣


Great comment! Thanks for your effort.


You forgot one more book, “The Art Of War “.


Might I add to the list- The Mom Test, a book to validate any business idea that comes to you.


Thanks for the recommendations on marketing. That's where I'm currently stuck. The shit I can make is really freakin' amazing, but if no one knows it's for sale, how can they possibly buy it? I'm going to check out the books you listed and hopefully get some much needed marketing skills.




Because textbooks are plainly wrong. My microeconomics textbook said that when the money supply is increased, interest rates auto-correct and lower drastically (LIE: The treasury prints money like it’s baking bread and the interest rates are still sky-high). My 2022 RELEASED textbook FROM PHP said that PHP is the NEWEST and MOST ADVANCED programming language. Textbooks don’t teach you reality, they’re paid-for propaganda from the highest bidder that has a political/socio-economical agenda to spread.




How are they “controlling the money supply” when they’re printing money like crazy AND the interest rates are going to the moon (REMEMBER: When money supply ⬆️, interest rates ⬇️). Well how is it possible that the reality of monetary policy is at odds with the literature, might it actually be that the information in the textbook was… bad? No way, impossible. If we were having this conversation in the 1930s, you would be yelling at everyone on this thread that they’re absolutely crazy to think that cigarettes are anything BUT healthy… if doctors prescribe them, they can’t be unhealthy now can they! Of course an extremist like you automatically reverts to personal insults when they can’t formulate an actual argument… and you sound like the one spewing out “bro” philosophies. Actually open your eyes a little and check what goes through your brain.




Right back at your “bro” https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/how-does-money-supply-affect-interest-rates.asp How is it possible that the information that is in this article, in some instances, is completely in contrast to what the US economy is experiencing in the present moment in time? We’re all genuinely curious. Like I said, if it were the 1930s, you’d be screaming at me and telling me that cigarettes are healthy and that your doctor prescribed them to you and that I was “a naysayer propagandist”… isn’t that ironic? You are the definition of the saying “a fool is born every day.”






Here's my answer for people who ask this question, having no direction because they've never committed to anything and want a shortcut or easy answer. You can do that huge laundry list given to you and it might be the most technical answer for this sub, but I'm assuming you won't, or you will with the condition that you draw it out and slowly substitute the entire process as an end itself instead of a means, as a way to validate some self-image as an entrepreneur rather than actually working toward being one. Get a sales job. Any sales job that gives commission. Lots of places will hire just about anybody, because if you make money, they make money. If you make it work, you can turn that sales job going nowhere into another sales job that is somewhere worth your time. Look at how many dipshit realtors think they are on top of the world from the bit of money they make, because it's that easy. If you do better than the rest of your team, then you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. If you can't make sales or can't deal with the grind for whatever reason, then you have the evidence you need to realize you aren't it. This is the fast track answer.




Luck, timing, and placement are just different words for opportunities taken. They come for everyone. Not everyone can take them. You take them by being prepared or at least prepared enough to accept a risk, and you do that by collective experience and resources such as wealth or development through education and hard work. Someone who has committed to something has at least a basic direction and knows what they need simply by what they have experienced they are lacking or where they have failed. No one that asks a vague question like OP has ever committed to pursuing anything other than what is mandatory for literally anyone to survive like a basic work regemin.


And I’m going to get banned for saying this but the reason why so many people here slip in the 48 Laws of Power as required reading is because it’s true. If all you care about is making money, then path is simple: find a means to legally rip people off. Become sociopathic. I’m serious. Finance people do it all the time. Every “guru” of every get rich quick scheme has done it. Ironically, most of the get rich schemers make their millions from selling their get rich scheme that doesn’t work in reality - many of them being MLM systems. The asshole always finishes first. Don’t let anyone tell you different if getting rich quick is the goal. I mean, who am I kidding? Just go criminal but don’t get caught. If you want to become wealthy, then you need to be reputable person and follow the “passion” themed advice. Being rich and being wealthy are not the same thing. Riches can end in a generation. Wealth can last many generations. Maybe you just want to get rich or die trying. But if you want to live a long and comfortable life, then the criminal life ain’t for you. Get well read and well connected. How? Well, the most efficient way is to move to a location where you can hang out with wealthy people. That might be hard depending on your location and personality. Extroverts run the world. Period. If you’re not an extrovert, life is going to be slightly more difficult for you in making money. Why? Marketing. I could make a shit product but if I’m outgoing, attractive and persistent in my hustle to get people to pay attention to my promise (key word) of what my service or product “might do” for people, I’m going to get business. Marketing isn’t fancy dark psychology as it is understanding how a service or product makes one feel. That’s it. There’s a reason the famous TV show “Mad Men” is called mad men because Don Draper took a lot of risks using intuition alone on how to connect feelings to products. Anyway, hope this brings some clarity. I ain’t rich. I ain’t wealthy. I’m average because I choose to be. I don’t like prolonged stress or elevated risk over long periods of time - something you will have to endure to get rich.


Take that fire, and use it. Find people with problems and build them solutions. Then charge for it. Can't code? Learn. Can't do marketing? Learn. Can't do design? Learn. You're young, time is on your side. You can either be in the same place, envious of others and broke, in ten years or you can be successful because you out the time in. I disagree with the top comment here. You don't need to follow your passion, and that's often the worst idea because not all passions are profitable. Follow the money. You'll find passion along the way if you keep your mind open and continue learning. Besides, passion is overrated. Discipline is where it's at.


>I’m so sick of seeing people my age being successful and having some money. You either live in some affluent neighborhood, or you have a social media addiction to break first. Then you need to do some homework. [Because asking people here isn't the way.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/1do0vkv/how_to_start_a_business_with_2000_dollars/la6gqin/)


Take a risk, you’ve got little to lose when you are young.


Go walk around your area. Find something that you can improve or clean or remove and then ask the owner of the house if they want help with those. You can start with that


Better yet: create a mess to clean or remove


Money is the by-product of a good business. Find a need to solve better than the competition. Happy customers will happily pay you. Also, don’t compare yourself to others, or your startup to a full grown company. Compare yourself to your prevous self and make sure you improve every week.




My favorite comment! Researching other businesses is the way to go.


Yeah it’s the shortcut to success. Just reverse engineering successful businesses


Sell cookies , bake goods , cut some yards , build patio covers, construction, grow some weed dam options are limitless just get your ass up and do something if you really want extra cash hustle , grid and execute


How can you provide value worth paying for? What makes you different from the literal millions of people who think the same say? Probably nothing unfortunately.


What type of things would make me different?


Wanting to make more money without a monetary goal is futile. More money can be a penny. So set a goal like: "This time next month, I will be making $100 more per week". What that will do is open your mind to possibilities and opportunities. Your brain will start developing ideas and your ordinary instances will start dropping hints. Try writing your goal everyday and see what happens. I now earn what I use to earn in a year, in a month. It works!


You're telling us nothing about you. Can't guide without some basic background.


How old are you? Start by pressure washing your neighbors driveways for cash, or something like that.


Try anything..fail, try again…fail harder...fail young..fail until it hurts. Even for Buddha enlightenment came after several tries.This is really the path. Unless you get lucky, but there won’t be any enlightenment….just success which is truly scary for me…haha


Found this vid on generating leads that might help you. [https://youtu.be/Psed-LbR4Hw](https://youtu.be/Psed-LbR4Hw)


Become amazing at something and provide that as a service/product. Money will follow. Overnight riches are as rare as lottery. Unplug from social braggers and get to work


Maybe give us some insights of what to suggest by explaining the meaning of « MeanTelephone817.


A practical approach that worked for me in the beginning was to work for a mentor that I appreciated. I'm not talking about some internet guru. A person on your life that is where you even think you may want to be. Find a way to work for them and learn as much as you can. The only way to increase your chances of success are to increase your skills. Having a mentor you can learn from allows you both learning methods: 1. Hands on learning from doing - You will learn from your own successes and failures. 2. Watching your mentor and learning from them - Shadowing someone who is ahead of you in terms of skills and experience can accelerate your growth time cycles.


First step is to find a skill that is needed. One that you might like for years to come because you're going to have to go all in on it. Lot of routes you can take. Tech. Art. Physical Labor, Speaking (working with people if you love talking, sales people for instance), etc... google something like "useful skills to learn in 2024" and figure out something that interests you enough to want to get good at that thing. Start creating. Me personally, I chose a skill that can translate to multiple jobs. Programming. The amount of jobs and areas is vast, but you have to be good at what you do. Gl.


Learn to code and start making money and as funny as this might be, most devs I have come across that made/make so much from Tech are those that pay less attention to all the grammatical terminologies in tech. They just do what works for them as much as it pays them. be a programmer not a JS dev, C# dev, Java dev etc... The highest paid most skilled engineers/founders are generally language ambiguous, meaning they can quickly learn to code in any language, are not strictly tied to conventions, meaning they will do what works, are able to code in simple ways, and are extremely pragmatic to reach goals It's the low end of engineers who overengineer, overcomplicate, are cultist about their tech stack, etc.


Give some time to your personal growth and learning , take job or internship to learn more and when satisfied start your business for being extremely well off personality.


Explore and select what you are good at or what excites you the most. You will only be able to earn tremendous amounts of money if you know your interest


>I’m so sick of seeing people my age being successful and having some money. You'll never be happy with a mentality like this...


If you’re going get a normal job and invest aggressively. Cut costs anywhere you can. Maybe work on a side hustle too. There’s no magic secret to making money. Most (not all) rich people inherited or were given a lot of money to start. It’s a lot easier to make money when you have money. You’re only going to hear success stories on social media, when in reality the people struggling aren’t going to blab about it. It’s a very skewed experience.


Everyone does!


Following your passion is BS. Find out what makes money and be the best at it.


True 😂 my passion is sleeping and that has never paid😂


Dude get a job and work then aside from the fulltime job start a business with the money that you set aside from your job. Or use some money you set aside from the job and start something online. If you make 3K after taxes and you can make 2K a month online after taxes thats a 5K per month income. Now i know alot of people online are so called BS gurus that are speaking about how you need atleast 10/20K per month or your a bum but 5K per month is a very good income compared to most people. You can use that money to save/invest and scale your business. Its actually not that hard you just need to start and keep at it even. Also dont expect to get there within a month. Everything takes time give yourself a year of trail and error. Your still young so whats a year? Even if you make 2K after taxes just grow online to get 1K/2K/3K extra and youl be at that same 5K My advice next to what i already told you is go work in sales. It will set you up with skills for life! And the company will set you up with a decent salary good commission so you can earn how much you want(input - output) and you will usually get a nice car so that saves money and a gascard and that will save money as well. Now go out there and ACT DO MOVE EARN AND GRIND.


Ok, you want to be an entrepreneur because you want money 1) becoming an entrepreneur is poisoned fruit, you come for the money, but it’s much harder, and requires a extreme amount of personal change, stress and such doing so. Atleast, if you’re starting as a normal person with normal parents. Most entrepreneurs have parents who were like so. As such, I wouldn’t go down this route unless you’re interested in this, and you’d like your kids to be interested in it. I think that the category of “business people” is oversaturated, the number of great scientists, engineers, doctors, is undersaturated. I’m an entrepreneur because I’m naturally interested in understanding the world from an economic standpoint. I can’t think of it any other way besides a billion datapoints, which can be arranged and seen through, theoretically, a few perspectives, that allows one to find opportunities to be useful, where others haven’t found the opportunities to be useful, hence, rich.


Hi, just started a software freelance on the side. Can someone please tell me how to get clients. Tried upwork and fiver, nothing works.


start small. i started my printing business noon, nagedit edit lang ako. di ko ineexpect na may bibili. then nagpost ako non sa shopee kahit di ko alam pano ipopromote. then may nagorder agad. isang set pa. medyo nagpanic ako but then i list down all the things na kailangan ko gawin. nagpaprint ako non sa malapit na printing shop sa area namin. then yung waybill, sa tita ko naman na teacher haha. hanggang sa dumagsa yung orders, paprint lang sa labas. motor dito motor doon. tiis sa initan, dream ko eh hahaha. hanggang sa nakaipon pambili ng sariling printer :) now, my business was 3 years old naaa. meron na din akong 8 machines na ginagamit for my business. hindi laging malakas ang benta lalo na limited yung time and space ko kasi nagwowork din ako sa corpo but yeah, balik sa simula kong sinabi, start small. also, start now :)


You're doing it wrong. Instead of chasing money, provide value. If you provide value, money will follow. My ebook shows the way... https://old.reddit.com/user/sidehustle2025/comments/1ddi01x/i_made_750000_from_my_side_hustles_and_decide_to/


Being an entrepreneur focused on money, sucks. It's usually long hours, learning stuff you're not even interested in, in the hope that you've spent enough time and learnt enough to stand out and be able to sell your service or product. Better to focus on something you enjoy, don't worry about becoming a millionaire, and instead build or innovate something in the area you enjoy.


If you pvt message me Ill give you something that worked for me. Not a scam. No money wanted. Just dont want to announce it to the world.


Send me what has worked for you as an entrepreneur.


Learning to code was one of the best things I would say I did to help with my entrepreneurship. The best thing about it is that you can literally start a million dollar business for free or pennies. I started my startup solo and my cost of running excluding my personal effort was negligible. I would say start with freelancing or a service business. Later you can create your own product and mint money while you sleep. This is my view because most of us young guys biggest problem is we don’t have enough money to start a business so software products are one thing you can start with less with unlimited upside potential.


2nd time here, first time failed and I lost £20k This time is hard fecking work but it's working. Everyone's paid and although I have the odd day of panic in general wages are covered each month My biggest issue right now is learning to scale. It's very different than doing everything yourself. Doing a task 100 times and getting 99 identical results takes hard work. Doing it this way is not easy money and if you make it don't ever let anyone tell you that you are lucky


Take your cellphone and flush it down the toilet because the only person you should compare to is you. Then make your life so boring that the only funny thing you can do is to be successful.


I get it, seeing others succeed is tough. The key is to start somewhere and be consistent. Think about what interests you or what skills you have. You could explore freelancing, starting a side hustle, investing, or even selling a product online. Look into platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or Etsy, and check out resources on YouTube or blogs for tips. Remember, it’s a journey, and building something takes time. Stay focused, keep learning, and don’t get discouraged.


Get off social media, and stop listening to guru influencers. Entrepreneurship is probably the slowest way for you to make money with no skills/experience. The appeal is the freedom and independence and the hope that your business will grow over a long period of time. If money is all you’re chasing, go try sales. You’ll still need a year or two before you’re making a great income, but you’ll have the opportunity to work and make more everyday. Real entrepreneurship takes a lot of time, effort, usually some upfront money, a network, a niche industry expertise, a clever solution to a niche problem. If all you bring to the table is “I want money” then good luck in entrepreneurship.


DM me. Let me help.


To be honest. Simply going above and beyond and you'll do well in anything. Look up the reviews to businesses regardless of industry. While there's plenty that have great reviews, there's a TON that has horrific reviews... yet has been open for years. You ask yourself, "How are these people still in business?" Well.... because no one has replaced them yet. There's your clue. If you ever find yourself saying things like, "I'm not gonna start a landscaping business, there's a million of them already," then you already set yourself up for failure. If there are a million landscaping businesses, then there's absolutely going to be hundreds if not thousands of them making a living whilst doing subpar work. You don't have to be #1 in a million. You just have to be the millionth best. Knock off just 1 person who's getting away with doing crappy work. Hell... just showing up when you say you will, and not being drunk already puts you above SO many businesses with bad reputations. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "He showed up on time and with a great attitude. He made some mistakes but was happy to go back and fix them.. I'll definitely be calling him back. " That's ALL you need. Give your best, show up when you say you will, and do what you say you're going to do. Your word is your bond and your reputation. Everything else will fall in place. If you have any questions about my ideology, I'll be happy to answer.


Have one goal and one particular skill that you excel in. Money is an outcome of being driven in life- you become rich while striving to reach your goal, money itself cannot be a goal. Remember, money is a byproduct of what you intend to achieve in life. Your goal should be uniquely your own—don't try to imitate others' successes, or you'll become a cheap parody of them. Ask yourself what will truly empower you and make you feel fulfilled. Use your heart to set a goal, then take action. Build a framework of your understanding about the world, this will empower you to make sound decisions and remain steadfast in times of uncertainty. Most people fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others, which is unhealthy. Others have achieved their success because they were working towards it. Focus on your journey, set your unique goals, and dedicate yourself to mastering the skills that will help you achieve them. Cultivate a growth mindset and find a good mentor if possible, who can guide you with the right approach. Keep developing yourself by honing qualities like attention management and expanding your knowledge across different subjects. A mentor can provide valuable insights and help you navigate challenges, while your commitment to continuous learning will ensure you stay adaptable and innovative. I would highly recommned G[rity Club for building a growth framework.](https://www.grity.club)


Same here


You’ve come to the right place, so do I. Get busy. Last night I spent capital on my first set of two events. And right now I’m getting myself dressed and heading to the bank to capitalize the account and get the notary for the registered service mark.


Perfectly put in to words...


It takes years. Stop watching fake videos and looking at pictures of people social media. Most of them are faking it. I've been doing this for 18 years with a lot of failures and learning experiences. I sold my previous business couple years ago and what I'm doing now is probably the most profitable one I've had. There's no get rich quick with entrepreneurship.


Add a ton of value for organizations / people + learn to sell and people will shower you with money.


Don’t make money your goal, find a passion, something you really enjoy. Turn that into a business or career. I really love Anime, now i work with anime artists to make money 👌


Bad mindset man, everyone is different have a different path, don’t compare yourself with anyone, just define your goals and try to work on achieving them, to create the life you want, not because others have done it, other people lives have nothing to do with you.


What's something you love the process of? That should be your north star. There's a lot of noise out there on what ventures are "best", but if you hate the work it doesn't matter and you'll probably fail. If it's important that you make money earlier on in your entrepreneurial journey, perhaps focus on starting a service based business as they generally take minimal investment and are cashflow positive from day 1.


For a start, take some time and read these responses! I was going to add my two cents, but there are more common sense suggestions here than probably in 5 "Buy My Books"... Best of luck, and NEVER quit - believe in yourself!!


I've been in this exact position before. You SHOULD be angry. That's already a step in the right direction. My first piece of advice would be to hone in on a skill basically anybody can do, but be the best at it. Some places to start would be: • Flipping items for a profit • Lawn Mowing • Car Washing • Powerwashing (Driveways/Houses) • Trading to build value. Pretty much any of these you can start without putting any money in. For any of the service-based ones, ask your parents/friends/friend's parents to use their mower or power washer. Print out fliers (there are plenty of drafts online) and start putting them out around town. As for trading/flipping, get an account on ALL of the following sites: • Facebook Marketplace/Facebook Messenger • OfferUp • Craigslist • Ebay Look for items around your house that you don't need/haven't used in a long time, but not just any items: • Electronics • Furniture • Vehicles • Clothing • Appliances The key is to find what items sell the best, search up the USED prices on Google, and list yours for a bit more so you can make a profit. Once you make that profit, use it to buy better/higher quantities of items, then sell those for a profit. Eventually you could be making thousands of dollars on the side with something like this.


learn about Bitcoin it’ll change your perspective on the system you’ll be rich in no time


You don’t need a mentor or a $10,000 course from some guru. There are plenty of ways to make money. Just pick one you like and go for it. Obviously learn how to do whatever you choose first. 1. Become a mobile notary. They make bank for literally signing documents. And no shortage of people who need notaries for real estate deals etc. 2. Start an SMMA(social media marketing agency). Some good info on it on YouTube. Look for the ones that have free training or very cheap. 3. Buy/Sell meme coins. Just follow 0xPepesso on X/Twitter and check his post on how to turn 1 SOL into 800 this summer. 4. Build/Design websites or logos and sell them on Fiver or Upwork. There are a ton of AI tools now that will do all the work for you. 5. Start a reputation management company. You help businesses rank higher in Google and get them into the map pack by getting them more reviews. Couple of ways to do that and there are some good softwares out there to do almost all of what you need. 6. Learn candlestick chart patterns in trading. You can trade binary options, or forex, or crypto. 7. Become a TikTok affiliate. Make quick videos(yourself or with AI) to help sell someone else’s products and get a 5%-20% commission. TikTok will literally show your videos to people they think will by the product you’re promoting. 8. Learn how to wholesale real estate. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Good info on YouTube or Bigger Pockets website about how to do it. You can make $10k+ per deal. Usually maybe 4-8 hours of work in the beginning to get and close one deal. These are just ones off the top of my head. Hopefully this helps.


So, here's the thing. I'm still at your phase. But I got now my vision clear how need to execute my plan. To make money you need to be master at something. I got my vision clear and started to working on it and Insha'Allah one day I will be successful. First of all, figure out what you love to do. Doesn't matter what kind of work that is. Whatever you like, art, gardening, coding, doing massage, selling, marketing or anything. Figure out your love. Once you find it, second you need to know are your strength and weaknesses. Write every single one of them down on a paper. Write your current position i.e. like do you know about this skill that you love to do? do you need to learn? is there anything that can interrupt my learning? am I physically and mentally ok(like stress)?, etc. Master this skill that you love. Next thing will be where can I sell. For that you need to do research. Identify what are the trends in the skill that you love. Trends will help you give insights on what people are looking for. Sell it using content marketing. You can also do cold outreach methods. But this thing depends upon your targeted audience. Like if they are willing to hear you even for 2 min as a strangers. I personally don't recommend this. Best way is to upload content on social medias, get followers and subscribers, then sell. Write everything in the bio such as what you are doing or selling. This is how I figured it out. If you want to know anything, feel free to reach out to me. I'm a Business Developer actually. I'll do my best to help you out. PEACE✌🕊☮ :)


Do something you love, then figure out how to make money doing it


What's the best business to start


Best first step is figuring out what you want the money for to begin with. Investing for a family? Hookers and blow? Security, or luxury?


What are your talents, skillsets, interests, what are you good at and what do you love doing? Those are the first questions you need to ask yourself. Then you can set up a plan on how to make a business out of it. Also, don't forget. Many people start their businesses as a side hustle.  Also, you have to be willing to work. There is no such thing as a 40 hour work week when you start a business. Even when your business is established. Also, stay away from credit. Build small and reinvest your earnings into equipment and supplies you need.  I've worked in the business to business industry as a visual marketer for over 30 years and I have seen many business fail because they think if I take a loan and get the equipment or just start a business and the money will come. Nope. It's all about the constant hustle, marketing, networking, educating your potential and existing clients on what you do and why it's necessary. Also, I HATE the hard sale. I have found if you give them the information, educate them, be personable, etc, that goes a longer way for a long term client rather than the immediate sale.  Good luck


Advice? 1. Just start! - I recommend building a following in one way or another. - It takes time, commitment, perseverance, and mostly patience to do it. - this step is scary for 5 minutes, fun after that 2. When you go for it. Build a business with few moving parts. - the more steps you have on the customers journey to purchase, the more expenses you will have. 3. Stop comparing yourself to others. 4. Most people that "have money" actually have debt. As a discerning onlooker, cease & desist. Focus on your own path.


If your north star is money, you'll continue to fail. Follow your passion and learn everything you can about it. Turn into your values. I value growth. All of my "failures" in entrepreneurship I don't necessary see as a bad thing because it's led me to be here. Keep your eye on the vision of your life. Hustle. Take care of yourself and those you love. It's a marathon not a sprint. Rooting for you.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Think about your passions and interests. Start a business around that.


When making money is your sole motivation, I can promise you that you will be broke forever. Find you place in society and money will follow


Be undeniably good at something [https://youtu.be/teAvv6jnuXY](https://youtu.be/teAvv6jnuXY)


Dude go outside. If you have enough time to post shit like this then you have too much free time. Assuming you’re actually very young (<20), you should be working or in school. You don’t just randomly become rich and successful


I’ve been a W2 employee, I’ve done all types of account management, I’ve had 2 of my own businesses… territory management has felt the most like being an entrepreneur, less freedom but also less risk. Great earning potential with big company perks. Just something to think about


PicturePunches is a great platform to earn money online. It's a memes site that users can earn from. It's like YouTube but for memes :) Hope this helps.


First change that mindset, People who are making more money than you have problems that you probably don't know about or problems that are 10X amplified than yours lets get that out the way first In some way shape or form, these people should motivate you and push you to do better. Use them as inspiration to fuel your journey. See if you can tap into their circle and network. Be happy that they are doing well because would you rather see them in the streets struggling? Or imagine in the roles were reversed, you worked so hard to finally get the success you've been searching for and these people absolutely hate you for it cause they see how much money you're making.. Keep clapping for others until its your turn because your time is coming soon


As a 30 yr entrepreneur, I’d say the most important thing to figure out is what you want to do, why you want to do it, and a plan of action to get it off the ground (or find a mentor in the field to help you!)


“I’m sick of seeing people my age be successful.” Buddy… 99% of people your age are either in college or fucking around at some stupid entry-level job. Get off social media because it’s clearly got you fucked up thinking that everyone but you is rich and driving a Lambo. Peak money making age is 35-50 for basically everyone. You just simply don’t have enough work, business, life experience to attain this level of success you are aspiring towards at such a young age, and that’s totally normal and okay!! Think about the people your age who are successful. They got lucky to find their passion really young and started grinding at a very young age. (Zuckerberg and Gates already had 10+ years of programming experience before college.) The ONLY advice you should take right now is to A. Enjoy life while you’re young because life is startlingly short. B. Find something you enjoy doing and work to be in the top 10% of the field by 40. C. Don’t neglect the many other aspects of life: health, spiritual, social, enjoyment. Also, money is only one aspect of success. Remember that we all die one day and the final score will be 0. Just be happy:)


Less time rambling on reddit and more time reading the news, understanding different markets you're interested in, identifying emerging opportunities, and really the biggest one just start believing in yourself.


Honestly, if you put some effort in, do some market research and come up with a niche. You can probably do pretty good making dumb tik tok videos. Like use AI to write up some fake gossip or confessions, make it catch peoples attention and do an AI voice over. Apparently a friend of a friend does this with scary stories and makes some good money. People love sports content and takes. People love dumb fun facts. People love videos with pretty girls in them. You probably aren't going to feel great about this stuff, but I'd be curious if some did this intentionally if they could gather a following.


For me personally, making money has always been a by product of, investing myself obsessively in something I feel passionately about When I spot an unfulfilled niche, and I can bankroll the initial stages, and I can maintain autonomy over ultimate decisions, then I feel obligated to exploit that. Exploit sounds like a dirty word, I could use Tony Soprano double speak and say capitalise, but exploit feels like a better fit. There have been many things that I have let consume me to that Nth degree, and never found any way to have it make money for me, and that's alright too. Also, don't expect instant sports cars, or even stability or even meager success. It can happen, it does sometimes, but those are a fraction of a percent stories. Usually you should expect to be broke, and living on the edge for a while, this time will however serve you well in the long run. You'll know how to make every penny a prisoner even when you're well into the black. Conversely, you will need to be able to balance this learned tendency with sometimes taking incredible (calculated) high stakes risks and being alright with the outcome. I'd say only gamble with what you're prepared to lose, but also trust your gut (with your balance sheet in mind) and be prepared go against the grain if you feel that it's the right move. 'Make money' is the wrong mindset unless you're thinking of 60+ hour work weeks for an institution or as a bar/restaurant owner. Always have a back up/fall back option if things dont work out. But try and find something that you enjoy already and look for an unoccupied space there, one that you would like to occupy, see what like initial interest is like, approach the thing as a movement rather than a business (alas, it must actually be a viable business).


Quickest way to make money is through freelancing which in my opinion is underrated. Here is a step-by-step: - Find the thing you like to do - Learn as much as possible - Get first few clients to build your portfolio - Invest time/money for the next 2-3 years to get really good at what you are doing - Start earning $3,000 to $5,000 per month from few key clients Then once you are at this stage, you may want to start thinking of creating some kind of business and transitioning from selling your time.


7 Days, from £23 to £10,000 in the bank, Properties under his control. https://youtu.be/yEkkNqn6SkU?si=1-dJ4ph7NqtJIpWg If you're in the UK - Samuel Leeds. If you're in the US - Codi Sánchez. If you're anywhere else... There should be some equivalent. See you on the other side family.


If you just want money and dont have the passion for something specific, then just work somewhere. You will just make money.


Stop being a hater first of all that energy ain’t good


Hey there, It's completely natural to feel this way, especially in today's world where success is so visible. Remember, everyone’s journey is different. If you’re eager to develop your entrepreneurial skills and start making money, consider diving into email marketing. It’s a high-demand field where you can help businesses connect with their customers and drive sales. At InboxInnovate, we specialize in email marketing, and we’re passionate about helping people like you kickstart their careers. We offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help you succeed. If you want to learn more or need guidance on where to start, feel free to reach out. You’ve got this! Best, Dimitri Mngqolo Client Onboarding & Email Marketing Specialist InboxInnovate


Look into digital marketing!!!! Changed my life in 60 days. As cliche as that sounds, I genuinely changed my life. & I promise I’m not selling you some insanely priced pyramid scheme. It’s consistent work, but if you have a schedule that allows at least a couple hours a day on your phone or one solid day out of your week to create an automation so you’re not on your phone every day, you can do it. Id be happy to chat & answer questions if you have any 🥹🫶🏽 this is my instagram @facelessdigital.zuri


I don’t have a lot of advice on making money, but I will say most people you see on social media are MASSIVELY in debt. Only tiny amounts of them are actually successful. Most of them are willing to go into crippling debt just to be perceived as successful. Keep your head down, learn a craft, be good at it, stay away from high interest debt, build wealth over time, don’t look for get rich quick schemes.


Well, step one is developing a skill. Find something you love to do or something interesting to you or something you are already good at doing, and put in the work. You can’t begin to think about how to make money working for yourself if you don’t have a skill set first. Start there, and get damn good at whatever it is you choose to do. Then come back here and ask for advice on how to get started using that skill to turn into revenue.


Heres a blueprint how to become a founder: https://minifounders.my.canva.site/




The best advice is STOP WATCHING THESE GUYS. These people make you put money "success" on pedestal. It's a very bad thing. Just love what you do. Do it. Show up. Consistency and you'll be good to go. Just stop consuming a lot of guru BULLSHIT content.


Become a doctor


Comparison is the thief of joy.