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Don't say what you're going to do, just do it and let the results speak for themself. 


Terrible advice. Did you even read the post?


OP is talking about family members and relations of the sort, not c-suite Strategy Managers from Fortune 1000 contractual corporations. If you tell all 9 of your conservative uncles that you identify as transgender for the first time at the yearly Thanksgiving reunion all at once, what exactly do you assume the expected result to be? The answer is stupid unactionable noise from an uninformed people, and even worse than that the expectation that *even if* there by happenstance ended up being some hint of truth to any of their statements or claims, they would be too uninformed to be able to notice to ***NOT*** give it as genuine advice, because they can't even tell if what they're saying is true or not. Go tell a dope dealer that he doesn't actually know how to best supply his territory logistically and you'll very quickly see this in action unequivocally. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology)


Most people are Naysayers, especially the ones who didn’t do it themselves.


Truth, carved in stone.


Don't tell them till you atleast make more then you would from a job


I annihilate them with my sheer, explosive, uncompromising, incomprehensible dedication For all their doubts are either evaporated through my sheer display of will, or my relation with them is utterly destroyed as they do not serve my purpose


What a f’ing cheap late night infomercial response. How much for your first course?


My wisdom is as free as the air we breathe


Grant me your wisdoms farie


Thou must be disciplined beyond comprehension, for a hole in a rock is not carved through sheer force, as it will break it, but through constant friction. there is no talent, there's no innate ability, there is only the will, discipline and dedication.


Discipline is an integral part of entrepreneurship, but there is absolutely such a thing as talent and innate ability.


rather than talent, i like to think of it as innate motivation, some people are simply more naturally motivated for some areas, and that will help them learn faster, for example, if you love soccer, you might be able to put in a 4 hour practice, where you love every second, making you improve faster and more efficiently, vs someone who likes soccer and can only put 2 hours in of regular practice. But as a baseline, most people have the same skill, you just have to cultivate it (the "talented" people were people who simply had earlier contact with the topic in their childhoods, making them amazing at it as adults)


You're talking about nurture, which I agree with, but nature is as much a factor. In the same way some people are genetically more immune to sickness or Michael Phelps having mutant muscles, there are people who are genetically gifted in ways that are beneficial in entrepreneurship: greater ability to see patterns in complex information, retaining knowledge more efficiently, deeper introspection for maintaining mental health, etc. That's not to say a lack of genetic advantage should ever discourage anyone from trying. There's always success to be found for those willing to sacrifice for it, and there are more important factors than genetics. But although anyone can become good at anything given enough practice, not everyone can be the best.


hmmm i think you are correct my friend, there's a huge genetic factor that can massively help you out, just as genetically some people have higher tendencies of depression, some other have higher strength against adversity, very well yes, seems we can both agree that perhaps some people have some natural advantage over others, good catch.


You're gonna have to keep feeling this way until you start seeing results. Effort always goes unappreciated until you start getting tangible results. Which, ironically, is when you care about their appreciation the least, since it was not there when you needed it the most...


The most valuable comment


Agreed, and that's how it should be. I think getting appreciation for effort would be like a participation ribbon. It gives you the dopamine hit without achieving the results.


I divide it into 3 groups. Family members and others you have non-work relationships with I have "the talk" with. No, not that talk - the other talk. The one where I say "If you can't be happy for me and support me, I'm sorry I will have to alter my relationship with you." It can go as far as excluding them from my life (which I had to do unfortunately) but most of the times it becomes a simple arrangement where we don't talk about it. Just because they didn't have the guts to do something and got that safe, real job, doesn't mean you should go the same direction. Then there are people I know I'll never really care about. For example, I pitched a product to a prospect and they were negative from the start. I use these kinds of people to practice on. "Would you change your opinion if our product did X?" now I have no idea if X is even possible, but it's good market research and shows how they look at the product I'm pitching. The hardest are unfortunately people that you pay to be on your side. I paid someone who do concept art for a game and I could tell she didn't think the game was a good one. We had several lengthy conversation with her and it was tough to basically have the concept I worked on for months ripped to shreds. But in the end, she was right. If I hadn't listened to her, I would have wasted a year or more of time on something that wouldn't have worked out in the end anyway. So yeah, these conversations are the hardest because they have a great motivation to just be yes people and when they are negative, it usually really means something.


Don’t ever burn a bridge. Especially family. They are your best cheerleader and your best critic. This response is trash.


Please explain how they are the best cheerleader if they are negative? Or how they are the best critic if they can't understand what OP is trying to do?


Gladly. - Kid is probably under 30 and just now experiencing how life and the world works. - probably has a good idea but hasn’t found out that the world either does not think it is one or has a cheaper option. There are no more unicorns and this individuals idea would be 1 in a million if it were unique. - which leads to secondary option of doing something better than the competition. This requires a brand. Not just an idea. Marketing. Getting the idea out. An individual can be smart but a group will always be dumb. Alienating dumb people like you is probably the best option for this person


Does your reply have anything to do with my questions? But more important - are you alright? You sound like you're really struggling. My DMs are open if you want to talk.


lol typical participation trophy response. Sadly. The world doesn’t care about feelings.


The world cares more than you think - if you let it...


Sadly. It does not. It’s cutthroat and always will be. It’s a hard pill to swallow and one to be realized early. You wanna sell flowers by the beach, then you can find success in bliss and poverty


Can't disagree with the cutthroat part, that's why you need to find people you can trust and rely on. Flowers and I don't get along, but BBQ and I do. And that's what I'm gonna get now with some friends.


I look at it from the fact that you've never really accomplished s*** in your life of any great scale. So aiming to get financially free is a big deal, and 99%+ fail along the way. My goal was fuck you money. I wanted to completely change the financial class I was born into. That's not easy. Bottle up all that juicy dark energy and allow it to motivate you through the many hard times to come over the first 10 years. You will get to a point eventually if you succeed where they have nothing to say at all.


I have my inlaws for this position. As I was needing a helping hand packing all the items that were ordered in a total rush (sold out ly website in a day), mother in law dearest insisted on helping out. And while doing so, I had to hear the same remark on repeat: 'I never believed you would be such a success? Did you ever think you would be this successful?' Uhm yeah... that was the plan. But thanks for your faith in me, I guess. Few years later now, and I'm going through the tail end of the hard times. The last contact we had was her screaming that it was all my fault that my husband didn't have a shitload of money. (I can't contribute 50/50 to the household, while paying off the debt aquired during the pandemic etc.) So... I don't share anymore. Everything we do share, she deliberately misunderstands. So I just don't bother anymore. I also refuse to be humiliated in my own home, so I don't host them anymore, and always have more important stuff to do when we're invited. Sorry for the therapy rant... But basically... don't share with nay sayers. There is no support you can expect from them. They will only give you the 'I told you so' when you're facing challenges, and don't support your victories. So what positive input could they have?


25 years and my parents still think I should get a real job. This lifestyle is not for everyone.


Chances are you’re talking about it too much, less talkie talkie, more do-e do-e (kill em with your success you can do it)


Razor sharp focus. Mind your own business. That people doubt you means they are projecting their own fear and inadequacies. That people hate you, it’s the same. In fact someone erroneously handicapped my profile. That means I’m on the right path. I hoped to not use my entertainment attorney this early in the game. Hopefully, I can work it out without adding to my stack of ongoing litigation and paying up front for costs.


Stay busy with what you’re doing. They aren’t business. They are resource wasters, detractors and losers.


Nobody hates from the top. People always hate looking up very seldom will you meet someone successful who will hate on another’s idea or hate in general. Just remember when you’re about to die, the only persons opinion on how you lived your life that’s important is yours. If your idea fails fuck it, you sound young if your worried about your parents opinion so you probably have time to fuck up a little bit. I open my successful business 3 years ago and every step of the way we fucked something up. You just fix it and move forward towards the next problem and then fix that. Who cares what others think man.


You know the little spam button you can press on an email and it sends it away never to be seen again - develop one of those for other people's opinions. To extend the analogy further, the sender of the spam doesn't know you clicked the button, and the people you're talking to don't need to know either - that just leads to unproductive arguments. A nod and a "maybe - we'll see what happens!" plus a swift conversation change works well!


You keep your head down and keep grinding until you can prove them wrong. I know. Easier said than done


First, put pride aside and see if there is validity to their statement. If it's just me saying for the sake of nay saying, then ignore. If they give you points to consider, then consider. Don't be blinded by the fact that you think it's a good idea, because you're not selling the product to yourself. You need to listen to the market and ensure you have good product market fit. If you don't have good product market fit, then they're probably right, it won't work or not to the scale that you're hoping it will anyway. So at that point you need to consider are you willing to pivot and address the valid concerns of the market, or are you willing to play Field of dreams and build it and see if they come?


Surround yourself with people who are yay-sayers. For those you can't get away from, stop discussing your goals/dreams with them. "Thanks for asking! I'm still running my own company and it's going well. But I really want to know about YOU! How are you? What's happening with \[unrelated subject\]?" Parents often prefer that we have stability (and things like health insurance ,if you're in the USA) . If they start pressing on those issues, share what you're doing to cover those areas, but be light and polite and don't let them dominate the convo.


Totally depends on who is giving the advice. If it’s your target customer, ask a lot of follow up questions… but keep in mind most customers aren’t early adopters. If it’s a friend or family member with no experience in the industry and no experience with entrepreneurship in general, you can safely ignore 99.8 percent of what they say. If it’s another entrepreneur, especially a successful one, you better get a pen and pad and beg for more of their time to explain their thoughts.


I tell em, in whatever way is necessary, to pound sand. Who are they to have an opinion so negative about someone they've never interacted with?


Just don’t talk about it. With parents and family it’s just because they care about you. Show them small successes and they being to support you. With others it may be because they couldn’t stand seeing you succeed at something you want to do when they didn’t even have the motivation to try and do what they wanted to. It’s a reflection on themselves not you. Pay no attention to it.


Ask them what they know, did they try and start a business? Even if the answer is obvious. Another way is just don't keep them in the loop.


I think everybody's right from a certain perspective, but also everyone is wrong from another. I have an immense amount of respect for everybody's opinions, regardless of whether I do or don't agree with them. It doesn't mean I want. Debate or argue with people over certain opinions. But at the end of the day, I respect that people have an opinion. I know the truth is always somewhere in the middle. And so, regardless of what people say, or tell me, I always take it with a grain of salt and blend it in with the rest of the noise. There's truth in it all, so I take the average of any given aspect of it. And that's where the truth lies and I don't have to worry about whose opinions or feelings I'm hurting by not agreeing with them. I agree and disagree with everybody, and stay in my own lane.


Always, always listen to them, they might know, or see something you don't. After listening to their reasoning, you make final decisions. It could also be "Don't do this, you don't have experience doing XYZ, so you will fail" instead of just ignoring them, think, hmm okay, I will study more about XYZ, that's how you learn. Always listen, then decide, don't just flat out ignore


Naysayers are losers and people who are envious of others ambitions, because it make them look bad/doubt their lifechoices. Not worth talking to, idc if its family or whatever. Just keep it to yourself tbh


I am mostly Finnish. Apparently, you tell a Fin he can't do something and our brains go "Fuck you, Challenge accepted!"


I usually listen. It doesn’t mean I believe them but I like to be shot down so I can hear it. Maybe they are right and I didn’t see it and they saved me the time and money? It’s happened.


Avoid them and only hang out with people that like to think of ideas, solutions and have a can-do attitude.


You will always have haters and critics and it'll keep being that way. All you can you is focus on your own actions and move forward, that negativety comes from them. They don't know your struggle or what it takes to run a business so naturally they don't really have a great picture of what they're trying to judge in the first place. Believe in yourself and use this opportunity to build some character (not saying that you don't have any) and filter out some relationships that may not be worth it. At the same time it's also important to take time and feel the negative emotions as some of these naysayers could be coming from loved one as well but also step back and reflect on the earlier points of they don't really know what you're going through to judge in the first place.


If it's your parents then it's often because they always want "the best for you" in their perspective. But they often don't realize that the world changes very fast and that it's never been easier to do something outside of a "real job".


Learn to tell people to f**k off in your own way and never tell anyone what your plans are. People are jealous, will wish you the worst and may even try to sabotage your plans - it always seems to be the people closest to you.


"Living Well Is the Best Revenge" upon researching, this proverb was found in George Herbert's collection of “Outlandish Proverbs” lol


Shit I almost wish I had people telling me that because it would motivate me to kick life’s fucking ass to prove them wrong. If they’re not where I want to be in life, making what I want to make nor living how I want to live…I take their words with a grain of salt. Thats what I’ve heard extremely successful people suggest so I do that.


Listen to what they say will prevent you from succeeding and make sure you address the potential challenge in your plan.


You listen to them carefully, consider their points and then decide if you need to adjust your approach. It’s all feedback, it’s all valuable. Your parents love you and want what’s best for you, you (probably) own them at least the time to consider their objections. Some business ideas are great some are dog doodo, everyone thinks theirs is great, it’s only through getting feedback from other will you be able to tell which yours is. Talking about feedback. I think you’re missing an opportunity in asking questions about “feelings” instead of asking about your actual business idea. Maybe your parents are right maybe they’re wrong, share some details and we might be able to help you figure it out.


I can relate to this almost anyone nowadays feels the same, recently I have learned a trick, where I do not tell anyone my plans, instead, I work on executing them and surround myself with like-minded people. let the result be anything. It's better to try and fail than not to try and regrate.


Work on your own self confidence. That’s the only reason their words bother you - you don’t even believe in yourself. Know yourself better than anyone else. Happened to me and I abandoned my first few business ideas that I know would’ve been worth millions by now.


You prove them wrong.


I've found that staying laser-focused on my goals helps. Surrounding myself with supportive people who get the hustle and grind of entrepreneurship also makes a big difference. Sometimes, educating them about what I'm doing and why I believe in it shifts their perspective. And if all else fails, proving them wrong with success speaks louder than any words.


Easy: ignore them. "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." - Winston Churchill


I just let my work speak for itself


I mean they’re right until their wrong. Are you going to let that stop you?


You build really small wins. Tiny wins are so damn powerful, they help you build confidence because you literally know they're wrong. The faster you can prove you're on the right track, the more feriocious you can become.


For me that's just part of the fuel the keeps me focused. Unless I prove otherwise, they're right about me. If I can't find success on the path I chose, then I should have done what they said in the first place.


Well, ignore the regular haters of course. Friends and parents... they mean well, they just want you to be safe and happy, and for them it means having a job. It's like when married people want other people to be married, and everyone who owns property tells you you're stupid for renting, and how all vegans want you to be vegan. People who found something they enjoy want you to enjoy it too. So you can reply with "thank you so much for caring for me, I think there is chance I might succeed and I'll do everything I can to take that chance. But if I do end up failing, I'll most definitely get a job. Just not right now. I want to give it a fair go".


Nope. You are negating the real life experience of your family and the experience they bring to the table. Yes they love you, but when they say something against your idea, it’s out of their “much greater life experience” than you have. It should not be taken lightly and welcomed. They aren’t “hating” as this very lucky entrepreneur is saying. Pivot. Find a new idea and prove it cheaply as possible until you find traction while working a 9-5 to support yourself.


Don't "nope" my comment, go make your own first level comment


Chill dude. lol


People want everybody who isn't a customer to support them. Mostly because they wouldn't know what a customer looks like if they hurled their wallet.


Show them your bank account lol


You might find « Never Split The Difference » to be a useful guide. You learn to respond by agreeing with them.


"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep." Enough said.


Listen to them. These will be your best critics. Pivoting is the most successful tool any entrepreneur can have. You may have a great idea in your mind. But it’s not a great idea in others. Many people get caught up thinking their idea is monumental and will make millions. This is rarely the case. You need your idea to get traction. In any way possible. Once you have traction, you move to monetizing at scale. This is what FB did with coaching from the best in the biz in tech at that time.


Depends on how credible they are, and how good your idea is.


Don't listen to the bozo who told you to cut out your family. Talk about ridiculous. Let's have a real chat about failure rates. There are stats that say 90% of start-ups fail, with only 10% surviving a year. [https://explodingtopics.com/blog/startup-failure-stats](https://explodingtopics.com/blog/startup-failure-stats) You need to have a realistic perspective on your chances. People around you may not just be negative for negative sake, but might actually care for you and are concerned.


Hmm, they likely do care and are concerned, but it's also likely they have no experience being entrepreneurs, especially if you don't come from a family of entrepreneurs (which it sounds like OP is in that boat). They don't know what they don't know. My mom is a career accountant (working at a huge megacorp), and my dad is a retired project manager (formerly at a huge megacorp). They have valid concerns about "how will you handle healthcare" and "how do you save for retirement" and "you never take any time off". So I address those concerns, share with them the relevant things, ("Hey mom, I signed up for X health insurance, I am socking bits away for retirement - and would love to work with your financial advisor since you recommend him \[this always makes them feel good, when you ask for their help\]" and, well, try to take time off when I'm visiting them, because I only have so long to spend with them on this earth. They're definitely right about the last one. But I'm no more burnt out than they were at my age!