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1 Week is a decent time frame for creating a landing page focused on conversions.


Agreed, now you should be getting people on your page to test your offer to see if it has legs or needs to be revised


As long as your landing page is up, then that's all that matters. Now that it's up, you can go back and itterate and improve as you get more feedback / change your mind / question your life choices (maybe this last one is just me). Simply by shipping something, anything, you've started and are miles ahead of everyone else that is currently sitting around with a good idea, but haven't actually done anything to launch. **edit** *Grammar*


This isn’t slow at all. I believe you’re not just building your login page; you must have thought more deeply about this project. Relax and don’t treat this as something overly crucial. You have plenty of time, and the most important thing is not to give up.


You’re doing great! Congrats!! 🎊


Nope. I still haven’t launched my webpage and being operating my business since oct 1


let me see it


That's a great pace for your first time. You'll eventually learn more tools and then recognize unintentional copycats that all use the same templates. Just keep plugging  away. There are 100s of millions of sites and most are horrible because they don't put any thought into it.  I started off with a 1 page site. Then grew to 3, 5, 7, 100.   In that time, I went through three platforms and eventually landed on WordPress because of the speed and more control over my site. As you grow, you'll learn more.  You'll then be able to improve your original stuff as well.   The process is very cyclical. I'm a few years in but I'm beating out my local competitors in a highly competitive market.   And I'm competing locally with the national competitors that sandwiched our business.   I have no marketing budget and they spend nearly $14M a year so you can do it!


A landing page can take months, it’s all about the process. Think of it as a writing a book, the first draft almost never gets published, keep coming back to it with a fresh mind.


No bud, I’m a developer and you’re doing just fine


No Elapsed time isn't the same as effort


That’s great work. As someone already commented you’ve gone live with it so that’s 100% better than others with ‘great ideas’ but never follow through. You’ve done the hard part. Use copy.ai or such to refine your copy. Reiterate. Improve. Learn new tools & skills a long the way.  All the best with it.