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Hi everyone! I’m new and wonder is a poison or bleed effect considered a debuff or just attack down or defense down stuff considered a debuff


I haven't been up to date on the pvp scene in a hot minute, are there any good resources to check out what the meta is and what kinda comps people play, or do I have to figure it out via streamers like way back in the day? I remember there was this neat website that showed unit pickrates etc but I think it's dead now


Hi guys, returning player here, is there any site with optimal teams for hunts actually? My team for W13 is one of the first teams we have and is soo slow,, (TGuard, SSBellona, Luna and Angellica)


can you replay a side story after you completed one? so if I completed cermias side story will I be able to go back to it in the future with all the rewards reset?


Been playing for a few days how do i get mystic summons i know 1 way but my guild is inactive and im having a hard time joining an active 1 in asia, any other tips?


Shop refresh, pittance from hunts, some abyss floors. And lastly credit card-chan


Returning player. After they removed the dogs from the game, how do you promote heroes? Should I buy 20 purple blooms using stigma or buy several silver blooms and convert them into purple? Is there any difference in Sigma cost between the two scenarios?


No difference. Conversion rate is 25 silvers = 5 gold = 1 epic. You can't manually convert, but when you try to promote the game will convert for you


How do I build Celine? Is it dumb to put torrent/pen/crit sets on her? Does she need any bulk or do I just need her as a nuke?


Speed/pen. High damage and as much speed as you can get. Aim for 4.5k 300% critdmg 180+ speed


Which one for mlandy, 4k attack, 1.1k def, 13.5k health, 120spd, 100%cc, 227% cd mlandy, OR 3260 attack, 1259 def, 14.5k health, 157spd, 100% & 206%? Counter/unity Also, what kind of team should I build around her for arena/gw?


Both are kinda meh but if I have to choose, go for the 2nd build. She's pretty stat hungry.


Anyone have a clue on what might be the next galaxy shop rotation? I’m a late game player so would a Tywin be worth it? I already have most of the ml 5 cleansers etc.


we have no clue but probably not ml ken, pflan or ml kawerik since they just rotated.


Just came back to e7 cause I was planning to pull the new unit lethe cause I wanted to try her out, turns out I’ve came back too late and she’s left the summons. So now I have 200 bookmarks(covenant) and 3k skystone just laying around that I had been saving in case a unit comes out that I like. I see landys back currently and hear that she’s great for pvp(not so sure about pve) so I’m tempted to pull for her but is there anyone else who I should be saving for? Greatly appreciated.


she is great in pve as well. How far is your account progress wise? how much do you pvp?


I’m in episode 3 and am lvl 63. The highest I’ve ever gotten in pvp is I think challenger 5 but I’ve always been look at something to improve my team


Where's the best place to farm Carmainerose enemies for her SC


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iFCYE45gZtqTatSpZoTb-k\_boOLma8mo1P6xh9LG1Bg/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iFCYE45gZtqTatSpZoTb-k_boOLma8mo1P6xh9LG1Bg/edit#gid=0) UH 19 or EP1 6-5 which is a maze level


I recently have pulled an Arkitech Laika and a Top Model Luluca. Are either worth building? They're my frist two ML 5 stars that arent the one they give you for free.


A. Laika is a really good in an aggro/cleave pvp comp she usually deletes a unit.


Is it worth getting a copy of Wall of Order?


No not really


Anybody knows what is the update video chest (3 leifs and 300k gold) password for this week? And where do we go to find them nowadays? Can't seem to find it on the new stove forum layout. Thanks in advance!


no pw, just collect it


Omg silly me. Thanks a lot! :)




I’m not sure about going from 4* to 5, but promoting from 3* to 4 nets you one extra bloom. I’m pretty sure the reason most people don’t do that is because of the gold cost- that’s why I don’t do it myself.


Can anyone explain this weapon forge event? First time doing this. Which set should I pick? Do I need a unleveled lvl85 gear to begin with?


If you’re new to the game, speed set is typically recommended because it’s the most universal set- almost any DPS can use speed set and be happy, even if it’s not their best set. You do not need anything to start the event. The most recommended item I’ve seen has been speed set ring with %Attack main, with substats being Speed, Crit Chance and Damage, and usually %HP. You’ll want to max out speed and then put the remaining rolls into CDamage. If you already have a good ring and no good necklace, you can roll a speed set neck with CDamage main stat, with speed, CChance, %Attack and %HP subs, maxing speed then CChance after.


Could you suggest me a higher win rate (>80%) Caides 13 team? I don't have Straze, and a casual, non oneshot team is fine too. Thank you!


If you have ml cermia you should be able to build a pretty consistent albeit a bit slow team. I use roana, merc Helga, cerise & ml cermia. Usually clears 28-30/30 runs.


Cdom, ML Khawana, Tama, Fluri(on Rise of Monarch if possible) works for me. Runs take long but it's near 100%.


[Found this guy in Huche shop](https://imgur.com/QTDszor), think it's worth? Max cc and cd with atk% and health% makes me think it may turn out to be a good all-round piece.


i wouldn't cus there is no speed on it, but def a solid piece


I was going to say no, but you have skystones to spare so go for it.


I have enough to get the mystic unit (Landy) but I was saving for Straze to use him for one shot hunts, is Landy good and/or a better unit than Straze overall (pvp/PvE)? All my friends and YouTubers I see say she is strong but I'm not shure on who should I choose.


How much do you value RTA? Do you have the gear Straze requires to do one shots?


Only do RTA for skins, I have rage+critical/penetration sets with 100% crit rate and 250+ crit DMG but will farm if needed (I have 34k energy + around 1250 Leif's) so energy is not a problem. Also have 70 gold transmit stones for SSS if his imprint material is also in store like Belian and Zio.


Straze is good in so many places. I have both and Landy is good, but straze is so much better imo


What do you guys think about Injury Lethe? My logic is her S2/Omen attack, even with high HP, reaches like \~18k damage if you're at a very good HP. A lot of Bruisers can survive that easy especially with support/healing. Injury would pretty much guarantee her Omen kills whatever it hits no matter how bulky thanks to having 3 turns to stack it up on them, and rather quickly thanks to her free SB. Just a tech I'm considering, I know getting the stats I'd want would be difficult...


It's not viable because her normal attacks do no damage for injury to be applicable. So she'll have to rely on her 3 stack omen proc to do injury, but it's not worth or unlikely matches go long enough to proc omen a 2nd time to kill.


a 20,000\~25,000 HP Bruiser would only need to take 1000\~1300 damage or so from S3 in order for it to provide the near full benefit of the Injury set right, and higher at 2000\~2800 for S1 right. (Since its 6% on AoE, up to 12% on Single). Since you'd get 3 hits before the Omen procs, you'd remove up to 30% of their HP if your damage was good not accounting barriers(6 S3, 12x2 on S1 hits). 7500 HP off a 25000HP bruiser would bring them into almost guaranteed kill range for a 25000 HP Lethe, but you're right, you'd have to do 7500 damage with her to begin with since her damage beside Omen is nothing worth talking about... I guess I'd have to try it in practice and see if she can reliably remove that much HP or close enough for it to matter, cause like you said, if she doesn't do enough damage for the Injury to pile up quick enough you may as well use another set like Speed to jus cycle Omens faster.


Is there a mechanical difference between using a ten pull or pulling ten times manually?


No, the game reads it as you pushing the button to summon once 10 times.


i'm hitting a bunch of clilias/belian teams on afkarena - what group do i put together to beet these? they're smoking me :(


Aria/Roana/Healer/Aurius Holder feast on these comps. I'm something like 25-0 vs. CLili/Belian arena defenses.


do you have Roana or Lion Heart Cermia?


Roana but not built up. only rgb cerm


I finished the Iseria's side story. However, i cannot find where to get Chatty(artifact). It's not in the reward section or exchange shop. Can someone please tell me how to get that?


Its not in that side story. Its in the book of memories the shadow of ravenwing manor.


oh..... I need to finish Ep2 first/


New Player: Just started, currently using Free Spirit, Angelica, Mercedes, and Stene. Will this be viable clearing story or should I replace someone with Iseria?


yep that should carry you for quite a while.


Is it possible to reroll a account to get ml landy?


possible yes but very very small chance you would have to roll covenant banner i guess and that is a 0.00349 chance. I don't know how many mystics you can get if you start a new account but i don't think its that many and thats a 0.625% chance.


do the garanted gears in hell raid main rewards ever reset or change? the game doesn't tell anything about it..


No the main rewards are a one time thing you get the first time you beat them.


Why is arunka not in the story summon? Is this a bug?


nope she just doesn't have one.


Is ml Landy a limited ML5?


No, and in the future you can check this by looking at the pull odds for generic summons (ex. covenant, galaxies). If they aren't in the list, they are limited.


Thoughts on the new summer pack ? I'm a dolphin for context . Debating on that or 1 mystic pack thanks


Is there a particular goal you're working towards like pitying ML Landy? The summer pack doesn't really seem worth it to me since you're getting Mystics instead of Skystones and Galaxy BMs tend to be a bit of a scam since you get 3*s a vast majority of the time.


I launched the game through google play beta and I was trying to scan my gear in Fribbles but it couldn't read my gear, How do I fix this?


Apparently Fribbels doesn't work with Hyper-V enabled which is needed for google play beta.


What substats should I put on a necklace for Souline? I have crit damage main stat, so substats are speed, crit chance, atk%, and ??? I’m thinking flat attack maybe since the event gives 53 attack without any tolls on flat attack


Flat attack has the highest potential but also could turn out garbage if it rolls heavily into it. A safer option would be defense or health since you could use it on someone else if it rolls heavily into that stat (and if it doesn't you could mod it to flat attack). Up to you how badly you want to risk it.


The event rolls for you so I don’t have to worry about that haha


Oh right it's the custom piece event, lol.


Att or crit damage necklace on ML landy?


Crit has more value than atk. So besides arguably Straze/CPavel, it's always better


is it better to have speed boots on counter set lone crescent bellona than health or atk?


I prefer some speed on my LCB but I’ve seen people go no speed too. I’d say if you can reach around 17k health, 3.5k attack, and 1.4K defense, go speed boots. Otherwise, shore up whatever is missing.


Did I mess up the forge your own gear event? I clicked participate and now I don't seem to be getting points anymore.


You should get points once you press participate. Did you do your dailies and weeklies before you started? Won't work retroactively. You also get small points for every 100 stamina.


What artifact could I run on ML Landy if I don’t have Elbris? Currently working on a counter set for her rn


I’ve been using war horn, and it seems great on her.


In addition to what others have mentioned, wings of light and shadow (Ilynav's arti) could be decent too. Gives free crit and should (pretty much) always work on her S1 follow up attack.


War horn may not be a bad idea, or hilag lance. Anything to help her get some CR push since she is usually built slow.


A lot of the knight artifacts are good, but i think the best one aside from elbris would be Mature sunglasses. Or you could just put her on proof of valor and never die xD


I've been playing for about a month and have enough powder to get an artifact. Should I get abyssal crown to improve my politis or wait for Emilia's artifact to come out with her banner.


ice crystals 100%


emilia's artifact you could always randomly pull an abyssal crown.


Whats the chest password?


no password just claim it


i have like 44 pulls left until pity for ml landy, will i have enough mystics before her banner ends?


**You** are the person who has the best idea of how fast you accumulate mystics. Mystics come from 3 primary sources: 1. Shop refreshing. I have absolutely no idea how many skystones you may currently have, or what you would typically expect to gain in 3 weeks. 2. Guild Wars. I have absolutely no idea what you average per week in GW - there is a large variance since so many factors contribute (for example, even if 2 players are in a x5 guild a player in a guild that wins 50% of the time ~2.5 attacks and extremely rarely on defense will gain quite a few less medals over 3 weeks compared to a player in a guild that wins 90% of the time, almost always wins 3 attacks, and is in a fortress with good defense success rate) 3. Drops from hunts. Obviously dependent on exactly how much of your energy you spend on running hunts over the time period -> this could be literally 0 *or* this could be dumping hundreds of leifs I have no idea. There are also some one time sources of mystics, for example in Abyss or ML theater. I have no idea if you have access to those or not Assuming you are in a x5 guild, with average performance, you likely need ~30 pulls from other sources. [Shop refreshing is ~270 skystones per mystic pull](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/11bie69/post_reveal_secret_shop_rates/) = 8,100 skystones for 30 pulls, on average. [H13 is ~.3116 mystics per run](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/14ky9aa/adventure_stage_drop_rates_part_3_now_including/) so that's around ~161 hunts per pull. If you account for skystone drops as well, that increases MM rate to ~.4074 per hunt or ~123 hunts per pull. 123 hunts per pull * 19 average energy * 30 pulls needed = 70,110 energy ~1000 energy per day, 21 days = 21k energy you would need ~49,110 energy worth of hunts **on average** if you gained no other source of Mystics/skystones other than running hunt.


have you done the abyss challenges yet?


how much atk CLandy will have at full stacks if she starts with like 2k atk only also how much after atk buff from her s3 ?


Basically everything that says "increases ATK by X%" is just a simple multiplier, stacking additively with each other. If she starts with 2000 ATK, her passive is 50% at full stacks 2000 * 1.5 = 3000 ATK If she *also* has attack buff 2000 * 2 = 4000 ATK




For Arena Defense I’m using Amid/Adin/ARavi/Karina…should I replace Adin with ML Landy? Alternatively, could someone let me know what a very strong ML Landy arena defense team would be?


Is Astromancer Elena any good? I am currently pittying NC Landy but want to save up for Belian and Riolet next. However, I believe i will have to skip her if I want Belian and Riolet. Thanks


If it helps, the next rotation should be Fallen Cecilia, DJB, A Ravi and ML aramintha


She is okay but a very niche counter pick.


Anyone else log in this morning and after getting to the lobby screen, anything you tap to open just doesn’t work? Mail, summons, guild, hero’s, everything. Nothing is working for me? Edit: everything’s working now :)


Yes, happened even after restarting several times. Fourth try it loaded everything as normal


Yes I just closed my phone then reopened it and everything started working again.


Ah gotcha, so wasn’t just me lol mines fixed now too but thank you!


Are you on iPhone?




i'm a new player, I just got the game a couple days ago. Should i pull for anyone on banner or wait for a meta character to come out.


The regular green Landy is a very good unit. She is also limited so I recommend pulling her. The other banner Basar you should skip


I collected my weekly 100 reward on Monday. Do you just lose an entire week worth of points for this new event or is there a way to claim those points now? Why do they sync the points up with weekly rewards but then not sync the event up to the actual weekly reset?


Yes you just lose the points, but there is plenty of time in this event that it doesn’t matter if you lose a weeks worth of points. There is plenty of time to finish the event you will just be a little behind on claiming it.


Didn’t get ML Landy but got spooked by Seline shortly after on covenant. Do people still build her on LS? How much speed should she have? I saw one LS build in the reviews and they had ~245 speed, not sure if that’s common stat line to go with.


This is where i'm at, but that's pretty hard to achieve, especially if you go for pen instead of crit. You want her as fast as possible, even if you loose some dmg. Pen is not mandatory, but a big boost


Okay thanks! I’ll use this event to craft her a necklace then




Generally considered one of the most worth items from huche even without discount, though as usual balance your ss/bms, see if you need the ss to refresh shop for the upcoming collab reruns.


Which of these two builds do you think is better for Captain Landy? [https://ibb.co/ZJKJp4G](https://ibb.co/ZJKJp4G) Build 1 [https://ibb.co/QN68Bqz](https://ibb.co/QN68Bqz) Build 2


Most likely the 2nd one. First one has high attack but without any crit damage she'll hit like a wet noodle. You always want a balance of both attack and crit damage. Overall I would eventually shoot for something like the 2nd one but with less attack but more bulk. Up to you if you want to eventually move to counter set or not.


Too early to say for sure, but I think you want way more bulk on her, you can lose some atk to cover for it.


Who should I promote? I currently have awakened both Ras and Mercedes. At first I want to promote mercedes to 5 ⭐ but now I'm having doubts. I'm having a hard time to choose between carmeinrose and Mercedes and Ras. Who should I promote between three of them?


Ras - do his specialty change too


I realize that MLandy is completely out of reach but regular Landy also seems quite good. I've got about 6k SS and 280 marks as pure f2p, is it worth pulling for Landy or waiting for the collab banners? My current team (read: best heroes with gear) is AMomo, Lethe, Sez/Sigret, FSTieria / S Tene (her gear sucks)


Landy is better than any of the colab units imo. She's good at both PvE and PvP


If there's an upcoming collab character you really like, save for them. Waifu first. Otherwise, most of the collab(s) is skippable for a new player. Jack-o is cleaver-only pvp, the rest have mostly fallen off due to powercreep. You can try for Emilia, though that's less for the character and more for the artifact. If possible, try to get 240 powder so you can buy Emilia's artifact (Guardian Ice Crystals, often just called gic) off powder shop.


For PvE definetly an upgrade especially for lethe I guess,the collab units if you don't have personal attachment is for the most part not needed the only one that is recommended is Jack-O and she is purely pvp


What’s a team I can make to 3 star abyss challenge floor 1? [A very suspicious Link](https://imgur.com/a/zPzwVSr)


You can actually earn each star separately for challenge abyss, so you can use 3 seperate teams if you can't find one that can do all of the stars at once. The only downside is each entry takes 3 abyss tokens so you'll have to spread it out over a few days.


I’m assuming you’re sorta early mid game? I wouldn’t build any units specifically for it sunless you like/expect to use them, but you just need high ER/cleanse+single target damage. So something like FStierria/Amomo/Aras and either another single target damage dealer or a second cleanse or cycler like Alots. Shouldn’t be too hard if you avoid AOE and keep stuns off


Wait. Did the whole event window literally went with the event? I saved like 4k of the currency to binge craft after it was done. Don't they literally leave every single other event on display for people to exchange currency afterwards? What the fuck??? I'm sure it said it was going to stay until the 11th or something.


You mean oceanview?it's still there in the sidestory Tabs if not maybe restart


Nope, can't see it anywhere. What the fuck SG.


I literally cannot see it. Imma restart but holy shit I'm cold sweating lmao.


Its there. I can confirm it. Click side story. Mine is ' A permanent mark'. Click that one to go in available side stories. It's right below, 6 days left.


I'm just gonna close the game and come back in a few hours.


I know its asked a lot but I am a returning player, What should I buy from the popup shop? I only have 3k skystones


Mystics are technically worth it as they are a slight (and I do mean *slight*) discount to the average skystone cost when refreshing the secret shop. His lucky chests are technically worthwhile on a pure skystone:resource basis, but a lot of the rewards are pretty meh, like meagre amounts of powder or whatever. With that few skystones, it's possible you may just want to skip everything though, unless you are very close to mystic pity and it's the difference between guaranteeing that you pull Landy, I would just spend them shop refreshing and trying to stock up on bookmarks for the upcoming banners (assuming you need any Guilty Gear or Re: Zero collab characters that is).


It's 200 ss/mystic pull compared to ~300 ss on average from the shop. I'd say it's a pretty big difference. The only caveat is that you don't also get covenant bookmarks, but if all you want is mystics it's definitely worth it.


Probably at Max his surprise chests for 100 otherwise maybe if you roll an incredible equip


Well for now no landy but got back to back in galaxy both variants of karin which of those two would be a better investment(worthy of the normal karin imprints?)


Both are pretty hard to build and both have different niches to fill. BBK can win you on a clutch in RTA if you build her right. 0 speed, full damage and ER. Light Karin is an easy solution against Adin. Build her with 270+ speed and full damage, and run her with Abigail so she won't die easily.


Both seem interesting but equip will probably be my biggest issue well I öay it off for the moment,or I let the simp decide which would be light Karin. Thank you for the short overlook


Been using Light Karin ever since I got her. My build is pretty on the low end (3.1k atk, 260 cd, 270 speed) but she destroys Adin + SC Arowell teams in GW. But like I said, pair her with Abi for survivability.


Which gear type to forge in the S2 epic gear event? my account is little over 1 month old so don't have any good pieces for anything, is necklace or boots harder to craft in general?


For the most generally useful item, it will probably be a Speed set ring with Atk% Mainstat with the substats being Speed, Crit Damage %, Crit Chance %, and probably HP% (though a debate could be made that Def% might be better as it would keep the heroes hp slightly lower, which in some rare cases might be more useful). Attack % rings with perfect DPS stats are extremely hard to craft but also are necessary for a lot of units, so having one that is almost literally perfect is a big boon. Having a right side piece with relatively high speed as well will help you gear a unit to be very quick, which is very handy when you get to doing Guild Wars and Arena.


Yes overall things that are on the right side of gear in the character screen are harder to get,because the mainstat also has rng do boots with speed or neck with critdmg would probably be the best choices


oh wait if we can pick which stat to upgrade it seems, i assume everybody is just gonna go all in on speed so ammy/ring are the better choices?


Ah yes right,forgot that everything can be adjusted so will personally get a critdmg necklace with critdmg,and offensive substats with all in speed