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Bsg got a weird boner for presets


I thought arena was going to be cool Then i saw the presets


Same bro. Same


I dont understand why they didnt just make arena an ingame set of maps for the default game. They coulda just had the whole system built in and kept all the markets ect. As soon as you click on the arena it should have just prompted us "with your current gear, your average score will be Tier X, do you want to proceed?" An it shoulda just been like factory runs. You keep your gear, and if you win, your team divides up the enemys gear.


> your team divides up the enemys gear. oh yeah, that would go very smoothly. unless it was something like "the other team had X roubles in gear, here is X/5 roubles for winning. congrats" you would see people malding because "HE TOOK THE M4 I WANTED, I KILLED THAT GUY IN 3 ROUNDS, HIS M4 SHOULD BE MINE"




lol just imagine someone bringing in some stock or whatever thats 250K, it wouldnt be FIR and worthless to traders but bumps you up 10 tiers lol


Understandable, they have to put up with the severe lack of quality-of-life features more than anyone else lol.


You mean WE, THE COMMUNITY, have to deal with a lack of quality-of-life features more than they do.


LOLOLOL such a funny way to put it


Gone are they days of killing a guy with the telnik shirt and saying “damn this guy needs to fucking go outside”


Now it’s “this guy’s mom is gonna be so mad he took her credit card!”




Its not about the money. Its about sending a message.


Drug dealers after refusing to sell an eighth for $40


The telly was my kappa goal many wipes ago. Never got kappa but got my telly. Sad to see it get devalued, but happy to see more brothers running around in proper swag fashion.


What is the shirt IRL for? Do certain units in RU wear it


What you’re referring to is the telnyashka, a striped long or short-sleeved undershirt originally worn by sailors. Originally this was a traditional sailor’s shirt worn throughout Europe, but it became especially associated with the French Navy in the days before the Dreadnought era of naval warfare. The Tsarist Russian Navy adopted it, and it became an icon of the Revolution as sailors of the Navy were some of the first military forces to support the Revolution. This association was further cemented during the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War to us with non-Soviet roots) by units of Soviet Sailors fighting as light infantry against the Nazis, especially during the Battle of Stalingrad. Vasily Zaitsev, the famous Soviet sniper, started life as a senior NCO in the Soviet Navy. The telnyashka became a symbol of elite, courageous troops, and became adopted by a number of other formations, starting with the Soviet Airborne Forces (VDV) in the postwar period.


Ah okay thanks for the detailed response. I did always get a very Soviet vibe from that shirt, that explains it


To expand from my understanding, most Russian military units use a telly as the standard issue undershirt now and different colors mean different things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telnyashka


Yeah I was going to say I'm pretty sure I've seen Russians on the combat subs wearing this shirt recently


And now everyone is going to make a post about it.


12 YouTube videos dropping from streamers soon.


"I bought this one outfit and it's a game changer" "I fooled everyone with this one change" "Everyone else thought I was crazy for doing this"


Title - "ARE MICRO TRANSACTIONS RUINING TARKOV!!" video - "no they're not buts let's talk about what COULD become of tarkov.. let's look at PUBG."


I laughed too hard at this xD thank you


“Never before seen preset outfits for purchase!”


I just want the hideout cat


It probably would be gated behind 17 Lightkeeper quests, needing you to turn in Kappa. And need to be fed with FIR Tushoka every 3 hours or else it dies permanently. But who fking care, I need the hideout cat.


Thats would be an insane addiction


Or $5


there’s a fkn cat?!


There's not, that's the problem. Give me my hideout cat bsg.


Like this guy?https://youtube.com/shorts/AePMK1KusTA?si=p7fmeBWhIDoA-gE3 Or him? https://youtube.com/shorts/KS47T4IdTT4?si=3kpI3CSHTEoI6ACT They teased it now give it!


Please elaborate. Cats?!?!


Kinda a meme of people saying we should be able to get a cat that stays in our hideout and people saying they would pay for it.


Allegedly a planned feature to have a cat that hangs out in your hideout




I seem to recall something about paying money for a horse armor being a travesty.


Everyone talks about the downfall after Harambe, but let’s go deeper here…


First Jesus, Then Harambe... Next the Killer Whales at Sea World will have fins that are floppy...


several decades ago, yeah


Damn. That makes me feel old lol.


Honestly im fine with that? I always expected something like this to happen. As long as they dont sell like a full black body glove or a ghille I'm ok with that.


Yeah, same. With the eod edition and stash upgrade, we've crossed the gap on "game enhancing" purchases already anyway. So cosmetics are really the least of my concerns right now.


Just don't go full PUBG on us


Pubg went downhill right around when they started adding wacky ass cosmetics. Used to love that game


I remember when they first implemented that when the player count was huge. I literally did not care about the cosmetics so I sold everything on Steam Marketplace. Made over $100 somehow, couldn’t believe it.


Haven't played in years, HOW bad is it?




Honestly, last time I played I was kind of impressed with the stuff they added. Glider planes, bikes, mortars, drones, panzerfausts, minivans with cargo, all unique and fun if the whole military aesthetic isn't that important to you. There seems to be a steady drip of new content anyway, and at least it's not Call of fucking Duty-level of stupid. The shooting still feels terrible tho.


Pubg went downhill because the game betrayed its very own essence. Pubg at the beginning and at the core design philosophy, was a realistic, punishing, and MUCH slower paced battle royale compared to its eventual contemporaries (obviously fortnite, but also CoD's blackout which came out relatively quick after, and then Apex and Warzone in 2019 iirc). The other battle royales were emphasizing near constant engagements, whereas pubg had a LOT of downtime between fights on its flagship maps (erangel and then miramar). This imo was to its benefit, but tons of people leaving to the more arcady battle royales obviously disagreed. Pubg died when sanhok released. I still remember insta-leaving games anytime I got matched to that fucking map. It was completely antithetical to everything pubg was made to be in the first place, and yet all the streamers and youtubers were obsessed with it cause it gave them pubg combat at breakneck speed. The following maps i remember (the snow map and the 2x2 desert island map) mirrored this change in priority too, favoring the arcade shooter dopamine addicts over staying true to the design philosophy that made pubg good along with its \*mostly\* clean gunplay. (though I actually kind of liked the snow map as a middle ground between the two philosophies). Thats not even addressing the elephant in the room that helped accelerate the game's death, that being the goddamn cheaters (from a region that will not be named) which started showing up in lobbies all over NA. That was the last nail in the coffin for my group of like 6-8 people who would get together for pubg, running into a literal squad of cheaters with names in mandarin.


The large maps were nice because if you wanted high pace fast games you could always drop school.


That was a wonderful description of the history of PUBG, well said. I loved the snow map too.


The only thing I think sucks about this is the fact that they're selling the original lvl 50 clothing. Think it would have been better to have an alt version or something so the lvl 50 clothing can still be something to strive towards. Seeing someone with the Urban Responder or the Telnik shirt a few weeks into wipe was always kinda cool. Just a way to show off accomplishment.


On a side note, that accomplishment is mostly only seen when you lie dead on a ground, fully looted...


So true, walk up to a body and say to myself “nice shirt dipshit”


let’s be real here: I was going to get shot no matter which of my five separate color coordinated outfits I was wearing


I feel this one in my soul... my well-dressed, fully dripped out soul.


>The only thing I think sucks about this is the fact that they're selling the original lvl 50 clothing. Think it would have been better to have an alt version or something so the lvl 50 clothing can still be something to strive towards. This. Also it's so fucking cheap to sell assets that are already in the game lol. Would've been much better for it to be unique clothing, if there was something cool I'd even think about buying it. But I'm not buying outfits I already have unlocked anyway.


Yea you got a point. But honestly I think they will just add more. They profit of the hype, BC the ones paying for this are the ones who won't reach that LV. And next wipe we have more options.


Prepare for the chicken suits my dude


BEAR bikinis when?


BEARkinis, surely?


This is just a topless BAER with out anything on his chest except a bank robber


Just why?!


Getting headshot by a guy wearing skin tight spandex and a fox mask coming up.


Great for me! I'd love some cool skins but I never progress enough/fast enough to (I'm pretty casual/lvl 25 and been playing since day 1 wipe). So yeah this is cool


I'm level 23 and I just enjoy playing the game casually, I've had so much fun this wipe


Now it's gonna be a little bit like war thunder, with "did they spend money, or did they actually get the level 60 for that outfit" xD does this mean the outfits bought with roubles are permanent though? it kinda looks like it with the new interface and this addition


They are permanent, but buying them through Ragman aren’t, right? I might just buy Woodland Infil for the drip value Mechanix gloves supremacy🏅 Update : I already did, and It’s worth the drip


Good point actually


Woodland infil easily best outfit in the game imo, 5$ for it permanently isn’t bad tbh. Any outfit more than 5$ is too much though


Really nice gloves on that outfit too, Mechanix are drippy AF


I got the exact same gloves for shooting irl, another reason I love using it in-game lol


Legit camo, m81 drip, crye g3 drip. Drip or drown


Woodland infil was always the one I went for on usec. Was like level 40 or something so it was always nice to grind to


Tarkov has fallen, billions must camp d2


Don’t think they should allow you to purchase outfits that are unlocked at the highest levels. They were always a great way to flex


They are still you can now show you can use a credit card.


*whoa that guy had $12. how*


I'm amazed they didn't make these unique outfits only available for purchase. Would've sold so much more I'd imagine.. Why would I buy something that's waiting for me lol.


Got that katana in Halo 3. As cheesy as it is it’s a cool memory


I did them all legit to get that katana. Except that fuckin lonewolf achievement. I totally hopped on with buddies to a super low population server to cheese it. Nothing has ever been more werf it.


The last one I had to get was the double kill with spartan laser in FFA. This was before they added achievements, which idk if it made it easier or not.


You’re probably too young to know about when cool cosmetics in online games were won through hard/grindy achievements instead of just dropping your credit card.


Hey I grinded for all my H3 armor. I am not even saying I'd purchase the items, I am saying from a consumer perspective that this being an option makes no sense.


It does though, some people pay real money early wipe to RMTers for meta weapons and gear in game, they very well will pay for this too lol. And doing that Nikita would be going back on his word, even the eod benefits could be obtained through in game grind


I hate to break it to you but nobody is impressed by your outfit.


If I see someone with the tracksuit, I feel bad for them. They must have mentally checked out many weeks ago, lol.




you just think what??? you can't leave me hanging like that.


I'm on the toilet at work, very disappointed


I mean it used to be 100.. at least it's only 50 now. Wish they'd let the poor bastards keep it after wipe though.


Yup I was never impressed by people with the Tracksuit, just felt sad for how much time they wasted getting Killa to spawn 50 times


Yeah its more like looking cool for yourself and your buddies in the pre game lobby


I didn’t even know it was a thing until recently. Generally when I’m Timmy-ing around, the last thing I care about is what clothes someone is wearing under their armor


I... didn't even know there was different outfits.


You realise you're being the meme of the guy in the corner of the room where everyone else is partying lol!!


tbh: who flexes with outfits in eft? red keycard is another story, but outfits? i dont even see what people are wearing except in the death screen or after looting them naked imo level or achievements alone are a way more impressive flex, like nobody checks the outfit, rather than kd or level


The only people I flex drip on are the people I play with, other than that, I don't expect some guy to roll up on me to tell me my pants look nice.




Drip or drown, bearman.


If you have any number of hours you pretty quickly recognize when fighting someone/spotting them if they have a high level taknik, or flannel, or bubble shirt, tracksuit etc etc. And its a pretty good indicator they're a decent player whos well progressed and has money to spare on the expensive clothing. It definetely gives you a vibe of "oh im not fighting a timmy" when you see the shirt. Idk about you but for me its immediately recognizable and I can make a quick surface level judgement about my enemies game time/dedication/grind level off that alone. Has basic usec clothing, no changes? Probably a lower level, new player, or safe/reserved player who doesn't like to spend money. I can use that info to make an educated guess/decision in my fight with them. Doesn't always work, but its certainly something I notice. I don't love how the paid cosmetics being the same as the earned ones muddy this all up but, whatever.


Red Keycard shouldn't even be a flex. "Oh look at me, I got lucky with the loot spawns, aren't I so talented and good at the game". Yeh ok buddy.


Agreed, ive never once went oh wow he has the flannel he must be a baller... or whatever, if im looting im trying to watch my surroundings, if im looking after the game, its checking the round and the name that killed me to call out to my buddies still up


Boiling frogs in here lmao


It begins...


people don't realize this is where it starts not ends lol the slippery slope


$25 for a FiR LedX $15 for a FiR GPU discount for multiple purchases on GPU's for your bitcoin farm. Next Wipe Niki Minaj Bear operator skin available $30 Do it you know you want to.


I see it now along the lines of Ghuillie suits or thermal reduction suits. And to also entice stash space upgrades there are now more early and mid wipe quests where you need a lot of big ass items for. 


Fixing the audio pop bug? nah, here is 2 micro transactions first instead. They are just testing on what shit people will spend money on.


I don't think they're trying to re-structure their finances around microtransactions to deal with having to rely on cheaters for money, I think this is them cashing out


They'll cash out with p2w, this isn't game breaking at all. When they're cashing out I think they'll just sell guns for money.


They’ve been doing that with EOD for years. You can already buy stash size upgrades, sooner or later there will be some way to buy a bigger secure container for non-EOD or some one-time rep boost.


(Yeah but you can't tell the EOD players that or they get VERY cranky. They don't wanna admit they bought an advantage.)




If we’re being pedantic it’s more like “pay or wait” because the EOD upgrades more or less just give you a huge progression jump to start the wipe. But I totally agree, upgraded a few months after I started playing years ago and I have definitely gotten my money’s worth but once we’re in raid I’m still as shit as I was when I had a white name.


I'm an EOD owner. No way I bought EOD because I wanted to "support the devs"... It's millions of roubles I do not need to grind and a bigger asshole to store stuff to sell to get even more advantage. Standard account sucks. I think the game would be better if everyone got EOD for free tomorrow. I would not be mad if they did that.


Absolutely. I have EOD too and have played standard too. Them not rebalancing standard account stash is so stupid. Now they even added paid stash line expansion. They are literally using the mobile game method of limiting standard versions to encourage higher editions or microtransactions. Literally mobile gaming methods. But sucks to be us, mobile games usually arent full price before they annoy you to pay more.


I have EOD and its fucking p2w. I literally bought it after 2 wipes of standard account bc I wanted the p2w features.


I honestly thought there would be a wider selection. Kinda disappointed, none of those appeal to me aesthetically.


A lot of them aren't just about the aesthetics of the piece of clothing themselves but about the context of what those outfits are/mean. Lots of the higher level ones are culturally significant or just hella expensive and drippy IRL among tactical circles.


I'm torn on all of this. Everything. On one end these micro transactions are not really giving anyone an advantage at anything like classic micro transactions do. On the other though, Nikita had said many moons ago there will never be any micro transactions in the game ever.


Our players/hostages are so stupid that they’ll keep giving us more money while we do nothing to combat cheating or fix major bugs lols -BSG


Won't be long before BSG start selling the cheats on their own site as well


Here it comes, the MTX creep has begun


They could have created drippy new skins, instead they allow you to skip progression. What an idiotic decision


I’m sure they will at some point




This is better? I don't want skins to be locked behind a pay wall. Anything you can buy with money being unlockable in-game is the best possible monetization method.


“Skip Progression”… my dude, we’re talking about meaningless clothes in a tactical shooter. Who gives a fuck.


That would require effort you silly goose


I wish the clothing was unique rather than ones available already in-game. I view the already in-game cosmetics as a reward for getting to that level etc. unique clothing would have been cooler in my opinion.


let the milking begin and let the cope begin don't forget nikita literally said he is tired of working on tarkov and wants to move onto other projects the fact that they couldnt even put effort into making a few pieces of unique clothing and instead would rather let people just skip hundreds of hours of progress for a few dollars is such a joke LOL


I mean is this not the best form of microtransaction? No advantage gained and no content locked behind a payment?


The same people opposed to this want them to work on development for this game for all eternity with no way of making money. I hate mtx for the most part but if you want your game you played 6k hours of to continue to have development maybe don't rage when they try to make money


People really can’t seem to grasp this. Effectively the moment you hit 50-100 hours, you’re playing this game for $1 an hour. What the hell else can you do for $1 an hour? And 50 hours in this game is barely even scratching the surface. I have 4100 hours, I am playing this game for like $0.04 an hour.


It also seems silly to me to complain about cosmetic micro transactions when they’ve literally been selling stash upgrades, trader rep, better starting loot, and secure container upgrades for years with the higher game editions. Those are much more egregious pay-to-have-an-advantage transactions and we’ve all accepted it.


We have been calling out all those p2w features for years. I am an EOD owner and have played standard too. I bought it knowing I wanted the p2w features as they made standard edition annoying as hell and I could outpace people with the same level as me getting better equipments to play raids easier. But you missed an important fact here. They didnt even bother making new clothing. They fucking recycled them. Fastest fucking cash grab


Nikita literally stated this was the plan all along. To sell clothes that were already in the game.....




Ah yes, everyones end game goal, a shirt and a pair of pants. If they made unique clothes you’d all be on here bitching about them making cosmetics instead of fixing bugs or adding other content.


So you would rather have clothing that can only be bought with irl money? This was the best case scenario lol


> hundreds of hours of progress FOR A COSMETIC THAT LITERALLY ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE UNLOCKED IT OR ARE PURSUING UNLOCKING IT WILL RECOGNIZE. 99% of people do not care about what clothes you are wearing under your gear. They won't notice it. They might remark "oh haha neat shirt" but that's literally it. It's not a mark of prestige or effort if the only people that acknowledge it are you and your no-life friends. Honestly this whole thread is so cringe.


This is good actually, tarkov needs a new lead, nikita treats the project as a joke


I don't see an issue with this


I’d be interested in the analysis they did to come up with those price points. Surely they need to hit the sweet spot of low cost, high player demand like fortnite skins. I want to support the game but €12 (pre tax) for a hoodie and trousers is insanity.


nice time for some good anticheat !


This is turbo cringe man. The coolest USEC and BEAR clothes sold for real money ICANT At least release something slightly new or different idk this is such a shameless thing


Imagine releasing no new content for this


Anyone supporting this is dumb as fuck. More micro transactions please waiter. Nom nom nom.


Nikita : were never gonna introduce mtx.


Y'all gotta stop thinking were is the same as we're.


Why are people so fkin angry? Yes they create additional income streams, who the fuck cares as long as it isn't ingame advantages? I know you people bought EOD without shedding a single tear and NOTHING they are adding now is anything new, groundbreaking or unheard of in the gaming industry. Fucking hell like you wouldn't monetize the shit out of your game. I haven't noticed a single impact on me or my gameplay since they started selling shit.


Hahaha man back when horse armor hit Oblivion you’d never imagine almost 20 years later gamers would be furiously defending studios for charging for crap that used to just be in the game but here we are.


Ahh! Oblivion that’s what it was.


This is about principles more than anything else. They said there won’t be mtx, so any mtx added is a breach of that. Integrity matters..


> Integrity matters.. Integrity was gone a long time ago. This changes nothing with regard to integrity for BSG.


Lol if you think BSG has integrity. You ever tried reaching out to support for a problem? They could care less.


I know they don't, just amused explaining it to midwits who still think they do.


Can’t wait until the most OP camo is only available if you pay money.


Camo is meaningless in this game, everyone is a black blob 100 meters out.


And everyone is white on my thermal.


It looks like BSG is hurting for money. I've said it before I'll say it again. BSG should have released Tarkov as a 1.0 in 2020 and gotten to work on Tarkov 2 on the Unreal Engine. Instead they spent 4+ years investing in a game with spaghetti code and unfixable audio/netcode issues. They went on a Don Quixote quest nobody could understand to make an arena shooter out of a platform featuring the worst netcode in multiplayer gaming. It didn't have to be this way, they could have used the success of Tarkov to hire more skilled engineers and build a Tarkov sequel "the right way". Now they're running out of money since Arena is a flop and Tarkov is a 7 year old game that still plays like a beta.


I guess $150 wasn't enough for them...


Absolutely wild how people are defending this. Y'all brainwashed.


I don’t like that too much, but Tarkov is a once time purchase game. If BSG needs money flow to make their game better, I am fine with it. For me this wipe is the best wipe since 2021.


Don't tell me cosmetic money is the gaming future ? :/


I think a lot of people miss the point here. There’s a big difference in taking a skin earned in-game through a lot of effort later being unlocked through a cash shop (ruins the prestige of the item) and having a cash shop item that can also be earned in game.


If one of them was sandstone I would get it. Sometimes it's just nice to throw caution to the wind and run full tan.


Let me buy the tracksuit or shturmans jacket




So much cope in this thread.




do you have to buy these every wipe?


so according to devs this is already released game as I understand ? I guess this is the final milking from them, no functioning audio system, no functioning anti cheat, steam 1.0 never ever


no tracksuit? scam


Tracksuit should never be purchaseble for money. I am fine with them selling stuff which you can get in game easily.


If they made tracksuit purchasable i would have actually kms




Anyone who's upset with this needs to have their heads checked.


but i grinded 300 hours this wipe and this guy with $12 gets my outfit?!?!?!


Fuck you for playing the game. -BSG


Tarkov players: “Cheaters keep this game alive by purchasing new accounts!!! BSG loves cheaters because it’s their only source of revenue!” Also Tarkov players when BSG add another revenue stream: 😱😡😡😡


people being happy about 12$ outfits....i guess thats how a game dies, with thunderous applause


Did the game die with offline coop or stash lines available for purchase? Stop dooming, its clothes


ah yes 12 bucks for an outfit how reasonable


I mean if cod can charge 20$ or more…


Honestly this feels fair. I never bothered spending my hard earned troubles on other outfits. Spending a couple bucks on sth like this would at least appeal more to the casual guys who ain't farming millies a day...


I’m worried this game is going to become micro transaction hell




Right ?…


I've played this game for almost five years and I have no idea what Urban Responder or Night Patrol are. This is my first wipe even buying outfits from ragman. I had no shits to give before this, and I'll have none afterwards. It's hilarious that people are unironically complaining about it.


This game is dying


Nice! I am really fine with this. It's Not pay to win and it is an Option for BSG to make Profit. I Hope that every Rubel they make helps prevent cheaters and makes the game better longterm. They won't fight cheaters If cheaters are their only source of income.


Totally. I'm happy to support the game in this way.


Im fine with it, but 12€ is way too expensive for a single cosmetic, even if it persists between wipes.


This could be the start of Creator based gear like a Landmark set or Stank Rat set which would be fun to see. Hopefully this gives them enough money to really dig in against cheaters.


And now urban responder pants are no longer cool, would it have been that hard to make new clothes to sell like this .