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dont run unsuppressed guns in PVE ... and also cuirrently PMCs and scavs dont shoot at eachother unless they get too close to eachother


Not even then! If they both spotted you they're just gonna be friends until you die


That's probably my biggest pet peeve is the scav and "pmc" don't really interact. Too many times I've seen a scav and a pmc hanging out in the same building just doing nothing. The other day I did a scav run on factory I walked into barbed wire and the other scavs started shooting me!


Usec will yell teammate down when u kill a scav lol


Shit, the AI PMCs will kill scavs and still yell that out.


10000 iq


Omfg if that’s real I hope they don’t fix that one because that’s hilariously stupid


Same its funny af


Helps if they are corner camping and you kill a scav near them lol.. oh so you were about to beam me as soon as i walked in.


It's like they straight copied the other mod in that regard. Hearing Josh shout teammate down all over Tarkov after you have killed a scav.


they yell teammate down when no one died. I was doing Setup and had to quick peek shot few rounds and hide to reload, they yelled so much that I was sure I killed 4, it was 2 pmcs.


It’s almost like the mod that shall not be named has done every part of co-op mode better


Yes I'm well aware I have that too. But they both exist so we will still discuss it.


Facts, same with pmc and raiders, labs is like zombies, everything just holds hands and shoots you


Seeing as pmc ai is raider ai it makes sense on labs but seriously wtf haha


probably because PMCs are just Raider AI


I had a situation on Factory where Tagilla, two scavs, and 3 PMCs were all hanging out with each other. Unfortunately I used most of my ammo fighting the PMCs that charged and Tagilla charged and killed me.


Was bummed when on my first scav run, I killed a couple PMCs and then got the scav kill achievement after killing the third guy that came around the corner.


I think maybe BSG tried to implement a feature that allows you to extract with a scav or something and it lead to this bug? They might just be lazy as well....


Take a guess


Lmao on ground zero at capital insight I’ve died multiple times because a pmc ai is running around right beside a scav literally holding hands making no comms or shooting.. it’s painfully broken at times


Unsuppress is like a scav summoning wand, they just keep popping up. Not a bad exp farm method if sit near car extract on woods and just keep popping them with a 9mm or something.


Why don’t run unsuppressed?


becouse you spawn a heard of zombi..... scavs


EFT pve is like project zomboid. You fire a gun, the entire map will rain down upon you. I completed long road in one raid, when last wipe in pvp I could never do it. Just constantly healing, looting guns cause I ran out of ammo, shooting one group of Scavs and just as I finish them up, getting shot in the back by another group.


At least in zomboid the zombies having super hearing isn’t exactly unexpected


He's still in build 40 of course. Everyone knows how buffed/nerfed (depends on your situation) the sound reach got on 41 onwards


I sell every suppressor I get I haven’t noticed my gu fire attracting anything abnormally I’ll have to pay closer attention


It’s usually when I’m sticking around the area, for example to loot my kills


Ah true I do feel massive anxiety trying to loot anything I kill, I went to dorms trying to do setup last night and reshala was there and holy fuck I killed I think 20 scavs 3-4 guards and reshala it definitely felt like once I killed the first wave I tried to loot and like 5 more were somehow on second floor with no open door.. the raid timer was so short I looted reshala and dipped


Yeah that's the problem, by the time you deal with all 20 of them you are healing/repacking and then realizing there is 5 min left to gtfo and you haven't looted a single thing. Also, because it's an absolute fire fight every time you have to bring 300 rounds and your own med tent and you have the carrying capacity to MAYBE pick up one gun or you're going to be overencumbered and walking that last 5 min to extract


Cuz Scavs in real game are broken, they're hella inconsistent (as in, can load Woods and never see a single one on the whole map inconsistent) and if you have a quest to kill them it seems the game avoids spawning them near you.


Tbh I think that’s just luck. Same with salewas, you’ll find them all the time, except for in the quest


RUAF is chaos, it’s great fun


I always know it’s gonna be a fight going there and gets me excited or I avoid it I wouldn’t change anything about it haha


I just throw a bunch of grenades over the walls lol, clears it out for the most part


It’s interesting, I genuinely do feel like my drive to finish raids is to avoid them ever increasing swarm of scavs spawning, which is certainly more organic and immersive then a random timer, but it is really annoying, especially considering how they’ll follow you and dog pile


I play pve in a squad of three it actually feel balanced that way and is a great coop experience i think


They probably did balance it around coop more, I play solo, I’m the first eod in my group to get access. (Bought 2021 if anyone is curious). Streets is honestly the hardest to deal with for me, the rest not so much


I bought EOD waaay before 2021 and still have no access 🥲


I got mine today, probably bought EOD around the same time. Do not give up hope, there is still time to waste your time


Amount of scavs spawned should be tied to amount of players loaded in for PVE, but knowing BSG that'd break like 2/3s of their game to code that in...


Yep, played on woods yesterday and same deal, scavs popping in my view out of nowhere in swarms, and they allied with PMCs, all AI stop shooting each other the moment a player is around and the PMCs will even shout "Friendly down!" if a scav dies lol.


Yeah this confused me immensely at first.


I mean lore wise PMCs are supposed to follow rules if engagement and not fire on civilians. If scavs didn't have guns USEC wouldn't be allowed to shoot.


USEC was executing scientist to cover up For Terragroup. USEC are the "bad guys" while BEAR was sent in to figure out what the fuck was going on. That is the Lore. USEC literal war criminals.


Spawned in woods at village near vehicle exfil and ran towards it. Scav spawned right inside of me.


A huge amount of improvements need to be made to PVE. AI PMC's need to move more, loot more, and both the PMC's as well as Scavs would do well to have new idle animations for immersion such as sitting around campfires or burn barrels, standing with their arms folded, etc. AI PMC interactions need to be tuned in relation to scavs, bosses, raiders, and any other factions. AI behavior overall needs a refresher. The more lifelike and unpredictable you make the AI, the more fun it will be to engage. I love PVE Tarkov. It's the game I always envisioned from the start. But if it could be refined and polished up, I could see PVE carrying Tarkov well into the future.


One time they adjusted the AI they were shooting you through walls. Let's not give them any crazy ideas


Yeah had that too. At customs between the Sniper exfil and the dorms. It felt like for every scav I shot 2 other scavs took their place


It is super fun too. You can avoid combat sometimes, but when combat kicks off, it is great


Yup and it’s great


Like a chad in a scav world :)


Is it beneath your station in life to kill scavs, an affront to your standing and family honor?


I hated the way they introduced pve but I'd be lying if I said I'm not loving Tarkov again.


And I love it for that. The NPCs will gravitate to corpses and attempt to loot them, so I'll post up near Emercom overlooking the Olli loading docks and just snipe them as they inevitably wander over to check out the growing pile of bodies.


Why would anyone play this over the mod.


This is probably a me issue, but... I don't get any sense of progression on the mod. I know it's 100% better in almost every way but you'd be missing out on the running events, and live flea with real people. Mod feels 1000x better gameplay but the satisfaction isn't there for me. With that said I haven't touched the offical PVE yet but will next wipe. They seriously need to fix the ai and it'll make the official version so much better.


They’re not gonna wipe PVE so just get into it whenever you want


Very true. Might jump in whenever they address the awful PMC AI and bots.


Ah, so you're never trying the PVE, got it


Sadly, very likely


They'll get surely get right on that!! Soon!!!


are you sure? they said no wipes ever in pve


there is a certain thing calles "live flea prices" it is a mod for a mod


Yeah, whenever I play I make sure to have that mod on. Definitely just in my head but it doesn’t feel the same for whatever reason. Really good mod though, I recommend it


By that thinking you're missing out on Traders and quest lines that aren't ever going to be in the live game. There are so many mods that add content to the game that I don't think you'll miss the 1 ever per 6 months that bag drops. The PVE on live is atrocious and so lazily put together.


You haven’t even tried PVE but you’re saying it’s better than a mod?? How would you know? Lol


Where did I say it's better than the mod? I said the mod has MUCH better gameplay, the progression however doesn't do much for me. The mod is still a better game.


Yeah you're right, sorry I'm actually an idiot and can't read


Wait are the items on the unheard pve flea market placed by users? Or ai generated?


As far as I know (could be wrong), I think the PVE flea is a contained market from all the live PVE players. It's not generated, it works the same as the PVP one, just contained to PVE.


It is live, I just received a friend request yesterday from a dude who bought a gun from me on the flea


Prices are also wildly different on the PVE market vs. the PVP market (everything costs a shitload in PVE). Has to be organic, not just a fake system mirroring the PVP market like I believe the mod does.


The unspoken mod has a marketplace with dynamic prices and simulated players. Youll even occasionally get a message from a pmc you killed calling you out for ratting. They really pulled out all the stops to make a Sugar Free Caffeine Free No Artifical Dyes Tarkov experience


So killing raiders with a dog tag gives you the sense of progression that you’re looking for. Got it


Yeah, the Raider pmcs are kinda bullshit. They even stand there right next to raiders and scavs and don't kill each other. SAIN is so much better. You get much better AI, you can make them actually difficult without having cheating AI, they'll work together as a squad and rotate while holding angles to cover each other and flank you, the list goes on. Nikita, why can one dude in a basement do that but a company that's made 9 figures in sales can't come close? Don't tell me server issues, I can run the client and the simulation on a mid-range personal computer at playable frame rates.


Because one guy in a basement have more passion than whole B$G combined.


1 pc playing 1 game is not equal to mutliple server instances.


The annoying thing about the forbidden coop mod, is that the connection my group gets to each other is generally pretty piss poor. Unless the same one or two people host the raid, most of us can't play together.


the mod is single player only, if i understand you correctly


That is now incorrect, it’s very easy to set up multiplayer for it now.




nah, its actualy easy to set up coop on Single player now


There are multiplayer mods, have been for a while.


played a couple of friends after setting up the mod, and gotta say, tarkov's pretty great as a co-op PvE experience with mods


My PC can't handle the mods


so true. I start playing a slideshow 2 mins into a raid due to the mods i've installed lmao


Its the random nades for me but average is at least 18 scavs per raid.


PVE AI... more like Artificial Idiots


Lazy coding as usual. And you should pay for it. LOL




Yeah its pretty often that a lot of AI PMCs and scavs will spawn by RUAF, Ive farmed a ton of them from across the bridge on Big Red side(super easy to pick all of them off with a 6x), just have to be aware of it. Its much worse if a majority of them spawn inside the Big Red yard though because you basically have to fight them from the bridge side to be safe(and because there will literally be like 4 AI PMCs+scavs essentially camping together, so trying to push the Trailer park side gate isnt very fun). Customs imo doesnt feel too bad AI PMC/scav wise on PvE. So far imo one of the worst PVE maps to me is Ground Zero, ive had so many scavs push me(and try to sneak up on me) in the restaurant building and the Scavs are sneaky on the street, always get randomly shot at from some weird angle. But the worst part about GZ is Kollontay, 1. because the boss is bugged af and does like double damage(will literally say I died to 10 shots of BP to the head in a split second of running into him or his guards, often without any real warning) and 2. because him and his guards can basically just be anywhere on the map, ive pushed around most of the map before running towards Emercom to extract and what happens? Oh I guess Kollontay had spawned in the general area(didnt see him or his guards, and didnt get any voice lines either) and I came up the back side of Emercom only to turn the corner and one of his guards is literally ratting on the wall and I get instantly killed because 0 audio or anything. I mean I think the map is generally kind of dogshit even on PvP because of how small it is, and the crazy amount of angles to manage(high rat potential), but at least on PvP Ill usually find out where Kollontay's god awful ass is by hearing him shooting at someone, or some1 will kill him. Genuinely enjoy the map more on PvP.


I load in with a rig full of magazines and packing ammo and still grab all the ammo off scavs. Usually I'm rushing to escape just so I don't run out of ammo


I bring approximately 200 rounds per raid, and I still have to swipe another 200 of scavs to keep fighting. It's been tough to try and keep a good amount of ammo that is decent


If only you could mod their behavior and spawns...


Yeah and it's fun af


I'll be honest I don't fully understand the pve ? Like there's no threat of surprise obviously PvP if I could exclude cheaters which I sadly can't but overall single player experience would be like playing dayz with the zombies go around gathering loot and once you learn the way to kill each bot your sorted ? The stress and tension of player interaction makes these games. then obviously the cheaters ruin that interaction by making it impossible for you to come out on top which takes from the high/low points of these games by guaranteeing you a low point which obviously makes you feel cheated but I do genuinely want to hear the selling point of single player version tbf.


Lucky you, I constantly seem to find myself fighting bosses and goons


I’m glad there’s a lot but sometimes it’s a bit ridiculous lol


It’s fine lol, I did my first set of task yesterday on Ground Zero in PVE and it was honestly super intense still due to the scavs and trying to spot those PMC’s


What do you mean there's PMC's in the pve version? What do I not know?


Fake “pmc’s”


What kind of quality are we dealing with? Raiders essentially?


I don’t play it. But from what I’ve read around here yea it’s basically raiders


Well, that's better than what I thought pve was like. I prefer the human element for a challenge, but each to their own.


I wouldn't call them as hard as raiders. It feels like a half step below raiders. Which is fine because raiders are pretty rough and you tend to run into at least one or two squads of PMCs every game.


Basically scav ai and raider loot


I was killed by a real pmc yesterday in pve lol


They do have to take down the bot spawns. I did a GZ run once and had to bug out early, low on medical and ammunition. Bagged 16. 14 of those scavs!


My pve works crazy good, I get at least 8 pmcs every raid with exception of factory. I literally constantly hear gun fights and find bodies I definitely did not kill.


You know the raid was sweaty when you had to change guns twice to make it out alive


Tarkov was meant to be played in a squad. If you're not playing with at least 1 other person you're not playing the way the game was designed to be played and that will lead to unexpected experiences.


My biggest gripe is that they TOTALLY spawn scavs right next to you in some instances. At least give me the chance to hear footsteps coming my way! Otherwise, bring on the hoard. I brought 400 rounds.


I've had better firefights farming infinite spawn scavs than fighting on pvp. When I'm running out of ammo and having to scavenge weapons... on top of trying to extract with even a smaller amount of raid time .. it's a great obstacle to get over and help you with time management, prioritizing tasking/eliminating enemies, finding better routes around the maps etc.


I noticed this too, I think they cranked the scav amount way up so people can't just loot freely.


I noticed that on customs at least, 2 Scavs magically spawn in near your location every couple minutes if you hang out in a high priority area (dorms, gas station, ext). Might be intended or might just be random


You think that's annoying I have a story to tell lol A buddy and myself were on reserve doing bunker quests in PvE, we get down there and clear everything in and around offices, I go to loot the singular office at the end of the hallway while my buddy is looting main offices, no audio que nothing(he always hears things before me) and he gets one tapped by a scav to the back of his head. I move out of the lone office to go clear main after he was killed and it's empty I head through the glass and clear power all through the hallway and back to the offices, as I step through the office door one spawns in front of me, he gets one tapped..I proceed to grab my buddies gun and mags and as I'm searching I hear a scav voiceline right next to me "buono suka" or whatever the fuck they say and no sooner did I exit the inventory he one taps me. Motherfucker spawned right next to me on the other side of a desk while I was mid loot..sadness. Edit* Worth mentioning both of us were running suppressors and hadn't seen a single enemy nor fired a single shot before he got one tapped to the back of his skull out of nowhere. They need to not be able to spawn within 50 meters of a player.


u think this is bad ? try running interchange on old regular pvp servers. There are so many scavs thats impossible to get out without having 20+ scav kills lol.


Shit is fun af lol about as close as we've ever been to a true horde mode


Wait I'm kinda out of the loop, but why is there a PMC in a PvE server? I thought the whole point of it is there's no PvP?


PMCs in PVE are AI. They're just a lot more accurate and deadly than scavs.


Ahh that makes sense thanks


Then dont play


Yeah but getting shot in the face from 100 yards away from a pmc that’s running is dope too


It could have the nickname of Project Scavoid.


why not just play the third party one with way better ai then...?


The scav spawns need to be fixed there is no need to have them keep respawning over and over. I swear one raid I killed 20 plus scavs.


I’ve dealt with the opposite. My first ground zero raid I wiped the lobby of PMCs because they just kept spawning near me and rushing where I was killing them and healing non stop.


sounds awesome


Clickbait ass title. This wasn’t even a pvp game


It's a cheap imitation of pve from somewhere else.


I got access. I tried it. Scavs and raiders kept spawning ON ME. It is NOT fun. The opposite of fun.


This is exactly how customs is on a normal server. If you sit around and wait, scavs will spawn. If you shoot them, more will come. Especially around ruaf and green screen room area


Who cares it's pve.


You paid for this!


I did not pay extra for this. Got it with EOD


Then stop your wanking…


I shit myself when I saw the patch notes say more scav spawns on interchange. When just the day before I was trapped in the room across from kiba gunning down over 24 scavs just in that room alone while I was just trying to get manifests.


Also the sniper scavs are such a pain in the arse on customs, I was doing some work towards the "setup" quest and they just see you from miles away and shoot you with a millimeter of visible sight on you. Impossible to kill them with a shotgun at that distance so you just have to run around like a headless chicken in the open areas, hoping that they don't destroy you. Fortunately I haven't been one tapped yet


The worst part is when you can finally move, after finally beating back the horde, you have like 5 minutes left because the raids are super short.


What I hate the most is that PMC's/Raider always spawn in the same location. Gas, RAUF, Fortress, and in Big red/containers. I literally just run gas to fortress and then RAUF where I'll extract. Never fails to have at least 3 to 4 pmc kills that way.


Try this on ground zero . Its Mogadishu during Ghotic Serpent. Mean you solo player?


Hit 78 k/d before lvl 21


Congrats Doomslayer Now load that db and back you go


imagine if the pvp serv was actually populated with scav sometime having even 3 scav on pvp is high could be so much better hearing fight all around the map


Idk how anyone would be surprised by this...


What did you expect


PvE is a joke right now. PMCs that don't even move their location. Scavs that have absolutely no chance against AI PMCs. It's stupid. Waste of time.


The spawning is a lil weird I usually always have a group of 3 pmc’s gate keeping ruaf yesterday there were 3 at new gas and 1 at ruaf and I went mia cuz of him I was pretty pissed off lmaoo like I’m on pve to avoid the bs


Like everything else with them, it’s half way done. crap.


Like everything else with them, it’s half way done. crap.


In my experience solo pve is tough. Fighting horde of scavs and group of pmcs.for example ground zero 4 raids in a row scavs plus pmc sqad Gans up on me and I get rekt


With the past few years, the only thing this game has accomplished is exploitng their community. I was fortunate enough to buy the game at $30 for the standard edition. Certainly got my playtime and looked forward to even potentially upgrading to eod. Thank God that option is gone. What a pathetic excuse for a studio.


So theres AI pmcs like in the mod ?


yea, and they actually quest and loot too etc.


They absolutely don't do any of that. They hang out around one spot and occasionally kill Scavs that walk too close directly in front of them. But they don't do anything else yet.


OP asked "in the mod", which I pressume means not official B$G shit.


I took it to mean that he was asking about AI PMCs in the official version "like in the mod." But yes, the mod has much more advanced PMC AI.


You got what you wished for.


Wait you pvp in pve?? What xd


Man finally gets some kills and all he can do is complain.


Yeah bro idk why anyone would play this over SP lol


performance for starters


They really just sold offline raids with progress to people. Lmfao.


>PVE is just a SCAV Farming Simulator. I mean... yeah? Isn't that kind of the idea?


Another day another post complaining about PVE. Just play the real game if you want the real experience. Instead of complaining about a 3 week old game mode that should’ve never been implemented and how the scavs don’t even shoot “PMC’s” (heavy emphasis on quotation marks) just play the mode where the scavs are bots AND humans and all the PMC’s are actually humans with brains not horrid AI that is easily cheesed


" PVE is just a SCAV Farming Simulator " Holy shit we have Sherlock Holmes on the subreddit. Like no shit isn't that what you wanted?


Did you read ANYTHING else OP posted?