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Searching Flea under "required" still brings up the IOTV Gen 4 barter in PVE. Not sure if it's actually usable since I haven't done the quest for it, but that and a few others are still visible.


I can confirm that even though they still show up you can't do any of the barters


ugh, super lame, was hoping they left even one available


Fucked up thing is they're still on the loot table for PvE. So they spawn ALL the fucking time.


unfortunately not everything i had access to is blacked out now it all shows up when you required search the gp coins but im assuming thats because refs code is in the game we just cant see his inventory in pve so it greys it out like we dont have it unlocked


They'll probably get added later, along with the new trader. PvE likely overtook the arena/trader in terms of priority so they'll have to add it later to PvE.


They should have left the GP barters in pve, no idea why they would remove them and not give pve access to the trader


It’s strange, they created the PVE mode and everyone rejoiced! I was having a blast compared to PVP. Now they are removing features and not updating it with the PVP additions and updates. Like they don’t want us to play it. Maybe they see the PVP side becoming less successful so they are pushing people back to it? I dunno…


>It’s strange To be fair: no, BSG somehow fucking this up is about as expected as this could go. There is nothing strange about it.


lol true 😂


Incoming bootlickers to stick up for them in 3...2...1...


You were 21 minutes off. Must be slow today.


It's crazy how many Russian bots have Stockholm syndrome


Im not even surprised at this point. Ive been having a blast in PVE. And the only reason is cause I know there is 0% chance Ill be playing with a hacker. Havent touched the game since the wiggle video too.


Not a 0% chance.. there's already been plenty of videos of people showing up in other people's PvE matches


no way... Imma have to check this out, ty for the heads up lol


Now solo pve is going to be local so 0%


The wiggle video?


This! https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=SxvEXuX9MB1ONolK Tl;dr guy used cheats in an attempt to identify how many other people cheat. A lot of drama ensued afterwards, but the sentiment of some was to stop playing Tarkov due to it, like the person you replied to did.


Thank you!


big video by goat on youtube where he went undercover as a hacker


A video by g0at that a lot of people bring up that highlighted some of the cheating in the game. https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=fOexpA3KtL4nR8UQ


for someone not completely blind it was obvious before the vid how bad the situation was. the video changed nothing. i still dont get why people took this as a "chance" to stop playing


It was annoying because a lot of deaths boil down to me questioning my mistakes. Did i move too much? Did the guy see me beforehand? Has he been camping my camp? Without a killcam there was zero ways to be certain a random death was cause of a hacker. Fuck the game will sometimes make a player invisible on its own accord. Then you watch the wiggle and see just how bad it was, a lot of deaths suddenly make a whole lot of sense


Agree. It either feels fun or it doesn't. If someone gives you anecdotal evidence of cheating and you never knew about it or knew about it but raids still felt acceptable, then why change what YOU do?


really nails home the narrative that PVE was just a cash grab to peddle ridiculously priced edition, and now that everyones complained and got it on EOD they dont seem to give a shit about it anymore, seems like people arent having their progression saved either which seems like a totally ridiculous bug


Worst part for me is since the patch I’m stuck on Tigr Safari quest for PK since it won’t let me mark the first one. Its locking my progression to PK3 since I don’t have the rep despite having everything else, tried everything too must ran like 5 different custom raids, before and after restarting, clearing cache, verifying integrity, anything short of a reinstall. Friend got me to update and try PvE since I hadn’t played since February, having fun but definitely not impressed by this right now. 


I have the EXACT same issue with tigr safari! Very frustrating


you have to drop your weapon and pick it back up. its a deploying bug.


Just tried it and it didn't work unfortunately :( Do I need to have any other weapons as well or just drop my primary?


just the one that spawns in your hand. i had your issues until i dropped the weapon. sorry that isn't a fix for you.


you have to drop your weapon and pick it back up. its a deploying bug.


I think some/all the GP barters got it's GP items swapped out for other items. IE: THICC Weapon Case from LL4 Mechanic now needs 10 Bitcoins + 10 Skulls instead of 10 Bitcoins + 10 GP Coins. Unsure if all the old barters still exist in PvE but with different requirements or not since I don't really keep track of all of them.


they created PvE to sell unheard, now that it's done they will slowly nerf PvE so they could reintroduce 'new' features for a new edition.


I'm going to be 100% with you. The GP stock shouldn't be removing players from the PvE or altering their enjoyment of it If the GP coin's worth was the breaking point, then it sounds like you weren't having that much fun in PvE to begin with That being said, BSG certainly needs to either get a move on with adding the new trader to PVE or make a quick hot fix addressing the GP coins and their worth/barters


It’s not a game breaking change; it’s just stupid. Like PvE is an official part of the game now, and in any other software context, making a change that has major oversights for an official product line is deserving of the flak it’ll get. I get that mistakes happen, but they specifically mentioned PvE in the patch notes, saying that the new trader isn’t available in that mode. Fine, it’s okay if it’s an Arena and PvP only trader, but anyone with a modicum of rational thinking skills would see that it creates an issue with PvE by cluttering the loot pool with a completely useless item. Does it make PvE unplayable? No, but that’s not the argument here. The argument is for BSG to do better. In other software contexts, this kind of patch would not be put out in the first place.


Yeah it’s not a breaking point for me. Just more of an observation of the general direction of PVE. I redeemed all those codes from their last live stream but none worked for PVE, it was PVP only. Seems to be the trend. Which is Fair, since they made the game and have their own vision of it. I just hope they keep similar content on both so we can just choose which version we like to play and not miss out on much.


That's definitely fair. Though the codes only working for PvP and the GP coins being worthless on PvE seem to all be oversights. Hopefully, we get a fix soon!


BSG is certainly racking up a bunch of suspicious "oversights" > If the GP coin's worth was the breaking point, then it sounds like you weren't having that much fun in PvE to begin with Seems like a really reductionist argument, as if the GP coin is the "breaking point" when in reality it's how broken and old issues the game is still riddled with.


It has nothing to do with the coins and everything to do with the attitude of the devs. They've made it clear they don't mind removing content from PvE just to update PvP, which does not bode well for the future of PvE


You should have known this after they live edited their website. BSG will do whatever they want. There's a little thing that makes Tarkov so much more fun and it's when you have control


I dont think he was suggesting that this was the reason to stop playing it, only that with the strange things they are doing with PVE it gives a vibe like they dont want people playing it


I'm sorry, but what strange things are they doing to PvE? The slaughter of GP coins is almost 100% an oversight. If it's not, it's just preparation for the addition of the trader, even if it's uncalled for


From the looks of it the trader is going to not be added to pve, since it's paired with the pvp arena side, specifically the lega medals. Which would mean the container is pvp only as well. But obviously i dont know this for sure which makes it strange. Gating content on pvp or pve side is a pointless strange move


The way Nikita said it would work is that you can transfer from Arean to PvE, but not vice versa


And that's fine but making gp coins useless in pve is strange. They have the ability to limit pve, they also have the limit to keep gp coins worth unless they implement it properly. This is very half assed


My problem with this is that GP coins used to yield decent money so for those that collected them to sell or barter on flea, it’s now useless. In PVE I find at least 3-7 GP coins PER RAID. Now I literally have like 20somwthing GP coins that I can’t do fuck all with thanks to this update. This should not have been implemented in the PVE version of the game and it just cancels out the point of grabbing GP coins on loot or money runs.


Yes, I agree with you (although I have no idea how on earth you're finding 3-7 GP coins per raid).


Honestly idk but it feels like they boosted loot spawns for certain items. I found 3 gp coins on a PMC I killed sporting a gunslinger. All three just chilling in his bag found in raid but no other loot. It happens so often it’s now kind of annoying seeing as how I can’t do anything with gp coins now.


Why can’t you admit it’s an unnecessary and short sighted decision.


That is the entire purpose of paragraph 3


Ahh sorry first two paragraphs threw me off


lol I didn’t even know about the GP stock. I had no idea WTH that thing was anyway.


Nah just lazy coding yet again


Considering this patch was heavily for Arena, I think they’re just trying to bring players back to it


It is constant. BSG always screw ups 😬


Its probably some sort of spaghetti code of "if i change this in pvp, it will change it in PvE, but since we made a seperate trader with new spaghetti code, we cant put it in PvE, please wait for The Arena Champion edition to unlock Ref as a trader in pve"


I highly doubt it has anything to do with “pushing players back to pvp,” this is more than likely just an oversight.


I’m a pretty big fan of BSG and tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, but how many “oversights” can they have before it just becomes negligence? They do shit like this all the time.


how many "oversights" before people stop being surprised


It's not an oversight really, they deliberately didn't add the trader to PvE, they even said they didn't. It wasn't like they forgot. Chances are it was planned before PvE mode came along, and PvE got bumped massively up the list due to other factors and it's just not ready to be implimented yet. At least they swapped out the trades that used GP coins with something else, so they knew what they were up to.


My understanding is that the new trader is meant to be a bridge between Arena and Tarkov. PvE mode has no interaction with Arena, and thus, no interaction with the new trader.


So GP coins should be usable in PvE as before. Now, it's just another braindead design choice. "Design"


Because THEY don't know what they are doing while balancing the game lol


Because spaghetti coding


Yup, you can tell that PVE was not intended to come out litterally ever. I cant imagine trying to shoehorn a trader whos litterally tied to your in game pmc and trying to get that to work with the last minute easy bake gamemode known as PVE. Its just not worth their time or effort and the're making it clear


They don't know how to code.


That would have been perfect for now, especially since this whole concept is like in beta beta testing


That’s a really simple and intuitive solution, so of course they wouldn’t think of it.


I could imagine they use the same code branch on items like for the pvp. To keep maintenance and changes low effort and they don't have to keep two branches in sync manually...


na, that would just create a multi version nightmare


Yea why take away the barters? Thats so weird


They can barely manage the systems of one game, let one two games at the same time. You think this is a curse for PvE but it's actually a blessing.


I'm annoyed by the barter losses, but more annoyed by the fact it has bugged out my junk box completely so taking anything out causes an error and resets my game.


Ok so dragging them out then restarting fixed my junk box


it's because they are a currency now instead of junk they go in the money case. trying to re organize your junk box with the coins in their was causing an error cause the coins are not compatible with the junk box now.


BSG not thinking about outcome of a patch? This is not a new story.


*Cries with a handful of GP coins whilst lying prone on the Armoured train that will never leave on time.*


I knew this would happen before the patch went live when I read the patch notes. I knew BSG would be dumb enough to just remove numerous barter trades from PVE. Lmao


Gotta compensate now that all the loot is there instead of most of it getting hoovered. Wouldn't surprise me if/when they do the offline mode PvE which I believe was on the road map but BSG isn't known for doing anything they say they will, will not have Flea Market or have some fake generated one. Then they can sell "EFT: Offline Single Player & P2P Co-op" edition to people. Bet they'd also make it an upgrade to the base game, and at least $50.


“In Russia we believe that even dream come true should be punishing.” - Nikita H. Tarkovsky, Lefendary gaming industry grifter.


They should’ve kept the GP batters and let them be sold to traders in PVE only.


I said the full thing when I saw the change. It’ll go live to PvE and my 74 Gp coins are now worthless. I was about to reinstall Arena to play it because I’d have a reason to PvP. Now I don’t.


I mean they said on the tarkov tv you would be able to bring gear out of arena to pve but not the other way around so pve people cant just inject all the easy money into arena. Maybe you still can do it that way but I haven’t heard anything yet about it so maybe it’s not in yet.


It's not like the bitcoin farm and scav runs on pvp earn anything less. You can still earn millions so easy there so it makes no difference on the money transfer part.


arena still uses the horrible preset system woth the f2p leveling system so its still infuriating to play


I dont really care for the coins, but its a shame PVE doesnt get the trader... Atleast for now. Wish BSG told us atleast before ... Many including myself collected the GP coins for nothing. People are rightfully upset, but some are way overreacting. Also partly because as usual BSG is dogshit with communicating changes. They might have plans to add him at a later point.


I remember Nikita saying that you could get gp coins from arena to PvE on the last tarkovtv but that would be later, maybe they are working the new trader to working differently on PvE


That is almost assuredly what they’re doing. The functionality of it can only work one way. Things can’t be transferable from pve into PvP but they should be transferable from PvP into pve. They got the core in, they will work it out.


Overreacting? On this subreddit? no, can't be.


Yeah, they do have plans


I haven't touched PVE yet, can anyone tell me if it's as hard as PVP with the bot PMCs. In my perspective right now, I would think it's much easier than PVP and probably easy to make money and gear. Why do people care about GP coins in PVE? I agree that Nikita shouldn't have taken these GP coin barters from PVE, but why are people complaining about the lowered selling price? I would think that people easily get stacks of money. Let me know if I am wrong. Edit: reading the comments I see now they cant even be sold in PVE. Nikita needs to bring back the barters or completely remove GP coins from PVE allowing other loot to spawn instead.


For the most part the PMCs act like ground rogues. Sometimes they'll move around an area looping or just stand still in a spot waiting for someone to walk by. They don't even fight the scavs all the time, sometimes there will just be PMCs chilling amongst groups of scavs and you'll get lit as you go to take the scavs out. The PMC default behavior is usually to open fire on you and just start walking in a direction indefinitely until they are out of sight (like pushing wide on you or just backing away). It's pretty shit honestly, easy to cheese them and they usually hang out in similar areas every raid.


Something that pisses me off, is that sometimes, despite clearly aggroing each other at some point, the AI PMCs and AI scavs will completely ignore each other and focus on you. I've watched Both stand besides each other and completely lock onto to me, then turn and shoot at each other in the time it takes my camera to fade to black.


133 raids I have 61% surv 27kda. Sometimes its super easy sometimes you get fucked repeatedly. Now I met only 1 pmc and 2 raiders in whole labs, second game I killed 6 PMC 5 raiders and died to 6 still running around me.


Sometimes the AI PMCs will lock onto you through walls and one shot you through T6 gear. Kinda like cheaters in PVP. Pretty realistic I'd say.


The AI is the same as PvP and PMCs are using Raider AI to give you an idea of how they behave.


Difficulty is hit or miss, mostly difficult during my runs. You'll get lasered by pmc's where no player would see you. They'll maneuver on you in a group of 3 while standing right next to scavs who are also shooting at you. Then there's moments where they're completley brain dead. It's hard to quantify. The unspoken of free mode has more consistent behaving AI.


I just spawned into Woods, died immediately. Birdeye spawned right next to me. I'm done trying to escape from Tarkov. I'm going back to be a single player.


I play a different pve, but yeah with standard AI it's comically easy It's fixable on the dark side


It is not always comically easy. It’s actually very fucking hard sometimes due to the aimbotting AI. The problem is, sometimes it is extremely easy. There’s just no middle ground. It’s either nearly impossible or comically easy.


it's a mix of the AI using the rogue's ai meaning the aimbot on them is fucking insane and the fact that armor doesn't work correctly so you'll just get two tapped to the body by ammo that should've never penetrated your armor


How does armor not work correctly? Maybe you should watch the armor guide video they released if you don't understand how it works. 


In pve, armor has a chance of not working, and hits can count as multiple hits, so you can get 1 tapped by terrible ammo through level 6 armor


How do you know that the bullets not just missed the plates? And multiple hits could be fragmentation of the bullet, no?


here i'm going to copy and paste a comment i left to someone else explaining EXACTLY why this shouldn't happen; for context i was facing knight and got oneshotted even though i shouldn't have like i was saying earlier: i said i was getting one shotted to the thorax while wearing tier 6 armor (i didn't include this before but i was wearing the redut which has tier 3 aramids and i always run it with tier 6 plates). this means that no matter what ammo he was using in any of the guns he can spawn with, he wouldn't have been able to onetap me UNLESS he was really close AND i died specifically due to fragmentation. this still wasn't the case though; he was at the helicopter while i was at the dome. if you don't believe me, here are two different sources that would explain exactly why i wouldn't have gotten one tapped: eft-ammo and gigabeef's video called "when does .366 apm one tap thorax", which yes still applies even after the new armor overhaul. hell you could even go try this yourself with exactly what i told you, just make sure to put level 6 plates in the redut and then go specifically on a PVP practice raid with a friend and recreate this exactly; you'll see the results aren't the same even if you use the strongest ammo for the guns knight can spawn with


Use ronin helmet, I survive so many head shots


Will do, thanks for the tip!


same i'ma give that a try, thank you


Well it has saved me a few times for sure, but I’m still dying constantly. It’s that much more painful knowing I only have 3 bosses left and might not be able to complete it.




Yes 100%. The ai in pve use shit ammo generally so you’re more likely to survive a buckshot face shot and whatnot. Ulach is great if they shoot the top of your head. Most of the time it’s head eyes, so ronin is fantastic for that. Don’t need ears because ai are loud enough.


I'm playing spicy PvE so the AI is kinda cracked. Still usually head eyes, but theyre using ammo relevant to my trader level.


It's very very easy compared with PVP, since PMC are just rogues with dogtag and they spawn always on same locations, so all u need to do is to learn the spawns.


Good thing I sold all my coins last night for 80k a piece lmao


Oh boy, Mr. "Look at me" over here 🥱 Edit: Apparently nobody got my joke. Hint (look at their username)


I just deleted them. They were fucking up my junk boxes.


I just checked and you can still get a THICC weapon case from mechanic. All the other options are grayed out if you right click required search.


I just checked this. For some reason the THICC pops up when I required search GP coins. The trade does not use GP coins though. Its 10 Bitcoin and 10 Skull rings.


Ah okay thank you.


Yeah i sure am glad i bought 150 of them for millions before the update now i cant even sell them to the traders


Every time Tarkov does something nice they screw it up somehow - and they only did that nice thing because suddenly there's competition coming their way. There is so much potential here being squandered by horrible developers. I swear they hate their player base.


BSG try not to fuck up the game even further extreme challenge


Why would they make this change right after/during an event where every single boss you kill in the event area has a GP coin?


I wish I knew. It's especially bad because even if you kill the bosses outside of the event (Shturman on woods for example) you still get the guaranteed GP coin. I've got like 7 stacks of 20 and nothing to do with them.


Seems like a massive oversight


Well thats nice. I have about 20 of them in stash


Nooo my labs key card barter :(


i started the game a month ago and would sell all my gp coins to fence…. haha


GP coins should just be removed from PvE then if they've got no use


Bosses on shoreline are still dropping gp coins, super rewarding loot lol


Why not just ... add a different coin? Lol


Good thing I bought a whole scav box preparing for the update….




I have 40 go coins.. can't do shit with them now


Typical BSG, selling a single-player mode for €/$250, then cheating and lying to everyone who bought it. And then they don't even fix the simplest bugs and just let the single-player mode die.


They basically said fuck you to everyone that’s enjoying PVE


We also because of this don’t have access to all the new rooms they locked


I'd love to be able to progress through the PVE side of the game and also have the option to do PVP in arena. That's like the perfect version of tarkov for me.


But why


People get what they paid for. 


Lmao. I just did PVE raid on factory, killed a bunch of A.I. and left the raid with some loot. When I got to the "leave" menu it showed me a raid which I played a day before. It showed me that I killed killa and tagilla with an MCX, which is a gun that I didn't use for that factory run. When I fully returned to the menu, all my ammo was reset and I didn't retain any loot. wtf is going. It wasn't an offline raid either, since I queue 10 mins for it and even if I didn't, there killa isn't on factory anyways.


It's unfortunate that we don't get access to the new trader to purchase new merchandise. I don't believe that PvE and Arena should be cross-transferable, but we should've been given access to the trader so that we can purchase new merchandise.


is it just me, or vendors are lock on flea market but unlocked if you go directly to them (ex: trying to buy m62 bullets and only shows flea market, saying vendor is locked, but if you check the vendor manually, it's unlocked)


I 100% expected them to ignore all implications of moving GP trades to the new merchant. They never think anything through.


Really glad to have taken part in an event to hoard them to realize they're just wasting space now.


They're just trying to force people to play arena. They spent too much money on it and it flopped. Now they're trying to force you into playing it so they can say it was a success.


Why did they not include the new additions in PvE as well? I can't really think of a reason not to do so.


so boss loot reduced due to GP coin removal?


So what do I do with half a junkbox full of these coins from farming the bosses on pve ( definitely not lvl 52 on pve and 51 on pvp lmao I caught up fast cuz of the xp from bosses)


I clearly remember selling a GP coin on PVE’s flea market.


I bought a lot of gp coins before this update to buy labs cards from Max mechanic, and now the barter is gone :0


Thats bs slap to the damn face ALL the money and time i pit down why in hell cant nikita say nothing before the update so i could have used them all up woth my damn money!!!!!! AND TIME!!! So fking tired of surprises 😮 WHY??????? MAKES ME MAD!!!


I thought the pve version of tarkov was a "standalone game and not linked to pvp or arena" that's what it was sold as so why have the pvp /arena changes effected pve ?


I had a ton of GP coins in a junkbox from the boss event, went to sort the junkbox and it deleted all the GP coins because you can no longer put them in a container like that. Nice coding btw. Then they later reappeared out of nowhere.


As a side note to this not sure if it has happened to anyone else, but if you stack your GP coins inside a junk box and auto sort it you can say goodbye to them forever……


It's BSG first they do something then think. But also they said PvE will be somehow connected with arena. There is no wipe so you can just save GP coins (if trader, offers are good). Probably soon(hehe) will be added.


Considering the previously upcoming trader and his appetite for GP coins, I farmed bosses via the event on shoreline. I've got half a scav case of them. Yay.


Another round of applause for BSG and Nikita, clearly another proof that they do stuff without thinking first.. It's like a small grocery store that runs a day at a time not knowing what the next day will be like..


when I go on Flea and look for a Labs access card it says that it can be bought for 4 GP Coins from Mechanic LV4... I don't have Mechanic LV4 yet though, so I don't know whether or not that actually is possible.


I have Mechanic 4. The trade isn't actually available.


Well that fucking sucks then


Yea they messed over the “true believers” smh


Basically an inconvenience. Purposefully made though, just to decrease incentive to play pve


Maybe Nikta can add in a trade for the far forward GPS for these redundant coins in pve XD


> They are just an item that takes up gold spawns and stash space now. I think, like any company, sometimes changes are made that cause negative effects to other things. It happens. Just give it time for an update/hotfix and youll be able to use them. Not everything that happens in game development is on purpose.


Not a collectionist, I would assume. Perhaps I can change that? Fill a money case full of GP coins and come back to me son.


Thank god I sold them before this.


Keeping the new trader out of pve is like a practical joke from these idiots at this point. I hope this Arena b.i. Closed beta doesn’t end til open beta and then straight into 1.0. We’re finally almost free.


Literally logged in to find 3 sitting in my sorting table and are just greyed out. So now we just have cool trophies? Wtf Battlestate.


so glad they made pretty much all of the gp coins useless now, thanks battlestate!


It says labs keycard can be bought from mechanic at loyalty lvl 4 in pve


Could have swore I read somewhere that they were going to implement something for PVE GP coins at a later date.


It's probably temporary. You guys complain about everything, lol.


I was stocking up so many on my PvE character with the boss event haha


All GP trades have been moved to the new trader. Read the patch notes. RIP


Hadn't even noticed... I just collect them... Wtf?!?! I'm not even mad, I'm just confused... Do they think that GP coins were what was making people play pve so much more? Do they not realize that 50% of the time the flea for less than the vendor price in both PvE and pvp... Well I guess not PvE anymore 🤣


I don't know why people are surprised, Nikita being active on twitter, new modes, new features is all a cash grab from a team that can't tell their ass from their heads, lead by an unusual character that has a following of 10 year olds who jump every time he asks them.


I'm also excited to see if this update indeed makes the quests that can only be completed through Arena mandatory for unlocking the new secure container and trader levels. All we want is even more P2W content, thank you Nikita! All praise p2w content! All praise nikita!


mom! look! i have a bigger secure container than others! i'm "winning" at tarkov!