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You are getting pvp experience but now ai cheats. 😂


Skill issue? 100% PvE is great for a lot of. In my case it allowed me to bring PvP reluctant friends to the game. If you really are a 4k player, PvE should be a breeze for you. Unless you have spent 3.9k hours scaving, on the flea and sorting your stash...


As far as I know they did confirm that they increased the air difficulty in PvE (which for BSG just reads giving them better aimbot and reaction time). There was literally no reason for that. Ai should behave exactly like in pvp. AI Pmcs shouldn't have the level of aim they sometimes currently have. They also should always have the same behavior, not this randomisation.


Talking shit : check Playing the actually game :


Nice introspection! What you just wrote is literally what I thought when I read your initial post.


If you aren’t complete dogwater at the game PvE is mind numbingly easy kiddy pool tarkov experience. Anyone who says otherwise is just bad. It may seem obtuse but it’s also true. PvE is great for bad players and dads with an hour to play each night but it’s not hard in the slightest. Your 4k hours must be scaving and sitting in a corner being too scared to move.


Bro i love pve. I can play at my own pace and not get dunked on by chads or cheaters. PVE is how i WANT to play the game


4K hours and you’re still trash is all you had to say


Ok bye


Thats nice, many people love PvE.


bro me and my friend have unheard and scavs are doing us the same


Like I said , every update feels like we're fighting stupid bugs , that take MONTHS to be solved


can't agree more


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I don’t see non of it in my eod pve. Yes some times scavs and bosses trow grenades under your feet, but usually you have time to react even prevent the toss. All my deaths were deserved and understandable because I made bad decisions. Recently i killed Shturman, bot of us was out in the open in the middle of repositioning. I somehow survived 7 7,62x54R PS shots with 4 lvl plates and domed him. After that survived mag dump from one of his buddies and killed him with f1. I thought it was scav and I didn’t have time to check him because only 5 minutes left. Even goons feel reasonable. Yes they f you anyway, but not in a some nonsense way. They miss shots, they hit plates and can be killed not only in the doors. The only complaint i have it’s a reshala’s bois. They feels op, because usually they don’t rush you like goons, instead laser beam you center mass with ap ammo and koby grenades on your ass


pve is not perfect but it's fun and I'm never going back to pvp


i legit just got headshotted thru a wall by a pmc AI, i peeked at him, go back inside and he shot me through the wall directly to my head yeah honestly fuck this game ... Imma keep playing


Turn off laser/light and nvg and then it's better IMHO.


I'm having fun. Learning quests too


I suck at PVP but PVE is so easy. How do you struggle so much with so much playtime?


Skill issue


Sounds like its delivering the authentic Tarkov experience. UNCERTAINTY, FEAR and RAGE. What's the problem ?


Noone of that is new to me Iv'e been playing for 6 years tarkov , the problem is all BSG efforts to anything since fighting cheaters , to tweak the autoaim on scavs , anything really , it's all worthless


4k+ hour player here. PvE is the easiest shit I've played in a while. And my friends who are relatively new to tarkov are enjoying it a lot more then PvP in terms of learning the game. It has lowered the bar drastically and they finally feel they can effectively get to know the game better in order to start PvP next wipe. And i think that's exactly the way people should see it.


It's not about how hard the game is , its about of how unpolished it is. After 6 years


the time spent in a game doesnt mean shit if you are good at it or not. there are people in other games like league of legends with millions of mastery points on champions (which translates to thousands of hours) and are stuck in below average rankings. also, 100% skill issue git gud


you are the type of dude who play scav in pve lol