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Worst case scenario....its a scam. I personally have never had anything good come from someone seeking to help me by reaching out on my etsy. But I sell small ticket items and it is not my primary income.


we'll see. the thing is that if theyre getting a commission, then its mutually beneficial. and i'm only selling on etsy rn so an attempt on another platform is maybe worth trying?


Could be worth asking if they would give you other people they have done this with to see their experience with them and if it was truly mutually beneficial


The phrase “if it sounds too good to be true” then it likely is. How do you know you won’t receive a huge bill for “ads” that generated no sales? Sounds like easy money for the website guy and empty pockets for you. Hard pass.


was thinking the same thing, but i wont be giving them any billing info or anything. maybe just send pictures and information and allow them to use my name etc.


It sounds like you’ve got a good thing going already and your name is part of your reputation. I’m sorry if I’m sounding cynical but are you going to trust a stranger with that?


i'll ask to see their previous work. i've had freelancers do work for me in the past that turned out great so i'm not opposed to trusting strangers.


How are you going to be paid from this too good to be true website? You’re authorizing them to put your content online and sell it. Have an attorney read over the contract very carefully. If there is no contract it’s 100% a scam. 


Where is his website that advertises his company? Referrals. Reviews.


This sounds exactly like a scam. I would not trust anyone cold calling you through Etsy. As others have said: If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. I wouldn’t move forward, mark as spam, and build a website myself on Wix or GoDaddy.


any advice on building my own site and running ads?


I started just like you with literally no experience so I’m not one to instruct, however, YouTube is your best friend. There are tons of videos on website design that are incredibly instructional. Type in ‘Wix website tutorial’ and you’ll find tons. Also, Hannah Gardner is my absolute favorite on Yourube for e-commerce. Seriously just cue up her videos and she will teach you all about how to optimize your listings, utilize Etsy ads, etc. I’ve found her information to be very helpful and there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of content. It sounds like you have a specialized high ticket item—it is my belief that with a little research you can yourself amplify your sales. Good luck!


*But the offer is a bit too good to pass up.* The dictionary defines this as, A fool and their money is soon parted. Edit, And then you ask, *So my fellow crafters, what should i do?* Everyone is screaming scam but you don't want to believe it. Go ahead and do it but make sure you come back here and tell us what happened.


I’ve gotten this. It’s a scam, imo, most likely. I messaged them back, asking them to send me a link to their website, their portfolio, and other contacts for their business so I could see their work and what not… they never responded, lol. I assumed it was a scam, or at least an attempt to get some personal information, and I wanted to come up with a way to just push a bit and see if they were actually real. If they are going to ghost the minute I ask for more information about their business and work… it’s not legit.


I would ask on the scam sub, because this definitely sounds like a scam. He might ask you to front him some money, or he will over pay with stolen money and ask you to pay him back - so many ways he could scam you.


I don't think you should go for it because it truly sounds like a scam. Websites take time and effort to make. On top of that, this person intends to pay for the site hosting, google ads, and any other related fees? There is no guarantee that the site and ads will yield any new orders, so this person is essentially offering you something they will make no money from. There is absolutely a catch or something more to this.


Total scam, please, please, please, do not do this. Please, do not do this.


So, usually the catch with these management/advertising schemes is the contract that he will likely ask you to sign won’t differentiate between what sales he gets commission on, so you end up paying something like 20-50 percent of total profits. And it *could* certainly bring in more sales, but the commission fee might not make it worth your time. Maybe it’s not this scheme though, but take a good look at any contracts he sends you if you decide to go through with it. Not just what he says, but the actual contract.


Those solicitations are scams and I'm not sure they are even allowed to do it under the TOU.


Normally I'd say scam, keep away. You could give them a discount code and basically offer them a portion of the sales they drive. So e.g. 10% off coupon and you pay them 10% also, so you lose 20% of the sale but do no work for that sale. You'd want to change up the code every couple weeks because Honey and such services will use it also. The issue is they will likely spam the crap out of this and it will be your reputation not theirs which suffers.


the thing is i dont want them touching my etsy at all (which he won't). just a seperate website making its own sales and i fulfill....


I mean if he wants to basically drop ship a table no reason not to. Just think about ALL the scenarios such as it being lost/damaged in transit, customer wanting to return, CC chargeback and who takes the hit on that, etc. But if it's essentially giving someone a discount because they order tables from you on a regular basis not a huge risk there. Decide upfront if you want this person using your branding though.


Every single message that I get on Etsy that is not from a customer I simply mark as spam. And in your case I would the same. If you're really interested in something like this, isn't it easier to go on Fiverr and find someone to do just that? At least you would be able to read some reviews first.


Anyone who sends you unsolicited emails through Etsy is a scam. Please do not continue communication with this person.


This is a scam, and if you want a website, do it yourself. It's not that hard. You don't need a third party interfering and taking your money for no reason.


A lot of people keep saying scam but you seem to not want to believe that. It’s a scam.


Everyone on Etsy gets these kind of messages.


if he integrates the website with your etsy shop you’d need to give him your login credentials which means he’d also have access to change your financials (say from your bank account to his). there are plenty of reputable companies that build websites. but places like google and shopify have made it incredibly easy to build one yourself. full site templates, shipping and shopping cart integration, the works. it really is as easy as selecting the package you want, and customizing it with your info and products. aside from security and cost, the most important reason to do this yourself is so you learn how to do it. this way when there’s a glitch or problem you don’t have to try and contact someone else to fix it. honestly, this has a ton of red flags… if someone is *so* good at making websites, *so* proficient at ads that convert, why wouldn’t they just build a zillion sites for themself? why would they need to go through etsy and reach out to sellers? doesn’t add up… and i’ll give my standard speech about ads, ads rely on good seo to be proficient. the prettiest website in the world isn’t enough to overcome bad seo and consequently your position in etsy’s search algorithm.


I would not recommend getting involved with this person at all. This is a typical scam. There was one not too long ago with a supposedly college student who was offering free websites to Etsy sellers as a school project. She sounded very convincing, but it came out later by other sellers that it was a scam. You would have to give this person rights to using your name, your photos and your designs for this website. If something went wrong and they committed fraud, you would be tied into it and that could effect your Etsy business. Years ago you could probably trust a stranger, but not anymore, scammers are everywhere. It would be way too much of a risk.


Um. If he makes the website and asks for commission then it means he has the login power (because he also would claim to update the website with your new items) He can change any sort of payment **as long as its on that site.** There is no lock out if he is the admin, and he will have to be because you don't know how to make the site. Unless you are going to pay him upfront, hes going to put in the controls of how he gets commission. You don't want that. You are better off just asking friends.


You tell them to kick rocks. It's your store, and only should be helped with by people you trust. And if they were worth anything, they wouldn't be going out of their way to talk to people and ask "Hey, wanna hire me?" Frankly, it sounds like the same scam Twitch is going through with "graphics designers"


Absolutely run away from this. There are 50 different ways that this person could scam you. Besides - He's willing to build you a website for free? What exactly does that entail? I could build my own webiste for "free", as could you. The real costs are in hosting, domains & marketting (Which he absolutely isn't going to fund). If you want to build a website then I'm certain that you could build a respectable Shopify store yourself within a few days. Yeah it'll cost £20-odd a month and might be a bit frustrating to learn - But it's fully under your control. Now, lets say that he is legit. He builds you a website (Likely just a crap base-theme Shopify store with not much on it) - You're still stuck with the £20 per month fees, you'll still have to pay for the ads that he's running AND you'll have to pay him a commission on top. Bearing in mind, that even if you don't sell anything, you'll be paying the ads bill which you now have zero control of and can't dictate the budget. You've got all of the liability and he's got zero risk, he's spent a couple of hours at best building you a basic website in return for commission on all of your sales. Don't walk, run.


This is a common scam. I get about 3-4 messages like this a month.