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I like *around* Eugene more than I like Eugene proper. Come for the nature.


Agreed. I drove through Thurston the other day and actually really like the area.


It's arguably the ideal PNW metro location. I could rant on its downsides, but I can't think of a metro area in the PNW that makes a better all-around home bass. Portland is just too much, Salem just kinda sucks, There's a reason we go to the coast and not the beach, Bend is small Denver with nothing except awesome nature and cities from roseburg south has too many confederate flags for comfort.


I just don't understand all this flak on Portland, it's without a doubt one of the easiest big cities to live in. I avoided it and struggled like a dog in Eugene for year, couldn't get my footing in anywhere, went to a subarb near Portland, Instantly found a place and a job. You go into Portland and it's extremely gentrified, yes it has some bad areas, but I'm not watching my back like in LA or Memphis. It is the whitest, most upper middle class city across the board.


The right-wing echo chamber really pushed to create a narrative about Portland/Oregon over the past 4-5 years and its worked. Sure, things in Portland have been pretty rough since COVID first happened, but it's still a pretty damn great city with amazing food and nature. I went downtown last time I was there and it looked vastly better than it did when I was there in 2021.


Maybe a dumb question but what do you mean “we go to the coast and not the beach”


It's a mixed reference primarily based on the weather, geography, our cold water, and how that shapes coastal life and recreation. It's usually a cue that someone isn't a local when they say going to the beach to refer to going to the coast.


It’s a small town with limited diversity. If you like a smaller and bit more rural Portland then I think you’ll like it. Personally, it gets boring at times and there is definitely a type of person who stays here Edit: from Portland and lived on the east coast so I get bored kinda easy - I really appreciate the nature and bike routes here tho


I don't think Eugene counts as a small town. sincerely, someone from Florence


Yeah it’s a small town. My home town had 4.2 million people in one city when I left in 2004. Portland is a small city too. Like 1/4 the size and pop of what I came from.


Nope. Legal definition of a city is over 50k. Your anecdotes don't change language.


We got neighbor hoods larger than eug and springfield combined. Cling to your technicality if that makes you feel relevant. But no real city considers this here a city.


It’s a good thing definitions and facts don’t care about your irrelevant anecdote lmao.


So rigid you are. It’s a good thing that language is organic and doesn’t care about your narrow frame of reference


Yea no shit, but your weird personal definition of city hasn’t been adopted or used by anyone so the current accepted definition still stands without any issue.


Gotta be the change u wanna see man. I’m just brave enough to set trends. ;-)


Weird Flex


Just facts. Eugene is a town not a city


Thanks, boss. You can rest easy tonight knowing that r/eugene accepts that your experience > statistical definition.


Hmm, I wonder what the city council or the city mayor would think of such an absurd statement.


That’s me!


Stop while you’re behind dude. Painful to watch


Thanks for the permission to use the actual definition of the word 😂😂😂


A town by definition is 5,000 people.


There are a quarter-million people in Eugene/Springfield alone. This is not a 'small town'; which honestly makes the lack of diversity more glaring.


I get into this argument a lot with people. It's rather surprising how many folks think 200,000+ people counts as a "small town"


Especially when Portland is ~600,000 and would never be considered a 'mid-sized' city.


Portland sucks too


I guess I prefer to live in very large mega cities with 3+ million people or more. I wish I was different and more able to adjust to the speed of life in the place but I've learned tie dyed crocs just aren't my thing.


I love Lane County. The classism and nepotism in Eugene is beginning to grind on me, though I still highly prefer it over any of the other places I have lived.


Can I live on his ranch also? I can do cool dances


I live here. Wouldn't suggest that anyone move here lol. Homeless population is out of control. See so many on a regular basis high on meth. The suburbs are boring and downtown is dangerous. Look elsewhere.


Lol this is a bad explanation of this city but okay


I’ve lived in quite a few places. Eugene is heavenly. It’s not quite as eventful as a big city, but it doesn’t really have traffic problems and there’s still a decent amount to do. The dating scene isn’t the best but it’s not terrible either. theres a lot of amazing places to eat, and an abundance of beautiful places to visit if you're an outdoorsy person. Tons of sports to play. It’s beautiful year round, even when it’s dark and wet most of the winter.

