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Theology belongs in the Church. It does nor belong in the State. Freedom of means freedom from.


Nah, it’s literally always been this way. There was like, maybe a single decade starting in 1992 that it *seemed* like the separation of church and state was a real thing, but that was false. The conservatives are right, Christian theology is written into the base fabric of the United States. The nation we live in is *fundamentally* broken. This current christofascist takeover is representative of that. This shit should not be taking anybody by surprise, it’s been inevitable the entire time.


Tell the new Supreme Court super majority that.


Religion is the enemy of man, peace, and human progress, what a shame.


Internet atheism is over and this has been a braindead take since the enlightenment delivered Nazism and Stalinism in the 20th century.


You’re the expert on brain dead takes.


Daddy chill. You comment in default subs.


Lol further proving my point with that reply




There are actually a lot more atheists than you think. Just because reddit managed to make us all look like psychos doesn't mean Christianity and other wacko religions aren't on their way out. In the age of instant knowledge at our fingertips it's easy to dispel the fantasy that is religion.




It's so hard to vote in local elections since information online is limited. But a simple google of this Karen's facebook and I knew I needed to vote for the other guy


Seriously. She was a prolific shit-poster on facebook during the pandemic. Legit every local news post she had multiple ignorant and bigoted comments. Springfield voters decided thats who should guide the curriculum for their public schools.


I didn't vote for her, so don't blame all of Springfield.




We only have to look or not look at her social media posts. Imagine living with her?


Per the Voter's Pamphlet, she was endorsed by Commissioner Loveall- that's all the information one should need to vote against a candidate.




Yes Loveall, when he heard about Black Lives Matter he grabbed his AR and headed downtown.


...and that bigot still got elected 🙄


Srsly, she's a loony toon. Edit: That's why I didn't vote for her.


I used to work with a guy who was married to a teacher in Springfield, both of his kids went to private school in Eugene.


This is pretty common. I know many teachers in both the Springfield and 4J district and two principals who have their kids attend private schools. I know of two 4j board members from several years ago whose kids never attended a public school. Other than preschools, I don’t believe there is a private school in Springfield.


"Doing the lord's work?" You should submit those timecards to the church then.


Well, I'll vote against her again next time.


What's funny is the other lady who ran for Springfield school board, who is also very right wing and nutty, got her ass handed to her by her more liberal opponent. The difference being he actually campaigned and got his name out there. Nicole's opponent did not.


It was a close race between reed and degraf, something like 400 votes separated them. Sucks because reed was a good candidate


He was a good candidate, just didn't get his name out there. Ken Kohl, who did win his position, did a lot of campaigning. Had his people come by my house and got multiple flyers from him.


I got negative attack mailers from DeGraff about her opponent's criminal background (DUI like 15 years ago). I imagine that was part of making it a closer race. My husband and I voted for her opponent anyway.


In the voter’s pamphlet, she talks about pulling her kids from traditional schools because they (schools) are failing academically and putting them in a charter school. The charter school she is speaking of is Willamette Leadership Academy, the military style school in Springfield. She is on their board. I encourage everyone to google the ratings for that school. Spoiler, it’s one of the worst ranked schools in Oregon across the board. Only 9% (!!!) are proficient in math. Also to ponder given this is a military style school - what exactly does she mean by “enforce discipline”?


Even as a religious person, there should be no “Lord’s work” in politics.


She also was not included in the kids 4 success campaign and did not get the attention that Eugene candidates did, so I can't fault Springfield voters that much. Unless you sought out her Twitter feed you'd never have known.


She was kids 4 success endorsed for a time at least. I can’t imagine that she was too extreme for them or vice versa so I don’t know why they separated.


Yup we knew nothing about her, but there was some wording in the voter pamphlet that was a red flag. We didn't vote for her.


Yes that's what led me to google her, got a weird feeling I'm her statement. Oddly the ones who say they want to keep politics out of school are the most political.


> Politicize social behaviors and values you don’t like > Ban those social behaviors and values from schools for being too political > Profit


This post would have been helpful BEFORE the election...


I just googled her name and came back with this letter to the senate. Was enough for me to vote for Reed. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Downloads/PublicTestimonyDocument/46678


"this is racist" lol. I have come to realize that most conservatives seem to define racism as "anything involving race that I don't like".


Well, I guess it serves me right for depending on Reddit vs doing my own research.


Never met a more hateful group than religiots.


I didn’t vote for her, most people in Springtuckey don’t vote because these pieces of shit don’t reveal themselves in the packets they send, so it takes an afternoon of google searches to figure it out and most people don’t have or want to spend the time. That’s why we got Loveall guy instead of Berny


Who's mutilating children?


I wrote her after seeing her attack mailer on Anthony Reed and told her that this kind of hit piece had no place in a school board race. Her reply was unreadable. I hate that this kind of campaigning is effective anywhere but Eugene has no room to talk. Jennifer Yeh and Emily Semple both used the same smear tactic to get elected.


Cedric Hayden represents South eugene in the state senate. He is one of the walk outs. He represents folks south of 30th and east of Willamette. Op, get off your high horse.


He represents like a sliver of SE Eugene from Fox Hollow on East… the core of the votes for OR Senate district 6 came from Cottage Grove, Creswell and Junction City. Edited, Wikipedia led me astray.


That's the old map of Sen. Beyers (d) district. Did you look at the link before posting? Beyer would win ez 55%+ Floyd Prozanski (d) currently reps springfield in the state senate. Cedric Hayden - https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/hayden has a small sliver of SE yes, but that represents a huge portion of votes. None of the votes are from Springfield. The district was drawn this way to rat fuck marty wilde. My point stands that SE has a hard right guy repping them in the state senate.


Edited my post, the wiki map was pre 2020 census redistricting. My bad. The majority of those votes for district 6 are coming for creswell, cottage grove, junction city, sweet home and Lebanon. All very conservative and all very much larger than the sliver of votes that came from the suburbs in the south hills that are south of 30th and east of amazon. Still stands that Springfield voters elected this very online bigot.


A lot of Eugenians are conservative and more are becoming so everyday. I look forward to the day more conservative Californians move here and fix our downtown and invest in these dilapidated homes.


Lol not they are not


welp me and all my friends are and our liberal friends are becoming more conservative the more they have to deal with crackheads and break ins and stolen bikes. Hate to break it to you, but things are changing. Get your protest shoes ready!