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- Wild Iris Ridge is open & clear. Business as usual. - Ridgeline Trail had some iffy spots when I was on it last week. Sounds like it's made progress since then. Trail up Spencer Butte is open & clear. - Shotgun Creek is open & clear. A few limbs and a couple of trees down, all step-over. - Trails out towards Oakridge (I've been on Larison Creek, North Fork, Westfir Tie, and Alpine since the storm) are open and no worse than you'd expect at this point in the season. - Judging by the number of cars at Hardesty trailhead when I drove by yesterday, the trails there are open and in decent shape too. And just in case you missed it: Mt. Pisgah is NOT OPEN and looks like it won't be for a while.


Thanks to Disciples of Dirt (and others I may not be aware of), big sections of the Ridgeline trail are clear, such as the section fr. Martin St. up to Fox Hollow. They were working on clearing the section fr. Fox Hollow to Dillard today. Some hard workin' folks right there


Wild Iris was open and lovely yesterday.


For Springfield Trails & Parks, Willamalane has an interactive map available here showing the status of each park/trail. Blue = Open, Red = Closed. Unfortunately no trails look to be open yet but I imagine they will be soon. https://wprd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/60422585ab404617bf3d721887c8955f