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Oh here we go with the nutjobs screaming about smart meters and 5g and like eweb controlling their house now.


5g does kind of suck compared to the LTE. Maybe it is just me, but the latency gets ridiculous sometimes.


Need more nano machines in your blood. After getting the vaccine, I was able to cancel my cell provider thanks to the 5G now in my blood.


Will it get better reception that way? Just had to kick off 5g because yourube kept stalling out.


LTE used to work so fast, now 5G towers were put in and both LTE and 5G suck. Nothing loads and I have a newer phone


Going to be interesting to see satellites start competing with towers.


Coming soon: a new on-peak/off-peak pricing model.


That would be great, I would love to be able to get cheaper electricity in exchange for using most during non peak hours.


Tbh you’ll most likely be getting regular price electricity during off peak and more expensive during on peak hours


You’re describing a price increase and that may be the case, but still less expensive to use power during non peak time. That would be a much better use of our resources.


EWEB and Lane Electric are both non-profit so ultimately it evens out. So it's not like there are shareholders getting a larger check if EWEB puts in a non peak hour rate reduction...


hahahahha no. That would be too useful, that would actually be an improvement for the user. It would be: Expensive -> peak hours Normal -> non-peak hours Make no mistake about it.


Well considering that EWEB and Lane Electric are non-profits the money has to get spread evenly somehow :)




Damn these newfangled electric lights, think of the poor lamplighters who will be out of work!


EWEB has had the smart meter transition in their radar for 10+ years and along with that, a plan of sorts to help transition meter readers into new roles within the utility. Not sure how that plays out in its entirety but there is definitely consideration being given to the employees whose duties will be replaced by smart meters and those employees are aware that this is coming.


The computer or phone you are using (or rather the fact that you are using one) was responsible for the job loss of a gazillion mainframe computer operators. We don't and shouldn't stop advancing technology if it means stagnating.


Are these common the the PNW where hydropower is king? I think of peak/off peak being more common in more natural gas/nuclear power heavy states where it is difficult for utilities to respond to peak power demands quickly.


I'm from southern Oregon originally and mostly hydro. I pay about 350 ~ 450 a month off eweb, in Klamath falls it was 100 bucks. Shit here is ridiculous.


This is the way electricity should work and the way it's moving. Wise.


They swapped mine out last week, in the rain. Power was off about 10 minutes.


Those aren’t gonna help much with power outages and tree damage. Forget about the smart things just bury the powerlines.


So you are pro a bond measure to float the cost of this, likely via property taxes?


How much more do you think it will cost than replacing the power lines every time they get hit with a severe weather event.


I am not. I don’t think it’s worth it for how rare we get ice storms here we don’t need any more reasons to raise rent for people.


The smartmeters report to the utility when the power goes out, so there's value in that.


But do they? No one has access to the raw data.


I’ve had a smart meter through epud for several years and have had quite a few outages since then (I live in the country). The first couple of times I lost power after the meter was installed, I called within a minute, and they already knew about the outage and a crew was getting ready to respond.


Oh, plenty of people have access. [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hacking+smart+electric+meters](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hacking+smart+electric+meters)


Just a note: EWEB meters are on a ‘private’ network owned by a public utility. Attempting unauthorized access to this network IS considered a serious crime by HOMELAND SECURITY. Even considering I am retired, Since I still hold multiple security clearances and certifications, the risk does not outweigh the gain, nor do I want to be labeled a Felon.


Well just to be crystal clear I would never encourage anyone to break the law. But given how low the barrier is to doing so, I expect some folks will.


They also use more electricity, and who knows how long they will last.


Pretty sure they can use the smart meters to know where the power is out for faster responses.


Thanks for sharing! Haven’t seen this notice in the mail yet. Not gonna trash EWEB after that storm but does this mean they won’t be guessing our usage when they can’t send someone out to read the meters? That always conveniently happens in the most peak times of winter & summer and I never understand why exactly…


Oh no, not 5G! /s


My immature ass: That truck is just waiting for someone to spray paint an "F" in front of UPA.