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I’m not convinced this is actually from someone slashing it. For starters, it’s right at the ground which is a weird place to slash a tire. But more importantly there’s more sidewall damage near it, including a decent chunk at the left most arrow. I’m not saying it’s 100% not, but the sidewall has seen road damage. https://imgur.com/a/mC2W57h


You have to stab the bottom otherwise all the air won’t come out. It’s science. 




When I went to UO many moons ago there was a fraternity who had all of their tires slashed one morning . Like 25 cars. Back then it was not uncommon to see frat vs. frat feuds, and an opening salvo was often someone doing donuts using a jalopy car in another frat’s front lawn. More bills for parents to pay I imagine.


Did the driver of that jalopy have an onion at his belt?


Had to be a red one, couldn't get any white ones, on account of the war.


I doubt it, since it was only 25 years ago. That's somewhat "not too long ago" to me. Though, I do know that author Ken Kesey was a frat boy in Eugene, and he had a buzzcut for at least some of that time. Now *that* was a long time ago. I'm sure many hippies would be sour to hear he was in a fraternity at UO, as was his son.




Well, that would be one of the houses where donuts were done in the front lawn. I moved away from Eugene after college for about 15 years, so I don’t know when it happened, but Phi Psi shut down a long time ago and that house has been other frats. Phi Psi were certainly public enemy #1 in my days for a while, though, come to think of it I think the UO shut them down a few times when I was still there. Nothing remotely like that has been happening for a long time in Eugene. The EPD went on a mean streak after the Halloween riots in 1997, and I’d say that partying in Eugene never even came close to recovering. I kind of laugh when people complain about loud students now, because before Y2K it seemed like every living soul anywhere near campus walked around with red solo cups every weekend, and cops didn’t do anything. This is when every five houses on a given block had a keg going- like a public service. The neighboring frats to Phi Psi are now Bushnell University buildings. Say what you will about frats, but they were a lot of fun before smartphones were a thing and the press went crazy seeing things on social media . I feel bad that Kappa Sigma is now a Christian school building. Kind of ironic seeing how much cocaine was done there.




For all I know there are some Phi Psi members on this sub so I don't want to criticize them too much. That said, the average age on Reddit skews much younger so I guess the odds are slim. I never went inside their house, but I do know they were so dysfunctional that they "went to war" with two other frats for a few weeks, and it involved the other two frats showing up with *literal* pitchforks, rakes, and shovels from a nearby construction site. Also, BB guns and baseball bats. The EPD did patrols for a few weeks under the direction of the UO administration on the weekends to stop anything else from happening. I guess it was like Romeo and Juliet, and Phi Psi was Tybalt.


Fuck, I skated around with solo red cups, and Adderall. Cause meth is bad. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Well, meth is extremely bad. I think people get some flak on this sub for the incessant posts about the availability of ADHD meds because they are probably thinking the people are snorting them like college kids do, but that's just not really the case for most adults.


No Phi "Psi" to be found when it comes to flat tires such as this.


Good Ole stience for the win!




But then it's only flat on the bottom.


I'm going to disagree here (it is Reddit after all). I've seen exactly this elsewhere - someone took out a colleague's tire by stabbing it a few times with a tire iron, sharp screwdriver, pry bar etc. We could never figure out why since he was one of the most decent folks you could imagine and his students all liked him a great deal - it may have been random. From the picture I see the other artifacts as impacts from the same tool missing its mark before connecting with the sidewall. The one just above it on the side of the wheel gives a clue about what was used - squared off tip and not enough force/hardness to deform the casting material - since the mark is about the same length as the sidewall cut just below it. Guessing further it's the prying end of a tire iron swung by someone who was peeved enough to do it and knew enough to go for the sidewall rather than through the belting under the tread.


after replacing the old battery, i drove the car then noticed the tire was flat. there was no puncture or loud hissing of air escaping when it was parked before the incident


I didn’t see before that there were angry notes left. I could see why that would be a reason to first suspect vandalism.


yeah i shoulda mentioned it lol


Dang… those wheels have seen some shit (curbs)


for real lol


Women lol sorry ladies


Yeah, because I don't know any dudes with road rashed wheels and tires. Men never beat their cars up.




I parallel park better than my male fiancé (I’m a woman), but yeah… for sure. It’s women.


I have to ask: What's the point of enabling the alarm if it's parked somewhere you can't hear it?


To potentially scare away someone screwing with it?


Interesting. If you were awakened by a car alarm at 3am and you saw someone screwing with the car, would you try to interfere or would you cheer him on in the hope that he'd stop the alarm?


If you're speaking to me, personally, I'd probably say something along "I hope that car is yours, because I already called the police."


I’ve done this many times, they do not care at all.


Did you actually call the police?


I’ve done that sometimes. I’ve also taken pictures of the people, left a note on the car with my number to call me and when they do I give them the pics. It never comes to anything. One person was even more angry I didn’t run out of my house to stop the thief, when even if I wanted to put that on myself, I was in my underwear on the second floor being woken up by that and they would’ve been long gone. Calling the cops is honestly useless. By the time I get someone they ask for a description which is useless, and in the hour it takes to get any cop by they are LONG gone.


Because the cops respond so promptly to a call like that


No, because that might drive the person away, if they're doing something shady. I have absolutely no illusions about our terrible police farce [sic].


To go t. Like I know it takes a decade and a half, but on the off chance it doesn’t… that could be a deterrent to someone fucking with a car. Extra points if you video tape to show the police when they do decide to show up.


I would interfere personally, but I know most people aren’t like that.


It’s a gamble, though. As a thief you might logically think “no one’s gonna bother me unless it’s their own car” but the alarm is an extra stressor on top of an already stressful activity. What you might logically think can get overridden, or simply not occur to you, because of the stress of the situation. I had a boss who used to steal car radios for meth, and I’d imagine was often impaired while doing it, so that impairment can also be a confounding factor. Either way, security measures often don’t keep people from fucking with your stuff or stealing them, they just extend the amount of time they have to spend doing it and I imagine the distraction and stress of blinking lights and blaring horn will hinder the progress of any would be thief.


“Stop the alarm” I wish! They just grab anything of value and leave lol.


Which obviously worked because everyone saw the huge crowd of vigilante crime stoppers prowling the area for the perfidious thief! Oh, wait, no. Actually everyone fucking ignored it and moved on with their lives except perhaps one asshole who possibly slashed the tire. Seriously though weird looking tire slash and honestly who just slashes *one* tire once they’re committed? I’ve usually seen all four or both on one side.


Ho boy lol. Potentially being the key word. Cars get broken into behind my house not un often and more often than not, I yell HEY, and either get no response as they keep digging through the car or just a “WHAT?!” Or “WHAT YOU GONNA DO?!” In response. There’s a stand up but by I think Chris rock about this. When people hear car alarms they don’t become Batman and go get stabbed for someone else’s car, they just get annoyed. Hell even if a cop was driving by they wouldn’t notice or probably investigate.


Oh yeah, I sincerely doubt that anything would happen. They know the police in our town are a bunch of posers, infiltrated by white supremacists and mad because we're not all bending over backwards worshiping them and wearing Punisher t-shirts. But since that's all I can do, at least it's an effort. I don't personally own a car here, and wouldn't. Luckily I mostly work from home. And before I trust a cop to help me I take care of a situation myself. That's why I carry.


I feel you. And I’ve given video evidence and followed people on the past which has lead to conviction and extra charges. There’s stuff you can do, and cops are usually not helpful but can be sometimes. I’ve had the very rare luck to have a couple detectives really go all in on a couple situations. I’ve also called them when someone was actively breaking into my home and they showed up three hours later.


i mentioned in the post, her battery is old and dying, the alarm trips out because of that


But you can disable the alarm altogether, right?


You can, but in some circumstances that can be more difficult than one would think. Some of them have backup batteries and are tied into a bunch of the car's systems. Aftermarket alarms can be a real nightmare sometimes.


Yes….. but it’s a large pain in the booty hope that’s for sure. At least for most modern cars.


I'm not sure that's a knife puncture - those are usually a triangle or oval. This might be an ice pick, road debris, or something else. It also looks like such a small puncture, it could've been a pocket-knife? But it's also so low to the ground. Idk! Sorry that happened to you, but it's an interesting puncture. I'm not a hundred percent sure it's a slashing or not.


that’s fair, just assumed because of the alarm situation and some angry notes left on the windshield


Wonder if the tire blowing out could have tripped the alarm? 🤔


Actually likely with a sensitive alarm. There’s just honestly no way to tell for sure unfortunately.


Did the notes actually say anything about the tires? Could have been a coincidence / really shitty day


I have wanted to leave angry notes on a windshield for similar reasons.


The white around the edges and slightly jagged hole reminds me a lot of what my tires looked like after someone slashed 2 of them last year.


An ice pick makes a very tidy puncture with no feathered edge. This was a knife. Probably a folding pocket knife, based on the perceived width of the cut.


How late was the alarm going off?


it was pretty early in the morning, of course we feel bad for it being a nuisance but whoever reacted that was seriously sucks


Early AM and a few hours of alarm. Sucks for you, but I'm not surprised that someone robbed of sleep reacted this way. It would have been far more productive to break a window, pop the hood, and disconnect the battery, but not everyone does their best work half asleep.


Slashing a tire doesn't make the alarm stop.


No one said it did. It’s momentary catharsis for someone whose sleep was likely severely disrupted. It’s wrong, no doubt. Understandable but wrong.


sure its understandable, but have some self control, completely unproductive anger. do they think we’re joyous over her alarm waking people up?


I doubt they considered any of that for a second. Personally I’ll have to take at your word you’re not leaving any details out, and either way what they did is wrong. But I’ve been that frustrated with someone or something, just takes some emotional maturity not to act on it.


It’s totally inconsiderate. OP is acting like they’re huge victims. IMO, they lose a few hours and money replacing a tire, while robbing a few hours of who KNOWS how many people of sleep and causing a few hours of frustration. And that’s just this one night. How long has this been going on?


The thing I always come back to is: this is an anecdote. An anecdote told to generate sympathy and feed a narrative about the city, and we have no idea which vital details OP chose to leave out, or if it’s even true to begin with. Personally I find it unconvincing they just didn’t notice their car alarm going off, or that it didn’t occur to check and make sure it wasn’t. And it’s highly possible this was just a ‘running the tires on the curb from being a shitty driver’ incident anyhow.


I think it’s pretty clear it was a known issue with the car they chose to not fix. Also don’t think it was slashed. Also thing they deserve the notes.


They probably think you’re entirely inconsiderate of others well being.


If you’re going to have an alarm that doesn’t auto shut off, you should be within hearing distance. Who knows how many days she ruined with that shit. I had a car out front of my house during the ice storms alarm malfunction and going off every ten minutes, for eight hours. Can’t tell you how aggravating that was for me, let alone the hundreds of apartments nearby.


well our apartments is consistently crowded, getting home at 9pm, sometimes she has to park out of the complex🤷‍♂️


The person was giving her the benefit of the doubt that she wasn't aware of how much her car is disrupting people's lives. I am not, especially after all of your excuses and justifications. She has options that don't include just shrugging it off and don't include disrupting the sleep of everyone around where she chooses to park. Obviously, replacing her battery is the best option, but sometimes that's out of price. If price isn't an issue, she's just being an ass. Batteries are one of the easiest parts of your car to replace. She's capable of taking it to Autozone for a charge, which isn't a long-term solution and can't be done indefinitely. She's capable of disconnecting the battery when she parks. She's not helpless here.


hi this is my car. not sure why people think they can assume everything about me from a post about my tire being slashed. which yes, it was slashed. sorry to disappoint all the women haters, but i have curbed these wheels twice in the three years i've had the car. it's a 24 year old used car, people have owned it before me, who knows how good they were at parking next to a curb. so no. i didn't curb it repeatedly until the tire "blew up". it's already been said - there is hardly anywhere to park in this complex once everyone gets off work. why would i want to park far away from my apartment? i would much rather be nearby my car. i didn't know this was going to happen. it's hilarious to see people saying "who knows how long this has been happening!?!! stop acting like a victim!!!!" it happened that one night and once before, but LUCKILY i was able to park next to my apartment that time. i did disconnect the battery that time. i'm not an idiot who doesn't know anything about cars, but i'll spare you the list of work i've done to this old POS. i had no clue this was going to be a repeated issue and thought it was a one time thing (the time prior to the tire slashing). "i don't believe she didn't hear it" yes you're so right!! i heard it all night and let it disrupt my sleep as well as others just for the fun of it! for fucks sake... anyway. i knew Eugene wasn't perfect, but i didn't know it was full of excuse makers who think it's totally okay to slash someone's tire when they're sleepy and upset. i would NEVER do this to someone. ever.


If you know the battery is dying then get a new battery.


Honestly, easier said than done.


Is it though? It’s about the easiest thing on your car to replace… on top of that, most places that will sell you a car battery will also put it in for you.


If you have AAA they’ll literally come to you and do it for you.


There are plenty batteries big enough that people have a hard time removing them. If they have the know how to know that their battery is dying and they take it in before its dead at home thats one thing. I appreciate the confidence that people have in the general public though with vehicles because I just do not see it at work. Last night I had a completely full shift one call after the other (more people are out and about with this improved weather I think) - Dead batteries, flat tires, hell I had a customer whom she did not realize why her car would not start because she had her husbands wireless key and not hers .... The night before last I responded to a person who put diesel in her unleaded standard tank.


Cars have a lot of nitpicky bits. Even before computers got added.


But is it the cheapest? Imo… anything you try to replace in a car is $30 or higher and if you’re making minimum wage…. Not exactly a possibility.


How? You go and buy a new battery and they usually put it in for free or you do it yourself.


I’ve never had someone offer to do it for free, and I’ve been too busy with work to do it myself. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The sidewall was probably pinched in one of the many meetings it had with the curb.


I unfortunately agree. This looks like curb damage, but I think people are also being super aggressive against op and I don’t agree with that.


Many years ago, one of my crumegenly neighbors kept a bowl of about $20 in dimes next to his front door.  His apartment was the only one directly facing the parking lot. If anyone was messing with cars, he would hear them and chase them off. However, he had a personal policy that if someone's car alarm went off more than three times in a night, their car got a fist full of dimes baseball thrown at it.  To all the neighbors, he was a hero. To whomevers alarm kept going off, he was a villan. Not saying what he did was OK. It was just something my crazy old Vietnam vet neighbor did.


I like this story. Did this happen in Eugene as well? Edited to add: incredibly surprised the dimes weren’t stolen lmao.


Yes. It was on campus in the early 2000s.  The dimes were inside his apartment next to the door.  He said thats what the dimes were for. Another neighbor told me about the dimes. I never understood what they meant as I didn't get what dimes would do to turn off the alarm. One night when we were all hanging out in the parking lot, I asked him about the dimes. He then explained what they did to a paint job and then it all made sense. 


That tracks. I was in middle school at that point. Probably why I don’t remember.


I can sympathize more with the slasher than with you and your girl. The slasher only impacted you two, while you impacted a whole neighborhood. Disable the alarm if you’re not gonna pay attention to it. I hope you learned a lesson.


That is 100% a slashed tire. The interior liner/ layer has a clean and precise cut. You can tell from the "treaded white dots on the inside" If it was a roadside puncture that second layer is typically "x" ed out because the pressure of the tire being in movement when the object hits the tire kind of blows the back end of the inner layer open. I respond to these types of calls for customers for a living working in roadside assistance, it's a slash. Then driving on the slash opened the exterior cut. It's also not uncommon for slashed tires to set off car alarms so who knows what came first. But JFC this sub reddit with all the victim blaming.


Why wouldn't they just break the window pop the hood and cut the cord like a civil person would


Curious if it was a big stupid "I'm definitely not compensating for anything" truck or something similar? ...asking for a friend


I’m not super familiar with trucks…. But the logo in the center of the wheel screams sedan or compact car to me. Again, I’m not an expert…. But that’s the feeling I get.


it's a 2000 honda accord... so no......


Please share pics of the angry notes too


I'm gonna go on the side of this doesn't look like a slashed tire. Idk what may have caused though


The only two suspects I can come up with are Ian and the chronic downvoters in this sub.


I’m sorry this happened to yall….


I can see both sides to this, a car alarm going off for hours is beyond annoying. Whoever did it was probably being driven up a wall. Maybe time to get a steering wheel anti-theft bar and ditch the alarm(I'm assuming it's after-market). Gotta say whenever I hear a car alarm going on for what seems like forever, I genuinely hope a thief is at work. Car alarms suck fucking balls.


I’m sorry that happened to her, but I think it’s most likely road damage. Screwdrivers and blades look different. I used to be a police officer in a city in the Midwest where I did take these reports all the time, because we actually showed up when called.


Your description of what happened r/brandnewsentence




That would be a good start.