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I’m on team Bi-Mart here. Every upvote of this comment is a vote for team Bi-Mart. Let the people of Eugene make their ruling!


Right? Pay the $5 and keep a local business in business


Holy shit dude, it's $5 for a lifetime membership for a bad ass store. Get a goddamn hold of yourself


Hasn't that always been the case?




This is how Bi-Mart has always worked. If you’ve been getting in free for ten years, congrats, I guess. And now you’re eligible for Lucky Number Tuesdays!


You've been getting into bi-Mart without having to show a membership card for 10 years, and now they're asking for one. Their membership has been five dollars for as long as I can remember which is about four decades.


Yep! Still have the one I purchased in 1982 for $5. Those little plastic cards are *durable*!


I bought mine when it was 2$, then had to rebuild at 5$


This post is hilarious 😂


I guess we *do* have to give OP credit for doing something outside the standard Eugene meta.


But seriously, why does it smell like that over there?


If you are smelling cordite and gun powder , that really was me this time. I had a bad dream they overturned rent protections and doubled rent next year. I put in some OT trying to reduce property values.


That's what all that noise was about, then? Could explain all the cops too! Quick question, you ever stiff a door dasher?


I have some old 00 buck that I was cycling out (noise), the cops are after a criming in progress. I never stiff a delivery person, always tip. The only time I ever flag it as not delivered, you might i.agine, is when it isn't delivered (this happens rarely thankfully). That is the bargain in thr arrangement - you actually deliver to my address.


What does Ian look like?


Complaining about trivial BS is the core meta for this sub.


Yesterday I wanted to say there were a dozen "what's that sound" threads, maybe more. So this was a breath of slightly less stale moldy air.


You go to a membership store and complain they have a membership requirement? I hope you are sitting down, local gyms require a membership in order to use their facilities too. I'm looking forward to your Planet Fitness rant.


People do it about Costco all the time. If you don’t like it, don’t shop there.  You know what never happens to me at Costco? I shop and it’s a normal experience.  Everywhere else? People getting in fights, people asking me for money in the aisles while I am shopping, people throwing up, people running out the door with a cart full of groceries, etc. 


Lol, those things don't happen everywhere else with any sort of regularity that could ever justify a Costco membership. There are certainly ways to justify a Costco membership, but that's simply not it. Also, I've puked in a Costco. Them free samples can be a gamble.


Haha.  I guess a lot of my experience is in Portland. I can tell you with certainty that those things happen with regularity in just about every grocery store in Portland.  I’ve seen it happen it smaller town grocery stores too. Just with less regularity. 


West 11th Walmart too.


You just haven’t lived in those places, mapwny.


I have lived all over the US, been in all manner of grocery stores. Experiences inside them aren't really all that variable, MarionberryNeither90.


I haven't been inside a Costco in over 10 years. I forgot they were a membership (good point).


Maybe it's just you?


That’s true. The NPCs are performing a variety of performance art for me.  I need to take this game off gross mode. 


BiMart was founded in 1955 and has been doing memberships since its inception.


It was $5 back in 1991. The fact it’s never gone up is a testament how crazy cheap it is these days.


My parents each got their own $5 memberships in their younger years in like the 60s/70s. I have my dad’s old cardboard green membership card. He passed in 2012 and one number is not recognizable. I’m an ex-Bimart employee and remember customers coming in and trying to one-up each other on how long they’ve been members based on their cards. It’s a status thing.


They did memberships to begin with so they could charge under retail price when there were laws about that. Now they do it so they don't have to factor shrinkage into their pricing. The fee is basically enough to print the card and have you on the books.


LMAO you're one of THOSE people. Good riddance.


This is how they've always been. They just stopped carding people during covid. Just going back to it.


“But they finally called me on it so I’m mad!”


It’s been that way forever. Small fee, lifetime membership. It’s not a new money grab.


Somebody here needs a slappin', alright. 


Complain about BiMart? That's a paddlin'.


This has to be a troll right? 


I love people who think the rules don’t apply to them. Just pay the $5 or don’t shop there. Seems pretty simple.


its 'all of a sudden', not 'all the sudden'


BI-MART has ALWAYS required cards and $5 membership, but they’ve been generously lax about enforcing it. Probably because a lot of folks require the riles to be enforced before they’ll follow them (gee, who does that sound like???) Get over it. Pay your $5, get your lifetime membership and shop there, or don’t. Just stop bitching about them enforcing rules that have been in place for many decades.


Its been like this forever, my bimart card is from 2014. You from Oregon?


I had to get a new one - mine was from the early 1980s


My parents got me a card, when I was 13. I'm 43.


This was me a couple years ago when I got kicked out of Costco wanting to go into the food court.. now I'm back there with the executive card like the bad bitch I am 😏


They used to not crack down on that. It’s how I fed myself a bunch in college 🤣


Ahahaha! Same until I got "caught" lol


I love Bi-Mart


Where "dose" Bi-Mart get off? They don't, at least not since last year. No more doses- they dropped their pharmacy. Rumor has it too many freeloaders were sneaking in without paying the low one-time lifetime membership fee of $5 so they had to make cuts beginning with the pharmacies that primarily served our elderly community. OP should start a GoFundMe to help finance the oppressive Bi-Mart membership fee and maybe some spelling lessons.


r/eugene is the best


I love Bimart. Its like one of those old people supply catalogs, a hodge podge of stuff.


This is the most accurate description ever. You can buy knives, guns, ammo, fishing gear, hunting gear, clothes, shoes, food, medicine, they've even got electronics and they used to have a mediocre but shoppable music selection in a pinch. I used to skip school and walk to the bimart down the road and shoplift my fishing supplies for after-school food gathering. We were poor af even though we owned 43 acres of land. That farming life wasn't a windfall. But being surrounded by two rivers, we ate a lot of rainbow trout and salmon that I had to catch instead of doing homework.


Gr8 b8 m8 8/8


They must’ve changed policy again recently. They stopped checking for a long time at my local (JC) but asked for the card last time I was in. Told them I didn’t have it on me because they hadn’t been asking for so long. No biggie, they let me in and asked me to bring it next time. Just have to remember where I set down that little yellow bugger.


I just got my yearly check from Costco. It was about a third more than what the membership is. I think they base it on how much you spend during the year. My wife buys a lot of stuff for our three grandchildren so we spend a bunch I guess. Regarding my Bi-mart card. I moved away for ten years after getting my membership in the 80’s. When I came back I went to redo the membership. The River Road store still had my card in the file box and just gave it to me. I miss their pharmacy.


I don’t shop there…but only because twenty years ago a dude told my little blonde 19 year old self to “come back when I had a brain” when I needed to ask a question about a tool I knew nothing about. So it’s purely a matter of my own PTSD issue- still have my little plastic card though.


Is this…a joke?


It’s worth $5 to shop there because you’ll never feel as young as you do when shopping there and looking around


Apparently no one here has seen a super obvious troll before lol


Is a Cis-straight welcome at Bi-Mart ? Asking for a friend…


No. Sorry


Where “dose” Bi-Mart get off!!!(?) I have been pulling out my little yellow membership card for years for entry and they never look at it… and yet the OP gets asked?! #cardenvy


This rant can't be about $5. What's really getting you?


Pay the $5. You've been going to Bi-Mart for 10 years and don't know they are owned by their employees?


Always been $5 for life smh..


I have my grandpa's card and they still let me in...


I have had mine since 1976. I got it at the Bi-Mart in Ashland when I went to college.


I’m the opposite, they made me buy one when I first moved here 7 years ago, then they NEVER asked for it.


There's always been a 5.00 member fee be happy it hasn't raised over the years


Boo hoo...


Decrease your dose a bit there my friend.


I feel like we found Ian.


If you aren't voting for trump, I'll venmo you the $5 bucks if you can't afford the membership. It's a good store.


I am not voting for trump


…It has always cost money to shop there…and you pay it once in your lifetime. And honestly they don’t really care. I have let them know I didn’t have my card and I think one time in entire existence an employee made me wait while they looked me up. You can also just walk in behind someone else to get in. I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. I do have a paid membership.


>I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. Oh, I can help you with that.   It's either: * because you mentioned "walking in behind someone else to get in (without a card)." or * because you mentioned being downvoted.   People hate both of those things.


First Trump, then covid, now this bi-mart gate. This country is going down hill. And we all know who to blame. Henry Kissinger; may he burn in hell.


You really need to up your troll game. This is some freshman level game right here


I refuse to believe someone can be this stupid.