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I saw the wreck. It was a pretty gnarly one but I don’t know if there were injuries. A car was trying to pull out of the BestMed Urgent Care attempting to get across to go northbound on Coburg Road. A car in the nearest lane had stopped and left a gap and the car pulled out. What they failed to realized was that the far lane had not stopped and there was a car coming southbound and a pretty good clip. Probably 30mph or so and slammed into the car trying to get across the two lanes. Both rigs had airbags deploy and were spun around and into the turn lane. So…once again, don’t assume when someone stops to let you out that the other lanes will do the same! I reminded my driving kids of that tonight. I get trying to be polite but sometimes you create a hazard for other drivers. Of course, the nice driver isn’t at fault and the car trying to get across the two lanes was but they nice driver did inadvertently create a false sense of security.


I would argue the car attempting to be polite is half at fault for this accident. I was always taught when driving to be predictable not polite. They may have thought they were being helpful but they allowed this accident to occur. This is a huge problem on campus as well with everyone being so fucking impatient and letting students cross halfway without knowing whether or not the other half of the intersection is clear.


Yep. Always be predictable.


I agree. You should never stop for a car or pedestrians if doing so impedes traffic and causes risk. It is my understanding that the person who waved the person in is also at fault. I know it seems like the kind thing to do, but it's really not. Be patient out there.


Yes! This!!!


A lot of times one lane is stopped while the other has traffic moving. Are we sure this wasn't the case? If so, I'd put no blame on the "polite" car and partial blame on the southbound driver because anytime you're next to stopped traffic you should expect cars trying to pull out.


This is EXACTLY how I got into my first accident ever (I was new driver as a teen). Have never trusted another driver “waving me by” since then. Luckily no injuries and somewhat minimal damage, but it was a good lesson to only trust yourself as a driver and not others.


I would add that if you see a car stopped somewhere unexpected slow down. Expect that a car or pedestrian may be crossing, proceed when you confirm it’s clear.


I hate when people do this in these situations to me, 40% of the time too they get mad and throw there hands up as if I’m some sorta idiot who caused them a inconvenience, when they are the one who stopped on their own and the other lane naturally doesn’t give a damn


Thank you. This is helpful.


If someone lets you in because traffic is already pretty much stopped, it should not give you the idea you can *cut across that lane and into the far lane without looking.* Get into the near lane and then use your mirrors to determine when you can safely move over to the next lane. Not the polite drivers fault, if traffic was already at a stop. When it's a pedestrian instead of a car, yeah the polite driver is an AH because they *know* that pedestrian wants to cross the whole way and are putting them in danger. The pulling out driver was the idiot.


The crash I found on the CAD call page shows one person was transported to RBH. Not dead.




Eugene cannot drive at all. The amount of busted up cars I see on the road is just sad




You know you *don't have to answer at all,* right? It's ok to just not even click on the post.


Excuse me very much, this is a \*car accident\* post, of which there are marginally fewer than \*crime\* or \*did you hear that sound\* posts. ;) Really, though, in the absence of a remotely functional local news media, this is the kind of crap we have to resort to to figure out what's going on. Not that a single car accident is front-page news, but my kid was shaken up by what they saw and thinks that someone is dead. I am trying to gather information to take back to them.


OP is the only one so far with an eye witness. Granted eye witness *testimony* in court is suspect and circumstantial, it's more than we have access to right now.


re: 👀 account… https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/02/nyregion/assault-police-lineup.html


You’re a waste of everyone’s time.