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What’s that Tundra doing in the Ram parking space?




Always a Ram 😆




This made me laugh.


Well done! Seems like it's rare to see a Tundra or Tacoma with obvious roadwhore wheels like that so it's a double WTF whammy.


Bumper sticker checks out, anyhow.


What does being poor have to do with parking in a disabled parking space?


I didn't mean it was relevant...just that it was accurate.


It doesn't specify financially poor. It's clear that the driver does a poor job of reading signs.


Poor social skills


The more I see this shit the more I think that a handicap parking permit should double as a permit to carry a bazooka in your car.


There was a moment where I actually considered driving into it by accident. I don't even really like my car.


Handicap permit should come with a ticket book and the authorization to issue tickets.


What a TuRD


That is a wheelchair ramp they parked on, correct? That takes a special kind of stupid.


Special kind of republican




Those tires are terrible!


Say it isn’t so? A pickup driver being a nozzle?


You checked to see if there was a disabled tag, right? Depending on the disability, using the space like this can make sense. I really hope you checked before posting. Otherwise...fuck this turd. I would not be surprised if this was a tRumpster.


Yeah, no hang tag. I suppose it could have been on the dash, though, but not obvious.


I appreciate the fact you left the license plate visible.


Would be a shame if sugar somehow ended up in the tank… 🤷‍♂️


An inconsiderate action from one person doesn't mean a purposeful negative response from the receiving person, let alone a 3rd party.


shut up hippie


It feels like an extra punch in the face with how miserable the weather is today. You know they felt extra entitled because of the awful rain


Big red truck, small….




Imagine bragging about making yourself poor by ruining a perfectly functional 4x4 with your hideously oversized and stupidly offset brodozer wheels. This shit is cancer already without the added douchebaggery of parking your urban assault vehicle in a handicapped spot.


We should pass a Good Samaritan law, just like a dog or a child in a hot car, you can break the windows.


Food delivery somewhere near near Olive St.?


No... lazy ass hole at Trader Joes.


Oh, didn't know you met the driver and talked about why they parked there. Did they have a long day?


Dude is that your fucking truck or something?


They parked on the ramp. There is no excuse for this. I can't think of an acceptable reason for why someone would park here.


That is most definitely Ian


A lifted truck?! I’m shocked I tell ya!


I'm mean to be fair, they're clearly disabled.


That was a good one, too.




You seem obsessed. Are you okay?


I always have a pocket knife with me. Tires are flattened weekly lol. The reactions when an idiot comes out to see 3 tires slashed is priceless. Makes my day. Ruins theirs.


Nah you don’t


I worked in security for 15 years from entry level to operations management and I learned to just stop giving a shit about assholes like this because believe it or not I would say like 9/10 are just being careless ignorant assholes but there is always that guy that has a legitimate excuse.


Post one “legitimate” excuse you have heard.


1. I requested a tow on a vehicle parked in a handicap spot at an apartment complex without a handicap placard. The tow truck comes out to tow the vehicle and a guy comes out with two canes as he suffered from sort of palsy condition and he explained that his car was broken into the night before and had their placard stolen but he could not use that car to make it to work because the locks and window was busted so he used a relatives car until he could get it fixed and could not make it to the DMV until the following day. The parking there was terrible and there were no available spaces so he parked in the handicap spot. 2. I was driving through an HOA doing my security patrol and I noticed a car parked with their lights flashing in the red zone which was an extremely common thing and a lot of stupid people do this thinking its legal. I decided I would bypass it that moment and if it was there on my next patrol I would tow it. It was there on my next patrol. I towed it. The next night I get a call for a noise complaint at the same HOA and I approach the house and the vehicle I towed the night before was parked in the driveway. When I approached the house I realized they were having a memorial/ type service as a young child had been killed and they were doing a remembrance ceremony with candles and stuff and the neighbor was being a douche bag and calling it in. One of the family members was pretty upset with me because we towed the mother of the slain childs car. I got no other explanation but I can only imagine she got the news and in her distraught state she parked the car there not thinking. However, the most common and most frequent legitimate excuses I have heard - Several handicap placards stolen, hell we even had a guy who had his license plate stolen WHILE parked at a Target parking lot. I was a manager at the time but we got the Loss Prevention officer to send us the footage and sure enough a guy parked in the handicap spot and some asshole stole his handicap license plate and swapped it with another which is what you can get in California in lieu of a placard. But the most common one was that they forgot their handicap placard and they bring it to the security guard or the driver or the impound lot to prove they just forgot it. Looking at this photo it looks like an asshole who is just parking there to be an asshole but I have had people demand we write someone a ticket for parking like that only to find out that the person again forgot their placard or parked that way because the other handicap spot blocked their wheelchair access so they had to park in the cross hatch versus the marked spot to get in and out so they sort of double park. As I said, 9/10 its an asshole but that 1/10 is not they are just forgetful, struggle with mental illness, CTE or forgetfullness and they pay the price for it.


Why post here. Just call the non-emergency line. An easy donation to the city.


You don’t know how this city works do you?


Lol exactly


That;s not how any of that works.


If the cops actually did anything, they would have already ticketed and fined him for having tires that stick out too far. People change their behavior when there are consequences.