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If you in low sec and 1 person other than you is in local.. he's hunting you... use dscan to see if someone is close (won't work for cloakys tho). Best advice is look up on YouTube for dscan tips. And watch that like a hawk!!


I'll look into dscan


You should be so use to pressing dscan, that you press it even when you don’t need it. I made a fortune mining gas in wormhole space (not sure if that’s still the case) and dscan is life. You can also narrow it down from a 360 degree scan, to a 15 degree scan, click on a point of interest to adjust you camera in that direction. Hit the scan, and determine if there are or are not ships there. It has a limited range, so you have to be close enough to reach the point of interest. Stay safe out there o7.


Defensive dscanning is such an awful mechanic in this game. The requirement to repeatedly spam a key as gameplay took me back to that old Olympics game. Admittedly I don’t have a much better suggestion, but if they could create a more interesting meta game around it, it could make a very dull part of the game that bit better.


Thank you!


Wormhole gas is not as valuable as it once was. Lowsec gas is where it's at right now


I ain’t played in years, but I was making 1bil a week per ship. My CEO had to ask me to stop because he couldn’t keep up with the transport.


Cloakie-d scan immune ships (ie curse) this does not work, careful in wormholes


Yes in wormholes there are no local. This is how we hunt and also avoid being hunted. Dscan skill is like life or death.. super super handy


dscan has always been so ingrained in me that I find myself compulsively scanning every 30 seconds while cloaked and scanning down sigs in a wormhole while in a safe spot.


If I'm mining, I literally spam it constant... Never lost a ship in a year of wormholes In vital gas sites, it is literally impossible to catch me. That's porp fleet with coveters.. many have tried many have failed.


I do the same in pochven. If I'm screwing around in prospects I'll even wait for them to land before disappearing


Yeah I made a metric fuck ton in there with a retriever fleet


I've been throwing a few noobs into it and they are loving the money and how spooky it is


Dscan can be altered to only scan a certain direction instead of all around you. This guy likely saw that you were in a mining ship, turned his dscan to 5%, and scanned each asteroid belt until he found you


Ensure you do, I don't mean to sound demanding but DSCAN is the single most powerful tool for defensive and offensive gameplay in Eve. In a fair game of cat and mouse it's whoever is better at DSCAN will be the winner.


I'm prepared to be the loser until I get good at the game, dscan and the rest. :)


Change the keyboard shortcut to the space bar.


Answer of your questions : 1. How did he know ? He knows where did you warp because he looks at your ship and where did you align and fallow the line . If he miss he can easily quick d scan . If you did not warp to your own safe bookmark you are busted ! 2 outside the station : Same goes for the stations . When you undock you need a properely made instadock bookmark . Esp if it is a kickout station . If it is not and if he agress you outside of the station you can dock back asap as long as you are not outside the docking ring and you do not have any weapon timer . Yes there are gate guns around gates etc .. but it is possible for him to reset them . If he already engage you and made a shot then he can warp off when he is back gate guns ignore him and he can complete the job without getting bothered by the gate guns . We call it resetting gate guns . Esp if pilot is in smaller ship with not so much tank, and no logi in fleet to hold the gate guns they apply this technique .. bigger ships can hold and survive over the damage from gate guns enough time till kill you than warp off . Bonus info for you : if im chasing someone to kill and esp if i see him decloak at the gate before me i look at his ship close to see what type of guns the ship has . The second i see the guns i knew his range and with knowledge about the hull i can make a aprx guess about rest of his fit . By knowing my ships engagement profile i can evaluate and decide about the strategy , how i will pilot , commit to fight or not , i fallow his alignement and warp direction and check the stuff on that direction first than go after if i committed .. all those happens in short seconds ..


Knowing how to d scan is very important. https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Directional_scanning There might be good videos on utube. Please look there. If your mining in low sec, someone comes in systems, it's automatic to assume they coming for you. Hid, cloak or dock, use bookmarks. Join a Corp, corps good ones, teach how to use the tools in eve, if they aren't or don't know they are not a good Corp for you.


Lots of my friends change their dscan hotkey to the spacebar. Cheers, one day you may become the hunter. I suggest talking to Dark Venture corporation whenever wormholes sound interesting to you.


Good tip, thanks!


If someone hasn’t said it already, you can be a little safer mining the edges of the belt rather than middle near the beacon. Warp to the beacon, bookmark a rock, then warp off and back to the rock. Harder for someone to catch you that way unless they have a cloak or a cloaked friend.


Or just train into Recons and mine in a Lach like a pro /s


Clever lol


Welcome to Eve brother


Thank you! Haha I figured I didn't really begin playing until I left high sec and got owned at least once.


Thats the spirit. Too many players get stuck on losing a ship and are afraid to take chances and frankly never learn to survive in a hostile enviroment and rather complain how game is unfair because others can shoot them.


Very early on I was warned about "never flying something I can't afford to lose". Useful tip and helps put the inevitability of losing my ship into perspective. Though this event does make me feel stupid for selling my second venture because I wanted to "clean up" my hanger hahaha


Ships are essentially consumables in Eve.


I like that comparison.


Ships are ammo


I have about 30 Ventures and I don't even fly Venture anymore, generally. Whether or not I also happen to mass produce Ventures for my Alliance is irrelevant, because those 30 or so are specifically mine.


That's a lot of ventures!


Exactly, they refuse to change how they play and adapt. They cry about how unfair it is when it's actually them that's the issue.


> I figured I didn't really begin playing until I left high sec and got owned at least once. My first trip to lowsec, not understanding anything about the game: Oh, there's another player. Huh, he's red. And blinking. That seems bad. I am dying. I am dead.


Same thing happened to my friend. Took a retriever into .4 space for jaspet waaay back in the day and got waxed by a Dramiel. Lowsec is a problem if you don't come property equipped, or come at it with the right mentality and understanding. Once you have those, it's... manageable.


>How did he know which asteroid belt I went to? >How did he know which station I went to? He saw you warp there. And if he didn't he used the directional scanner to find where you were. >Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations? That's low sec, which is below 0.5. In low sec, station and gate sentry guns will still attack people committing a crime, but it's not difficult to tank those. There is no Concord to protect you in low sec.


Okay, thank you!


HS 1.0 to 0.5 Allowes ganking the aggressive ship gets Concorded. With 1.0 the fastest Concord safe, and 0.5 the longest time till Concord shows up. All systems of 0.5 and below have moons you can prepare to mine with a player station. LS lower the. 0.5 Tacking on Stargates and Stations will turn on Stargate guns + station guns to shoot the aggressor. Also no Dictor bubbles, Warp Bubles, Hic Bubles are allowed but the Warp DD of the new t2 dreadnoughts. So you can only be snacked by something with a disturber / scrambler. 2nd best way to make isk by mining Null sec 0 - -1.0 No protection from Stargate or station, all things are allowed including Drag Bubles on gates and HIC/DIC Bubles. Bigger groups "Null Blocks" created ingame Chennels to report hostile players (not blue). To warn the nightbour system players of the same block. Better then HS but worse then LS & Wh space in terms of mining unless it's some types of moons. Worse in terms of ratting income then Wh space but safer in comparison. Wh space. Nullsec but without a local chat display of ppl in system. Only way to know if there is something is the use of dscan. Ppl only show up in local if you talk. 1st best location to make isk similar to pochven which is also wh space but the trig one.


Thank you! I could follow what you were saying except for what is Pochven and Trig?


The triglavians are a faction obsessed with triangles (you can see their ships in the ship tree). in a story event a few years back they invaded and peeled away a collection of systems to form a separate loop of stars that is only accessible by wormholes and filament teleportation, and that region is called Pochven. It’s very dangerous space with no local chat to warn you if people are in system, but it has some of the most valuable rocks and combat anomalies in the game.


This is interesting to me, as I am a new player. Are you saying he knows what destinations are around him and in what direction, and based on which direction you aligned he made an educated guess about which station you jumped to? That’s how I read it so making sure I’m understanding, thanks!


You just physically look where the ship warps away. If it's towards a cluster of potential destinations then you just pick the most likely one (i.e. probably a stargate not some random moon).


Hey mate one more thing other guys didn't tell you yet. Don't pick the nearest lowsec, find a quiet one. Open your star map and there will be a toggle on top to view different statistics colour coded per star system. It says sovereignty by default I think. Check pilots in space last hour, kills last hour, jumps last hour to find your perfect spot.


I did wonder if selecting the first option from the agency resource harvesting asteroid belts choices was the most likely candidate to get seen. Thank you for this info! I'm gonna look into this. Surely there's quiet systems for me to find like you've shown and then if people appear in local I can just bolt. Different experience because in high sec I just scrolled reddit while waiting for my mining hold to fill up hehe


The agency window just sort by distance I think. Which often is an entry point from highsec to lowsec - the most active lowsec there is.


Yeah figured. Like a moth to the flame!


There is one career agent mining missions that requires you to mine a little kerning and it spawns enough in high sec just for the mission. If you have a empty mining hold on your Venture you are able to get the AIR mission completed as well. Don't forget to reprosses it all afterwards for the other AIR mission. If you mess up and forget, just start another career missions with a different agent in another starting area.


This would be a convenient way to get that box ticked! Thank you!




The AIR harvesting achievement thingy requires me to mine my own. Haven't done any kind of exploration or hidden sites, unless this was part of the tutorial I did in 2020. Exploring in high sec space can get me kernite nodes? Shouldn't I be using an exploration ship for that anyway instead of a venture?


There aren't hidden mining sites anymore. All ore is at anomalies which don't need to be scanned down with probes.


It's not a mining career agent, it's one of the industry agent ones. If you fit your venture with enough shield tank, you don't have to kill the rat that spawns, so the mission doesn't progress. That means you'll get your own little pocket of kernite that respawns every day at downtime, and the only annoyance is that you're getting weak hits from a rat the whole time you're mining. Also, if you want way higher risk/reward, look into WH gas mining. Most wormholes are empty, and each haul of gas is worth ~12 mil isk for 15 min.


Wow that is a lot of ISK. Sounds worth suiciding into considering the minor loss of a venture. I haven't looked into how to get to wormholes yet.


> Sounds worth suiciding into considering the minor loss of a venture. The catch is that gas scoops cost ~4 mil each, but I've found the rate at which I lose them is only ~1 in 10 trips, so the profit/loss ratio stays comfortable. Some basics to keep in mind RE wormholes: Use a cheap scanning-bonused ship (probe/heron/imicus,etc) to find WHs and to probe-scan all the signatures within the WH, then come back with the venture to harvest gas. Try to find WHs in backwater systems, ideally 5+ jumps from a trade hub, maybe 8+ if that hub is Jita. When you find a WH and get close to it, you can rt-click to show info. If it says "won't last another day" that's fine. If it says "This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime" it can collapse behind you. Don't go in then. When you go in, **immediately drop a bookmark** so you can find your way back if you warp off, then check the J##### system number into the website: http://anoik.is/systems That site will show if anyone lives there: Check for recent/many kills by 1 corp. Also check the times kills occur in. No recent kills or not by the same corp means probably nobody lives there. Make a "safe" bookmark where you can fly in a straight line with MWD on while your scanner probes scan down the system. Also, if you need to scan your way out of a WH, on the website http://anoik.is/systems you can see "statics". If one of the statics is "hi-sec" then you just need to scan for that WH and jump through. Lastly, look up the specific type of gas site so you don't jump into the kind with 1-shot turrets. And start a 15 min timer when you jump to the other sites because enemies can spawn between 15-20 min after entering a gas site.


When I did it I just suicided into low sec. Got a miner with bare minimum equipment and mined as much as I could. The mission only requires you mine it. It doesn't say anything about bringing it back. Once it is mined however many attempts it takes I just buy Kernite locally and refine that. It costs isk but it doesn't break the bank and the SP you eventually get from AIR is more than worth it in my book


That's one way to do it.. I have a new venture and it was nothing but two mining turrets on it.


This... It's the 8th mission... Use t1 to avoid the ore loss


Kernite also spawns in a few of the security career missions. You can shoot some baddies, go home to grab a mining ship, and safely mine a hauler full of kernite.


>How did he know which asteroid belt I went to? Learn how D-scan works, you can point your ship to a direction of a belt with a thin angle and see if there are ships there. Watch a couple of youtube vids on d-scanning it's a very diverse and powerful tool both for defense and offense. >How did he know which station I went to? Most likely simply watched the direction you warped off to. It's a good practice to have safe bookmarks in random spots in the system, that way the only way someone can find you is with combat probes. >Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations? 0.0, but station and gate guns are fairly weak and easy to pop a small target and run away unscathed. >What can I do to get my own kernite? Choose empty systems and either dock or leave system the second someone appears in the local chat.


Thanks for the info!


Imagine lowsec as the Wild West or frontier of the days of old. Be suspicious of everyone that enters local.


Yeah I got a cool tip about being able to see where players are and getting out of there as soon as I'm not the only one on local chat. There's lots and lots of good advice, some of it is a bit much for right now considering I'm just getting started. I just want that kernite for the AIR bonus lol


It's alot to take in.....and even after you know alot "pvp stun lock" (freeze up,make mistakes) is a thing especially when you're solo. There are people with 20 years experience in this game.


Wow what a great approach. I see most have already posted good answers here. I would also suggest to reach out to the person that killed you. They may act like an asshole but a surprising amount of players are happy to give advice to new players if it’s asked for in the same humble way you did in your post. Personally it always made my day to get happy questions about what the heck happend and I would always reimburse the ship I killed plus give pointers. Good luck in the future and welcome to EVE :)


I did try this before going to reddit! Unfortunately the guy just said that I shouldn't go to low sec if I don't want to die. Then I found myself in the chat alone. But my questions still needed answering! Luckily I got great advice here.


He sounds like a prick lol. That actually pisses me off a bit.


Haha honestly it's kinda what I expect from people that get easy ganks :p I did make it clear I wasn't mad about it and that id love to learn how he was so fast.


From the sounds of it OP was probably flying a venture or something equally not worth killing. It takes a person of low character to actually chase something like that to a belt AND THEN station.


At least EvE allows you a method to deal with those emotions lol


if i kill a newbro in a venture I always feel bad, and I'll drop them a note, if they react well, they get reimbursed, if they are assholes they get nuffin :)


Is it weird to say I wish you had killed me instead? Haha


It makes an effective recruitment strategy :)


I'll believe it!


To answer your questions, DSCAN, dscan, gate guns and station guns only at 0.4 and below and they can easily be tanked. To mine kernite, do what you did, but dock up not just sit outside station. Mine in empty systems, check dscan defensively, create safe spots and perches.


Thanks! Nobody mentioned perches yet, what are those? You are the second person to mention creating safe spots, how do I do this?


Bookmarks you set either far off on grid or off grid. So while warping to an object, press Ctrl-B I believe to bring up the book mark window, press save location while in warp and about to exit warp, so around where it turns to 10-5km away from the destination. This will give you an easy warp point to warp away without warping to a specific object. Making it so they have to burn 10km to you, or use combat probes. Anytime someone comes into system, warp to your perch, check dscan for probes and chill until they leave or you confirm they are hunting you.


Alright. I'll look into this, thanks!


Control-B to make new bookmarks, and when you right click on nothing in space you can see your bookmarks in a list, at the bottom. Find a naming convention that works for you. Also, I believe pressing L brings up the saved bookmark window as well.


Taking notes haha a lot to keep in mind


pressing L gives you the "all bookmarks" window. In there, look for the "local bookmarks" folder. That one has a symbol "open in window" icon next to it. Once you have opened the local bookmarks in their own window, place it on some convenient spot on your screen and never close it again - it will always show the bookmarks you have in the current system and is the very most convenient way to access the bookmarks you actually need to use when in that system. The "all bookmarks" window can be closed after you have the local one, but the last UI update unfortunately removed the hotkey to get the local bookmarks immediately.


"How did he know which asteroid belt I went to?" its called D-Scan its a tool all player have access to and allows you to scan in a big bubble or pinpoint in a 14 au radius, its easy to point the camera at a asteroid belt and narrow the come and hit scan "How did he know which station I went to?" when you warp away you leave a trail like a beam of light heading to the destination so they saw where you warped to and went there also "Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations?" afaik not in lowsec, there is always a few turrets around


Ohhh people have been saying he probably looked in the direction I warped off to, but the light trail thing makes a lot of sense too, helps spotting where someone went.


next time you land at a station, dont just turn off your engines and chill, dock up nobody can kill you if you are in your hangar spinning your ship, people can kill you anywhere in space regardless of the security levels


Yes that was a rookie mistake I won't be making again!






Yup, that was one of my first experiences in EVE.


Hopefully this brings up fond memories :D


Lol, I still don't know how to survive all that well but it's okay )


So long as we're having fun, eh?


why mine the kernite in low sec.... the tutorial agents give you a mission that has enough of the kernite you need for the AIR career program


I did the tutorials back in 2020 and also finished the Sisters of Eve epic arc, I guess this was before AIR because I don't remember it nor do I have for example the AIR achievement for doing 1 epic arc. I was actually in the sisters of Eve base for the final quest 42 jumps away from my home base. I think in 2020 I did tutorials, sisters of Eve epic arc and then quit immediately after.


Just an FYI, you can do the Sisters of Eve epic arc multiple times. I believe it's every 90 days.


There are 3 tutorial systems per faction just so you know


I mine ALOT in dangerous space. If there is someone in local, dock. Almost guanranteed to never die.


I will keep this in mind! I did make it away and would've been fine but I learned the hard way that no concord means even being near a base doesn't work.


Good advice above, but also, I highly suggest this tool if you need Intel on local https://localthreat.xyz/ Click into the local player list, hit control+A, then control+C, then paste it into localthreat with control+V. Sort by kills descending. Gives you a readout of each character's high level kill board stats and recently used ship. It's an absolute godsend for any and all pve in lowsec.


There are three types of eyes in Eve, four of you count the actual graphics... The most obvious one is your overview that shows you things within a range of around a few thousands of kilometers, it's very thorough information with speeds, names, ship types, etc. The next is your directional scanner, or D-scan, you choose an angle, and a radius up to 14ish AU, and it reports what types of things are at those locations, no names, just general groupings like the type of ship. 14 AU is typically a large portion of a system, sometimes the whole system, but sometimes the system is very large, and it's just a small portion. If you increase radius slowly from 0 you can rapidly narrow down where a target is to a single planetary orbit, which with moons and belts can still be several places, so you narrow the angle and hold V and click each spot to find the one they're at. If you're hiding it's best to not be near anything. Which brings us to combat probes, which can see things anywhere in system, and allow you to warp to ones that aren't near a celestial, but the info and ability to warp depends on signal strength, with 100% required to warp. You could blanket a system with them to see roughly where things are too though. Most likely, in this case, you were found with a combination of directional scanner, and just seeing what direction you warped off in. Mastering these things is important for both offense and defense in places other than high sec. Also most NPCs don't appear on these scans other than overview. The ones that do tend to be very strong, but not all strong NPCs are scannable


Everyone has already mentioned the dscan, watching where you warped, and provided all kinds of other great advice. (Find a system without someone in it, and watch your own dscan when they come in!) One other small thing you said was that there was only 4 asteroid belts. He saw you in a mining ship, so as long as you stuck around the system, if he was trying to find you without any of the aforementioned tools it would just be a matter of time. The takeaway here, find a system with a lot of belts all at the same planet. It can make it harder to dscan precisely what belt you are at if they are max dscan range away, because from far away they will appear clustered. From the planet itself, however, it's easy to dscan each individual belt. Unless they are in a cloaked ship, you'll see them on dscan too, and can learn to pinpoint where they are and when they have moved.


Speaking of cloaked ships, is that just hopeless scenario? Why doesn't everyone run one?


Cloaks come with significant penalties on most ships, aside from the few explicitly designed to use them. These ships see extensive use but have very specialised roles.


Good to know!


>How did he know which asteroid belt I went to He used d scan or seen you come in an warp to that belt. He might have cloakie eyes on gate. >How did he know which station I went to? He used d scan to see and or might have watched you warp there. >Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations? Guards you mean station guns I assume, they aren't protectors, they shoot suspects and criminals, but are tankable. If you was suspect or criminal they wouldn't shoot someone trying to attack you. More over when you warped to station rarly does one land at zero, unless you used a bookmark. He had time to lock and pop you. >What can I do to get my own kernite? Mine in low sec, thats where it's found. How to avoid dieing? Use bookmarks to warp too, and or join a Corp that is low sec based, so you can get your stuff and no be shot by everyone in low sec, keep in mine, if you join a Corp their enimeies become your enimeies. All and all to prevent being shot, use bookmarks, and know who lives in The area your mining in. Get to know the groups and players, who to avoid, (mostly everyone) except if blue or purple. More over I'd ask you where are your Corp mates, are you a solo player?


Okay all that makes sense yeah. I just started playing a day or two ago after doing the tutorials two years ago, I don't have a corp that I know of.


Plenty of advice here to keep an eye on the local channel and D-scan, and that's all very important. Even more important is to find a system with very low traffic. Even if you're an expert at evading hostiles in lowsec, if you're in a busy system, you're going to be spending more time docked in a station than actually mining, and your profits will suffer. In my quiet little corner of lowsec, I can mine AFK or semi-AFK and almost never get caught. Location, location, location!


This is what I'm focusing on for my second attempt. I now know how to look for pilot activity and I go to systems with a dead end. I thought I was gonna be fine but I actually couldn't handle the NPC pirates and had to go home to grab a few upgrades. Trying again now while looking at all the tips.


In lowsec, a Venture with a shield tank and afterburner should be able to take on any NPC cruiser-sized and below, as long as you keep a tight orbit on the cruisers to stay under their guns. Big exception to this is any NPC with "Clone Soldier" in its name. Those are very dangerous and need a combat-focused ship with good DPS to take out. Run from those.


> Baddie I saw at the gate appears shortly after. This was where you fucked up, specifically seeing a ship at the gate, and assuming they wouldn't go after you. You should have jumped to another system. If baddie followed, he might be hunting you. Safely backtrack to the previous system (ie: don't just burn back to gate). If he does the same, he's hunting you. At this point, dock and go empty the dishwasher, do some laundry, watch some youtube videos on how to safely mine in low sec etc. Or just head back to HS and try a different entrance into LS and hope it's empty. If you're in low/null trying to mine or explore, anyone in local should be considered a threat. **Also learn to D-scan.** It is one of the most powerful defensive tools in your arsenal. Wormholes are an excellent place to learn this skill, just use cheap ships when you're first learning.


he either saw the direction you warped visually or he used his directional scanner using hot key v and your directional scanner set to max range and low angle, you can then click on the anomalies in space to point your ship and list the results of whats in that direction in a straight line by updating the dscan window sentry guns in lowsec are on all the gates and stations, if you dont have a criminal suspect timer, if someone shoot you the sentry guns will start firing on them, and give them an aggression timer with yo. you can tank the guns for a few moments and then warp away, if you warp back and shoot the same target the guns will no longer fire at you... thats just how it works, people usually say they need to "ping off" when they are being fired on by sentry guns, to get them to stop firing on them


Something similar happened to me. Although I knew the risk I was in a Scorpion finishing up a mission for an NPC station and out of no where this ship starts firing on me. I didn’t notice until the players ship was surrounded by a red indicator and my overview did not show any indication of me being targeted as it would with rats. At 50% shield I attempted to warped but that was disrupted at 30% shield I let lose about five or six drones, grouped my missiles and let loose on his ass. I damn near killed him but he got me because 1) I was slow to react and 2) He or she knocked off the rest of my shields. He had a hard time taking out my shields and I don’t care about the loss it’s a learning experience.


Sounds like a thrilling fight tho! Thanks for sharing.


As others have said, use dscan but also take the time to set up safe spots not associated with asteroid fields or stations and align with one of them when mining so you can warp quickly. Then warp from there to a safe station or jump gate. Often seeing someone warp in particular direction can only mean one thing station x.


How did he know which asteroid belt I went to? - Either he watched which way you warped or he had Combat Probes. You can adjust your overview to see them using DSCAN to tell if you are being "scanned down" for someone to jump on you. How did he know which station I went to? - See above Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations? - Anything below .05 security status does not have CONCORD protection so capsuleers are free to shoot at anyone they want. What can I do to get my own kernite? - You could continue with your venture which is cheaper to replace and you will get practice being alert and running. You could look for a more quiet system to mine in (check [zkillboard.com](https://zkillboard.com) and you can see the most recent kills in a system). You could skill up to an Endurance so you can fit a Cloak and go safe when people start looking for you. Finally, you can join a corp that does mining ops. Hope that helps :D


Great tips, thank you!


As others have said, D-Scan is your friend and enemy here. If he was at the gate, there is a good chance he saw you warp off to a group of celestials (planet, belts, moons) if you were unlucky, there was one belt in that grouping and he chanced it, or he used the D-Scanner to pinpoint you down. I can jump into a system, figure out what planet you are near in 4-5 clicks, probably 1 if I saw the direction you went, warp to that planet, and have you to what asteroid belt you are at within 10-15 seconds. And there are people who can do it quicker than that. Concord will protect you to varying degress in 1.0 - 0.5, in 0.4 to 0.1 concord will not come to your aid, but gate guns will support if a player aggresses at a gate or station, in a belt, you're a sitting duck. (double check these details, because 'law and order' in eve always bufuddles me :D) As a hunter, low sec drop offs from high sec (0.5 -> 0.4) are always fertile hunting grounds for people mining trying to grab some quick roids, if you're confident enough go 2 or 3 low sec jumps in, make sure you have safes setup, keep you're d-scan up, and be vigilant. Setup your own bookmark to warp in on stations (warp to 0 @ dock won't always gaurantee an insta-dock) and get yourself into a venture - it has a natural +2 stab, which makes you a little slippery to catch. Edit; oh and use your star map to view statistics (Dotlan has these too I think?) as per u/Takumida [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/15byl7m/comment/jtt8ksw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/15byl7m/comment/jtt8ksw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) <3 Best of luck!


This adds a lot of perspective. I don't pay attention to direction, choose places through the menus on the right of the screen. I think the guy at the gate appeared somewhere between 10 and 20 seconds after I arrived. I think he just didn't expect me to warp to 100km away because I had ample time to warp to a station when he arrived. Thank you!


If you've got any more questions, do get in touch, I've been playing eve for far too long and done my share of training newbros, I'll always recommend the content from Eve University and the work done by Eve Rookies community over my own because its just, awesome, but I am always happy to help \^\^


Thanks again! I'll be sure to prod you. Also good of you to mention those other sources.


30 seconds is an eternity when you’ve got a hostile on grid. D scan is how he found you. Learning to use it is fundamental to EVE, especially outside high sec.


I am looking into dscan :)


When you jump into lowsec, while cloaked from the jump, find a planet with moons. Warp to 70km on one of the moons. Hit ctrl-B and make a safe-spot bookmark while in warp to that moon. The second your warp is over, warp to that SS. While in warp, make a second SS. I name them SS1, SS2, and so on. Warp to the two safespots continuously, varying the warp to range, while you figure out which belt you're going to or while you scan for wormholes. To make even better safespots, warp to that moon, warp back to SS1, open your probe scanner, alt-p, and warp to a planets moon across the system making another SS or two along the way. Look for the "you are here" symbol to know where to warp to that planet far away. I've found mining rocks in WH's to be safer than lowsec. Reassign your spacebar to the dscan. It's easier to hit while doing other things.


You can mine in lowsec but it’s dangerous. Use dotlan to check on recent kills in the system. If local has more than 1 person, don’t mine. Dock and wait it out. Log out so it makes you look out of system. If you haven’t done the mining agent where you need to mine kernite for the career agents, you will have an opportunity to get kernite in highsec. Just make sure to MINE it all. Even after you have fulfilled the mission requirement. I set up a bookmark on each asteroid field. I warp 100km out, then afterburner away in a random direction to be more than 300km off the field. Pick a random number for the distance and set up the bookmark with the word observe. That way you can warp in to the observation point and be relatively safe to check out the field for rats, etc. A hunter can use dscan to hone in on your “position” for a belt very easily. They just jump onto the field and try to tackle you before you can get away. Sometimes I will align to a station from the field for the observation bookmark. Instead of going to station when I need to bug out, I go to the bookmark. If the hunter sees my alignment they will think I am heading to station and they will attempt to warp there too hoping they are faster than me. Instead they shoot past me, I turn to the real station or gate and get away. I have been mining in lowsec for quite a while with nothing but a venture and I haven’t died yet. I’ll probably die a little later today now that I’ve said that. But I only mine when local is clear, all the belts have observation points. One fun fact, you can warp directly to a rock from the observation point. Not onto the beacon. Saves you some travel time.


1. He can watch your ship and follow what sig you warp to by panning his camera around. 2. Same technique as before but watching what station you warp to 3. NPC stations do not have tether. You must dock to not get shot. I assume you were in a venture? I bet whatever he was in a cruiser probably can 1 or 2 shot a venture sitting still. He can also tank the npc guns for long enough to warp himself off if he has a local repper.


some types of non-high-sec ores are available in wormholes and due how unpopulated they can be, it may be safer to mine in one of them. Just mark down the exit, pick up a load and take it to normal space again. Sometimes you can also find another wormhole in the wormhole system (j-space) which may exit to directly to lowsec, and this would be a safer way to enter into a lowsec area, since the entrance systems are usually watched closely by the pvpers.


1) Mining in low sec is not worth the extra effort it takes compared to the extra money you make 2) If you have to do it, don't do it in 0.4. Go further in a few jumps, especially if its a dead end or a loop. The fewer people the better. 3) Don't go out unless you've investigated everyone in local and you're convinced none are pirates 4) Keep yourself aligned to the dock at all times and don't mine at the warp-in point of the belt


I've since gone for another try, found a dead end 0.2 sec space. Used the map function to see that there were no players there or nearby, saw that local was empty and got to mining on the belt the farthest away from the gate, there are also some 20 asteroid belts. ...but my drones couldn't handle the npc pirates haha. Going back home to fit some better stuff.


navy drones have both better firepower and significantly more EHP than standard drones. Caldari Navy Hornet, Federation Navy Hobgoblin, Imperial Navy Acolyte, Republic Fleet Warrior, pick the one that fits the local faction to get the damage class for the local NPCs. If your drones take damage, recall them and warp out. Navy drones tend to live long enough that you can recall them before they die, standard drones often get one-shotted.


Just a tip, a close-range fit destroyer is cheap and can deal with most lowsec NPCs. I use an autocannon Thrasher with a microwarpdrive - orbit enemy at 500 meters, kill, repeat; target small enemies first. If you see a Clone Soldier or a Mordu ship, abscond from the belt, you are not going to kill it.


But if I'm in a destroyer I can't mine? Should I be taking a destroyer over to kill pirates and then switch to a venture? Surely they respawn before I can get my venture out there?


No, they respawn pretty slowly - it is like 20 minutes to respawn, I think?


Okay that's an idea I can get behind too. Wish I could store a coercer in my venture haha. Maybe grab a tayra so I can bring it all at once.


This post is wholesome


Nothing but good helpful comments. Love it!


If you want some coaching feel free to DM me


A couple tips I didn't see posted but are super important in my opinion. * Stage the system prior to any operation * Fly out in a fast frig to set up proper bookmarks. * Pre-align, pre-align, pre-align. Just incase I forgot to mention... ***Press your pre-align*** ​ >How did he know which station I went to? You could have warped to a station that didn't have any belts or planets covering it up in the world view, so they might have just saw where you were warping to.


What is this pre-aligning you speak of?


Its a ship state. You select a warpable location and press "align to" then "stop". Your ship is now pre-aligned. Just a good little habit to get into.


So like facing the direction I'd want to warp so my ship doesn't have to spend time turning around when I get jumped?


Yep exactly! I sent you a DM about fleeting up, but it guess it was lost in transit, I'll just ask here though. If no one has offered to fleet up with you already. I'm more than happy to.


Nobody has done that yet! Is this like a guild? Or is that what corporations are? My time is kinda sporadic, I can play but not for big lengths of time.


I'd love a more specific half combat half mining ship to do mining in more dangerous places (and to actually fight back instead of mining always being just gtfoing.). I don't really view drones as the only combat avenue being good enough. A ship for more active measures I think could really open up ways of changing high sec "piracy" dynamics too. Tough thing to balance admittedly though.


I suppose you can use one turret hardpoint for a weapon and get some fits that boost survivability at least? Comes at the cost of fast mining of course.


The turret ATM just doesn't do anything. It doesn't have any needed bonuses to it or what not.


That sucks. Without bonuses they are useless?


Effectively. Like they will add a tiny tiny amount of dps but without ship hull bonuses it is never worth it in 99% of cases. It also doesn't help that if someone sees you mining with only one laser they may not engage or will bring something bigger to attack as they can effectively guess that you are combat bait fit.


I didn't see anyone mention your mods. Shield extenders won't do anything if you're caught and they increase your sig, making it easier for them to lock. You want nanofiber in your lows to increase your agility and lower your alignment time. Your armor is your ability to escape before they land on grid. Your drones won't be cracking the tank on gankers for a while and really a lobe mining ship is almost always dead once it get scrammed.


He saw you were in a basic mining ship when you warped from the gate, and saw you warp off to the middle of nowhere on his overview. So he probably guessed that you went to an asteroid belt. He can use dscan to check each of the 4 belts very quickly, in less than 10 seconds, with a 14 AU range, 5 degree cone dscan. He'll see which belt you landed inside, then he warps to that belt. Because you made a good choice to warp at 100, he didn't catch you. But, he was on grid with you for some time and could see where your ship was aligning to (the station) when you were trying to escape. He saw you warp off to that station so he followed. TBH you would have lived if you docked up immediately when landing, NPC stations do not have a tether mechanic that allows you to stay safe while outside but near the station. But you didnt and he killed you. I dont know how you died so quick, depends on what ship he's using. In the future, I recommend warping to a more random celestial than an asteroid belt if your in a mining ship. Its kinda easy to guess where youd be headed. Jump to a moon or something. Ideally though, you have a safe bookmarked that you can warp to instead. Dock up immediately, dont wait and play games outside the station, unless you want to take the risk.


Yeah it seemed like black magic at the time, first time I got attacked in EVE, but thanks to all the helpful comments here I realize it was quite a simple thing for the guy to do.


idk if it works now... but in the past I bought the kernite in the market and just showed up to the agent with that.


Good news is that there's another AIR Career Path task to lose 20 ships in PvP, so you're 5% of the way there!


Hahahaha I love it! Silver lining!


Its called a D-Scanner or Directional Scanner, you can hone in on someone's whereabouts if you have enough time and patience. And when they have a fix, they will usually warp to the fixed point you're probably at. In this case an asteroid belt. A celestial point in space. You are never safe anywhere in Eve, you have some protection in the station, but outside you're still vulnerable unless you're at a citadel on tether. Never sit still in Eve, makes you like shooting fish in a barrel with a stick of dynamite.


I love these questions. You’re asking the right things! You’ll get it.


Have gotten tons of great feedback already! Too much in fact haha it's kind of overwhelming.


Overwhelming sums up the whole Eve experience.


If you haven't done the career agents the mission which sends you to mine kernite has exactly enough kernite to complete the AIR task. I think ccp assume new players will somehow know to mine out the site .... If you are really stuck and gave done the career missions you can reset them and do it to that mission (which is 2 or 3 in) again.


I did all the tutorials back in 2020 and the sisters of Eve epic arc. I knew I could restart the sisters of Eve but didn't know I could reset the tutorials... When I try talking to them I get "sorry kid got nothing for you" kinda responses.


There is a way, I am not near a client but its either in general settings or somewhere in the neocom. There is also 3 sets of agents for each empire and u think they are independent of each other.


Yeah I heard about this too, so I could do them lots of times. But I kinda don't know how to look for where these other trainers are... Without google at least hehe.


I commend your willingness to learn instead of ragequit. You'll make a fine capsuleer yet!


I'll drink to that! Cheers!


You did good this is a great way to learn. Get another venture and go again. As long as you keep moving it is hard to catch and kill you. Find a system with no other players


Yes this is what I'm doing now!


As many have before you (including me 16 years ago) and will as long as the eve servers live haha But they watched where you warped and followed you.(good to be mindful if you're warping to a cluster of things or a lone station its the difference between knowing where you went and an educated guess) Can also get very good with the Directional scan to track you. Orrrr sometimes they just get lucky. Next time go to a station and dock up(even better to a safespot first then a station now they have no clue where you went), keep your dscan open (and mash scan constantly)and watch for combat related ships (can always be cloaky though so keep that in mind) and dock up/align 9/10 they're looking for you. Can also lower the distance on scan once you see them and you'll know they're probably coming for you. Watch local! Mining ships are juicy targets someone wants you. There's some docking mechanics depending if you went to a npc station "you can still be shot but they'll take damage from station guns but they can be tanked" or player owned structure with tether "if you're able to dock" oth


If there were only 4 belts in system it doesn't take long to find you. I go out to a belt in my pod and bookmark the asteroid I want. Warp in at 100 km and pick the asteroid that is furthest away on the overview, then right click to save location. Go back to station to grab ship and warp to bookmark. Theoretically that should be 30 km away from the default warp in point and buys you 5 seconds to GTFO. Mine while orbiting at about 7km in your Venture with 1mn afterburner turned on, to speed tank the rats.


What is speed tanking?


Speed tanking is when you use an afterburner to outrun the NPC or other players projectiles. A Venture can easily go over 800 m/s with an afterburner on. If you orbit the rock that fast, the slower NPC rats have trouble hitting you. But you should use your drones to kill the rat frigates and destroyers.


Right like that! Yes I did notice a change in getting hit when I had an afterburner on and orbitted them rather than just sitting there mining while my drones did the work.


Come to misaba! Very new player friendly. Active market. Great place for your mining needs!


Misaba undock cancer facility?? What does it mean?! Also I'm the 155th viewer of your misaba night club YouTube clip now.


You can join a corp that has access to what ever you want while providing protection an support. https://discord.gg/ANcyySJd


I'll be sure to swing by your discord!


>How did he know which station I went to? Directional scanning can be narrowed very tightly, and warping animation shoots you off in your desired direction. It's a simple matter to see you warp off, wait 3-5 seconds and then tight-beam D-scan every major celestial body in that direction. You can create bookmarks mid-warp, which you can then warp directly to - these will offer you 95% protection against anyone without combat scanner probes, but clever/lucky foes can still get you. It's also worth it to, at some point, create bookmarks some 200-500km off of busy low and null sec gates you frequent, at an odd angle to the rest of the system, so you can warp to that and then the gate with less chance of being bubbled, intercepted, or otherwise solicited. Use cloaks or cheap ships fitted for oversize MWDs for speed when you do this.


When you learn how to hunt other players, then you know how to avoid players hunting you


Good advice. :)


As for tips and tricks I can offer you, a few things: One: Not going to beat it around the bush: Outside HS space, you *really* need to be in a player corporation. Safety in numbers *cannot* be understated. Two: Always keep your eyes on local and full-range directional. Any names that are not green or blue are almost certainly hostile. Though, beware the covert ops cloak and combat recons that don't show on directional. Local will be the only way you know about potentially cloaky/D-scan invisible threats. Three: Create a grid of tactical bookmarks around the gates you tend to frequent. Same with stations. And speaking of... **create your instadock and instaundock bookmarks** for stations in LS you frequent. Four: Know the system geography. If they are not many belts in a system, it won't take long for hunters to locate you using narrow-band directional scanner. So if possible, mine aligned to a safespot, or failing that, a planet. This way, if a hostile drops onto your grid, you can warp off almost instantly. (remember, no bubbles in LS.). And finally: Learn how to use the directional scanner, at least knowing how to use full range. A good way to understand how hunters find you is to understand the tools they have at their disposal. I admire your willingness to learn, and think of this as a sort of initiation rite. And besides, mining is kinda boring without knowing you're being hunted. Trust me, I do a lot of gas harvesting in wormhole space (where there is no local, and covops cloaks/combat recons can basically move through the system unimpeded, and can even be waiting on your grid without your knowledge giving his buddies warpins.). Need more pointers? Don't hesitate to reach out to me. - Shawn Kin'dred.


They used Dscan (Directional Scanner) to locate you, when you do a Dscan it is a 360 degree scan by defaut but you can lower it to 5 degree's then you press ''V'' and click on a location, it will tell you if there is a ship there as long as you are 14.3 AU from it.


Start learn to combat scan in a solar system and you too can do these things. That’s the answer to how you got caught.


In any space, always have dscan open and hit "v" every 5 or 10 seconds. Keep an eye out for combat probes or ships you don't feel comfortable fighting. Most of the time, if you see combat probes, it's going to be a T3c, so just run away in your mining ship. What you can do on the station side to be safe is, as soon as you undock, "control+space" then "control+b" to make an insta dock bookmark. When you warp to 0 on thing', it can warp you anywhere within 2500m of that point. So, on the edge of a station where the docking ring is usually 1500m away, if you land 2500m away, you'll have to travel to 1000m or so before docking starts. If you use the bookmark on the undock method, you'll immediately start docking. Also, welcome to EVE.


Dscan. DOnt mine when local is more than you btw ​ and the station will shoot him if he attacks you, but he can just warp away


I've lost a hundred frigates, and a fair few cruisers, out in lowsec (CalMil represent). There's nothing like it. Keep at it, watch some YouTube videos, and soon you'll be hauling in buckets of ISK to replace your lost ships. Welcome to Eve, bro.


Haha that's some veteran shit right there. I'm happy to be here, thank you :)


He found you with dscan - saw the direction you warped to, lined up his dscan into one direction rather than a circle, and scanned each belt until he found you, then went to the belt and killed you. It’s fun, out in the lawless lands :) my third day I stumbled into a wormhole and never left, even though I am not exactly a pvp pilot, the isk is great in J space.


>How did he know which asteroid belt I went to? A tool called the Directional Scanner - every ship has one. You can adjust it's angle and range to pinpoint ships in system. This or Combat Probes are how he found you. Combat probes allow a ship to scan you down to your exact spot, create a warp-in point, and can warp straight on top of you once they scan you to 100%. >How did he know which station I went to? He might have seen you warp (takes a few seconds to get off grid) or he might have looked at a station with a 15-degree direction scanner, and seen you. That almost guarantees you're heading to that station. >Is there a security level cutoff where guards stops protecting you at stations? Yes, .4 and below are open-PVP areas. The game should give you a popup warning letting you know this the first time going into one. >What can I do to get my own kernite? Use a Venture, go into systems when there are zero locals around. Use your map and 'jumps in the last hour' filter to see what are the slow/low traffic areas, and go mine there. Try to stay next to or only 1 jump from hisec for safety. Trust. Absolutely. No one... unless proven otherwise. The worst and scummiest people in this game live in lowsec, treat them accordingly. I've operated by these rules and have had little issue running barges, porpoises, and other mining ops in lowsec over the last 1-2 years.


Here's the answer to your question. You send me a PM. we meet in game I sit next to you in a battlecruiser while you mine. I get paid problem solved.


Haha what's the cost? I'm a poor newbie ^^


If you did the Career Missions, Mountain Out of Molehills #9, all the Kernite you needed is in that mission. All you had to do was bring along a Venture equipped with 1 Shield Extender I and 2 Hobgoblin I's. Mine the ore, ignore the rat who can't bring your shields below 85% if you mined all day. Mine the first load, dock and unload, go back and mine the rest and kill the rat and open the cargo container. Voila! 6000m3 of Kernite.


Alas I did the tutorials in 2020 and then quit. But I hear that several stations have all the tutorials per race? So I could technically do them like 12 times?


Dscan is your friend in lowsec systems like stated in a lot of messages, but don't forget to bookmark random spots in every new system you arrive at, specially if <0.5 sec. When you warped to the asteroid belt you should have used CTRL+B and placed a bookmark midway. If you have the dscan dialog open you'll see how long the warp is so its easier to bookmark a nice spot. This way your enemy will have to scan you with probes before warping and you may have some more time. At least from there you could dscan a station or a gate to see there's no enemies and dock there, whatever. I usually mark one spot near every gate in the system so I can warp there and dscan the gate. Also try to more bookmarks that aren't aligned to any warpable space object (first make two normal ones, and between them a third one). Also if you're mining align your ship to one of your bookmarks, so that you can flee faster.


Direction Scanner (referred to as DScan). I set the hotkey as spacebar as it's easier to repeatedly mash. You can set the angle to 5 or 15 degrees, hold dscan hotkey (V unless you change it), then click on the various belts either in Overview or on the dscan window. From there you scan each belt/moon until you find someone. As for tracking you to the station, he likely just watched what direction you warped off to. The good news is directional scanner is not just an offensive tool. You can set the angle to 360 and use it to know what's around you, so long as they aren't cloaked. If I saw a Heron for instance I probably wouldn't think much of it. If I don't see anything on dscan I'd be hesitant and aligned out. The last thing I would recommend is to have a safe bookmark somewhere out in no man's land. When someone comes into your system start mashing dscan at 360 and max distance while aligned to your safe. Once at your safe keep mashing dscan to watch for combat scanner probes. Maybe have a few safes to warp back and forth to if you do see scanner probes. Eventually they'll get bored and move on.


By the way, OP, as far as some of the ores you mine for T2 Missions are programmed as a subversion of Kernite, so doing T2 mining missions will eventually grant you your kernite AIR tracker progress.


How do I know what a T2 mining mission is? Is that like career missions from a lvl 2 agent?


technically in .4 to .1 systems, there still are gate guns as well as station guns. those only fire only if a NEUTRAL fires onto another NEUTRAL\[in turn, turned suspect status\] in range of the guns. your NEGATIVE systems, Nullsec be 100% outlaw where some nullbloc brats like Hank Sutonflore and Spongyguy will blacklist you over the most stupidest shit ever loool. western half of nullsec NEED to be cleanse and PAPI DOES have the power to make it happen again. Frat is slowly but surely taking Pure Blind 1 system at a time.


You should have docked. But you might not be able to dock if its a privately owned station, ie Upwell structure. Most NPC guns are just trash and CCP pulls this crap on purpose. NPCs can either hit like mice or hit like mules, and its all total BS contrivance. But people won't put it that way because they desperately want to act like the EVE universe makes sense when it absolutely doesn't. Its a game of backward quirks and you get better by learning the quirks.


Yeah I assumed station = safe. Lesson learned :p Also I am aware of the irony of saying I made an assumption to someone with a nickname like yours haha.


People can attack you in high security systems as well. The only difference is that that NPC police will show up and kill them, guaranteed. However this is not instant and with high enough DPS you will die anyway. You’re safe if you dock up.


>I arrive to the station and turn off engines, thinking I'm fine at the station. > >I was not fine, he appears and I die maybe ten seconds later. ...??? Did you just warp to a station and then just sit there? Stations are not citadels. There is no tether mechanic. ​ ​ ​ Getting Kernite: You can try to ninja mine which is basically fit a cheap fast venture, warp in, start mining, as soon as someone lands/shows up on DScan, align to gate and warp to 0 and then jump at the next opportunity. ​ Weird they were hunting a venture I assume. Guess pickings are pretty slim out there.


Yes, that is precisely what I did hahah! I wanted to try going to another asteroid belt in a nearby system and didn't want to lose the time to dock/undock. Instead I learned valuable lessons. :D Yeah I had a venture and empty storage and crappy civilian mining lasers and that's about it. Can't imagine they'd get anything of value from me.