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My Rocks are bigger than yours.


My rock can walk right through the door!


God dammit I love that song. Here's a upvote for both of you.


I remember back in the day the occasional rocks so huge they made Titans looks small. Such a daunting task for my tiny venture. XD


Spodumoon. Gone but not forgotten.


Those were the days, munching hours in 1 day on a single spodumain rock.


There is an attribute which controls asteroid size based on amount of units of ore. Theoretically CCP can make belts match the image, while keeping it at like 20k m3 per rock. I hope they'll do it to satisfy you.


*monkeys’s paw curls*


lowseccers landing at 0 in the small crokite anomaly with the 2.5million m3 rock: WE GAAN


It would also be a great visual if the asteroids shrank as they were mined


That would certainly make pvp more interesting.


Miners' RSI go brrr


raven state issue ?


Repetitive strain injury


Roberts space industries Both are a scam


if only the mining escalations had spod...


Yeah I got excited thinking they actually fixed the asteroid m3 issue, but it looks like they're just giving the new ores the Mordunium treatment. Every day I get pushed a littler closer to retiring my Hulks and just go gas huffing instead.


Yeah I talked about this a long time ago, ifni had did scarcity I would have cut the number of rocks while keep the reduced volume same. So instead of a belt of 100 pebbles you get 25 normal sized rocks.....assuming there was any ore lol.


Equinox by defenition should be the height of scarcity I believe with the transition to something new being "post" equinox is my understand so this is likely intended.


Scarcity never end, and will not end until CCP internal purge about some employee who think scarcity is good for the game. But it meens admit they made an error, and CCP have huge issue with admit an error


Scarcity did end (all ores were doubled*), though the mineral distribution changes did not. Equinox is now at least partly addressing the mineral distribution changes * “Oh but residue!” That only takes a third at most, and none if something is rare enough to use faction/T1 miners


Doubling after knocking down the ore itself...so doubling the percentage left...then smacking us with a 1/3 loss rate with T2 kit. \[And drones drop stuff too...no getting around that.\] And if you feel really evil...C types get you nearly 2/3 loss rate! See 100% NOPE.


Why are you using C types, which specialise in loss rate and then complain about loss rate?


Kinda makes sense to me. I remember the words "dynamic distribution" or something like that at the end of Scarcity back when it was announced. I don't know what that means, but I'm pretty sure we haven't seen it yet.


Yea we can expect all industry to actual hit a "full stop" i.e. when all the sotiyos have to move. However post that it will force a back order and need of an industrial revolution and hopefully cause adoption of new practices to fulfill "need". Scarcity is the cause equinox is the fix (it will hurt) and whatever is left will be the world we live in. But before that it must be destroyed. I am sorry but it was the only way forward.


Man, nullbears really REALLY don't like the idea of actually needing to play eve.


True I really love having a rock be less than 1 cycle for isk/hr lower than ishtar spinning.


Mining absurdly huge rocks wasn’t just nice because it’s lazy, it’s also part of the ”class fantasy” of being a miner. Hopping into a belt that looks like it holds the volume of the remains of a planet was fucking awesome, and it sucks that it can no longer happen.


How dare you make me do more than warp to site, press a couple buttons, and watch youtube for 20 minutes!