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I have PTSD, so yes. Lol


My ex has also ptsd and several mental illness, however she seems very happy now just after 2 months of our breakup :(( while i’m here suffering from all the pain. She’s also into this new guy within a month of our break up haha probably this is my karma breaking up with her, idk if i still deserve this kind of pain and suffering, but yeah maybe.


So am I. Basically she had PTSD, I nursed her to health, I pulled her out from her rut. I put everything on the table to fix her. She admitted she used me and abandoned me. Now I have PTSD.


6 months is not that long. It's been over a year for me.


This.. took me at least 3 years just to completely move on


Its been 9 months and I think about them everyday




9 months in, it goes up and down. Don’t let them come back without clear intentions. It destroys you.


Yea , I’m still crying .. everyday


Yes. . I suggest a counselor..sometimes it can help


5 months. Longest of my life. Feel so lost. It’s easier but I feel lost


How long were you together? For myself it was 8.5 year and 2 kids. 3 years out and I find myself with my friends or driving wondering what’d it be like going home. Being 1 unit. But that’s fate and I’m here now. 1.5 years out was grueling for sure


Her and I were together for 2 years, ig it hurts more cuz she’s been my first and only gf


It’s been 35 years…


Dude. What happened? Can you break it down for us?


I was 14 started dating this girl at 14 she was the same age, we were together for 10 years. We didn’t fight,argue,complain it was this constant infatuation stage. One day we were driving home and we arrived at the house and we go inside I got a call that my mother has died due to suicide, (was common & frequent in the family. Well I wasn’t a drinker started to drink it got eventually got bad would wake up piss drunk on the floor, chipped a tooth, spending a bunch of money on booze. Well all was well I was hurting her emotionally but she stuck by my side, turns out my brother came to the house and cashed out my 401k. Well I had no clue until I got a promotion at work and a nice 401k match well I go home to look at it weeks later drunk and he happens to be there I see all the money is dance near gone, I go ballistic on him I’m in his face screaming and yelling veins are popping out of my forehead left and right sweat is pulsating down my whole entire face. When I was done with him I looked over at my wife and she immediately left the room. I fell asleep that night to wake up to her gone with a written note. Too Some of the note love you with all my heart I understand you’re going through some hard things right now, but you’re making it 10 times harder by drowning your demons with alcohol, what I’ve seen from your actions make me think one day you’ll bring it out on me. I love you with all my heart but I can’t watch you suffer anymore take care of yourself and get better. I am doing wonderful in life, in all areas and have been for decades, I don’t know where she lives, her phone number is, nothing. Hell I don’t even know if she’s alive. I’m just a old rich sober son of a bitch that removed his head out of his ass a little too late because I didn’t realize how selfish I was being the pain I was causing other people. You win you lose some I guess this one I lost.


I’m so sorry. This thought occupies my mind 24:7 and I sometimes wonder if I have the same faith and destiny as you do 💔


i think ur making that Titanic meme joke. There's no way you are still into your ex for 35 years


4 months for me so yea recently found out he fuckin unfollowed me on spotify


Lol Spotify?! I guess my ex did remove from all kinds of random shit like Pokémon Go even.


5 months and yeah


1.5 years but recently found myself moving on. It'll happen, trust the process


Yes, not 6 months but 5 and yesterday was bad, cried for her a lot. Haven't seen her since April, and saw that she posted some thirst trap shit online and yeah the wound just got reopened bad.


Yeah, it's not easy, I just hate everything about this situation


I’m at 10 and yes. Not even sure I want her back. But I miss her dearly






It’s still hard but it’s getting better. I’m starting to enjoy partying again. Hang in there. Keep healing. 🦋


6 1/2 months of a 3 year and yes. Many regrets and mistakes from a complicated relationship. Still love her very much. Accidentally find myself talking to her as if still with me lmfao! Not normal I know but just is where I’m at.


I was struggling big time when I was at 6 months post breakup. I think I even posted on here about being at an all-time low. Now I’m at 10 months and doing better. Still not over it by any means, but I’m not crying and miserable 24/7 like I was. Hang in there, it does get better!


Almost 2 years...it totally fucking sucks and I wish it would stop.




4 years and finally getting better. Counseling can help just to talk things out loud at least. One of the most helpful things someone told me, after I judged my self hard af for not moving on already, was that we can never get rid of our memories. When we’re grieving we reflect on those memories and that’s okay. Just know that the person we’re grieving over doesn’t exist anymore. So it’s okay to take the time to process that no matter how long that may be.


I’m still struggling nearly a year later


I dream about her and wake up missing her. Then my brain kicks in and I'm fine.


Take as much time as you need to heal 🩷


For me it comes and goes. Most days I’m ok and life is an open book but then there a days where I’m like WTF I’m going to be alone forever.


No kidding, shit scares me cuz I’ve only ever had one partner lol


I guess you can think of this as the universe telling you to get out an experiment and get experience


Me haha it is what it is, i guess


7 months for me, I still live with her and I feel nothing, absolutely nothing. I was moping around for too long, constantly feeling like shit and wishing things were different. Then I realised how much life there is to live, and that they weren’t worthy of my mental health. Level up, start having fun. Until you push yourself, you’ll always struggle. Jump out of your comfort zone and it gets so much easier.


Try 11 months


6 months. Saw somewhere on tik tok it takes 15 months and 27 days to finally stop thinking and about that person. It’s depressing forsure in the first few months but slowly and with sometime I stop going to sleep crying and I stopped waking up thinking about them first. In due time we will all get through this!!! It really is true what people say, time heals all wounds even if it takes a year or two.


Totally not true… please don’t rely on TikTok.


I like the cute animal cats dogs videos on tick tok


It's does take a long time but I made it I'm fine. I don't remember this person anymore 


Me in a way


healing slowly, can never forget, not even a single day of it. but moving on from the past. time gets the better of you. Chin up and keep moving forward


Yeah kind so




Im two months and feeling so much better… maybe speak to a professional?


yes i feel a bit better lost all hope my ex will come back though, currently been working out


14 months after for me. Although it’s better than right after BU, NC is broken all the time. She is still super avoidant as well and I’m tired of giving her the benefit of the doubt even though we’re on fairly friendly terms. I’ve been trying to slowly move away from close connections in life and social media (her family, mutual friends, etc.) because I think it’s much easier than seeing that her family/friends still like/think about me. 14 months ago I was thrilled to have her fam as my “in laws” for sure. So stuff like that makes it hard as well. Easier to block/unfollow people so my mind doesn’t start having weird thoughts, doubts, false hopes, etc.


Yes it is better, but stil keeps my eyes open at night when it hits me.


Almost 7 months and yes!


Almost three years broke up and eight months contact and I am still struggling.


Three years after we split he married someone else. You will get through it. It took me a long time to get over it but I made it and I'm fine. The more time goes by the less I care. 






Dumper here! It’s been a year and 4 months since we’ve physically seen each other. Low contact until the end of September. A random email right after New Year’s Day (imagine the emotional rollercoaster that was, excited to see an email, only for it to be a request for money), then nothing since.


I am still struggling two years later, but since actually going no contact and sticking to it, every passing day is better.


Yes. Cut off, left to rot and fester in a sea of eternal melancholy




Yes! Last week was really difficult and this week is even harder.


3 years here 😂 I’ve chosen sarcastic humor to be my armour of choice this weekend


Close to 5 months.. still struggling


The weekends and especially Sundays be the hardest days for me. But yeah we still struggling out here


About 8 months now and am getting a bit better. Still wish things were different but the right thing to do is move forward. Hope she’s well!


that’s normal bro. just take time xD


Yeah. Reached out this past weekend to say that I missed them and got left on read. I am weak but hopefully can get through it