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Mine is a man with bob hair, white skin, round sunglasses that cover his eyes well and a black coat that goes down to his ankles, he is usually my character in tabletop role-playing games. But I never made him real because I don't know how to draw, I would love if you could draw him with Hirge (my all-time favorite)


Noted! What other detail could I add? For example his class, to add details of that:D


A rogue using a bow, my 100% favorite gameplay some time ago, my first play would be and my idea was to be a toxic person and a thug, until I met Hirge and sought to redeem myself as a person, would love it if you were just sitting, admiring the desert as if preparing for the mission to recover the necklace that hirge asks us to do. If you can not leave any part of the body showing except the head I would love it, I made it based on the Jadis from The Walking Dead


So I'm still drawing Lyra? Yes, I love her, she is my spoiled MC xd but I want to vary what I do 


Please, draw Kylie (i didn't name her after myself, my actual name is Ashleigh). My another attempt on creating a real mage knight on hard (already 8 lvl.). Athletic pale girl with short red hair (not too short, but not longer than neck) and grey eyes. Wears arcane leather doublet (make it black and badass-looking, please) and laboratory gloves. Draw her showing her new cool icy dagger to Grissenda, who already got her Magma Longsword.


I'll make sure to draw it very well


Thnx! It would be totally cool. I totes like your art, btw.


The name of my first wizard was Maximilian Power (Max Power 😎 for short), he was a summoner and wand+shield user, hooded guy with a beard. I'd always push my golem first into battle, and then use my not so powerful wand of storms with squeaky toy sound effects to try to stun enemies. The dungeon that made me most miserable was the Abbey of Saint Admus. It happened frequently in the central area: I was fighting a hag, and suddenly a sabrecat came out of nowhere, flanked me and tore me to shreds. That petrified wood buckler didn't help much 😭


Anatuza DeLagos was born in this world with the intuit to explore and discover the darkest secrets of the island. Most of her combat skills are in a bad shape after some years studying the magical skills of Summoning and throwing your occasional fire spell at any inconvenience she may encounter between she and a fat loot, but can use staffs and wield wands in dreary situations. On her head, between her blond hair divided into two pigtails with red bows, there is the Great Tiara of the Heavens below the hood of the High Mage's Robe (which she is not yet, she just ripped it off someone), in addition to wearing the slippers of a saint and a probably evil ring that she got from a cursed abbey after one of the most intense and difficult nights of fighting she has ever had. To complete the distinctive look we have a purple medallion that she got after taking it from the body of a guy who tried to trick her, but now he doesn't remember what the object was for. at least it looks nice in contrast to his spectral cape and crazy wizard pants. Her current friends are few today, but despite knowing about the conspiracy that beings from another dimension plan to destroy this world, those who accompany her are trustworthy, such as princess Hirge, the Kingdom of Ilmara and Varsília, minotaur kings and her friend Iron Golem. Maybe it's not the same golem that is summoned when she needs it, but doing the dirty work for her when she fights, who cares?


My near endgame character's a warrior named Rogard Paldasar, short black hair, circle beard, plad in full myrosian plate, wearing the Amulet of Dark Whispers, and holding an adamantite greatsword. He's a greedy dick that does good deeds for a greater return, preferably in the form of powerful equipment first, but still takes gold or valuables, since powerful equipment can be bought. His desire for powerful equipment takes him to some of the most dangerous places. Draw him in the Forsaken Fortress, running around debris with Kalagru behind him, all the while Hirge is in the corner healing MC. (This is how I killed Kalagru😆)

