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You know you’re getting old when a toothpaste sale brings this kind of joy and sorrow.


I hate HiSmile’s spammy marketing style but as a mint hater, I have never in my life been so excited for a toothpaste delivery. I’m getting old.


Getting HiSmile toothpaste was a game changer with my kid. It’s spendy but at least she’s cleaning her teeth now


https://preview.redd.it/pp5urfji6l6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf06c743fc7f9204ce9200003d107224f686f96 i found this one in my regular grocery store oral hygiene aisle. it’s yummy and has zero mint! source: i am a 40-year-old with awful tooth brushing habits because i can’t *stand* spicy gums.


I know that feel, I've told several people that I hate mint because it's too burny in my mouth *especially* if it has alcohol like Listerine, and I get treated like a crybaby that probably thinks mayonnaise is spicy even though mint dental products are significantly more burny than spicy food. I've even had dentists not take me seriously and shove constant mint products in my face anyway. It's really put me off mint in general, and people think that I'm nuts for avoiding mint ice cream and other foods too because "It's nothing like dental mint, idiot!" because they refuse to fucking understand. >:( I don't break out in hives so I'm not sure if it's quite an allergy, but I'm definitely sensitive to that shit. I've been using Close-Up toothpaste for a while since it's cinnamon-y rather than minty, really frustrated that fellow mint-sensitive people have so little fucking options in physical stores unless you want to get literal children's toothpaste... which seems to mostly be bubblegum in my experience.


luckily this is not for children! i just posted the ingredient panel side by side with a regular whitening toothpaste in another comment. and it tastes *exactly* like a watermelon blow pop!


Damn, too bad I hate watermelon, lol.


They make strawberry as well 🙃


there was at least one other flavor! i don’t remember what it was but i remember there being at least two different colored bottles on the shelf. :) it’s exactly like a blow pop!


Is that for adults? (asking due to difference in Fluoride content) I've never seen it before!! :(


yes! it’s not classified as a children’s toothpaste. here is the ingredient panel alongside my tube of crest 3d white: https://preview.redd.it/2s2f81jepl6d1.png?width=3915&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e7dce583a4d1cfa05dcc0b08f8c5d2d35d9794


Thank you! I'll keep a lookout next time O_O


Oh, I feel so seen right now. When I was a teen a dentist literally yelled at me for not wanting to use adult toothpaste. This led to years of me not brushing, due to the mint burning my mouth so badly. Until my last dentist told me that it's fine to use kids paste as long as it has fluoride in it. Unfortunately, I've missed out on decades of habit forming that my executive dysfunction makes extremely hard to get now, so I'm still super spotty with remembering to brush.


dude, my adhd + depression hygiene habits™️ is make going to the dentist soooo anxiety-inducing. last summer i found an all-women office that—without having advertised themselves this way, i just lucked out!—obviously practiced trauma-informed care. the hygienist was totally cool when i explained that adhd and depression make it hard to keep up with brushing so i *already know* that i should do better, and she passed that onto the dentist before she came in to do her exam after the cleaning. __no one__ in that office criticized my gums bleeding or shamed me for having two new cavities, and the hygienist even gave me lidocaine to make the cleaning more comfortable! unfortunately it was a one-time visit because the practice is near my mom and i went while l visiting her from living overseas. it’s been 9 months and i haven’t even considered making my next cleaning appointment… (if you live near chicago i’ve got a recommendation for you!) but the toothpaste: this even has adult levels of fluoride! it’s not a kids one that can be swallowed and has “cavity prevention” on the packaging which means it has too much fluoride to give little kids. in another comment here i posted a pic of the back next to a tube of crest 3d white, and the drug facts and warnings are identical. :) this truly is like a watermelon blow pop and is worth finding! i got it from the regular adult toothpaste shelf at the grocery store next to all the other colgates, but i bet amazon has it too.


I might have to pick up a tube once I'm done with my kids Crest. :)


That’s sucky. I have an allergy to whatever they put in mint toothpaste. I don’t know if it’s the flavoring or menthol or what, but I get bad irritation and even sores from it. Which is a nightmare when it comes to finding toothpaste (why are they all the same flavor!?!!) So I often use kids toothpaste. I love the Hello brand with fluoride. It has the same fluoride content as my SO’s adult toothpaste. Crazy to me that you were yelled at over something so petty. So glad you have someone better now. It’s unfortunate it’s affected your habits.


Mind you, this is the same dentist who decided that the teeth he should remove for my bracers had to be my incisors. So... Not the best dentist.


Jesus Christ. I know the feeling. I used to have a terrible dentist and now have someone amazing. It really does make a big difference!


I use this too! I'm an adult, but I HATE the taste of toothpaste. Oddly enough though, I love mint ice cream.


Probably bc of the menthol in toothpaste. I hate the way it stays in your mouth and makes everything taste bad. Real mint doesn't do that. I actually have a natural peppermint toothpaste that I get from Trader Joe's and use if I need to brush my teeth right before I'll be eating/drinking. It doesn't do that.


You know I've never thought about that, you might be absolutely right! The more you know


I may be your child because this was shamefully me for 32 years. Brushing used to make me nauseous because of the taste.


I’ll accept you as my child. But I will be checking the Colgate Hum app to make sure you are brushing properly!


This! Hismile is expensive and gimmicky, but as someone who has crazy sensitive gums, teeth hygiene has been a lifelong struggle, to the point where my dentist had to prescribe me a specific toothpaste that was astronomically expensive as it was the only non-kid mintless one. She’s the one who recommended I look into hismile, we haven’t looked back ever since and it’s only been getting better! To the point that I can use someone’s mint toothpaste if i’m not at my house and forgot my own, without pain. They have sales a couple times a year, hold out for those and stock up!


I’ve had bad luck with orthodontists and braces on thrice/my jaw is apparently too small so struggling to brush on top of all those issues was terrible. I too stock up on sales and there’s about 7 unopened bottles under my cabinet.


I've never really thought about it, but it must be a problem for adults to use kids' toothpaste? Do you know why?


It's just the amount of fluoride. In countries with fluoridated water supplies, you're absolutely okay using children's toothpaste.


Ah I see, thanks!


❤️🤎💜🩵💙💚💛🤍🧡🩷🖤🩶 Here you go. Sincerely Skeletor 💜


Why are you the hero we didn’t know we needed


Skeletor just tries to spread some love. So. Here I go: Love and hugs from Skeletor. 🩷 Sincerely Skeletor 💜 (Love to everyone).


Spreading love and wisdom everyday everyone’s hero.


Have some love as well. 🩵 And a wonderful day. Sincerely Skeletor 💜


Hope Skeletor is also having a wonderful day with lots of love 💗 and hugs 🤗


Skeletor sobbing softly. That's so kind of you! Sending you a gentle hug. Sincerely Skeletor 💜 (Truly touched).


I love Skeletor now tbh


And Skeletor loves you right back. 💚 Sending you a gentle hug. Sincerely Skeletor


Awe 💜 Happy Little Skeletor 💀


Today is a very happy day. Just look at all the love! Have some as well! 💛 Hugs! Sincerely Skeletor 💜






I'm being optimistic but maybe they didn't get squished out with first squeeze. There's no other solution other than to squeeze it all out or cut it open. Please update if you do lol.


I have a strong feeling that the last squeeze of toothpaste is going to be ALL HEARTS.


Actually I wonder if keeping it upside down would help!


Chunkiest brush you’ve ever had.


Yes, I bet it's like the large glitter nail polish.


Right? Now I want to see them too.


That’s just heartless….


I see what you did there..


could be like the red/white/blue swirl toothpaste, it almost never looks as advertised on the first few uses, eventually with repeated use all the colours start coming out properly.


maybe try again? https://www.tiktok.com/@spaced_lychee/video/7354544811279437063 looks super cute


Yay it looks like there is hope for OP to get the hearts in the toothpaste afterall! They will probably come out after a couple more squeezes.


Omg! OP, it does have hearts! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️


https://preview.redd.it/g7cuyfha9k6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f4a22a57171724b17045b7ac17c5d8c20b0760 It looks like you should still be getting some hearts. Maybe the next time you get to use it…. I had to look it up because I want hearts in my toothpaste too! I’m a child at heart, what can I say? lol


it sucks but i do like that its clear, it looks cool


See I’m having issues with that because it looks like hair gel 🤢


You’ve never had that small part of your brain that wanted to eat hair gel?


Right?? Especially the ones that smelled absolutely delicious. Took everything in me to resist licking my hands.


Nah it’s an unsettling thick-water texture unlike jello Lip balm tho? Yeah absolutely


Fair enough


I was scrolling fast and thought this was Hi-Chew toothpaste 😭


Me too I really had to zoom in. First I thought ooh high chew with hearts and then high chew toothpaste as confusion set in


I have Hi-Chew hand sanitizer, which feels like a similarly weird product for them to make. They sent it to me after I found a piece of plastic in a candy.


Wow really?? Does it smell like Hi- Chew ?


omg i want some! i bet the hearts just settled and you’ll get some in the next use or two. i wonder if it’s available in the US?


Unfortunately it's only available in Australia. Trust me, I want this too!


this is in australia? im an aussie and im so used to all the cool stuff only being in america haha.


You guys have cool stuff, too!


I have this toothpaste! The next use or two should have hearts in them, the first squeeze is always disappointing lmao


I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff and now I want it too haha it being so clear looks satisfying too


As a child of the 90s and early 2000s I can’t help but love everything that’s clear - we had clear phone, clear (inflatable) couch, clear flip flops etc😂


Yes!!! I was born in the late 80s, so I LOVE anything that’s clear or lights up! I often wish I could fit into children’s light up sneakers. I’m a total sucker for cute flashy shit hahaha


they make chunky adult light up sneakers that look just like the kids kind !!!


Every time I find them they never go up to my size!!! I wear a size 9 1/2 women’s and I swear they never have them that big haha


Mine started coming out halfway thru, I think they settled. I hope this for you


I want this


I got it the last time it was on sale! You won't get the hearts every time but it does make toothbrushing more exciting when you're waiting to see what you get each time


Why.. why would you want plastic that large in your toothpaste? Do they dissolve? All I can imagine is them getting stuck between teeth or worse lodged into gums. Edit: I now understand that they are like little mint strips and do in fact dissolve. Thanks to everyone who let me know. Glad that it isn’t straight up plastic, was genuinely confused and concerned lol.


Pretty sure the hearts are like the mint strips some people pop on their tongue for good breath, why would a big company put plastic in toothpaste and that obviously and think they could get away with it? Google if you dont believe me, they call them “breath hearts” (so yes they dissolve)


>Why would a big company put plastic in toothpaste and think they could get away with it?" Ummm... its common https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/chemical-substances/other-chemical-substances-interest/microbeads.html


Am I missing something..? Isn't that whole page talking about how microbeads are prohibited?


In Canada, that's exactly right. Because companies put plastic in toothpaste and thought they could get away with it, the US and Canada banned it. It got banned because of the high incidence of it occurring, which disproves the above comment of "why would a company put plastic in toothpaste?"


Okay I see what you're saying. Thanks for explaining, I feel a little slow today 😅


I said “that obviously” for a reason! I don’t doubt companies try to sneak crap in so I tried to be specific, not everyone has the tools to do that research but almost everyone has eyes and can see the hearts so I was implying it would be very stupid and bad for business if they put plastic hearts in the toothpaste that everyone could see.


Good to know, thank you! Glad that they dissolve. You’re right, what company would do that and think they could get away with it? Should have thought more before reacting to this but I was genuinely concerned and confused haha.


uhhh... they used to add microbeads that were plastic to toothpaste. https://www.colgate.com/en-in/oral-health/adult-oral-care/what-are-microbeads-in-toothpaste- edit: just saw that another poster also commented with the microbead thing. I'll still leave this here and upvote him though.


No problem! I thought it looked odd at first too kinda like plastic, I looked into it because I figured no way they’d make it that obvious, I hope my wording didn’t come off as rude


Glad you went further than I did haha. You didn’t come off as rude at all, all good 😊


They’re a sort of gel like listerine strips. Not plastic. That’s why the label calls them “breath hearts” - it’s just colored mouthwash solidified into that shape.


Totally makes sense, thank you! It’s a cute idea ☺️


And polluting the environment afterwards.


With fresh breath?


No, lol. I thought the bits were plastic.


I have this toothpaste. The hearts do come out. Have faith!




Reminds me of the time I bought and ice cream cookie sandwich with chocolate chips. There were like 3 chocolate chips :C


It looks like hot glue. Sadness.






Did you try mixing it up in the tube? It's possible that they settled somewhere and one day you'll get a dollop that's puro hearts, if you don't mix it up


Omg it comes in peach… take my money 💰 (it was so pretty I had to see if it came in non mint…. Can’t stand mint 😭) https://preview.redd.it/gdwpqs34in6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f551147bb544fa5fead9176d9c5ab37f5a78bf96 Edit to add: no hearts only strips/bursts on the other flavours 😒


Bet all the hearts will be coming in clumps when it's getting close to empty 🙈 or else this is some cruel marketing!


lol, this was my exact thought!


Tell corporate


Just reminded me of sparkly banana toothpaste I had as a kid.


Colgate is pretty harsh on my teeth but I’ll happily get this just for a little pick me up in the mornings.


Maybe, you were the heart all along.


Could it be that the hearts settled to the bottom?


I had the exact same experience, bought this for the kiddos .. ok and me. Where are the hearts??


It looks like lube. Until the hearts come out, maybe you can salvage the situation by thinking of it as mouth lube and getting a little giggle.


I would be devastated, and my day would be completely ruined....everytime I brushed my teeth. Let alone my 4 year old who I would "buy it for"


Update: Since I posted this, I've seen exactly three hearts. Two yellow and one orange. They're super cute, I just thought there'd be more. Also, they're not plastic. They're dissolvable breath strips shaped like little hearts.


Even worse it’s supposed to be rainbow and it’s clear :(


This killed my inner child just by seeing this, man...


The redeeming part is that it's actually a really nice toothpaste.


I need this toothpaste.


What we get is saddest thing ever 😹😭


Is this in Canada? I can’t find it here in the states.


Australia 🦘


what a heartless smh


I love Hello’s watermelon paste, but it doesn’t have fluoride so have to supplement with mouthwash that contains it


Is it possible they all sank or got stuck further up the tube? you could close the cap and massage around the contents to try and spread them out if they are stuck somewhere.


If it really does have hearts, then they might be at the middle or a the end. Its weird seeing how most toothpaste is made that it would be at the end


I hope the hearts are just mixed in and one day you will go to brush your teeth and find them!! I'd be sad if there aren't any at all


It's been about a week and I've seen one heart a couple times, but nothing like what's on the box.


Are the hearts in the room with us?


during pride mont how all months 😭




They were likely squeezing extra out to look for the hearts.


That was my first thought! I use about a pea size and sometimes it's still too much.


Is this how we’re consuming so many microplastics???


saved you from getting microplastics in your nuts


There is a toothpast with salt crystals in which you apparently can see them but I am sure salt flakes are easy to get in than the hearts


Prolly loaded with microplastics


Pretty sure the hearts are like the mint strips some people pop on their tongue for good breath, why would a big company put plastic in toothpaste and that obviously and think they could get away with it? Google if you dont believe me, they call them “breath hearts”.


Microplastics in toothpaste is incredibly common. Google if u don’t believe me For the downvoters… please let the national institute of health know that their 2022 study about microplastics in toothpaste is wrong: [“Fifty percent of the toothpaste samples showed more than 50% microplastic particle abundance indicating that the microplastic plastic particles were added by the manufacturers.”](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35176298/)


So, no one should use toothpaste ever. Got it.


Depends on who you ask, they're banned in Canada. But it's real question if people should be allowed to have stuff like that or the old banned version of FourLoko


Do you comment that on all posts mentioning toothpaste? I assumed you meant the hearts because I thought they looked odd at first and I know others questioned what they were so I looked into it. Didnt realize you were trying to warn me to not use any toothpaste.


What? There are brands of toothpaste without microplastics added on purpose. I have never made a comment about toothpaste before and I never will again bc u ppl are psychopaths




The downvotes are unreal. Blissful ignorance I guess.


What the hell?!??,that looks like a weird ass cream frick throw that disease away it is a nuisance-a germ must be removed from existence of humanity


Aha~ another one fooled by 🏳️‍🌈PRIDE🏳️‍🌈 marketing. I fell for the rainbow doritos one. Never again.


Why would you want micro plastics? Why am I being downvoted for asking a simple question? Is there really a need to add shit like that in products?


They’re basically mouthwash…?


What? What does small little hearts have to do with mouthwash? It's literally plastic used for extra abrasion similar to those small beads in some face cleaning products.


The hearts are made out of solid mouthwash/Listerine strip type stuff. It’s literally not plastic, and not for abrasion.


They are not made out of plastic. Do you know a product called breath strips, like small squares of a solid mouthwash/mint product that dissolves in your mouth? That’s basically what they are made of. They are not plastic hearts.


These little hearts are not the same as micro plastics. As the other person said, the hearts are essentially mouthwash, in a gel form.