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I think you got pharmacist and pharmacy tech backwards as the pharmacist is fully licensed and the pharmacy tech works under the pharmacist


Ooh maybe thats why


Just to add: saying "Just a pharmacist" or "Just a pharmacy tech" or "Just a - fill in the blank" comes across as insulting to people who have dedicated their lives to doing that career choice.


i see what youre saying but i respectfully disagree. it could just as easily mean “im in this position right now but im planning on moving up if i can”, or something similar. i didnt think it came across insulting at all


Also it’s just one downvote which means nothing. Check out rule 2 here


I started to get more downvotes afterwards. Around 13, so I just deleted it b4 it got worse but yeah sorry for not including it in the pic. I was just shocked two ppl immediately downvoted me for smth I thought was harmless?


Ah okay sorry about that then, agree with you


god people care too much about karma, you deleted a comment because it got 13 downvotes? who cares man


Well, obviously you didn't read my comment. I said "b4 it got worse." b4 I was dogpiled. That's why I didn't post to r/DownvotedToOblivion. I posted in r/ExplainMyDownvotes because I am trying to figure out why did it set ppl off. And if I want to delete a comment. I will. What does it matter to you?


What I'm saying is who cares even if you did get dogpiled, reddit's fake social points don't matter. If you want to know why people didn't like it, it's better to leave the comment there because someone might reply and tell you why they didn't like it


Well, those points *shouldn't* matter, but they kind of do, at least on Reddit, because some forums only allow you to post if you have a certain amount of karma, and limits in the thousands can be set. It is stupid, I agree, but it's also something Reddit mods allow.


It's pretty easy to get karma though, just go on a popular subreddit and repost memes or say something that most people agree with


Too many downvotes automatically hide replies. A lot of information can be missed because a person got downvoted to oblivion